According to her childhood and teenage psychologist...

>according to her childhood and teenage psychologist, Holmes “had no friends” and “was obsessed with getting rich in order to attract a husband”, going as far as saying that she was “going to be so rich the president would want to marry [her]”
>Holmes later allegedly said she had never slept with Balwani, claiming he only kept her around to show to friends, and that she had never been on a real date.
>Holmes is rumored to have been a frequent and high-tipping client of various gigolo agencies.
Is she just a misunderstood femcel? Did she deliberately get in legal trouble so she would get letters from hot guys while in prison?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I feel bad for her.

My fiance bought the book bad blood after I showed her the hbo doc. She said it's pretty fucking interesting.

Women don't need to get rich to attract a husband, wtf was she thinking? Her being the most unfeminine thing you can think of still made her have the chance for multiple millionaire men to want to marry her.


Attached: god dang it.webm (1920x796, 1.89M)

Bad for her? People made therapeutic choices based on her bogus shit tests. Off with her head.

>gigolo agencies
>be gigolo
>start pummeling her beefy queefy
>her moaning sounds like a repeating fat guy getting in and out of a car quickly

That'd be a story

I thought the things you say to your psychologist couldn't be revealed to the public?

>I thought the things you say to your psychologist couldn't be revealed to the public?

This made me kek too fucking hard

There's evidence that she doesn't actually talk like that when she's drunk and I'm assuming in a private setting such as getting plowed by a gigolo.

> rich in order to attract a husband

That's like being a Lesbian, but without the sexual part. It's like she had a Dad that tried to raise her as a boy but he kept wanting to fuck with boys anyway but she kept wanting the money to attract the other sex.

What a load of bollocks, women don't need money to attract. They mainly need to be pretty.

Women with power attract either Zigolo brainlets or total betas with no self worth.

Do you have to have a big dick to be a gigolo?

She is crazy.

Yes. But it's not enough. You also need to be black.

shes a female martin shkreli

You think Jews care about keeping their word?

Martin made his investors millions. She's not Martin.

>I defrauded big money investors out of billions user, d-do you want to give me a chance now?

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Not really. Shkreli was pretty open about all the shit he was doing.

I'm not surprised at all. I always got that vibe. She never gave off feminine vibes.

I hope you get cancer

Women assume the qualities they look for in men are also what men look for in women.

She still has a very deep voice for a woman regardless of her fake deep voice she does

she’s engaged to a 25 year old lol
he’s her first bf

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>literally lies to people about the progression of their cancer

Attached: 1552286446731.jpg (387x437, 41K)


No she doesn't.

You're suppose to love your enemies. Have some empathy for her situation. No one is perfect down here and we are not suppose to judge, even though it comes easy.

Yes, this is a Christian board, after all.

Why do psychopaths want to be chefs?

I hope a nigger cuts your mothers throat.

>damn Screech looks like THAT?

I've already forgiven you.

will you forgive the nigger?

You obviously didn’t listen to the podcast

What does it feel like to be a complete fucking moron?

People who desire to be rich are a disease, and will one day be snuffed out like one.

Can I have a quick rundown on her ?
I remember hearing about it but I forgot

It's the ones who are born rich that you need to look out for

>I'm an underage redditfag spoonfeed me lmao

based thinly veiled psychotic waifu obsessive poster

okay dude but consider this
crazy chick sex

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It's an incredibly shit job that if you're good at you get to bully and demean people who couldn't rise to the occasion like you did.

Betas do the same, that's why they're "nice guys". Because they're attracted to the kindness and compassion they see in women and think women want the same. Which is fine if brought in conjunction with social confidence and success, but they didn't get the memo on that part


So, blood tests take a whole giant lab with several specialized machines.
This girl, superfan of Steve Jobs, thought that the whole "if you can imagine it, you can create it" thing is true. So she convinced a lot of people that she could create a portable blood tester.
Lots of people fall for it and invest a lot of dough.
Of course, there's a difference between "let's make a cellphone with a big screen" and "let's have several revolutionary breakthroughs in the field of chemistry" so it turns out imagination has it's limits.
Keeps trudging along by faking results, giving away wrong analysis and firing anybody who dare contradict her.
The scam eventually blows over.

Sometimes they are genuinely nice guys, they just took relationship advice from their mothers.

But she's still rich and the world doesn't hate her

>her moaning sounds like a repeating fat guy getting in and out of a car quickly
>a repeating fat guy

Where can I get a "repeating fat guy"? How many rounds per minute does it fire?

Liteally who?

shes got that zucc look. I think it's the eyes

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nice ty

the eyes that you can tell rarely blink

What's nice about it?

They both have crazy people eyes, and wouldn't you know it, they're both crazy people.

There's nothing wrong with being kind, of course, it just has to be coupled with athleticism, charisma or financial success.

Is she herself a chemist? Why did investors believe her product would come about?

nothing , user is just nice to spoonfeed me

>Is she herself a chemist? Why did investors believe her product would come about?
Year and a half of biochemistry at Standford, if I remember correctly from the podcast.
Investors thought that "them kids" at Silicon Valley are creating revolutionary stuff all the time and wanted to be on in the next big thing. She's apparently very convincing.

HBO has a documentary about this whole ordeal
it's really drawn out but still pretty funny about how insane this is

Have sex incel

>Investors thought that "them kids" at Silicon Valley are creating revolutionary stuff all the time
Ah, boomers, gotcha.

Why the fuck do women not understand what men want? Men don't want a rich woman. Men want a 18-25 year old fertile and attractive woman in good health who isn't fat.

she's ugly


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What other con artists do you feel bad for?

I hope you get assraped by a pack of crackhead niggers and live the rest of your life with laryngitis

What the fuck? How can a psychologist spill this shit? Dont they have an oath not to?

Oh man she could make BANK doing financial domination. SPH, JOI, Feet, ect. the list goes on and on. I want to cum inside her boots she wears to work.

She’s not even in prison.

He’s prolly playing the long con game to later write a book about including hitting the talk show circuit.

>proposing to a clearly batshit woman
BIG mistake

Same. Hope she finds what she wants in life

can you vocaroo what that would sound like