What would you do with a kilo of unobtainium?

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Sell it? what the fuck else

Sell it for 20 million.

Eat the ass of every single person I met.

>named unobtanium
>is obtainable

Catch that fucking hog who peed on my wife ferfachsake

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How do you weigh something that has antigrav properties?

what is it and what does it do?
haven't seen avatar since it was in theaters (like 99.9999% of the population)

It's a room temperature superconductor.
Also not found on Earth.

what a this?

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If I'd obtain it it wouldn't be unobtainium, so it would be worthless, not wouldn't it?

Apparently not, because Eywa kicked humanity's butt.

Two chicks at the same time.

Use it to kill all jews and niggers


Have sex

the fuck is a superconductor do I look like a scientist

>What would you do with a kilo of unobtainium?

insert it into my anal orifice.


It's like a conductor, but better.

It floats.

get its mass by dropping it in a cup of water filled to the brim, collecting the displaced water, converting mass to weight by multiplying mass value by gravity
>t. engineer
>also t. took science in high school



Hydrostatic scales are awesome.

Sell it for a kilo of crack

Prolly put it in my ass.

ha ha! weeeee ha ha chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo!

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have sex with the blue people until they let me drill for the rocks i need

how do you put it underwater if it has antigravity properties?

Trade it for a gram of Hardtofindium

You push it down. It would be kind of a pain if it also displaced the water around it though.

>only found in berkeley, california

>doubles the iq of anyone who drinks it, lethal to people with foreskin

What are some other elements with really obvious and dumb names?



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Fuckin' A.

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I too, learned all about compounds with antigrav properties in high school.

You dumb fuck.


neytiri is an ugly blue space cat

smoke it

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please do not call Neytiri "an ugly blue space cat", it's both offensive and incorrect

I don't know, what would YOU do with a kino of unobtalium?