Alright lets do it

alright lets do it

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all that for this?

Sneed's Feed and Seed

starbucks cup, every scene

We Are Not Men

Just Keep My Dog

it's not worth it

Danerys wins the throne

My dad was right

more tits before feminism

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leave everything the same

no more sex scenes

It doesn't bring happiness

these guys get it

It's already ruined faggot

Books? What are those?

the leaks were right

Dave Benioff Dan Weiss

more starbucks product placement

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GRRM calls show canon.

Arya kills the mountain

tits were all cgi

jon sniffs dragon farts

Rewatched the beginning seasons, and the huge sudden shift is jarring as fuck. You guys speak the truth. Feminism and leftists are the new pearl clutching Christians.

nothing like the books

it doesn't get better

D.B. Weiss & David Benioff

Leave like it is

All niggers must hang

All tits, no dongs.

Just not canon anymore.

There goes the last bit of fondness I had for the show

No need, already ruined

It's all bran's vision

it's just a meme


Leave it to Dabid

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You're a mad lad
>Cuts off Dany head
It's all a game of thrones in the end.

Is it over yet?

The show is canon.

Dany is best girl

David Benioff, D.B. Weiss

starkcuck fucks starbucks targschmuck

No, that honor belonged to the beautiful, illustrious, smirking beauty that was Margaery Tyrell.

Kill Stannis, spare Sam

lord of the rings

Daenerys is Azor Ahai

Ours was the fury

Jon will kill Daenerys

Thank gods for bessie

3 good ballista bolts

Yasss slay queen khaleesi

Do you like anal?

It is already ruined

Renewed for five seasons.

go back to twitter

The ending subverts expectations

so much wasted time

That would save it, actually.

Sansa is Night Queen

The leaks are true.

Also, the leaks aren't true.

The show is already fucked.

David Benioff Daniel Weiss

lack of source material

I wonder how many tendies and belly rubs his feminist wife gave him for wearing that shirt.

Melrose place with dragons

Shit box soap opera

Tyrion isn't important anymore

Jon explains tax policy

Fuck off back to plebbit

just watch the show

My Expectations Are Subverted

Dany forgot about euron
Arya kills night king
Dany gets the throne
theres so many ways...

The tabloid tv show.
Fuck this gay show.

John steals the dragon

Make GoT more inclusive!


hitler did nothing wrong

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No words are needed

Season's five through eight

Wouldn't "Sneed's" count as two words? I know it counts as two in cases like "it's" because it's shortening "it is" but I'm not sure about this case. Any grammar teachers here to enlighten me? I'll post cute feet if you do

it is already ruined

and who are you

All Expectations Must Die

>It was HER turn
Ohnonono how can r/edditbros come back from this?

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In purgatory all along

Nothing good is left

Jonsa happened after all

benioff and weiss writing



We are Devo!

we listened to twitter

Women shouldn't be politicians

What does this even fucking mean?

Tyrion wins the throne.

5 words sucker.


Just watch season five

This tobeho

Finger In The Bum

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the 's is to indicate possession not a contraction like it's or can't.

It's On Ly OK

Stannis isnt coming back

Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, Cersei

Haha did you read my post as "Sneed 'is' feed and seed"? You fucking retard lmao

Podrick is Azor Ahai

Arya kills Night King

dragon sex genital warts

Too many damn midgets.

We Told You So
>or alternatively
Gas All The Kikes

Dude you’re fucking stupid. The apostrophe and s in Sneed’s shows possession, as in the Feed and Seed belongs to Sneed. You seriously are unaware of this basic element of English grammar? Gtfo this board you illiterate mong

I know it's not a contraction, I was asking if it still counts as two words in the case of possession. It seems odd to me that something seperated by an apostrophe counts as one word. We don't use them in my language so I don't have much experience with it.

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Dany says Nigger Faggot

All women are whores

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Dabid did it already

no danny dragon titfeeding

Didn't hire competent writers

Let's make season eight

Can somebody pleash post the rape theon, remember the rape webm?

That was a shame. I fapped to a lot of things that happened in early Dany chapters.

Ur a nigger dany

Ayra kills every villain.

Ser Gregor, the rape.

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Why is it always third worlders that try to quarrel with english grammar. If it's all together it's one word, regardless of apostrophes.

I seriously don't understand how you can fuck this up. She is literally the focus of the shot.

tysha actually was whore

I am No One

what a beautiful rape

Ghost fights Cersei, wins.

It’s called not caring

Season 8, Episode 3

It's only a show

oysters clams and cuckolds

D & D

Let's NOT get married

Finger up the bum

They cared enough to block the shot properly, set the focal length to appropriate distance, have actors give believable performance for their business, respect filmmaking principles in editing and shot composition, and boom/ADR the soundscape properly. Yes the script is lazy but the production is not. So I ask again, how do you fuck this up?

It's called viral marketing through outrage

>producers of a company's biggest cashcow show (ever) are okay with it being mocked and berated on social media them sweet outrage clicks
Use that noggin, user.

who the fuck cares

branwin lannister will win

Rape, Kill, Big Chair

Bring back zombie Marge

Simpsons already did it

Better they talk about the EPIC WHOOPSIE than the focus of the conversation being how much the story sucks.

Sansa wins iron throne

>he doesn't know what a genitive is

it's already ruined tho

this shit sucks balls

I HIGHLY doubt that they put in intentional flubs to mid production because to distract from a predicted flop in ratings for the final season of the most popular show on television by a large margin.

out of source material

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You don't.
It was paid for. It is fucking good advertising if the Twitter trending and hordes of photos of Starbucks cups on instagram are anything to go by.

Noh, now it ens

it was always bad

arya kills cersei niggers

Burlington Bar Bessie Gone

Only twenty good men


Cersei thrives Dany dies

The Jews are good

Melisandre boobies edited out

I want to believe this is not true but it's hard to argue with those quads. I reluctantly check'em

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There are too many GoT threads. Stop it/

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