What is some Stacykino?
What is some Stacykino?
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Why doesn't she approach men? Not so easy, huh?
she cute
She’s 6’4, she’ll wreck them
she's 5'11
>offer to buy her a drink
>she tweets negative things about men trying to pick her up
It's an unwinnable fight
>29-year-old bisexual model turned actress
Yeah, I wonder why
Nah she’s 6’4
I wonder why
Shes not even that attractive. That is why she does not get hit on that much at bars.
average female height in europe, or atleast the white ubermenschen part, seriously not an argument sweetie
Chad ignoring her huh?
>Gib junkyfu to hug and fug
post rare abbeys
also how does she practice her faith?
You have to be really retarded to believe that
if she lives in LA, which she probably does, then this is the answer to this quandry
all amerimutts are manlets
What is this feeling I'm getting?
i see it daily, its just that you mutts are so fucked up genetically youre all basically midgets lmao
hi im 4'11 can i get a tall gf?
She lives in Londom
yeah no one likes degenerates
What’s your ethnicity?
5'11 is 1.80
Go check this
Then learn what heels are
Then have sex
shut the fuck up incel
Longbeard Dwarf.
Manlet and old
It's ok all women are whores so as long as you have money you can fuck all prime slavic pussy you want
Don't women hate being picked up at bars and shit like that?
Not like anyone does that shit anymore now that tinder exists to transform relationships into commodities you can shop around for
make me shut up i'd fuck you up irl skinny pasty faggot
That's literally the ideal height for a woman.
Plenty of people still do it you retarded incel
germanic women are manly freaks
100% full blooded American
>tfw manlet with fetish for tall girls
>don't even try to pick them up because if normal girls don't want shorter guys than them then somebody tall will just burst out laughing
We live in a culture where 9/10 times, walking up to a chick at a bar and flirting is considered toxic masculinity and as an extension, rape
There's a reason tinder is so popular. You can engage with someone without have the #metoo card pulled on you instantly
She looks like she drinks blood, and not even in the hot way.
What’s an incel
>men don't want to spend a hundred dollars buying overpriced drinks for some generic entitled vapid whore while abandoning their dignity and prostrating themselves at her feet all night in the hopes that MAYBE, if they're lucky, they get to take her home and have brief, unsatisfying sex with her while she just lies there drunk and smelling like shit and MAYBE, if they're lucky, doesn't accuse them of rape the next morning and forever ruin their life when she wakes up and invariably regrets sleeping around with strange men to fill the void in her empty, black heart
Gee, you don't say.
Boomers maybe. Shit noone even goes to bars by themselves anymore.
Why she always look so trashy?
Is there a non hot way?
Not letting me watch
Man, you Americans live in an utter shithole.
Bitch, I can't afford your heroin addiction!