>kinos for this feel?
Kinos for this feel?
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Is that a boy or gril?
What's her iq?
she has a very ugly vagene
This is fucked up. she was taken advantage of and you can clearly see there's still that innocent girl still there that existed before her car accident. I don't care how many niggers she fucked. She got paid for it. It was a job. The only roastie I will ever wish the best for.
She did the jobs knowing full well what was in store. The onoy reason you feel sorry for her is because she speaks like a retard
70 is the limit for mental retardation. it seems like she can at least function in day to day life, so probably 75-80
aren't you idiots the same ones that laugh when children from different races and religions are massacred?
imagine getting so triggered by 'nigger' as to start tossing such projections out of the blue
>everyone on Yea Forums is one person
That user You replied to is a giga cuck and all women are whores
she's crying cause of bullying not because she did porn
why yes, yes we are
No she's crying because she's mentally fucked from a car accident.
Is her channel gone?
death to bullies
She's getting bullied because she did porn. So, in extension, she's crying because she did porn
Who she, my negro friends
no one gets triggered by that word anymore
you really are just one big hivemind
Watch the interview this webm is from and go glance at her tweets. She has no fucking clue she's being exploited in porn. Of course she knows what she's fucking doing, but she's not getting paid as much as she should be. This is a textbook case of some greedy Jew extorting some young southern starry eyed dipshit with obvious mental issues.
As the zoomers like to say:
Have sex, incel. Take your meds you supreme gentleman.
who is she?
Are you the one that likes to push HRT to prepubescent children? Go dilate, tranny.
>generic white roastie #5732168
boo hoo
hannah hays a pornstar with about 4 brain cells, shes kinda sad to watch because her brain damage came from a car accident
>anyone who doesn't get off to people being murdered is a tranny
I gaurantee I get more pussy than you. Where the fuck are you even from fagot? You sound like a West coast cuck
>BLACKED hoes getting BTFO'd
yeah im thinking this is based
>Assuming everyone on Yea Forums is some soulless incel that laughs at a child's demise
Like I said, go dilate you tranny. This isnt Reddit so snooping around and kindly fuck off.
hottest girl ever
The Toll has been paid.
Where the fuck did murder come into question you fucking retard? I think you're a little lost. Let me help you find the way back.
>her brain damage came from a car accident
Is this true? Not cool my man
No, she was always retarded, she just hurt her leg and back in the accident
>She is innocent! She got exploited by bad people! Don't bully her!
Imgaine white knighting a literal pornstar, wow.
googled this pic. It just said beautiful Qubeck girl. I'm doing that face white people do now.
tfw u couldnt save hannah ;__;
What face?
I don't get it, who is she and what feel?
>feeling sympathy for dumb naive girls getting thrown inside the jewish porn grinder means you're a WHITEKNIGHT KEK HURRRRR
t. whiteknight
speaking of if anyone has any kinos of that variety feel free to dropthem
Since everyone here seems to be obsessed with fucking trannies and child genocide; I'll try to answer your question, user. But, I just have one question: are you asking for fucking chick flicks that make you cry or just any movie that generally is sad that makes you cry for the protag? Posting a mentally challenged pornstar isn't really helpful.
t. Reddit tourist
If I could somehow get in touch with her and have a conversation i'll unironically promise her a good life. She's pure in heart.
>white "men" actually let their women fuck nigger apes
anyone got link to the video of her crying. her youtube channel is gone.
>their women
women of a particular race dont belong to other people of that race. everyone is an individual and is free to do what they want. thats very collectivist thinking.
This. I would give her my bowl of eggs too.
>to counter the argument, proceed to give the very definition of that term, which proves the argument he's tried to counter
wow dude you only got 1 int
>no u
Wow, good one newfriend
thanks. before i watch it, was it /pol/ that made her cry?
i love her voice, but her feet are jacked up and her piercings suck.
any man who believes this deserves to have his genetics wiped out
i can guarantee that if all white women would tomorrow independently come to the conclusion that they should stop sleeping with white men and instead date only non-white men, all women's rights would be abolished within a year by violent overturning of the constitition.
and that's a conservative estimate.
I'm not your friend. Just stay the fuck out of threads you don't like or just stay off this site in general. This isn't Reddit where you have to voice "popular" opinion or else be shamed by it. Here's your upvote. Now fuck off and tell your girlfriend's boyfriend's son about how you got an upvote in an internet argument and "won." I'm sure you'll get a pegging out of it, fagot.
I feel genuinely bad for her. Im glad she quit. I wish I could take care of her.
Nah, they weren't even reading the chat. She was talking about her accident.
No. Dirty extorting Jews that how her thousands more for her involvement in porn. /Pol/ was the reason for that interview. They like her over there because you know; Jews suck.
and as a follow-up: all women's rights depend on the continued consent of the male part of the population.