and now Marvels showing up with multiverses and shit
and now Marvels showing up with multiverses and shit
Yeah, I don't know what they were thinking showing it right before Endgame.
Yes OP there was a Shazam movie with no action and humor catered for families. This was proof a high RT score is meaningless.
Flash movie if it is ever made should have Time travel as a possibility for his character arc.
Starro or Martians should be the next JL style film, years from now combining Horror, Action and Adventure.
I agree with u on multiverse and mcu, only bc wb leaders are pussies.
Yup it was pretty good
I found it better than Endgame. The plot for it was deeper than the clusterfuck of endgame. I really enjoyed the family theme etc. Also, there was action you fucking twat or did you not see the last 20 minutes of the movie?
If was disney that moved endgame closer to it, not the other way around.
>and now Marvels showing up with multiverses and shit
Mysterio is probably lying, you know
Just the gayer and less attractive version of superman
Also, this was a slight edge on PG 13. That demon biting this guys head off was quite surprising. Don't know how a 5 year old will react to that
1 successful DC movie doth not make a trend...
Shazam is a good movie. I don't give q rats ass about the box office. It's getting a sequel so that's already great news.
Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Shazam? Not successful?
Where's his nutsack? he's smooth up front. talk about a family show!
garbage movie only the likes of /pol/ will like
Have you seen Endgame faggot?
Oof didn't even hit the second tier...
Think they made enough money back for another movie or is he dead in the water?
I enjoyed it far more than Captain Plug-In and Endgame.
It was really good. Especially if you're actually familiar with the character, and his history. DC is at the genesis of their cinematic takeover. You can tell the new direction WB is taking is very true to DC comics tonally and with its world building, however little has been built so far.
This one was fantastically low-budget for a cape movie, so it actually did reasonably well. It was actually fun seeing Billy just walking around all goofy until he figured out how to fly.
Sorry was exp ecting some superman cabiler action scenes but there was none. The ending battle conversation w silvana was good. Overall it was a good film but i am awaiting a dceu film to top mos fights and i hop they dont neuter supes like in superman returns.
The most important part of their world-building has already been accomplished:
The mechanics of magic.
The framework for that started all the way back in MoS. It is mankind’ collective belief and imagination that fuels magic. Under the right circumstances, a symbol becomes infused with the power of that belief. It’s Grant Morrison as fuck.
And the inevitable magic lands bruv
King Kid... cast him.
/pol/ doesn't like it
Surprisingly not as convoluted as typical GM
/pol/ here we hate all of the modern capeshit movies
It's a bland contrived movie.
Go to bed Kevin
Who the hell is Kevin?
Im not sure I picked up on the framework being established for the mechanics of magic in MoS. Elaborate
I want Mary to culturally impact my dick.
It's actually the best film of the DCEU.
>/pol/ here
All that imagery people have been shitting on for years. Here’s mankind picturing Superman as one of mankind’s oldest archetypes of a higher power - Horus, a god whose name literally translates to “He who is Above.” Notice the fantastic subtlety of the pyramid suggested by the sun’s rays.
Lex names the gods whose imagery we see associated with Superman in BvS - Horus, Apollo, and Jehovah, leaving aside the Jesus imagery because Lex himself doesn’t think of Supes as a savior. That’s a role he reserves for himself.
Here’s Apollo. Notice the impossible visibility of his symbol. This mankind incorporating Superman into our “magic,” represented as mythic resonance.
The same symbol these people have drawn on their rooftop, almost like the Passover Ritual.
Now take note of the prominent use of symbols throughout Shazam, both his, the Sins’, Aquaman’s, the Batman’s, Wonder Woman’s, Superman’s, all over clothes the kids are wearing.
Now if you’re interested, it’s time to revisit the story in the 80s miniseries “Legends,” essentially the origin story for what we think of as the modern continuity that arose in the aftermath of “Crisis on Infinite Earths.” It’s a story about how Darkseid tried to steal the power of legend from mankind, and legend is just another word for myth.
Pic related.
I suspect them of using “Legends” as a sort of expanded framework that incorporates reworking of other famous arcs within it.
That’s a tough one.
If shazam was so important, why didn't they even bring him out for endgame? Even that stupid flying horse was in it. Shazam was done with decades ago, he's such a boring character.
>Yea Forums catalog is filled with 24/7 GoT + Marvel trash
>durrr i bet /pol/ like dose film lol
>I can only enjoy movies if there was HYPE, and if it made lots of MONEY, and my favourite YOUTUBERS talked about it
Mandella Effect !?!?!?!?!
Capeshit deep.
Have sex with me
That it wouldn't have done much more in other slots.
Some people have fallen under the assumption that if a superhero movie doesn't make a billion it is an automatic failure.
did this movie break 1B yet?
I’m just glad we got a sweet, family-friendly movie that was tonally perfect for the character. It’s already secured it’s spot in my comfy Christmas rotation. It’s like a companion movie to Gremlins.
So they actually wanted Shazam to die?
they fucking did that with infinity war
they did it so that every other country didn't have the movie over a week before america