How can anybody think this movie isn't kino?
Predators (2010)
It's alright. The newest one was on HBO this weekend and I turned it off after an hour. The entire kid thing was fucking retarded.
I’m still waiting for the sequel but no we get another shitty earth one even though after the first one they are kinda garbage.
It's fucking sweet! Goggins shanking P and calling it space faggot is kino
ruined by Topher Grace unfortunately.
How bad is it? Is it a parody?
Its fucking shit.
Literally everything about it is a corporate tick box.
First 30 minutes is good and just gets worse as it goes on
Agreed. The predator parts couldn’t make for le 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 iq 10 year old
>How can anybody think this movie isn't shit?
Who knows.
It's bad all around but it loses its value even in camp once it hits the mid mark. At that point I just want to see how everybody dies
if you like predator lore you'll fucking hate it.
Instead of them being game hunters who skin and rip out skulls/spinal cords for honor and trophies, they're instead going around the galaxy harvesting DNA from the fucking autistic kids of every alien race they come across.
Predators at least expands the lore without shitting on everything that came before it. All of the people who wrote The Predator should be castrated and fucked with a moldy cactus.
Laurence Fishburn's impression of Brando Marlon is pretty bad.
They actually cut several Predator-hybrid monsters of the film which were going to be used in the last act, as well as Predators who don human military garb to fight alongside the main cast. A shame, really.
It's not a parody, but a genius biologist character (token tits & ass) unironically starts giving lip service to the "theory" that "autism is the next stage of human evolution". The gene-stealer Predators aren't actually after autism (the one comes to Earth to hunt down a fugitive Predator) but he does try to kidnap the autistic kid because the child is actually an autist-savant who was able to decipher Predator language, which impressed the Predator.
It's a painful film to watch, but it would have been at least ignorable if the very last scene didn't exist.
I have a definite memory of driving to the next town to see this film on my day off as a stupid escape from my long-hours factory job. While driving there, I had the extremely boring (scoreless) World Cup final going on the radio, out of sheer curiosity.
I did actually like what I saw, just the one time. The Brody character literally flung into (the shit) cold, Kafka-esque. What makes that Topher Grace character different (same) from/with the others? I liked how that got resolved. I guess the silly Yakuza stand-off was an homage to Billy, now that I think about it, but it's been nine years since I saw the flick after all.
It's pretty good for simple monster flick
My friend was angry after he saw it in theaters. I mean, legit fuming. I told him to calm down, there was no way it was that bad. I watched it on HBO finally and I'm saying this without a hint of irony, it's the worst film involving a Predator in any way shape or form. Not even entertaining in a bad way.
I thought the super predators looked too much like Little Wayne.
It also helps if you think of it as a 90s movie
Only saw it once and never cared to see it again, but it was trash. The Topher Grace "twist" was embarrassingly obvious. The only redeeming parts were Laurence Fishburne and the yakuza dude.
Everything about it is dull and uninspired. It has zero suspense, the characters are unmemorable, and the action is never exciting.