>you now realise that Steve knew he could easily lift the hammer here but didn't out of respect for Thor
You now realise that Steve knew he could easily lift the hammer here but didn't out of respect for Thor
wow I now realise that Steve knew he could easily lift the hammer there but didn't out of respect for Thor
How does one get forearms like Evans?
he couldn't lift it there because it was done for a game and not for a worthy purpose
based cap
Do you think he makes that face when he fucks Peggy Carter's ass with his rock hard cock?
What makes Thor worthy?
Aryan blood
Fuck Chris Evans
Probably not yet on that point
>100 year old virgin on steroids
>implying he doesn't nut in 0.2 seconds
I figure that Steve was always worthy but Mjolnir didn't let itself be lifted for the sake of a game
Be honest though what was your reaction when he finally wielded the hammer?
Why couldnt the hulk lift it?
>wiggles the hammer slightly
So he was.... sort of worthy? Pretty dumb, either you are worthy or you're not.
Well my social anxiety stopped me from clapping and cheering, but I thought about doing it and regretted not doing it for the rest of the movie
cause Mark Ruffalo keeps trying to bring up his dislike of trump in cast interviews
Just added to his list of retarded, inconsistent powers. Thor arriving in IW was better.
He was willing to sacrifice himself to save the lives of innocents. Watch Thor (2011).
>He didn't want to steal his thunder.
Hey, me too!
>thor is at his zippity zappity comic power level for 5 minutes
>gets fat and useless in the next film
>hulk nerfed too
Gotta sell that captain marvel bullshit.
No, at this point he wasn't worthy because he wasn't a ruler or leader
So basically every superhero ever.
You're just realizing that now and not just from how the scene plays out?
>but didn't out of respect for Thor
Why the fuck do people keep saying this? He tugged it a few times then gave up. He didn't quit out of respect for Thor.
>god of thunder
>literally a god of a loud noise
Then why couldn't Tony lift it? He sacrificed himself for all of New York
I wish but the chances of that happening are literally as low as can be without actually being directly 0
He did it to impress Gwyneth.
top kek
His ego is too huge I guess. I don't fucking know it's a children's cartoon movie.
Pile of utter horseshit which made no sense at all and I wished a pox on the house of everyone who got any sort of enjoyment out of these badly written shitfests
Prettty much. You can see the hammer slightly moves as steve tries to lift it, but then it didn't. When he realized he could move it, he started to fake it.
Super soldier serum
take your meds. have sex, loser
shit was completely obvious and in-your-face
that what passes for complex subtext in american flicks?
he's not a warrior, thor and captain are
captain america is the most bland, boring and uninspired of all those ridiculous disney superheroes
that's really deep, you're really fucking smart OP.
That's how I interpreted that also..
Mjolnir rocked just enough to show Thor he wasn't the only worthy being and to show Steve that he was worthy.
But Steve 100% didn't not lift Mjolnir to save it for later or not embarrass Thor.. That's a ridiculous way to look at that scene.
the events of civil war and infinity war made him worthy
he was close but just not there. and all that lose and the humility of losing and all that made him worthy
also he was using it for a worthy cause and not for a drunken bet
>t. didn't watch the Cap trilogy
I used to think he was the worst but now I like him.
I wasn't surprised at all because I lurk here and I'm not a big capeshifter.
In emergencies Steve has been able to lift the hammer in every media it has existed in. Sorry faggot
That has nothing to do with being worthy to lift the hammer you cartoony fag. You have to be a warrior, you have to be righteous, you have to be willing to kill but not take pride in it, shit like that. "Self sacrifice" is not a prerequisite
kys virgins
But, I was fucking stoked how much screen time Ant-Man got and how important Ant-Man was in comparison to the other Avengers movies.
Ant-Man is hands down the best Avenger
You obviously didnt watch his movies except maybe the first one and thats why you said a objectively stupid thing. He has the best movies in the whole damn thing
So uh, what happened to Loki?
I 100% have had more sex than you without paying. Now please kill yourself
>a fucking percentage
kys nerd virgin
He's dead. The past one fucked off and ran, he's getting a tv show on hulu
>Virgin doesn't know common colloquialisms because he doesn't go outside
As expected. Cowabunga bitch
Nha, this was before winter soldier and civil war, Steve needed to grow and understand that sometimes to protect whats right you must go against the law or the establishment, he had the potential here but wasn't entirely worthy yet
>common colloquialisms
seriously, neck yourself you children’s capeshit loving nerdy low-t bedwetting inept lying virginal fuckwit
This is what Captain America should have been.
captain homoeroticism blocking degeneracy with his carefully shaded dong
as oppose to what super hero?
Money and roids.
>Be honest though what was your reaction when he finally wielded the hammer?
I went apeshit internally. Like airhorns and shit.
why are you seething with rage from talking about comic book characters?
Honestly, this
>grabs it
>starts pulling and feels it wiggle
>stops pulling and just pretends to pull for another few seconds
>I figure that Steve was always worthy but Mjolnir didn't let itself be lifted for the sake of a game
I completely agree with you.
>Be honest though what was your reaction when he finally wielded the hammer?
I was so happy when Steve finally lifted Mjolnir. I always knew Steve was worthy.
You're really pathetic.
>hammer wobbles
>shot of thor looking suprised and then looking at steve
>steve obviously faking how heavy it is and then making a big dramatic show over how he cant lift it
>thor sits there with a stern look of suprise
Now i see why MCU films are so popular amongst plebs
>people unable to understand that he had character progression throughout subsequent films that made him worthy
Imagine being this retarded
wow I now realise that Steve knew he could easily lift the hammer there but didn't out of respect for Thor
is vision a warrior?
Simon Pegg was correct
Vision is a really big toaster.
Let's settle this:
The worthiness enchantment was placed on the hammer by Odin in order to teach Thor to be a better Prince of Asgard so BY DEFINITION only a worth Prince of Asgard can lift the hammer. It's literally training wheels for Thor.
Now, who do we know can lift it:
1. Thor - the events of the first film teach him to be less arrogant and place the good of the realm before himself. This concept is repeated through the rest of the Thor films.
2. Steve - his whole character is putting America (and later the World) before himself.
3. Vision - the wild card here but the events of Infinity War and the implication of his existence is that of an utterly altruistic being as a result of his synthetic existence.
The key aspect of worthiness isn't just the ability to lay your life on the line, it's the recognition that you exist purely to serve others. This is why Tony and most people who are good guys, despite being good guys, can't lift the hammer. Being capable of lifting the hammer is an act of selfless bravery utterly beyond anything Tony could possibly conceive - he's just not wired right.
>is an act of selfless bravery utterly beyond anything Tony could possibly conceive
You didn't watch the movie did you?
>Last line is literally an affirmation of self
>I am Iron Man
Tony is a Randian hero.
Doesn't the hulk fail to lift it in one of the movies?
he wasnt worthy enough at that point but by endgame he was
Vision is not a person. A crane game could lift the hammer.
its just an audience tease cause everyone knows cap is the ultimate leader and can fucking lift it
>Vision is not a person.
>t. missed the point of his Infinity War scenes
He's such a hero
hey he beat up a purple space man who will literally never exist in our timeline, have some respect
ops dont kill me for this but i think he was not worthy before, you know he knew who killed tony's parents but didn't say anything
>God of Autistic Sky Screeching.
I have a couple of problems with what you've said though, particularly about Tony and Thor.
1. The whole of Endgame is about Tony putting his selfish interests (his family) to one side, and risking it all for the sake of others.
2. I watched a clip on YouTube yesterday from Iron Man (2008) where Tony is hatching some plan (can't remember what) to try and redeem himself for selling weapons. And Peppers is like "I won't stand by you while you try and kill yourself" (because she thinks his plan is suicidal). And he's like "in my heart I know it's right". So again, that's another act of Tony being selfless, and you could say his entire superhero career is him being selfless.
3. In Endgame, Thor has become completely self-indulgent: drinking beer, eating pizzas, and playing Fortnite on his PS4.
Anyway, perhaps Tony would have been able to lift the hammer in Endgame if he had tried?
Yes, in the first Avengers. It should've ripped his shoulder off.
I mean when Dr. Strange looked at Tony right before he did the old snap, he held up one finger, letting Tony know this was the only situation in which they could "win"...
It wasn't until there was no time left that Tony decided to make the ultimate sacrifice, so he really wouldn't have had any opportunity to pick up the hammer because he only reached that point of selfless for a matter of seconds.
There's a major difference between a sort of generic sense of generosity/willingness to do the right thing no matter the cost and the sort of unreserved altruism that we're talking about here.
Tony would be a poor ruler, he deals poorly with expectation and prefers to work on his own for himself and his close friends. He even says in Endgame that he'd place his family above half the universe. That exact sentiment is why he can't lift the Hammer.
Tony's line - 'I am Iron Man' - is about himself, his place in the world and the legacy he's wrought. It's the encapsulation of his character. Nobody else can ever be Iron Man, only Tony Stark.
But what's the whole point of the Hammer? The point is that more than one person can be Thor because Thor is the Prince of Asgard.
he moved the hammer and thor got freaked out then cap did a softer pull and gave up
>he couldn't lift it there because it was done for a game and not for a worthy purpose
Thor lifted it that same scene
Did they show us some "predictive programming" regarding timelines and time travel / etc in Endgame?
Maybe the term isn't predictive programming, but whatever conspiracy theorists call it when they give you information regarding what is happening behind the scenes?
>>you now realise
And you realised it now in 2019 and not in 2015? Wow capekino wievers are seriously retarded!
Imagine the amount of supercum to slurp up from your face and floor. Hot.
Thor is Thor, user. He was already worthy.
There's been times in the comics where he didn't have it because he was being a bitch.
He couldn't lift it though. Civil War proved he had deep flaws
it called "explanation" you dumb idiot
He's Aussie.
who even cares? it was shown to be able to break and there is no asgard to rule anymore so its literally just a very heavy rock
Mega yikes dude.
How gay do you have to be to cheer in public at a scene targeted for children as an adult?
What has happended to people. What has happened to men? Are they pumping onions in our water supply.
The more I see garbage about capeshit the more I believe Alex Jones that something isn't right and we as individuals are being sissified to extreme levels.
Why has "onions" been changed into "onions"? It makes no sense?
Fucking tranny jannies
This, I fucking hate that he pretended no to be worthy theory
More like- he didn't want his shitty wig to fly off.
I unconsciously made this face, then got very embarrassed when I realized. Luckily the kinoplex was almost empty
gomad and SS
>Mjolnir didn't let itself be lifted for the sake of a game
How come Thor could lift it with no issue, then?
>What was your reaction when he finally wielded the hammer?
I was excited as shit. Fucking goosebumps, man. I almost teared up a little because I didn't believe the madmen would include such a iconic moment.
>you now realize the impact was severely u dercut by having Vision do it first
>you now realize that if they had a clue what being worthy means, Boomer Thor wouldn’t have been able to lift it.
You have to think of Mjölnir like a pet that can smell all your hang ups. Cap still has unresolved baggage (Bucky Barnes) that needs to get worked out before Mjölnir completely gives into Cap.
Sorry DC has sucked so bad.
no joke, thor doesn't have to be AS worthy, just the bare minimum amount of worthy. It was just a way to get him to grow up.
others have to embody the ideal that odin had in mind.
I always assumed in that scene that Cap was in the way of becoming worthy
I mean this begs the question, why didn't Captain America end the War on Terror when he was thawed out in 2011? Why didn't he stop the Syrian Civil War from escalating to the scale it has done? Why didn't he stop Russia from annexing Crimea, or why didn't he take out ISIS five years early, saving a lot of Kurdish manpower in the process? Why didn't he help de-escalate the relationship with North Korea? Or finally end the Afghanistan conquest? Why doesn't he march south of the border and sort out the cartels? Or stabilise Yemen? Or, shit, help end the Israel-Palestine conflict? Somalia? Why can't he broker peace between Israel and Palestine, or completely end Saudi oil-funded Wahhabist extremism, or dig up the landmines in Cambodia, or stop the ethnic violence in South Sudan?
The answer is, realistically, that his character did the equivalent of this when he was first in comics in the 40s, and the equivalent is fighting for the US in World War II. But bring that forward to modern conflicts, and it loses its patriotic charm, because America's existence on the geopolitical stage is not nearly so easy to lionise. Perhaps if Captain America wanted to end world conflict, he'd first have to turn to the country he operates for.
Which is essentially the plot of The Winter Soldier, in the most facile way. And even that needed it to be the fault of secret Nazis.
It's just like how, in the third act of Iron Man, the climax is slowly reforming defence contractor Tony Stark fighting another person in a metal suit. It's like how Batman or Spider-Man could only face so much petty crime before thinking there may be larger reasons behind the criminality endemic to the inner city. You need aliens and super-villains for super-heroes, because real-world problems are too difficult and not very entertaining. And also super-heroes aren't real.
i dont know how time travel works in this movie, but surely for the bottom three, if he stopped them from happening then he'd wipe them from his memory/past and have no knowledge, thus wouldn't know to stop them in the first place. it's a paradox.
And what's he supposed to do about Vietnam? Win the War? Stop the War from happening? He's just fought an enormous battle with an alien warlord and wielded the hammer of a god, the idea of him napalming innocents is a little jarring.
Actually Cap orchestrated the Boston bombings, it was after he converted to Salafism
Or he doesn't because it wouldn't matter and just make a new timeline and he couldn't go back to his own.
nothing degenerate about fucking a dude, as long as you're doing it fascistly
or maybe he hated the Vietnamese, the Kennedies, the WTC, and Boston
*Why can't he broker peace between India and Pakistan
Didn't mean to say Israel and Palestine twice
In Winter Soldier
>"Hydra made a world so chaotic that humanity is ready to exchange its freedom for order"
So in this world, Hydra is basically CIA and Jews
Everyone in the theater went apeshit, myself included. And then went apeshit again a few minutes later when everyone started showing up for the final battle. Say what you want about capeshit but it was fucking magical seeing this and Infinity War on their opening day.
and just how do i get my hands on super soidier semen?