Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#476 Shelter from the Storm Edition
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Bless this thread in Holy GETs, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.

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The left one is better. Cozy up with some hot chocolate.

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>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation >performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced

Attached: Girls.png (449x401, 490K)

Wholesomeness to the thread

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It's unlikely to stay wholesome for long

but that's ok

Attached: Vamperlita Full Moon Visit.jpg (1024x720, 221K)

Thanks wholesome fren

China number one?

China singlehandedly saved this movie. 130 million of the total gross came from them.

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476 threads discussing the same capeshit cancer
Fuck off faggots

I'd like to wholesome titties ayy lmao

Attached: Tiananmen Square.gif (483x556, 3.77M)

That's ponchoshit to you, sir!
Not sure if want.

I think this one will be the first frame I take a shot of, when blu-ray comes out

China number 1

Reminder that the fastest, easiest and most effective way to gain the healing power of Alita is to take in some of her spittu, which is rich in healing nanonmachines.

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that's not how grammar works, user

Attached: Vampalita Worried.jpg (479x424, 103K)

Don't you fucking make me write this user you're putting ideas in my head.

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Attached: Damn that was good.jpg (419x423, 81K)

Why, Rosa? Why?
Also reminder that a girl's nanomachines are destroyed by male fluids - at least that's what I learned from anime. Therefore she must remain celibate to maintain her power.

There have been a lot of weirder things in Gunnm

This movie has a horribly cliched plot, boring action scenes, and terrible CGI.

You guys only obsess over it because of "muh waifu" and nothing else.

That's the facts. Sorry not sorry!

The longer you wait to write, the more she will get in your head, user

and in your mouth, and your blood. Cells, interlinked.

Attached: 1553654050170.png (561x507, 386K)

>What's a waifu? Jamie pull up google

That is patently untrue, Alita's nanomachines are only overpowered by stronger nanomachines, which nobody who needs them for healing possesses.

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Why this OC has a signature on it?

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Someone from the underworld made it


u were all raised to be failures and may god had mercy on ur souls

Attached: 09-39-18-DZ3NiRwmH7s.jpg (1101x2048, 402K)

Is this image supposed to be cool, or edgy? Not sure why you'd post it by itself tbqh

fuck this is awesome I just posted it because I couldn't tell what it was from the thumbnail

Some guy took OC from here and watermarked it. It's not maximum Chaddery until he actually manages to sell it for money. I can imagine some art student actually doing that.

It's Alita fighting berserker Zapan, I probably should have spoilered it

Oh, okay, but why just the image by itself? Do you think it's a cool image?

It looks more like a roid raged alien than any sort of Zapan I can recognize

Attached: zapanlensflare.png (554x768, 412K)

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?

It's slow and I felt like posting some fan art

Attached: 49622775_296306221239976_7218515779426752880_n.jpg (640x640, 105K)

Can't even tell what's going on in this image

Pretty terrible artwork if you ask me!

What kind of artwork do you like?

Attached: 1554489003025.jpg (1920x1099, 630K)

Thanks user. Feels good to know that there are other people that feel the same way :^)

Fuck off asshole, You are too bitter for this thread.

Did anyone ask for this?

Attached: Cross-over.jpg (785x777, 77K)

Why though? Why did you feel that way if the art wasn't all that good? Did you think others would enjoy it?

Like why not just let the thread go on being slow without a contribution like that?

There really is no need to get this upset user

Pretty rude my dude. Trolling is against the rules outside of Yea Forums, just so you know.

Dont pay any attention to that cunt. They have been hating anything that gets posted. Fucker is bitter or something. We welcome all art.

Would you welcome art if it depicted a child being raped?

Kinda absurd to make a blanket statement like that my man. I don't think ALL art is welcomed here.


I liked the art a lot and I know for a fact that other anons would enjoy it because it's a great moment from the original series and we might get it in the sequel.

Attached: 1554524873062.jpg (1240x1574, 107K)

Looks like something from a 10 year old video game, and not a very good one at that to be quite honest!

So I'd say I don't like that artwork either!

Fucking australian trolls. Wasn't your government banning this site on your country?

Ok user, you're just feeding him now. Stop it, take a break if it is bothering you that much.

Personally I don't think we'll get a sequel because the movie barely broke even and has very little impact on normies. Didn't really catch on at all, to be honest. Most people don't even know what Alita is, which is pretty sad!

Just my opinion, we should enjoy Alita for what it is and stop looking forward to a sequel that will most likely never happen!

If you think it's me It's not

This is reminding me of that fucking walrus meme. Thanks for the bumps friend.

No. I ignored them before. Theres always this /alita/ user that fucks with people posting pics. Last time he was fucking with someone posting the anime gifs. Sounds like the same person.

Ok user are you impersonating me or something? You are doing a fucking terrible job but these retards think it's me.

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Well that part in the manga was written back in the '90s and the creature thing is based on an artist's work who was active back in the '70s so if it looks like a 10 year old video game then that game needs to update their designs.

OH IT'S YOU MARK. I actually missed you. How would you rate the move? 3/10?

Oh you've got me all wrong my man!

Never even been to Australia, not sure why you would assume that to be honest! I'm just telling you guys my honest opinion, there is literally no reason whatsoever for you guys to get so heated and angry at one little opinion!

Is this Jerome infighting?

I saved all the art pics you just posted. Keep posting. I save everything in these threads. That other person has done this before. Someone already quit posting pics because of them before

These are like my two least favorite trolls because they're both so boring after a while. Still better than bots I guess.

Attached: jconnnopoweroverme.gif (500x225, 970K)

Impersonating you? Uh...what?

I'm just telling you guys what I feel about the movie and how I firmly believe, based on logic and realism, that I don't think there will ever be an Alita 2 based on the fact that it did very poorly financially, failed critically, and didn't latch on culturally.

You guys are free to disagree with me though!

Well, I just post the one reminder every thread and if I see the word "sequel" I remind them.

But this user is making me look bad now.

He's clearly a Disney shill

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This is pretty funny honestly.

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I hope everyone knows I don't act like this much of a fag.
>based on facts and logic
Come on user. Bad bait.

Attached: waltzproud.gif (500x268, 708K)

Are you done being a drama queen? There's nothing that controversial about being against picture dumps, especially when they don't generate discussion and just mindlessly push us to the image limit. I don't remember them being all that common back when I first started browsing this general and I'm a NEET so I'm pretty much on 24/7.
>It must be THAT user
It's like I'm back in high school.

> summer glau gets posted. Someone starts drama.
> alita anime gifs get posted? Someone starts drama
>VA posts, that same someone starts namefag drama
>someone posts alita cosplay, that person starts shit.

It happens around this time too.
Whoever it is, fuck off. I enjoy the drawings.

Just saying!

I mean realistically speaking, the movie barely made a profit which essentially means it was a flop in today's Hollywood. Logically speaking, based on the patterns of Hollywood movie making in the 21st century, the only movies that get sequels are those that make big profits. At the very least your movie needs to have some sort of cultural impact, which I really don't believe Alita did.

Am I wrong, guys? Please, if I am anyone can correct me!

Spittu user here. I don't look so bad now that Jerome is rampaging again, huh?

If you want to discuss something then what do you want to discuss?

Attached: waltzcocoa.gif (245x220, 497K)

There we go

You are the same piece of shit that complained all those times. If it was up to you the threads would have zero pics.
The threads have evolved. Pic dumps are appreciated by others.
I have seenmany people save and repost pics.

I'd like to discuss why the plot was so cliched!

Can we talk about that for a change instead of endlessly praising the movie? Good movie overall for sure, but a really cliched plot.

I agree, it's not getting a sequel and I remind them.

You're just a dick.

It garnered a small but ferociously loyal fanbase, a microcosm of which you can observe in these autistic generals. So I would disagree it made no cultural impact, perhaps not on a widespread level but it's still one nonetheless.

I'm the user who got upset about all the Summer posting and I stand by my opinion but I shouldn't have been so dramatic

It isnt jerome. Is an old fag from the /ABAG/ days. Hes done this a few days already. Start shit with people posting pics
He gets upset when someone is having fun.

>the movie barely made a profit which essentially means it was a flop in today's Hollywood.

Fucking lie. Profit is profit, no matter how small. There are plenty of big budget Hollywood movies that actually bomb hard. Any win, no matter how small, is welcome.

Small fanbases don't garner sequels my man, regardless of their ferocity! Sorry but it's just the way things are! You need a decently large fanbase to justify a sequel when we're talking hundreds of millions of investor dollars.

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Am I Jerome?

This is great I'm loving the fight.
You're still going to hell though.

Okay my bad buddy! I should have clarified to say that sequels aren't made off of small profits. You can consider it a "win" all you want, but at the end of the day if what you want is a sequel then you better be hoping for something better than a small, marginal profit!

Saved. Thank you.
MOST alita fans in here like art posts. I have seen the pics i posted at least 4 different times. Almost everyone likes seeing alita pics.

- Firefly got a movie
- Chuck got more seasons
- Community got renewed twice
- Family Guy got more seasons
- Dredd is getting a tv show
- Thundercats got two reboots
- Blade Runner got a sequel eventually
- Mad Max got a 4th movie
That's just off the top of my head

Anything is cool, I'm not much of a discussion starter. I tend to lurk and bounce back on what others started.
>Pic dumps are appreciated by others.
>I have seenmany people save and repost pics.
Yes and it's fine. This isn't MY general with MY rules and nothing I say will change your mind, nor anything you say change mine. However I will say this: cut the victimization, like it's always the same person being negative and being a killjoy. Multiple people can have the same opinion, this isn't a saturday morning cartoon with a designated villain.

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Small fanbases willing to see a movie 20x per person in theaters punch outside their weight class, my dude. It's basic math, the number of fans doesn't matter, the amount of money they are willing to spend is what matters, and this fanbase pretty much hurls cash at JC like he's a hot stripper the night before a deployment.

>those damn jackers raped me to shreds
what did he mean by this?

Attached: 233972CF-245B-4960-9244-1CFE3BE50848.jpg (370x558, 235K)

he means they had Pancor Jackhammers, which ripped him to shreds.

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>Small fanbases willing to see a movie 20x per person in theaters punch outside their weight class
If Alita really had it's "loyal fanbase" it would have turned a bigger profit though

This is the explanation of why the doggo survived and McTeague was able to salvage him.

Face it, Spittu Theory is a heavy hitter and is here to stay.

Attached: doggo claiming spittu.jpg (539x444, 150K)

>yfw Jim gets another model of shotgun banned indirectly through a film

No I blame the weird first trailer plus the delays plus Captain Marvel opened two weeks after Alita did. Many of us have seen it half a dozen times or more.

>Firefly got a movie
Didn't get a sequel though

>Chuck got more seasons
TV is different from movies and Chuck is a lot cheaper than Alita is

>Community got renewed twice
Community has a larger fanbase and cultural impact than Alita does

>Family Guy got more seasons
Family Guy is infinitely more popular than Alita

>Dredd is getting a tv show
Dredd tv show is very cheap and the movie didn't get a sequel

>Thundercats got two reboots
It's a beloved cultural icon adored by boomers, unlike Alita

>Blade Runner got a sequel eventually
Blade Runner is hugely culturally significant, even people who haven't seen either movie know if its existence

>Mad Max got a 4th movie
See my point above about Blade Runner

Thanks for proving my point!

Just a reminder it's not me

>mfw they ban a shotgun that nobody owns anyway, but they don't know that because they don't know fuckall about guns

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Alita still had an anime and a manga, and if I am not mistaken there may have even been a book released.

I mean, buddy, at the end of the day, the numbers don't lie, do they? If the fanbase was so ferocious the numbers would be a lot better.

The fact of the matter is that at this current point in time the numbers DO NOT justify a sequel and as such a sequel will never happen. I really feel like most of you know this deep down.


>Dredd tv show is very cheap and the movie didn't get a sequel
Dredd fan here, it's unconfirmed afaik

>tv show of a movie doesn't count
>movie of a tv show doesn't count
>show that was uncancelled just because of DVD sales doesn't count
god you're picky

>this whole post

That's gonna be a big ol Texas-sized Y I K E S from me, dawg

>19 posters
>100+ replies

What does Jerome mean

>a sequel will never happen
>I feel like most of you know this deep down

We don't know this, because all the evidence at the current time seems to contradict everything you just said, even straight from the top. And blu ray/dvd sales have not even started yet, those are going to end up being a substantial additional chunk of money to justify a sequel.

You are using arguments that are a good month old, and showing their age.

But user, you don't know the numbers. Unless you have insider information that you're going to share? By all metrics Alita outperformed it's expectations. That is an unavoidable point which must be considered. The fanbase grew from nothing in to something incredibly strong comparatively.

This is the most retarded this thread has been at 2:36 AM my time in quite some time. I'm not sure what's going on, it feels like a raid.

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>mfw I have to read eight sentence fragments organized in bullet points
god you're lazy

Attached: alitaderp.jpg (297x325, 14K)

Bruh the blu-ray isn't even confirmed...

How can you possibly hope for a sequen when you can't even get a blu-ray release?

Do you guys willingly ignore facts like this or are you just not connecting the dots?

Who even are these people

Attached: rosasolocup.jpg (713x668, 336K)

You discourage newbies from joining. I was here when you complained about the OVA gifs. Who knows if that user left or not.
Everytime you call out someone for picture posting you make it sound like all of us are as jaded and closed off as you.
Its always around this time when the board is dead.
Let people post whatever alita content they want

>Alita outperformed it's expectations.
U fucking wot. Alitas budget was 170m and it only JUST broke even. Jim was hoping for the next marvel but instead got left holding something that made fuck all money

>By all metrics Alita outperformed it's expectations

really bro? You think a multi-million dollar movie was made with the expectation that it would have a razor-thin profit margin?

That's not how money works in Hollywood.

>the blu-ray isn't confirmed

Oh lawd, do you SERIOUSLY THINK Jimbo and RR would go to this much trouble to make a STATE OF THE ART film, and then not release a blu ray? That would make them too stupid to even be film students, let alone big budget directors.

At this point you are pretty much just making me laugh.

Attached: 5e0887272964be6b258946209a00ffa2.jpg (400x400, 22K)

Sequels can be made even at mild box office loss, if they figure that they can make a cheaper sequel to capitalize on the audience -especially with merchandizing. If the sequel is shit though, they would have thrown good money after bad.
It was the Summer dumper who was stirring drama - so raging that I suspect he's a bit of a newfag and easily trolled.

>the director and producer personally decide whether or not a blu-ray release happens

It doesn't work like that, you dumb little child. It all comes down to MONEY, which Alita was really fuckin bad at making.

I work in Hollywood, and anything within profit territory is considered a success.

I'd like to thank the trolls for being too lazy to post pictures so they doesn't count toward our image limit

Attached: rosa4.jpg (907x707, 76K)

From a purely business standpoint, it makes a lot of sense to greenlight a sequel, even if the numbers are not that impressive. You already know you have a rabid fanbase who is going to watch the sequel no matter what, you own their wallets and souls at this point, so your main concern is in attracting new fans which shouldn't be too difficult if you actually care enough to market it properly this time around. Movies with a huge success might not repeat it, there might be fatigue from the audience tired of seeing the same new old iteration of capeshit. Alita doesn't sufffer from this problem.

Even fucking Dredd which BOMBED at the box office has a fucking Blu-Ray, you mongoloid

I hate that Disney has made so many movies that make a pile of money lately that everything is being judged against them

>still arguing that Alita was too bad at making money for a blu-ray

Cut the crap user, far worse movies that did far worse financially got blu ray releases. You literally have no compelling arguments to support your little theory. You should stand beside Jerome on the big day when he is made to eat a whole stack of blu rays.

>From a purely business standpoint, it makes a lot of sense to greenlight a sequel, even if the numbers are not that impressive
This whole post is exactly why you aren't and will never be a Hollywood exec.

Some of the most garbage movies that have ever seen the light have gotten blurays

My uncle also works for Nintendo, and I can confirm that ET was a success

t. not a hollywood exec either

That was Atari, dumbass.

>movie is months old
>had a blu-ray release date, lost that, and now has no release date at all

Well, I mean, if you're not a rabidly fanatic weeb that's pretty damning evidence that a blu-ray isn't on the horizon...

Attached: F9BMuGCOJ8g.jpg (1000x1528, 417K)

It was expected to lose $150mn. I'd say not doing that makes it outperforming expectations

The joke
2 things that will never meet

Disney just bought Fox so everything is getting reorganized and they've already confirmed two hours of special features

Yeah, maybe AFTER it started airing

>what is a major corporate merger fucking up the original blu ray release dates, Alex?

I'm just gonna say it, you're a brainlet.

Yeah fundamentally this point is irrefutable


>I'm the user who got upset about all the Summer posting and I stand by my opinion
Okay, Some really awesome OC came out of summer posting. I dont have those pics but i liked the collage pics. We are never going to reach 999 threads if we all get upset or annoyed at anything off topic.

I'm going to stop feeding the trolls now

Attached: el-rict-alita1.jpg (1200x1600, 726K)

If you looked hard enough you could probably find a blu ray of The Nutty Professor 3, arguably one of the worst movies of all time.

If that were true why didn't every other Fox movie lose its bluray release date? Why is Alita the ONLY movie affected by this?

Man we haven't had a good box office/profits argument in ages. This is like the good old days.

Attached: 1555047708947.jpg (1242x1222, 174K)

I think everyone knew it was getting bluray

This was the last movie released under the old Fox branding ergo it's not surprising that it was affected worst.

Very nice, thank you!

I was fine with all the OC and pictures of her as a Terminator but the random pics of her that weren't even replies were annoying

Awake in the middle of the night due to nightmares. Here, have a some new cute fan art

Attached: AF00F751-2AB9-40CE-84DD-04089CD3C201.jpg (1080x934, 105K)

That's super cute

>You discourage newbies from joining.
What are they, 15 year old? if that's all it takes to "discourage" them then I say good riddance. This is Yea Forums and everyone is free to do as they please. I believe there's a minimum of etiquette you should respect but again, I can't stop anyone and it's completely pointless to try to police a general.

Yeah, really makes me nostalgic...


I think I'm just gonna post some hot JCon.

Attached: 1554108704163.jpg (640x1136, 189K)

Whats going on here? I'm in out and because workposting

Why are there still generals for this mediocre, box office flop 3 months after it's come and gone?
What is it, about 10 - 15 thirsty weebs keeping these threads alive?
Take this shit to Yea Forums you nerds.

The box office/profit arguments about this movie were always politics-tier in their futility, nobody's mind was ever changed, it was just headbutting until everybody was bashed and bloodied and mad.

How does this post add ANYTHING to the thread?

You're just attention whoring with borderline nsfw stuff. Fuck off.

A few trolls are being annoying and giving us bumps

Oh yeah but it's free bumps towards 999 and it shakes up the thread cycles a bit. It was pretty funny when we cracked $350 back in /abag/ and everyone lost their minds.

We discuss the movie constantly you broken recliner

Attached: dollarms.webm (1744x720, 2.97M)

Actually there's only me posting under 20 different IPs. Oh and you I guess. Welcome!




Attached: 46b846fb6cdce69ea3f3fcfd01071a36.png (420x420, 322K)

>I believe there's a minimum of etiquette you should respect

What etiquette? What is that exactly? I need to understand how someone posting art work offends you.
Whats the etiquette to follow? Im asking seriously, not sarcastically

>mfw mommyposting starts back up

Attached: jconneyes.gif (480x270, 1.38M)

*$350mn I'm pretty sure the film has made more than $350 total lol

The argument is over this:

Kinda. You guys mostly just larp and use this as a chat room

But you do also post lots of art and larp about alita

Gross is $404M, net is $54M according to Fox

The expected etiquette is that you don't just hurl random horseshit at the wall and stand bakv expecting everyone to go "Oh wow that's great!"

Quality over quantity is the most basic concept ever. Fuck.

I've got my finger on the switch you bastard, don't you do it

Attached: 1554956441362.jpg (1240x1168, 241K)


If you don't like it here then don't come here
Lots of us do different things, I don't larp at all

Attached: waltzrobe.gif (446x250, 979K)

>22 posters
How many of these are trolling

If nothing else the community is certainly varied.

I never said I didn't like it, but it's not like this general is always on topic or anything.

2-3 at any given time.

At least two or three

Probably about 17, based on the current feel of it.

Attached: 1556173774333.jpg (248x203, 3K)

It doesn't offend me, I just find it rather pointless and counter-productive to discussion. It's visual clutter I have to scroll past. I love OC and my Alita folder is growing every week, but the same random fanart posted without context? I don't really need help to find that.

As for etiquette, those dumps weren't around back when I started browsing 2 months ago, or is my memory being defective? Am I a troll out for (You)s? Then a few newer posters came in and decided it was needed during dead hours, or even active ones. Dead hours are fine, we don't NEED to maintain some crazy post cadence. It's not going to fall off page 10, relax.

China number Tianmanen Square Massacre 1989


My point was that we don't need to take it to Yea Forums because we're all here as a result of the movie

I think you have to spell it right for it to work, user

>That reddit tier meme
Remove yourself

>Doesn't even know which board discussion of the Alita anime/manga actually is at home at.
It's /m/ - even if it's technically allowed on Yea Forums too
And this "no bluray" bait is the weakest I've ever seen in here. Pre-orders are literally open in Australia already. Dealers elsewhere have received the info on the BDs and DVDs and listed them already. Only the release date is shifting.
At least JenCon is in the acutal movie. Have a mommy.
We don't know if that assumes only the US gross or not, and it was before the movie came out. We really don't know where the Sexual Mark was, even if several journalists have speculated it to be at 400 or 420.

Attached: alita_by_yanfy_dcz01u5.jpg (970x1322, 223K)

But it's an anime movie and you guys only role play about the characters which are anime characters without discussing the cinematic aspects of the movie.

Nah It doesn't belong on Yea Forums. But it certainly could be more on topic. This thread pretty much just serves as a discord chat.

>I will remember my viewings of Alita in the Cinema as the best times in my life
I hope to see her again

Pretty pathetic life my man.

What about your first kiss?

Scoring your first touchdown?


Dorm room parties?

Good concerts?

It's not an anime movie this is an anime movie
We discuss the movie all the time when we're not engaging trolls or arguing

Attached: aniyugogally.gif (384x288, 989K)

>I don't camp out in this thread 24/7 and read every post, but I know EXACTLY what is discussed AT ALL TIMES because I SEE EVERYTHING!

Stop telling us what we do or do not discuss when even the most fanatical among us can't keep up with everything that happens here half the time.

>The best times so FAR

>Scoring your first touchdown
Kek at the state of burgers

I will amswer without insulting you or fighting since you took time to reply.

The couple of times you complained it was over alita art and alita anime gifs.
They might not be the best but they are technically on topic.

I can understand if people were posting walking dead or game of thrones off topic pictures, if that was the case i could side with you.

When you complained over alita cospkay before, it was the same problem. Those cosplays were alita and on topic.

Im saying it was you because the wording was similar. And it was around this time.

By all means get angry at off topic posts like avengers stuff or game of thrones if that ever gets posted.

But to me, anything alita related is worth having.

>Quality over quantity

And there are 400 threads of quality posts already.

We make FOUR threads per day
That's 1200 posts of alita threads
ONE THOUSAND posts daily....
We are beyond "quality" at this point.
The first 100 threads are the real quality.
Now everyone is just having fun.

Again. Im with you about brie larson posting or troll posting or off topic posting. But you are getting mad over alita art.

If you say so. I will relent

As a burger I am embarrassed by that post

Yeah i'm not going to argue with you on that. My life is pretty pathetic. I got the "first to be in jail reward'', and walked past a group of drug dealer students when getting it, did a nixon wave, everyone laughed, died a little inside. Uuuh, dorm room parties are nothing to get excited over.

That was literally a bait bullet point, something like that would only be relevant to like 5% of the top 10% of chads. So like .5% of dudes.

I think i was arguing with two people.
Heres my reply to both of you:

>We are beyond "quality" at this point.

I'm going to bed now
Stay comfy anons

Attached: 1553794354.jpg (604x604, 302K)

The problem is that art pics that you already saved 3 days ago might be pics i didnt get to see. Ive posted pics that i see get reposted. The picture OP used for this thread was a picture i found on facebook and i posted yesterday. Should i get upset it got reused?

Dream of Alita my man.

The trolls have found us

I went to see Troy with a pickup truck full of dudes instead of going to prom, because the chick that asked me to prom was a goth weirdo.

I also got a flyover by a B2 and 2 F-117s at my highschool graduation. Beat that, Chad.

Attached: gmPpwv0H.jpg (512x512, 30K)

Attached: mangafigurefour.jpg (681x843, 62K)

This thread is full of fags

Yes, but not all fags are created equal.

Too many posters:
>What a bunch of aspies!
Too few posters:
>How dare you have a conversation about a move!
Even though is right at the moment. What happened in Australia to fill this thread with metaposts?

My countrymen are blatant shitposters but I love them anyway.
Peak manga chad

I'm here.

I'm a burger, but I've given up trying to stop this troll raid, I'm just surfing it now.

Attached: 763dcb075d08bc043c1279e7668345f958db8c7163b4df7b0840426a706547b9.jpg (625x338, 51K)

>We will never have billy herrington play big bro

I'm just trying not to do much because the other anons at the moment are being very abrasive and annoying to this general

Oh fuck that's actually good casting.

I warned you guys way up hm the top not to get angry at them, and t stop feeding them. But you didn't listen.

There is no "winning" against trolls. Engaging one is a loss lose.

The autism in this place is incredible.

>What happened in Australia to fill this thread with metaposts?
I tried to warn everyone in the last alita thread, people are angry at the jannies for deleting other threads and posts but allowing game of thrones run wild.

I have no idea what you're even rambling about at this point. One thing for sure, you should have better standards than regurgitating stuff you found on facebook. That's pretty fucking low effort.

Hello frens

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Daytime anons were joking about facebook posts. There was a context dickhead. Got i hate night time in here. People were joking about stuff people were posting on facebook. Unlike you those anons have a sense of humor. It was a joke.
Not everyone is a miserabke bitter person.

Hello fren, be wary, the vibe in here is currently decidedly less than comfy.

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>god I hate night time in here

why? Every time I've been in here at night it's been comfy as hell. It gets weird, but there's [usually] no fighting and crap like this.

Look at those muscles, he is goddamn Aniki.


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Attached: total whore blodita a lotta sun.jpg (600x900, 185K)

>Thread theme everyone must listen to

Yeah this is unusual and I think this guy is on to something:

During the day people joke more and everyone is cool about stuff. No one gets upset over art dumps or alita memes. No one is anal about "the sacred quality" of the threads just because someone posted deviantart pictures of alita.

This is just a discord tier circle jerk where you spam images though there is no discussion that isn't milquetoast because its a fucking cirlcejerk

I told you Yea Forums was on fire.
I told you guys the trolls were going crazy.

>Angry about Ice Zombies and Starbucks Cups
>Attack Alita
OK, I guess that sort of makes sense, on drugs?

but, that's exactly how it is for me whenever I'm on here at night?...

Attached: better blondita.jpg (645x590, 250K)

Nice trips but it does happen then too. The threads just move faster so you don't see it as much. The most important thing though is that as always the threads go back to being comfy. They always will in the end.

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I actually kinda like this blondlita help

After I made the eyes blue, I realized they really popped, and then I started to like it too.

I joke about Blondita being a thot and a whore, and she is, but...

No one here genuinely talks like this. Its disgusting please stay in your original containment area fucking tourist

the superior non repatched version

Attached: Alita Blonde Bow Smile.jpg (645x590, 231K)

>Can a human love a thot?

user, this is pretty out of character.

Also, if You are replying to people who are deliberately pissing you off it is your own fault that they are still here.

But we're in this thread talking like this. Kinda hard to fight against that right user?

this repatched meme needs to die, you realize blue eyes is a desirable and naturally occurring trait in blond women, right?

and in Dune women, but that's another meme.

Attached: alita spice 5.jpg (495x468, 93K)

You're literally having mental health talks with people here. This is full discord can you just fucking end it already

He's back to victim mode which is infinitely more irritating than picture dumping itself. Discord is raiding us. Or there this guy who is here to troll, or several, they might be a group. Might be a namefag, or an aussie. My facebook Alita memes are usually well-received. Anyway, mom said I could.

Acting like a huge faggot does not help you

>pissing you off
This is what Discord actually believes.

>Discord is raiding us
I'm pretty sure it's this. It is usually not like this AT ALL this time of night. This is a very concentrated and concerted effort to ruin the thread. It's a raid.

You mean normal people who see this thread never has genuinely above 20 posts because you're using your phone to keep the thread bumped

You are a bitter angry and miserable user, but you gave me an idea. I will be bitter and complain when people post art pics and i will see how day light anons react to complaining. I won't be as nasty as you. Im just curious how it goes

I don't even know what you're saying at this point

i like that blondlita with brown eyes more

Nice try Nova i know it's you

i meant posters not posts ok discord trannies i know you have brain troubles...

All i did is say that art posts shouldnt be attacked. All i said was that gifs of alita are not bad. I said that it was okay if someone wanted to post drawings of alita they found.
Im not sure about the rest.

Whelp now that the argument is over back to comfyposting

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Be real user, you're just here to derail the thread and annoy people.

Attached: images(14).jpg (545x300, 20K)

Generally raiding and trolling has the effect of bumping the thread, user. We've barely posted pictures at all compared to what is normal here. You guys are doing the heavy lifting to bump it.

Be real you just want a community where you can spam images with no real discussion and then when someone calls you out say "but we are :^)"

Stop fighting at once

Attached: 1557179140867.jpg (640x682, 20K)

Man you're retarded. Like that's how you interpreted that? Jesus dude I expected you all to be morons but this...

What I want is completely irrelevant. Just admit that you are here to derail the thread and annoy people.

Why did you post this? Does this add anything to the conversation? Why are you spamming the thread with this?

What the other guy said, you are here to be an annoying fuck, and that's pretty much it.

>as he uses an image with a non Yea Forums filename
Yeah whatever tourist faggot off yourself

>he calls us tourist faggots in our own general
>while he is, in fact, the tourist faggot

oh HO HO!

>Now its time to bring out ultra faggotry!

Stay classy buddy. Just like picture dumps, harsh words are totally uncalled for. Otherwise there's not much difference with the rest of Yea Forums this thread is supposedly providing a shelter for.

Yeah I'm here until 999. This general has survived much worse spats than this. Every post pushes us ever closer. As always Alita guides the way.

Attached: 1552018569698.png (772x297, 242K)

He is from the /ABAG/ days. Somehow after 300 threads he expects people to not "spam" the thread with "useless" pics
I think he is legit autistic.

Jesse who blew steam up your dilated wound?

Can you just stay in fucking reddit you're really embarassing I wish you wouldn't reply to me

What is the purpose of this picture? Was this picture of any use?

>Hey can you circlejerking faggots fuck off?
uh ok?

Is the watcher behind the eyes here? i have a question

Attached: repatched.webm (500x500, 892K)

What did you mean by this?

What's the use in such a low quality post? The picture isn't breaking any rules you dilating tranny

Your thread is dead faggot Ill see you in the next one where I'll call you a piece of shit
Go make a discord server you can spam all the pictures you want and you wont hear any mean words

What's the question?


Medium NRG

Average Thread NRG: Low-Medium

I'm posting the same way /ABAG/ oldfag neet user posts to me.

Hes done this for days

The only way these threads leave is if we make it to 999 or the jannies cut us out. Shitposts and trolls have no power here. No one is bigger than th thread.

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Damn that sand got really far up your tranny wound didn't it?

Mega NRG man is a good Eurobeat artist.

Ooooo my bad

Thats ok. Im not going to post art pictures anymore but from now on i will question any art picture someone else posts and i will say im from the agab days.
Lets see how everyone else feels about you.

doing lines for hugo with audacity, since i'm not using vocaroo how do i submit them?

/AGAB/ user, He shit on someone for posting cosplay pics, and gifs, artwork. And memes. He says the first 100 threads of alita were "quality" threads and not spammed by art.

You can upload files to vocaroo.

Of course not, but the point seems to fly above facebook memes dude. Worse even, the idea that we're trolls providing free bumps to #999 vindicates him. He views these generals as some sort of war effort he's contributing to, each new post a new stepping stone for our collective goal of 1k posts a day. And if so isn't he the bravest soldier of us all?

Is /pol/ broken maybe? That's the only place on earth I can imagine something with its ass this blown out coming from

Almost 300 posts
Only 70 pics.

Attached: 320.jpg (935x854, 63K)

Well I don't know anymore so


I have no idea how you lasted 400 threads when you are so bitter and annoyed at everyone on here. How did you lasted this far? You are so miserable dude

>and you listen to people on Yea Forums

Attached: images.png (550x557, 14K)

We hit pic limit at like 260 for the last three threads running it's almost nice to have a break

Shame on him!

Attached: 1556044103478.png (638x616, 117K)

Just for future reference, you can report trolls

Under what category? Under what category do you report someone ruining the quality of the thread by posting alita drawings?

That's good to know. Let's resume our scheduling of picture dumping in the next thread and calling anyone who disagrees a retard and a faggot troll. We are beyond "quality" as this point, but that doesn't mean they can be allowed to ruin our fun.

Dont make him mad

Attached: 1557200625722.png (600x569, 309K)

No bro. I will do you the favor of reposting alita drawings my man.
I just need to know under what category.

Man Alita really does have perfect expressions huh

thats meant to say reporting

Also remember that frivolous/false reports get you banned. But honestly the trolls and arguments give this thread some life in these quiet hours. It's a change of pace.

2 the number is 2

Posting spoilers?

Quick, someone bake the new bread! We can't slow down, we have a quota of AT LEAST 1k posts a day to meet. If we reach #999 quickly hiromoot will give us a prize!

Can we report the person posting brie Larson pictures?can i report people posting sonic pictures? What else

Is the prize a real Alita?

Attached: 1548527839326.jpg (600x468, 37K)


Probably but that's an adventure for you to explore yourself

Who is making new bread?

Hug from Rosa


Bread when

Not enough pics

Attached: battle_angel_by_liberitee_dd6apxf-pre.jpg (755x1058, 139K)

Good enough.

very nice

Attached: 1552799499452.jpg (309x293, 27K)

That's super cool. Next thread is for more pics


New New New