They said in the Q&A that the big end fight was originally three times as long...

They said in the Q&A that the big end fight was originally three times as long. Rewatching the Tony/Cap/Thor v Thanos fight it really feels like big chunks of it were cut. Tony is literally only in it for maybe five seconds. He tries to hit thanos with a sword arm, misses, thor charges him up with lighting and he does a repulsor blast, then thor hits mjolnir with stormbreaker Thanos picks Tony up and used him to tank it. That's it. He's out of the fight.

The entire rest of the fight is Thanos beating the everliving fuck out of boomer Thor and Cap doing sick videogame shield/hammer combos on him.

I feel like there was a cut where this fight was way longer and I hope we get to see it someday.

Attached: thanosword.jpg (1280x720, 231K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hope they release extended version on Blu-ray but most probably not because all scenes are CGI and they wouldn't have spent on those scenes.

>the Black Order get their backstories cut completely
>every one of them jobs in both films, somehow doing even less damage in Endgame than Infinity War
>the only real success was Corvus critically wounding Vision
>Ebony Maw is the only one to get some memorable scenes
>The Other, who is implied to be stronger than someone like Loki, doesn't show up in the 2014 timeline despite being alive and capable of fighting
>Supergiant and Warbringer never show up in any capacity in either film
>Corvus Glaive's gimmick of his glaive being a phylactery which resurrects him isn't explored
>all Thanos henchmen are practically absent from Endgame
I don't really get the point of these characters if they're never going to be explored or even get good battles. These baddies don't kill a single hero whatsoever.

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A lot of people already complained the fight was too long and boring as is

This. They probably would just put the ps2 cgi fight scenes in deleted scenes feature.

People are retarded

The big fight was the worst part of the movie, so it's probably for the best that it was cut to be as short as it was.

The Trinity v Thanos fight? Even if you cut the entire thing together it would be less than 90 seconds. Maybe even 60. It was only stretched out because they kept cutting away to stuff like Hawkeye running through red sewer tunnels.

The thing that bothered me about it was twinblade thanos with zero stones completely dunks on Tony, Thor and Cap, like he annihilated them. The way he won he could have beat ten of them. Yet later when he has all six infinity stones Carol dominates him and completely no-sells a headbut that almost knocked Thor unconscious and the only way he gets rid of her is by using the power stone directly.

So Carol is like ten times stronger than nano-Tony, boomer-Thor and mjolnir-Cap put together? Whats the point of even having the Avengers then? Her powerlevel seems completely absurdly out of place, it's like putting Goku on The Defenders or something.

The headbutt was ridiculous but he wasn't actually using the gauntlet at that moment. That was just him as his normal self that she brushed off. She's at Infinity War stormbreaker Thor level.

They probably mean the whole final battle from Thanos's appearance to his defeat. I didn't mind, personally, I like watching action.

>So Carol is like ten times stronger than nano-Tony, boomer-Thor and mjolnir-Cap put together? Whats the point of even having the Avengers then?
Congrats, you just realized why nobody likes her.

The only way to use the stones with the gauntlet is by closing his fist, which is why Marvel and everyone else in Infinity War constantly tried to stop him from using his hand and why Thanos took the power stone out of the gauntlet to overpower her. Also everyone forgets that Thanos already beat Thor, Tony and Cap in Infinity War, and even though he had the gauntlet he barely used it when he beat the shit out of them, although to be fair, we didn't see his fight with Thor, but they make it abundantly clear in Endgame that Thor is not at the top of his game.

Nigga he was literally wearing the Gauntlet with ALL SIX STONES. It was established in IW he's at max power like that. That same headbutt with ZERO stones knocked Thor into next week and almost knocked him unconscious. She sold it like a girl hit her on the head with a rolled up newspaper.

Thor didn't have a power that lets him make forcefields between him and Thanos to stop the headbutt.

Closing the fist is when he uses it to like change reality or stop time, he doesn't have to use the gauntlet to cast spells to be powered up by the stones. That's why he bodied Hulk in the IW opener, because he had the power stone, he didn't have to "use" it, he just beat the fuck out of Thor because he was boosted by it.

Thor chucking Mjolnir into the air and batting it away with Stormbreaker was the stupidest fucking thing I've seen in my life, what about you guys?

Wrong, the stones even glow individually when he used them in Infinity War, he beat Hulk without using the stone.

That move took Stark out of the entire fight. Permanently.

they made bank, least they could do

Here he is using the time stone, closes his fist, time stone glows.

Attached: mpc-hc64_2019-05-07_00-59-21.jpg (1257x733, 110K)

>That's why he bodied Hulk in the IW opener, because he had the power stone, he didn't have to "use" it, he just beat the fuck out of Thor because he was boosted by it.

How low can hulkfags sink in their denial? Even after the directors personally confirmed he didn't use the stones to beat Hulk

And here he is using the reality stone, again, closes his fist, the individual stone glows.

Attached: mpc-hc64_2019-05-07_01-00-50.jpg (1914x794, 167K)

No you worthless idiot. The russos already confirmed he didnt use the power stone to beat the hulk in the commentary tracj. They wanted to show how good he was without stones. At least pay attention before commenting on shit you think you know about moron

Well when you put it like THAT.

Creative, dangerous, what's wrong with it?

Dude I somehow never noticed that but just rewatched the scene. What the fuck?

And just because, here he uses the soul and the power stone to btfo Strange when he is trying to stop him. Again, closes his fist and the stones in use glow.

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Stark was about to be ripped in half retards. It literally saved him

I dunno how about holding onto it and using it properly instead of like a fucking tennis ball when you're bored?

>>herrrderr he throws it all the fucking time

exactly so why do this very gay move? they ran out of ideas.

If you watch the right side of the screen during Tony's snap you see Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight close their eyes and hug each other before they turn to dust. Most people miss it because Maw is staggering around center frame.

>That move took Stark out of the entire fight. Permanently.

Except for when he joined back. Do you understand what "permanently" means?

Hey dumb niggerfuck, why didn't he just throw it then? That move was just gay and pointless.

Moron. Maybe you should rewatch it again

He can pull it back whenever he wants to, and hitting it gives a lot more force than throwing it. I don't understand your autism

He was literally unconscious until the dr strange cavalry arrived, then he flew around with Iron Pepper for like ten seconds, and then suicide snapped.

Well, it's better than faceless grunts. You can say they could've been utilized better, and you are right, but you gotta put things in perspective, that being that this is the culmination of 20something movies and it's a miracle that things work at all.

You're retarded, if anything the nonfight parts of the movie dragged on

>w-why throw a right punch when could have thrown a left

A meaningless complaint. Youre clearly bored. He did it cuz he wanted to. End of discussion. You dont need to like it

Literally no, Thor sends the hammer flying stupidly before Tony is even grabbed. It literally hits Tony instead of Thanos and knocks Tony's armor apart. You're actually retarded.

So you dont know what permanently means

>in a permanent manner : in a way that continues without changing or ending : in a way that is not brief or temporary

Everyone was momentarily knocked out during the fight, including Thor. What are you even trying to argue? Are you insane?

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>>has the strength to knock it fast but can't throw it fast, being Thor the God of Thunder and all.

You're too fucking stupid to talk to.

And even still it saved him from being torn in half. What are you struggling to understand moron

>>silly headcanon as un-disputable face

Keep doing you, user.

Literally nothing in that post said he cant throw it fast you worthless retard. He said he can simply strike it harder and faster. This isnt difficult to understand if you have half a brain


>Thor dual-wielding Stormbreaker and Mjolnir
>ends up just throwing Mjolnir as a starter move and just end up using Stormbreaker most of the time
I didn't catch it the first time, but it was even more obvious the second time. Also, I get that he's out of shape but did the Russos forget about pic-related and how Thor doesn't need weapons for his lightning to manifest now? IW made the discrepancy less obvious with him mowing down the army but it's like they completely forgot about it come Endgame.

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Actually, Thanos grabbed Tony just to block the hammer throw.

That's a fair assessment, but it's still weird. The only one who ever feels like a possible threat is Maw. Obsidian's three losses are all super embarrassing.

What's it like being massively wrong about everything in your life, always?

He was PERMANENTLY knocked out of the Cap/Tony/Thor v Thanos fight, you retarded spergs.

As in he was knocked out and did not regain consciousness until that fight was OVER. He was removed from the fight for it's duration.

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Please inform of where the headcanon is moron? Thanos had stark in the air above his head with both hands on each end of the body. He was either going to rip him apart or bring him down on his knee. Either move would probably kill him with thanos' full strength. So whether he threw it early or with no intent of hitting stark, it still saved him from potential death. Ignoring this wont change it.

Attached: Let's see if it happens 2.png (1872x452, 113K)

TIL retarded fat neckbeards think Thor playing tee-ball with Mjolnir was le epic cool xD and get very fucking triggered if you tell them it was gay. Which it was.

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This. He wasn't picking him up Bane style, he literally only picked him up to block the hammer.

>The only way to use the stones with the gauntlet is by closing his fist

he could have just snapped again

Tony was in the air above him moron. He didnt have to block anything

>> he was gonna rip him apart for sure! muh headcanonz! must defend shitty writing! must never remove the fat kike niggerdick from my shill asshole!!! awoooo

See Retard

It makes sense that thor can strike something harder than he can throw. Contain your autism

>Tony was in the air
He was not, he was directly in front of him because Thanos was walking towards him as he blocked his lasers, he grabbed him and put him between himself and the hammer.

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No it doesn't you actual retarded faggot.

Worthless post without an argument. Concession accepted

Here it is, moments before disaster.

Attached: mpc-hc64_2019-05-07_01-17-15.jpg (1903x755, 125K)

Hey retard. Post the moment it hit. Not the moment before dumb dumb

>more Scarlet Witch
Good lord I'd hope so.

>being this retarded

Thor's striking power > thor's strength at throwing

Try again

Just try to stop defending Marvel for 2 seconds and actually use your brain, retard.

Genuinely speaking, I still want to know how Thanos spun his copter blades the way he did.

The scene is made more confusing because of the way it's cut, because you see Thor baseball swing and send mjolnir at Thanos, then you cut to Tony and Thanos fighting and like two or three seconds go by which was clearly more than enough time for the hammer to hit Thanos since it is moving like a fucking bullet, and then finally Thanos grabs Tony and picks him up to block the hammer and the hammer hits Tony and sends him flying unconscious.

It's just really badly cut which is surprising because most of the rest of the fights were edited really well.

OK? There he goes, he was sent flying when the hammer hit him.

Attached: mpc-hc64_2019-05-07_01-20-06.jpg (1917x752, 116K)

Thought so

And here is the precise moment of impact if you're going to tell me that's what you wanted.

Attached: mpc-hc64_2019-05-07_01-21-07.jpg (1914x752, 123K)

Again youre posting with nothing to say. At least dont make it so obvious

It's literally a Thanoscopter callback.

Attached: thanoscopter-640x320.jpg (640x320, 71K)

If this "Feige/Carol cut" is true, that sounds genuinely horrible and I don't even hate Captain Marvel.

well yeah of course dude, imagine all the black order stuff cut, from both films

would you have preferred 3 IW movies?

He trained as a Sith Inquisitor

From what i can tell, and the only thing that makes sense to me, is that the blades are attached to the handle by magic space magnets, so they spin around the handle and Thanos's hand, but the handle/grip stays in place.

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>As in he was knocked out and did not regain consciousness until that fight was OVER

>when he was the one who ended the fight
what did the idiot mean by this?

Why would thor be able to throw something harder than he can hit something with full motion? Are you genuinely stupid? You think you can throw a baseball harder than someone can wack it?

I'm not the massively delusional faggot who is 100% wrong about a topic I'm passionately defending, so no, you don't deserve actual debate or argument because you're too stupid to live.

Russos after watching Aquaman decides it was cool and added to Endgame

You have no debate or argument. This was clear 3 posts ago. Its why your posts now are meaningless filler.

>until that fight

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Cap used thunder powers more than Thor in this movie. Thor's trying to get Thanos in an armbar or some shit while Captain America straight-up Pikachu down-Bs him. What the fuck was up with that.

Lol at the faggot thinking he won something because I refuse to engage in his autism. That's adorable.

Still dont know what permanently means i see. Retard

Literally half of that fight was Thanos punching, kicking and generally beating the fuck out of boomer Thor.

There is nothing to "win". You just have nothing to actually say. Again it was clear 3 or so posts ago. This is just you covering your anonymous ego for some reason

Was Endgame just Shitting on Thor: The Movie?

Dude you're so fucking gay you might as well end your posts with "child" or "little one"

My argument is that you're a mindless shill who can't even pick up the simplest of concepts in a fucking MARVEL MOVIE. What's your argument again, faggot? That he was gonna be ripped apart by Thanos if Thor didn't serve Mjolnir like a tennis ball? Gr8 argument you're a regular Stefan Molyneux.

Just stop being a faggot.

My nigga. They said in IW Thanos must close his fist to use infinity stones. Snap is the only exception.
She was stopping him from closing his fist.

No, it was the "depowering Thor" movie because he is going to stay around and it would be troublesome if he stayed as an invincible living god in the MCU and he could just one shot every threat that came his way.

Christ, after all that you decided to add more nonsense to your post? For what purpose? I got about halfway through and gave it up. you literally have nothing say. Swallow your pride. Nobody can see your face or knows who you are

I mean, snapping is basically closing your fist with style and pizazz.

I don't believe this simply because it says that Kevin F is smitten with Brie Larson, i refuse to believe that anyone except for maybe her immediate family and twitter drones like that unlikable charisma vacuum.

Keep repeating yourself and adding nothing of substance or value, while simultaneously believing in your delusional sperg brain that you're right.

You mean like captain marvel? You idiot, we can take guesses as to why they shot on Thor this movie, but it isn't because they're scared of him being overpowered.

>an invincible living god in the MCU and he could just one shot every threat that came his way

Yeah I mean... that would wreck the entire setting.

Attached: invincible_living_god.jpg (258x387, 83K)

>Keep repeating yourself and adding nothing of substance or value,

Harping me wont work either. As thats literally what ive been telling you to give a rest the last 3 posts. Take your own advice and stop being so sour. You can easily avoid embarrassment, youre anonymous

>No, it was the "depowering Thor" movie because he is going to stay around and it would be troublesome if he stayed as an invincible living god in the MCU and he could just one shot every threat that came his way.

Retarded reasoning as marvel clearly isnt afraid of that

Being this triggered and having to cope this hard because you can't understand trivial concepts in your favorite capeshit movies.

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Tony taking the stones off of Thanos seemed like it was missing some context. It felt hurried.


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He is wearing nanomachines and you see them placing the stones in place on his hand.

Depowering Thor is fine from a character-writing standpoint, but outright removing things from his skill set just comes across as contrived and ignorant of his previous developments.

This. Though it would have been more obvious if he did more nanotech tricks like he did in IW to hint at it.

Would be a trainwreck if Feige had his way.

Now youre trying to hard. Thats your ego. Face it, you've been whining for 5 post now saying fuck all at the same time. and I've just been passively replying to the nothing you've been saying. And it's getting you upset

>>Still can't let go that he get something about Iwon Mans wrong.

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Whats to "let" go. Im replying to. As you are to me. Youre really running on fumes now arent you? At least your posts are getting shorter

>> Having to cope this fucking hard on an anonymous image board.

Attached: rw.png (284x231, 9K)

Ironic as you seem extremely defensive. Youre really hiding now

>> Don't you see how much I am owning you, child? Look how little I care!

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Its starting to get a little awkward tho. Youre showing your hand too much. Thats that ego again

How the fuck did they make his face look so lifelike?

>>So what I've never been outside or had sex?? You're still here, replying to me!!

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Thanos is real, DIsney grew him in a lab.

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How are you so crushed by all of this? Its crazy really

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this is fake because they would never write ancient one that way. dr strange movie shows she couldn’t be able to see that far into the future