ITT: Actresses who deserve more movie roles

ITT: Actresses who deserve more movie roles.

Pic related, whatever happened to her?

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she got lost in the wild and was eaten alive by a pack of hungry baboons

Tara Reid looks like THAT?

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no she looks like this

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That's terrifying. wtf is wrong with her teeth?

Kill yourself underage faggot

She looks like a cum rag which has gotten stiff and ragged from absorbing all the dried up ejaculate.

lick my taint my man

Her front 4 or so are veneers and then the back ones aren't.

Generally, you can't tell, but that's a terrible angle for it and makes it look incredibly obvious.

She must be kinda broke if she couldn't afford to get them all done. Sad.

> Be rich and famous.
> Get plastic surgery in mexico.

looks like she has veneers over horrible drug wrecked teeth

>lick my taint my man
no wonder you picked a disgusting washed up whore to white knight. you're a disgusting fucking faggot pretending to be straight.

Good lord does she cut her bangs with plastic scissors?

>> Be rich

make sure u get real deep in there bro. dont be afraid to use ur tongue.

Net worth of 2million. Has to be bullshit though.

I still would

why does anyone let their daughter "go off to Hollywood"?

to be a star

from 3 weeks ago

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>ur tongue
90s born queers were a mistake

Why are actresses turning into Bogdanoffs?
Courteney Cox, Olivia Munn, and recently I just found out Laura Kightlinger did too

shes a trainwreck but i'd ravage her already ravaged body desu lads, I have a thing for used up crack whores

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This cunt deserves nothing but a cheap funeral.

was your mom busy?


best character from game of thrones. really nice and juicy pussy. she should have made more porn.

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She is ordinary af. No one cares

kill yourself

That’s a wig, right?

ask your dad for a hooker you desperate faggot