We need to talk about that Bronn scene

The Bronn scene in S08E04 is some of the worst writing the show has ever seen. I'm surprised that people are hardly mentioning how unbelievable and immersion-breaking this moment was.

So Bronn arrives in Winterfell with a massive crossbow in hand. He literally attacked Dany’s army last season. Are we supposed to believe he got in unquestioned or unnoticed? He then happens to find the exact two characters he’s looking for sitting together, alone, in the same room. He must have some sort of telepathic ability, having worked out that they both survived the recent battle - against all odds - and that they would be sitting together ready to have a private conversation. He must also have telepathically realised that walking into this room with a giant crossbow would be fine because noone else would be in there except for the two Lannister brothers. These characters could not have been more forced together for this awkward, contrived scenario. Once the conversation is over, Bronn gets up and leaves Winterfell again with his giant crossbow in hand. No worrying about the possibility of being seen or questioned. No mention of the fact that he presumably marched for weeks to get to the North and is probably rather tired and would probably be wanting at least a meal or a bed before heading back down South. No, he came to Winterfell to walk in and out of this room for this exact conversation, with total ease and no obstacles. The room is treated like a theatre set, in which the correct characters need to assemble and hash out said conversation. The world outside of that room may as well cease to exist. Point A must move to Point B. Beyond that, the showrunners do not care. Viewer immersion is no longer a concern. The only thing that matters to them is that the plot speeds ahead.

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Other urls found in this thread:


On top of all that, it must also be said that the scene itself is entirely devoid of tension. For some bizarre reason, no one is very surprised to see each other, despite the ridiculous nature of Bronn's appearance in Winterfell. We also don't believe for a moment that this will be how either Tyrion or Jaime dies, given the prior dynamics established between Bronn and both Tyrion and Jaime, making the entire point of this scene defunct. All in all, the ‘set-up’ of Bronn with the crossbow three episodes ago was proved to be (like so many others recently) a pointless and meaningless threat. This scene is indicative of the show’s complete disregard for logic, its contrivance of fake tension, and its ignorance of its own canon in order to move the characters into the showrunners' desired positions.

I posted about it earlier but yeah it was horrible.

>that stupid scene with Qyburn

Totally pointless and foreshadowed nothing because they wrote him out anyway

Why don't you cite the guy from r/asoiaf instead of plagiarizing him?


>plagiarizing reddit
we've hit new lows ladies and gentlemen

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Absurd, yes, it's a comical scene.

All of your complaints are pretty weak. As a former guard for both Jamie and Tyrion why wouldn't he be able to walk around? It's a fucking castle, of course people are carrying weapons.

it's pretty obvious Bronn wouldn't kill Jaime or Tyrion. But he still goes through the motions to act up to his code of ethics, which is to make as much dosh as possible.

>r*dditor calling out another r*dditor
back for /got/? fuck off, both of you

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It me you faggots
Why would I cite myself?
I wrote it I own the copyright on it I can post if wherever the fuck I like

I can use Reddit if I like
no fuck off and get back to the topic

Man, putting her in a straitjacket and fucking her senseless, now That would be a good night in

>We need to talk about that Bronn scene
For god's sake that headline sounds like some shit from Huffington post.

>reddit spacing and all

Go back to R*ddit shitbag, you don’t belong here. And while you’re at it fuck your own ass with a pineapple

it could've been a good thread if you never posted to Reddit, maybe next time

So youd rather complain about a website and proper paragraph spacing than discuss GoT at the televisual levels

...the levels of faggotry on show astound me

unironically fuck off back to where you came from

eat shit and die you retarded newfag
lurk more

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who cares you sperg, Bron is based

post this trash in your containment thread if you want people replying to it. a thread died for your inane faggotry

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OP was baiting out redditors, son.

>teleports north then south then north then south THEN NORTH THEN SOUTH AGAIN
>tens of thousands of miles
>cersei still isn't showing

Admitting you're from Reddit should legit be an instant ban.

People don't get Bronn in the same way Dabid don't get Stannis.

Bronn is the impersonation of jewish ideals, who jumps ship the moment the winds of victory go in the opposite direction and tries to make profit from it. Is he going to increase his payday? Will he manage to avoid blowback? It's very exciting to a merchant nomad kind of people, much like an orderly righteous miserable man doing his duty to be just is exciting to the germanic mindset.

Whereas Euron is the embodiment of Anglo mindset (you think your beasts of war will win another war? Think again, we grinded on our bow skills)

Tbf most of Bronn's scenes feel really weird. He doesn't talk like a westerosi or a medieval man even.

Take my gold fellow redditor

I'll take any Bronn I can get desu sorry

>We need to talk...
Fuck off

yea how did he get in, at lest give as a guy in a cloak seeking in with the cheering crowd. Still does not explain how he got in the inner parts of the castle tho.


>Bronn haters are reddit

>knowing this is form reddit
KYS right now fags

>no way fag

I agree. Definitely up there as one of the worst scenes in the entire show. The scene is really bad if you watch it slightly sped up.

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The Iron Bank is the impersonation of Jewish ideals, retard

>walks easily into winterfell
Nightking blew a ginormous hole into the walls the night before
>pic related
oh nevermind

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All of this GOT, Endgame, Sonic movie prattling on has been a real reminder of what a fucking joke 'internt culture' is

This is the same "mercenary" that drops his gold to save Jaime's life in the battle with the dragons, via horse teleport.

GoT is a simulation and Bronn is the PC. He's played this heaps of times before so he knows how to speedrun it.

GoT is too fast now anyway, this is immediately apparent if you're drunk when you watch it/ It cuts between conversations and characters very quickly, trying to cram in as much conversation as possible but at the expense of any dramatic effect. Compare with the first few seasons when the tempo of scenes was way slower and the cojnversations actually flowed and felt natural.

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Wish this guy was killed seasons ago.

>muh witty cutthroat who always lands on his feet and leaves every situation with a bigger castle

don't forget he's also the greatest sword fighter ever because he kills bandits or squires, now he's capable of taking 2 King's Guard at once

>schizo doesn’t understand the one grounded character

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It was a pretty tense episode that scene was for comical relief.

Trying a little hard to fit in here, aren’t we, lads?

Stoppe reading right here. Autism detected, therefore opinion invalid

Bronn saved last episode alone

>saved last episode
what? last episode was a fucking trainwreck, only Stannis or Cleganebowl could've saved that dumpster fire of an episode

The leaks say that he'll be in the council that oversees the realms, with Bran as king.

Good thread well written and thought out unlike every other post on here
I hated him in season 1 as he popped up to save tyrion and he was the first charatcer we saw cheating to win.. We wanted sword fight in this show and he said fuck rules
They took that and rung it dry
Has everyone forgotten he already had a castle and a 5/10 wife. They turned him into a carciture like eveeryobe else still on the show

> Are we supposed to believe he got in unquestioned or unnoticed?
He's a relative nobody anyway to random guards.
>He then happens to find the exact two characters he’s looking for
Maybe he asked around.
>No mention of the fact that he presumably marched for weeks to get to the North and is probably rather tired and would probably be wanting at least a meal or a bed
Maybe he went to a fucking nearby inn or brothel or some shit on the road, you want them to explicitly show that?

Of ALL the things you can complain about, you complain about the scene that is literally totally fine. Absolute peak autism.

yeah, looks like wall to the left of the gate should be blown out, but who cares anymore

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>We need to talk about
>We need to talk about
>copying from reddit
literally kys

Reminder that North hates the Lannisters

Winterfell Guard: Whoa, where do you think you're going with that crossbow big boy?
Bronn: I'm here to kill Jamie and Tyrion Lannister, do you know where they're at?
Winterfell Guard: oh, third room to the right please.

Fuck off

>D&D are utter hacks
Yeah, no shit.

He did that to get even more gold fromCersei for saving her lover. Jew always thinks how to get more.

He's a skilled mercenary. He has his ways.

based user. Keep at it.

>threatens people with loaded crossbow
>fires the bolt into the wall for intimidation
>leaving Bronn with non loaded crossbow to threaten with

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>reloads in 0.5 seconds
What else if not.

Jewish character not jewish ideal. The jewish projection are the incest freaks, the ironbank and the dragon poo whore are jewish ideals.

They were in Wintertown not Winterfell

>So Bronn arrives in Winterfell with a massive crossbow in hand. He literally attacked Dany’s army last season. Are we supposed to believe he got in unquestioned or unnoticed?
The north is massive. There are virtually unlimited directions of entry. He could easily wear a heavy hood, stay away from the main road, stay in the forest and thicket and be unmolested.

>He then happens to find the exact two characters he’s looking for sitting together, alone, in the same room. He must have some sort of telepathic ability, having worked out that they both survived the recent battle - against all odds - and that they would be sitting together ready to have a private conversation. He must also have telepathically realised that walking into this room with a giant crossbow would be fine because noone else would be in there except for the two Lannister brothers. These characters could not have been more forced together for this awkward, contrived scenario.
Even up in the north there are Lannister spies. He could easily make contact with one who knows about his mission and they could acclimate him/house him. It's how spies operated since the beginning of time. How did British or American agents make contact with French rebels in Paris in WWII for instance? Everything else would have been known by the local agent, and if it wasn't, it's just a matter of greasing the right hands. Not everyone, in fact most people in the north have no love nor loyalty for the Lannister brothers even if they have sworn fealty to the side they're now fighting on. So it's a matter of paying someone for information about where the Lannisters are and then a bit more to make sure everyone else that would normally be patronising said establishment were elsewhere for the night. It's not an outlandish idea at all, very run of the mill in fact.

>Rest of your crappy post
See what I said above. Now go post this at reddit in reply because (you) are clearly a brainlet that needs to be spoonfed.

Either 5/10 b8 or 11/10 cope

That sounds very safe Spacey user

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bro, why didn't you just turn of your brain and have sex?[/spolier]

Go back

How about you instead tell the writer to turn his on??

unironically kill yourself. You are cancer on this board.

If you had sex you would know that he was sitting outside watching those two beforehand

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Dude anime lmao

Yeah, it's rough as a badger's arse. This isn't new. What makes me curious at this late stage is whether [those twats] have had to put up with much lip from cast members who know the original source material better than they do or who don't need to know and recognize awkward, clumping scene setups for what they are.

>You couldn't take me on your best day
I wish Jaime still had his good hand so he could've fucked him up

Bronn takes his character pretty seriously and talks with the director on set to talk about small details of whether his character would do this or that. Chances are he was with a non-compliant director who just wanted to have it done with.

Also, Bronn is a northerner himself.

OP, you can imagine how Bronn got there. The show doesn't need to spell it out to you.

It was during the night.
He's sneaking around the castle.
He scouted to ensure that Jaime and Tyrion are both alive.
He waited patiently for them to go to an isolated room, during a convenient time.
He then used stealth to enter the room.
He's not easily identifiable, since no one in the North would recognize him. The only ones who ever got close enough to see his face were Dothraki during a chaotic battle. The Dothraki were almost completely wiped out, so on the off chance that some rider could recognize 1 dude out of tens of thousands, he was probably killed in during the undead battle.

All of your complaints stem from your own lack of imagination. Anyone else could easily fill the gaps, as these things are common sense. While you need to be spoon fed information, like the redditor you are.

>Bronn takes his character pretty seriously and talks with the director
>the director

To my mind that has to be an acutely thankless job and perhaps the worst on the set. I know I wouldn't care to be answerable to Benioff and Weiss and while it's true I can't prove it I don't think they take dissent well.

He already overcame that with loyalty showing through when he left the gold on the floor during the ambush on the grain wagons and saved Jaime.
This part doesn't make any sense.

Hey guys, just came here to upvote this post but I can't seem to locate the button.

Can someone pm me the directions? Also, how do you gild here?

Bronn is one of the few characters that started out as comic relief and has remained that way. It's not his fault he got turned into a mary sue and that every other character in the show now has shitty marvel tier quipps.

The scene was not great but definitely far better than most of the shit this season, Varys was giving early season vibes in his talks with Tyrion and is the only character thats remained somewhat consistent.

They do work a lot. I was an extra for several weeks for one of the big battles. There were 2 main directors and about 4 sub-directors plus the coordinators. The main directors had to be constantly enthusiastic and drum up excitement and energy for every take, as well as thinking about all the details and making sure all the environmental and technical stuff was ready. They worked long hours, and what was most interesting was the constant back and forth checking and refinement between the actors etc and the directors.
Down to small details such as when to draw the sword or ride with it still in scabbard, reactions and so on. Actors had more freedom and actions and delivery evolved a lot from take to take.
Randyl Tarly was impressive, he really put himself into the character. Bronn too.

Varys is going to be killed off by greyworm when he makes a comment about kaleesi being rash by wanting to attack/burn kings landing. Greyworm just stabs him and that's that.

Were you an extra this season or just last one?

sounds bullshit but I believe it

Oh boy, this sounds dumb but considering this whole season it sounds dumb enough to be true.

The scene made absolutely no sense, but was still enjoyable because Jerome Flynn is one of the only genuinely charismatic actor they have left. I'm not talking about Tormund saying stupid shit or Tyrion quipping. I'm talking honest to god charisma. The swagger, the poise, everything. I could watch Bronn talk shit all day.

The show used to have so many actors like this. It's such a shame. Memes aside, Mark Addy had real presence, so did Michael McElhatton, Pedro Pascal, Diana Rigg, Richard Dormer and especially Charles Dance. Gods, the acting was strong then. The only other one left with that now is Rory McCann.

Just in series 7 for the battle and the aftermath, episodes 4 and 5.
Met Bronn and Randyl Tarly, spoke to them both briefly, talked with some of the crew, prop guys, salon master, special effects and a few stuntmen, as well as one of the directors. Shook hands with Jaime, his right hand funnily enough, but he didn't chat, seems a busy guy.

Based and brave

based, dab on 'em idiots

That was the best thing about early game of thrones, all the supporting actors were so fucking good.
Jon Snows was always the most dull plot to follow after the good nights watch actors were killed off because Kit Harington has all the acting talent of Keanu Reeves.
Aryas was the best because she was delicate and got great pairings: that early nights watch guy, Tywin, a man and then the Hound.

The world felt rounded because the surrounding cast added some gravitas and depth to the screen.
of course a lot of the shittily written endings for characters who deserved a bit better didnt help.

Walder Frey, old man Greyjoy, Thoros, Beric, Littlefinger, Jorah, FUCKING STANNIS. All deserved far better death scenes but werent given them, but of course the writers have time to put in a whole episode of people talking about fucking and knighting stronk women.

Maybe it was good that Rome never got more than 2 seasons, otherwise it may have met the same fate.

I didn’t think it was that bad.

Except the part where Bronn fires the crossbow bolt into the wall nex to Jaime's head for intimidation, leaving Bronn with non loaded crossbow to threaten 2 people with.. Whoops!

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>*chac clac*
>reloaded in an instant

Conleth is still good...he just has shit to act with

you guys don't understand he is a cutthroat and can dodge detection like a ninja

Yeah, that was awkward.
He reloaded quite quickly, but the mountain would have flipped the table over or thrown a chair at him and then charged.

>I can use Reddit if I like

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you're pathetic. i hope you die and linger in purgatory for all eternity watching this Bronn scene. fagget

Arya's plot was never interesting

Aren't you just the good little reddit user.
Leave and don't come back. Your kind is the top tier of normie faggotry.

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why would you post that shit again in here?

Remember old GOT? Where in a similar situation, one of them may have actually died? Those were the interesting times.

No. It was never like that, it was always like this.
No one ever died from a crossbow in got.

Jesus fuck this threadis a shitshow. You should all kill yourselves.

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4channers are so autistic they finally get a quality thread and they can't /cope

keep it on topic with OP. fucking teenagers

>No one ever died from a crossbow in got.
Didn't Joffrey shoot someone in the pussy with one?

honestly i was just left wondering how the fuck they're expected to make good on their promises

first of , there is no way some random cutthroat whose entire contribution to the war effort was assassinating 2 """""advisors"""""" is going to get river run, i know there are literally no named lords left on cersei's side but seriously
and even then i could suspend my disbelief as it just being cersei lying and bronn falling for it

but then they promise him highgarden and he just fucks off again. how the hell are they going to broach this subject with dany ? oh btw i promised highgarden , one of the most desirable realms in all the 7 kingdoms to a mercenary turned assassin for not killing us. please give this random guy 1/7th of the entire realm, and no he's not going to help us in any other way his sole contribution is not killing us.

Anyone notice how retarded it is to promise Bronn highgarden? The show likes to pretend that 'a house' is just the ruler, 3-4 guys who follow him, a couple of peasants and soldiers, all living in once castle. While in reality, houses huge and the one that stays in power over the others, usually has the support of majority of the smaller houses.
Now imagine Bronn walking into highgarden alone and saying that the Lannisters gave him the head house and control of all the reach. I'm pretty sure that houses like Ashford, Caswell, Crane, Florent, Fossoway, Gardener, Hightower, Merryweather, Mullendore, Oakheart, Redwyne, Rowan, Tarly, and Vyrwel would not bend the knee so easily. Hell, most of them wanted that position for themselves, whilte Tyrell's were still in power.
If Bronn pulled a stunt like that, he would be either killed then and there, or there would be a reach rebellion that gets rid of him.

But this is Dumb and Dumber's GOT, so logic has no place in it. Hell, this is the same show where Oberyn's whore killed a ruler (and heirs) of one of the kingdoms, and all the 20+ houses that keep the Martell's in power, were okay with a random whore taking charge of the entire country and killing their leader.

Not to mention he can shoot the crossbow and reload it with a single hand and in the time he does this, neither Jaime or Tyrion at all try to get the crossbow out of his hands. Also this all takes place in the castle, adding another layer of ridiculousness. They can defend against the zombie horde but a normal person can just walk right into the castle at the center of Winterfell without ever being questioned?

Yeah. I shook my head at this scene. First person i’ve seen mention how dumb it was.

Why are there so many ninjas in westeros?

Are you seriously surprised at this point?

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You think that after a fight against the dead they'll look at everyone's faces to make sure whether if it's an ally or not?
I'm sure everyone lost count of which former enemy went north to help. If you were in their shoes, even if you did recognize the guy (chances are you didn't), wouldn't you assume that he was there because he fought against the White Walkers?
As to how he managed to find the Lannisters, everyone was drunk as fuck in the party. You can easily blend with the rest of the people. Of course, you won't be carrying your crossbow like a retard the whole time, you hide it somewhere. You shadow the two other guys and follow their movements in the distance. Once you saw them enter a room together you get the crossbow and proceed.
Also, who knows if he left Winterfell? Women were wanting to fuck the hot soldiers who just defended humanity, I'd think he stayed there and fucked for a good while.

Sigh, some men are just born lucky

One of the biggest problems I have in the recent seasons (next to the complete butchering of the plot)

>No one ever died from a crossbow in got.
Cries in Tywin.

To be fair those were kingsguard because of political nepotism, not because of their skills

>leaving Bronn with non loaded crossbow to threaten 2 people with
A dwarf and a one-handed dude. I think he felt pretty comfortable that they weren't going to try anything.

It's been like this for a while, contrived scenarios where characters meet in isolated sets with no build up tension or extra's around. You look at any screenshot from earlier seasons and it seems like a living breathing world as the seasons go on they become more sterile more CGI more forced.

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But RedTeamReview said it was based!

DABID pls go

Neither could win in a 1 on 1 but Tyrion has fighting experience, and Jaime has trained with his lefty

Yet even back in the day, this meetup was between house Stark, one Baratheon and house Lannister, and not every main character from the show.

He just put it in his inventory

He is a cuck. He gave episode 3 a 7/10 and when forced to explain, he said that he rates it by season 8 standards, not GOT standards.
I'm waiting for prestons review anyway. He will tear it a new one, like always.


Put me in screencap

What about the Joffrey’s whores

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He gave it a 9/10 and wanted to give it a 10before he copied Preston days later.

But it was good viewing. You can't say you didn't enjoy her scenes with Syrio, Yoren, Tywin, Jaqen, the Hound etc. Her story only became shit when she went to Bravos.

I would fuck her as much as she wants to

we all would, lad

>we need to talk about
>we dont talk about
>the problem with
>the day x died

Bronn would carve them both like a cake.

D&D please leave.

Except for her fucking faggot boyfriend of course


>that part where he shoots the arrow into the wall to prove a point
That's as bad as the "Do you know how to use that thing? *shoots cans from 30 feet*" trope in movies

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I didn't quite understand the dialogue.
Did he get The Reach for simply not killing Tyrion?
Isn't "double that offer" supposed to mean that Bronn must kill Cersei now?

>Suddenly whining about characters teleporting when they have been doing it for several seasons now

Typical redditor


I don't even understand how that's supposed to work. They aren't really the most important dudes around there. It's as if I threatened to kill my neighbor unless he promises to make me a president.

>I'm waiting for prestons review anyway. He will tear it a new one, like always.
you're so pathetic

You’re a gigantic faggot. Have your conversation where you belong, which isn’t here you dumb cunt.

Why? He was the OG who called out this shitshow when everyone else was sucking D&D's dicks.

>Op copied it right from reddit

fuck off

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It was Arya

Have sex, incel.

OP can you take this faggot with you when you go back?

Yes. This is completely obvious and there is no doubt that Bronn would side with Jamie and Tyrion against Cersei. In fact, the biggest shame of this whole debacle is that Bronn wasn't in Winterfall for the last few episodes whoring around with Pod. I presume it's because they no longer have the ability to write interesting and fun dialogue in GOT now. youtu.be/02QgSGH5mQA

Fuck off

You now remember this scene.

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fucking faggot

>*teleports to the Lannybros*
>*teleports again*
Where did he go you reckon?

Also why did Jaime just fuck off back to KL without any thought given to Bronn's thread? Is Bronn unaware of his movement? Is he just going to let Jaime go there freely?

Perfect b8.



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Worst part of the show.

only about 30 people died too, not bad

>keep it on topic with OP
just how fucking new can you be
this is now a spiderman thread

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Not even on a toilet?

Bronn's dialogue was fucking trash and the editing and his delivery felt very rushed.
That scene must've been filmed in a hurry

>Are we supposed to believe he got in unquestioned or unnoticed
Yes because he pretty much says he could start assassinating people. Do we believe it? No.

Unironically based.

>4channers are so autistic they finally get a quality thread and they can't /cope
So why the fuck are you here exactly, faggot?

Comic relief is supposed to be lighthearted and comical

and didnt they surround the castle in a big trench

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and tens of thousand corpses including a big fucking dragon

He got in with the help of Clayman Spikes and his good men

>people with gum to teeth distance like that get to fuck a qt like this
>he even rejects this qtpie and she literally gets naked and demands a fuck

life truly is cruel


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Based redditor working incels into a frenzy

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It really bugs the crap out of me. It's such a ridiculous offer and ambition. Yeah, I get in the show everyone is dead, but there has to be some Reach cadet houses and cousins left that would have some sort of motivational claim to literally the richest most prosperous part of the seven kingdoms (in what looks like is going to be a starvation winter). Does Bronn think he can just waltz in under Tyrion's orders to the most prominent kingship in the land as a lowborn nobody and not be batting off a dozen assassination/insurrection plots a day? Even if Tyrion somehow could promise a kingdom even larger than his own.

Why even put a target on your back like that? Sure Lannisters "pay their debts" but do you really think it's a good idea to request super promises from he guys you just threatened to kill?

Pretty sure the hole is behind that tower, bud. You wouldn't be able to see it from that angle. There is another angle that is from the front but the camera doesn't go far enough to the left to see where the hole was. Likely intentional to save on CGI or something

Made me chuckle


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If only they did show that it could have been a good scene

Honestly a lot of the plot butchering can be explained by their insistence on picking up the pace.
In the books/early show, lots of ridiculous or dramatic plot happens but there are REASONS for it that frequently come down to a pretty intricate level of detail - someone's alliance with someone broke up because someone's cousin was killed fighting for someone else who someone isn't friendly with, etc.
When you speed up and "zoom out" on the plot, you keep the big dramatic events in place but the logical worldbuilding and plot details that GRRM is so good at get lost, so the big arcs of the story no longer seem realistic or justified.

Has the thought of forming your own opinion, rather than listening to some cocksucker tell you what to think of the newest piece of steaming shit dropped by these hack writers, ever occurred to you?

It's retarded on another level, as the point (Or at least it would seem so) is to use Bronn to get close to the Lannisters, since he is their friend.
Cersei literally could have just hired any assassin if Bronn had to sneak up on them.

>inb4 he was let in by some "guards" as he said he knew the brothers

In that case, his arrival should not have been a surprise.

>thats the bf.

Fuck this clown world.

They were not in Winterfell though, you can spot Winterfell in the background when they show the tavern. Idiots.

Dumb and dumber don't write characters who do things.
They write things for characters to do.

Yeah it all feels rushed. Oh well at least the show had some great characters...err...i mean great characters that they ruined quickly.


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They could have given Bronn an epic death last season but instead we have this shit


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>Cersei paid him to off the two of them
>he doesnt and cuts a deal with them instead

Cant even fucking do his job thats why sell swords are never respected in Westeros.

Here's Why That's A Good Thing

Yes it has. I hate the show even more than he does. I stopped watching mid season 7 and now only watch his episode recaps to see what retarded shit I missed this week.

Why'd you only mention the review then, if you're only in it for the recap? Why would you give a fuck about what some faggot thinks of the episode, and what they rate is as, if you're only there for "muh recap"

>tfw no qt pie femdomfu

Because I fucking like his reviews. He is great at shitting on the show and it is more fun to watch those videos, than it is to watch the show. And he does point out some very interesting problems with the episodes. Also, why would you give a fuck about who's videos I enjoy?

haha imagine if she twists your arm behind her back demanding sex, and also bites strongly into your lip after baiting you for a kiss wouldn't that be funny

based chad making her fight for it

>All these replies from closet redditors


Because you're as terrible as the redditors bloating this site.

The virgin pride vs the chad honesty

which is exactly why she's with him and not you

i've hated the show since season 5 when they ran out of books to adapt, but i really didn't have a problem with this scene... it was funny as hell, desu and a highlight of the episode. i feel like it was standard bronn and true to his character, plot holes notwithstanding... lighten up bruh

If you fuck a woman enough times you become unphased by their pussy virgin. Dudes with gfs can reject sex from them all the time because their cocks are used to their vaginas but probably not their anuses.

Well, fuck you, I guess?

haha imagine if she hadn't showered for a couple of days and demanded oral sex haha that would be so terrible!

It's not that hard to believe that he managed to sneak into Winterfell undetected since the security would be in shambles after the battle. Him making it indoors all the way to the room is a bit harder to swallow, but when it came to finding the Lannisters he probably just peeked through the key-hole or something. The fact that both of the were there was just a streak of luck. If there'd been guards etc he simply wouldn't have entered.

Bronn is not a problem. He is one of the few common folks without bestowed royality who still made it.

>He literally attacked Dany’s army last season. Are we supposed to believe he got in unquestioned or unnoticed?
we the viewer saw he fired the scorpion. Nobody from djanys was close enough to identify him after half the battlefield was ablaze. He was not interesting to look at until after he killed the dragon so nobody saw him shoot the thing.

The reason why he is in winterfell? So the character does not die a uncinematic death because he is now a highlevel commander he clearly has to fight for Cersei. But he hates Cersei but he is also sick of fighting for lannistercuckholds yet he is on the verge of losing all his rewards because both airheads on 2 fronts decide todo a kamikaze war. It's awesome he survived because it would be incredible dumb to give him a 2 minute death scene just for the fun of it. He did nothing wrong. He made no mistakes so why should he die

excellent bait op, very based

Nigger please. When Jaimie arrived at Winterfell, nobody recognized him so why recognize Bron, a less important person. He could have asked around to ask where Tyrion and Jaimie are, stalk them a bit and confront them. The whole thing is plausible, and I agree that Bron should have mention it in his conversation with the Lan Bros to keep things clear. How he acted against them, was staying true to his character. He is a dirty cutthroat waiting for his payment.

Haha imagine if she had worn the same panties for all that time and then shoved them into your mouth making sure the crotch was directly over your tongue.

granted, he was using the finest crossbow in the land, with a new mechanism that made reloading easier and faster

>"make me the king of the largest and wealthiest of the seven kingdoms that I have no relation to or you have no power over, or I'll shoot you with this bow"
>"okay, fine, j-just don't shoot me."
Another triumph by D&D.

Haha imagine if there were skidmarks on them and she squeezed your balls when you refused to open your mouth

Ask book uncle kevan

What ever happened to the Stokeworth gal and his gig over there? Wasn't he married to her and didn't he already have a castle?

Hehe imagine if she also did the same with her tampon. And haha imagine if she singled out just 1 testicle for repeated abuse, giving you not only pain but OCD over the asymmetry.

The “new” leaks, which are very similar, say he gets burned now. I wouldn’t mi d this death for Varys if they hadn’t said it was going to happen. People are like “oooh foreshadowing” but I think it’s boring g predictable lazy writing. That warning from Dany fucked up what could have been a great moment of madness.

>I don't think they take dissent well.
Remember that interview about S7 where they cite the critic pointing out that a raven couldn't fly to Winterfell fast enough for Dany to show up with her dragons that fast? They seemed lowkey buttblasted about that. I think they said something snide like "if our show wasn't such a huge success we'd be more concerned." When I read that I remember thinking, you know, fuck you guys. You seem to bring that shit up a lot for someone unconcerned by the criticism. Frankly, they seem like they have inferiority complexes, which seems apt given that they also seem like thoughtless writers taking credit for another person's work. It's clear that the stuff that worked early on was taken from GRRM, and that once he and his source material were gone they just couldn't be bothered.

That Bronn scene was just more of this thoughtless writing. They legit just wrote the scene as if Bronn held a modern gun. In their minds, there is no difference between the two. So Bronn, in television bad guy cliche, walked in with a gun, made some threats, and fired a warning shot. Everything about that scene fit the cliche. The actors and the director obviously knew how stupid it was since they had Bronn reload the crossbow off-screen.

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look at Clarke having to take extra long strides to keep up with normal-height actors

Now explain why Cersei didn't shoot all her enemies to death when they fucking lined up in front of her within dragon bolt range.

>as much as she wants to
So you wouldn't fuck her at all

>We need to talk about the bonus situation

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First fucking post that talks about the real problems of that scene. Is Yea Forums really that infested with brainlets?

How the fuck did that conversation make sense? In what world would you give some cunt who threatened to kill you a castle never mind fucking highgarden. Really? These two retards are just going to hand over one of the richest castles in the whole of westeros just because this cunt promised not to kill them? When daenerys has won, they're obviously going to invite him to get the castle and then fucking kill him. Bronn being this wiseass character would obviously know that. He has no power to compel them to fulfill their promise, none whatsoever. The scene makes no sense at all. It's low IQ as fuck.

Before some idiot goes there; the saying "the lannisters always pay their debts" doesn't count. Because In this case that debt (for being blackmailed) would be execution.

>No, he came to Winterfell to walk in and out of this room for this exact conversation, with total ease and no obstacles
>The room is treated like a theatre set, in which the correct characters need to assemble and hash out said conversation.
We don't have time for tax policy

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umm.. based.

Bronn should have died at the gold train battle.

His alternative would be killing them and then getting fucked by Danny. He seems to be sure that Cersei will lose.

>have sex

>not cool
lmao op is such a cute redditor

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>'internt culture'
You mean it finally reflects popular 'irl' culture? wow.

I would rather have OP here than you.

>leddit nigger tourists really do come to Yea Forums due to games

That meme poll really wasn't a meme

I also mentioned it 16 seconds later. Bronn keeping his promise ain't the problem though. It is explaining a cutthroat being promoted to lord of the reach, to every single reach house, and having them okay it. Sure it could be done under Targaryen or Lannister rule, with a huge threat, but if Jon/Dany wants to rule peacefully, they can't threaten an entire kingdom into following Bronn.

>people only care about the fact that the guy came from reddit, despite OP having a legitimate criticism
i'm too old for this board

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personally was more affronted by the implication it needed to be proved it can't work since military engineers past thousands of years have failed to make it work

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dab on em

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Why the fuck wouln't people who use reddit just stay on fucking reddit. I don't understand why they come here.

They're JUWES

nice digitis

You're on a fucking 4channel, man. Get some self-awareness.

Explain how he can scout them out while not being inside the walls.
Explain how he knows the layout.
Explain how he hides the crossbow while "scouting"
Explain the instant reload crossbow.
Explain any purpose that scene had.

who this pretty boi?

>Bronn suggesting he could take Jaime in his prime

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honestly he would, bronn fights dirty, for the win, also look at how prime jamie struggled with 70 year old ned stark
bronn would literally throw a dagger at him, spit at him, do something bronn like and win, bronn is an amazing survival tier fighter

>killed several men on contracts
>has been beyond the wall
>killed heavy knight on 1 on 1
>fought several times outnumbered and won (dorne fight)
>killed 10,000 stannis men with 1 arrow
>slayed several dohtraki niggers on the middle of a literally burning hell
>hit a dragon with a balista

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>this capeshit-tier analysis
If you needed any more proof this show became capeshit after 4th season.

Peace out to Danila

Based maester qyburn created full auto assault crossbow after the railgun ballista. If there is another season there will be light machine crossbow with rof that will make /k/ creamthemselfs.

>look at how prime jamie struggled with 70 year old ned stark
Yeah I don't get this, people in discussion forums seem to be sure that Jaime would have won, but even Tywin asked why Ned still came out alive, Jaime sure seemed to be taking his sweet time in that duel.

Qyburn should get the iron throne, change my mind.

>Jaime, business opportunity: Giant crossbows! No one is making these, Jaime!

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>gave his monarch an unstoppable zombie guard
>using his spy network to find and place the wildfire
>reinvented the ballista that took down a fucking dragon
Hes the best Hand any ruler could ask for.

Brevity, nigger, ever heard about it?

>Qyburn wins the throne, makes Bronn his Hand
>ultimate strategist combined with the ultimate executor

This thread proves that the great majority of GoT posters are R*ddit tourists.

This is your brain on /pol/ kids