Was it good?

was it good?

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It was okay, I think it gets shit on more than it deserves

are there some nude scenes in this?

Visuals were some of the best I've seen in recent cinema desu
Worth it just for the art direction

I liked it.

It's good.

It wasn't the worst, but it could have been so much better. They recreated iconic scenes and shoe-horned them in to their frankenstein-ed plot. The plot ended up being focused on the major which completely goes against the soul of GitS.

In the end, I didn't hate it, but didn't love it.

It was really bad. Get over it.

unironically kino

Pretty bad, the movie couldn't decide whether or not it was an original movie with its own iconic moments or merely a soulless recreation of a classic.

Pretty much ended up being an average version of the original, it had its moments but overall: forgettable.

Attached: how not understanging symbolism can lead to boring visuals.png (1280x720, 600K)


It's a really mediocre film with pretty visuals, everything that made the manga OR the film good was completely discarded for some muddled result, every character was given little to no development, and it tried to vaguely appeal to a western audience while also trying to work around Japanese cultural elements. Scarlett's character being revealed to be Motoko all along is the final nail in the coffin of a story with an identity crisis. Also see
without context, which picture do you think illustrates the character's sense of isolation more?

it was much better than the average for an american popcorn flick
also, scarjo looked truly gorgeous, despite her old age

It was pretty good. It was coherent which the anime is not and it was a nice looking film.
The only people who think it sucks are the anime fan boys who don't understand a live action version of their precious anime doesn't do a damn thing to their precious anime. Still exists. Ain't going anywhere.

Completely forgettable

It was ok, sadly since it was a GitS movie it was compared with the best of the franchise and in relative terms it looks bad.

Also the backlash of "muh whitewashing" didn't helped at the time either, this movie deserved a little bit better

>Not blurring out the city for depth of field
What a soulless dumpster fire

>which the anime is not
ask me how I know you're retarded

I don't care about your opinion japanime faggot.
No really. I owned Ghost in the Shell growing up.
That's an incoherent mess.
Sure if you have someone explain it to you, which you know you have, then I suppose it makes a good deal of sense.
But it's a disjointed mess.
It's pretty. And that's why nerds love it.
They carry on and on and on about the art.
But fucking shit I can read a comic book for that.

very good

Patlabor was better than OG Ghost in the Shell

not him but the plot 100% makes sense.
i'm not going to get into personal attacks about it but, yeah man, that's all on you.


>needing someone to explain something to you when literally everything is explained or can be inferred while watching the movie
I don't give a shit if you owned it growing up, you're still a literal retard.
go back to being spoonfed capeshit

based retard can't enjoy a story if it's not spoonfed to him

Kinda forgettable

Complete dog shit. And it was pretty insulting to Asians, honestly.

See? You have to imply that the original Ghost in the Shell doesn't " spoonfeed " you.
Mother fucker there were whole websites dedicated to explaining that film when it came out.
You've just had it explained to your faggot asses about 100 times on the internet and take credit for your understanding.
It's a rather trite way of being.

>go back to being spoonfed
> go back to coherent plots
I did. I saw the Ghost in the Shell live action movie. It was pretty good.

no. and how dare you.

Movie good. Anime movie bad.
Take these (You)s as a thanks for changing my opinion with your convincing arguments

Well you know what a really fun exercise is?
You ask fans of the anime Ghost in the Shell why they hate the live action film.
You get really trite comebacks.
" It's not the anime! "
And all their arguments pretty much resort to that logic.
Sometimes you get shit like,
" It insults Japanese people! "
Except they're not the pussies complaining.

just because (You) had to google it doesn't mean everyone else did
but keep on not thinking while you watch a film, seems to be working out for you

>just because (You) had to google it
> Sweet projection
Oh and I never said I didn't understand the original Ghost in the Shell. I grew up with it. Watched it a lot of times.
The live action movie is far more coherent.
You can watch it one time and understand fully right there, and it doesn't really lose any of it's complexity. I mean it still retains all the deep messages of the original, it just manages to portray those points much easier.
And it did. And does.

>I mean it still retains all the deep messages of the original, it just manages to portray those points much easier.
>Tries (and fails) to summarize the individual 11 plot and throws in a generic existential plot focused on the major
>deep messages of the original