Who plays sarah in the biopic?

who plays sarah in the biopic?

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kino answer: Nikki Blonsky from the movie Hairspray

real answer she's not in it

I'm not the only one who would fuck her am I?


Sarah has a really cute smile but a fugly resting bitch face.

Casey Wilson would probably be good if its a comedic biopic.

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I would definitely give this fat pig a good pounding

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the hair and face shape is pretty close but too symmetrical facial features. need someone with that fucked up eye thats lower than the other like SHS

there wont be any biopic people will pretend he was never president cause even his voters are tired of him

goddamn thats one ugly bitch

Idris Elba or Emilia Clarke

Do Americans really do this?

Aletta Ocean

A bean bag with googly eyes stuck on it.

When they're not sucking Jew dick yes.


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Rosie ODonnell

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a glazed ham with googly eyes

a shaved bear

this bitch is fucken ugly as shit!

A wonderful human being who represents all humanity, bravely speaking truth to power.

I love this level of cope that you've been reduced to. You are going to be made to take your fucking medicine every single day until January 20, 2015 at which time a republcan successor will be inagurated. Do. not. doubt me on this. I promise it to you, for your own benefit.

No. One American took one for the team and does her for the rest of us.

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Who is she?

Melissa McCarthy

It's easier to get a talented person to make a fucky face than find a fucky faced person with talent

her leaks were nice

fuck off pierce

Feeding is the most alpha fetish. I can put the curves where I want too. I can visualize my thicc beast being created.

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She's paid to tell lies for Trump.

A stronger and better person than you in every way. A rare strength in a woman, to take the social abuse-for the greater good of the entire world (the good of America is coterminous with the good of the world).

even whores can take abuse for money user

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She's a fat pig. I don't even give a shit about American politics, i'm not american, but any country that has a fat lardass as their spokesman to the world should be ashamed. Fatties are not human.

There's a lot of fat, ugly women I'd fuck, but no. Not even with your dick.

Kendall Jenner

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>and better person

She claims to be a devoted christian yet lies to the American every time she opens her mouth publicly. How does that make her a better person? She's actively deceiving people.

>when Trump upsets you so deeply you literally lie to yourself out of cope

Tell me again how Hillary is 95%-96% sure to win the 2016 Election.

>She's actively deceiving people.

Unlike the average leftcuck and the leftcuck shill media of course.

>b-but whatabout

Reminder that global warming will kill us all


Daily Reminder that if this woman were a Leftist and working for a Leftist President, the Leftcucks both in the media and ITT wouldn't be able to shut the fuck up about the "online hate campaign" against her, and liken it to "GamerGate".

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So you fully admit she isn't a better person and your entire argument about how great she is is full of shit? Great.

The difference is the left isn't the party of family values and being good Christians. Then again, the president was fucking around on his wife, so what does it matter anymore?

>devoted Christian
>loves (((israel)))

only in america.

She's not being criticized for anything but her blatant, easily verifiable lies. It was the right wingers who tried to pull "how dare you bully her!!" card over a fucking comedian making one joke they twisted to be about her appearance during the correspondence dinner where the entire fucking point is to mock people in the administration and the punch line was that she lies.

Jesus gave POTUS a mulligan on cheating on all of his wives, broseph. My pastor told me that, so it's not hypocritical.

Not one leftist wouldn't be as stupid as her so your straw man is shit Ivan. Try to use English correctly next time so your trolling is not so obvious. You can start here:


So are the people tired of political correctness not allowed to be upset over the lack of political correctness now???? What a time to be alive!

Why are female American politicians so fucking ugly??

>Why are female Americans so fucking ugly??


>The difference is the left isn't the party of family values and being good Christians.

What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
The issue is that the Left is the self-proclaimed party of Feminism and protecting the wamen. And yet here is the Leftist mob ignoring a highly visible female in an important position being subjected to what they would call "an online hate campaign by incels" or something if it were happening to that horse-faced commie from California.

>She's not being criticized for anything but her blatant, easily verifiable lies.

Ten seconds on Twitter, Yea Forums, or anywhere on the Internet proves this wrong.

>Leftists smart! Leftists SMART!!!

Really convincing me with those arguments there.
Let me guess: you fell for pictures on Leftypol of the users' supposed bookshelves full of super high-brow literature they supposedly actually read?

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But that's just free speech.

This would be a fucking great movie

>When she sees my 4" FTM hairy skin graft penis

There's nobody that the Left treats with more virulent, unabashed hatred than women, blacks, Jews, gays, Muslims, etc. that fail to toe the line of Progressive group-think. They are a threat to the narrative so they are targeted first and most intensely out of all available options.

See: Ben Carson, Milo Yinnopolis, Sarah Palin, Jordan Peterson, Dr. Gad Saad, Candice Owens, etc.

She looks like a man
I seriously question how you can find her even slightly attractive

You're exactly right.

So why does that logic endure when it's Sarah Sanders, but go out the window when the same shit happens to Zoe Quinn or Kelly Marie Tran or some other worthless roastie?

Maybe because she's a public government spokesperson and not a private individual?

>it's ok to harass a woman in da gubment but not a literal con-artist or someone who gets paid to play pretend in front of a camera

Why do you people keep making up nonsensical new social "rules" to try and cover the fact that you operate on double-standards? Just admit it's a fucking double-standard. It isn't hard.

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Shocking Fact:
Politicians are also "private individuals", you fucking mongoloid.

>white knighting sarah sanders of all people
have sex

A man with a wig

I was just responding about the devoted Christian shit. Also your line of rationale's retarded, the only reason she doesn't get absolutely destroyed by the leftist media in the way you're arguing is because they'd eat their own people for cracking too many "she's fucking hideous and fat and stupid as fuck" jokes. It's the feminism that actually keeps her safe. But you probably knew that, you dumb cunt.

She fucking won the popular vote

You don't have the same level of privacy as an individual when you're a public official. That's why Trump isn't allowed to ban people on twitter, for example, because his twitter feed is now considered an official presidential communication channel.

>thing A has a 95% chance of happening
>thing B has a 5% chance of happening
>thing B happens.
>all math is wrong!!!!!!1l21!!!

Which thank God means nothing because America is a republic not a mob driven democracy

Then Twitter has no right banning US citizens on Twitter since they are denying them access to official presidential channels.

Yeah, that's how statistics work. Like if I flip a coin, call heads, and it lands on tails, heads was never going to happen, and everyone hates it anyway so who cares. Tails forever, cuck.

Interesting take on the subject, now go to Texas and argue that in court, see what happens.
As of now you are just pulling things out of your ass.

That's not how it works at all you stupid fucking asshole. Trump's Twitter feed was deemed a national channel of communication because he was actually putting out policy statements over it, as a part of the presidential record. Which it is, hilariously. Twitter's not then the defacto platform for all communications in the US to be mandated by the government in such a manner, but Trump's twitter feed is.

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Except you can still look at tweets without needing an actual Twitter account. The President himself isn't allowed to ban people from his own twitter account because that's literally taking an active action to prevent people from seeing his tweets and that goes against presidential records act or whatever.


His existing tweets are archived, and they wouldn't be denying anyone access to future tweets since those wouldn't exist.

umm, no, sweetums... just, no.