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Haruki Murakami
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Hack author, no need to feed his ego.
IQ84 is an absolute fucking cringefest
Also based, but slightly less so.
Murakami in film form would basically just be a JAV
I legit thought that said 1488 for a second
the adaptation of norwegian wood was not very good, entertaining, but what they had to tone down for the pg13 rating really ruined it, so no i don't think OP should get made
Burning was based on one of Murakami's stories and it was pure keno.
in my country, this man, he is nothing
Haruki Murakami is the poor mans Natsume Soseki with just more magical realism
>He was naked when he awoke, and so was Fuka-Eri. Completely and totally naked. Her breasts were perfect hemispheres. Her nipples were not overly large, and they were soft, still quietly groping for the maturity that was to come. Her breasts themselves were large, however, and fully ripe. They seemed to be virtually uninfluenced by the force of gravity, the nipples turned beautifully upward, like a vine's new tendrils seeking sunlight. The next thing that Tengo became aware of was that Fuka-Eri had no pubic hair.
>A freshly made ear and a freshly made vagina look very much alike, Tengo thought. Both appeared to be turned outward, trying to listen closely to something – something like a distant bell.
>I was sleeping. Tengo realized. He had fallen asleep still erect. And even now he was firmly erect. Had the erection continued the whole time he was sleeping? Or was this a new erection, following the relaxation of the first (like Prime Minister So-and-So's Second Cabinet)? How long was I sleeping? But what's the difference? I'm still erect now, and it shows no sign of subsiding. Neither Sonny and Cher nor three-digit multiplication nor complex mathematics had managed to bring it down.
Shitty books. The first one was OK, the second two I read out of a sense of obligation. They should make a Netflix show with an all black cast with at least 50% of cast members being genderqueer.
>Having brought Tengo deep inside her, Fuka-Eri remained utterly still, as did Tengo, feeling himself deep inside of her. He remained incapable of moving his body, and she, eyes closed, perched on top of him like a lightning rod, stopped moving. He could see that her mouth was slightly open and her lips were making delicate, rippling movements as if groping in space to form some kind of words.
>[Tengo then has a fantasy about being ten years old and back at elementary school, before....]
>In the next second, Tengo realized that he was ejaculating. The violent spasm went on for several seconds, releasing a great deal of semen in a powerful surge. Where is my semen going? Tengo's garbled mind wondered. Ejaculating like this after school in a grade school classroom was not an appropriate thing to do. He could be in trouble if someone saw him. But this was not a grade school classroom anymore. Now he realized that he was inside Fuka-Eri, ejaculating toward her uterus. This was not something that he wanted to be doing. But he could not stop himself. Everything was happening beyond his control.
would it be kino?
Is Norwegian Wood Yea Forumskino? I had the pdf downloaded sometime ago, but never thought of it again
it's just smutt mixed with some cool stuff like jazz and cats
any recommendations on his books?
I had an ex who thinks this author shits roses and more or less dragged me into reading this, and thought it was amazing. but god damn it was so full of itself
How old are these characters...
-Kokoro, generic answer
-I am a Cat, pretty funny
-The Miner, patricians taste
-Botchan, very likable characters and most popular
None of his work would ever translate well to film.
Save for maybe The Wind Up Bird Chronicle.
But that's it. All others would be Indie tier trash elusive art garbage that would be a fucking snoozefest.
Souseki is boring.
Go with Tanizaki or Mishima if you want interesting Japanese literature
fuka eri is 17 and tengo is mid 20s i think so its all good
Holy shit, imagine trying to adapt A Wild Sheep Chase. It would be some terrible avant garde shit
burning was kino though dumbo
Dishonest and pretentious prose. Only Yea Forums worships this hack
That's my point. His novels are too steeped in that "dreamy" detached way of his narrative, and uses a lot of color metaphor-ing that doesn't translate to concrete cinematography in any way.
I'm just imagining someone trying to fucking depict the Well, and how fucking cringe it would be.
go watch burning, its even on netflix now, and come back after
dishonest criticism.
Honestly have never read any of his novels, but I have read a few of his short stories...
TV PEOPLE is actually really really fucking good.
just watch enter the void if you want this kind of trash
>short story
>even remotely close to the way he writes his novels
>Yea Forums worships him
um no...
WHAT??? What are you talking about, Yea Forums shits on him all the time and then tells you to go read some Mishima or some other equally "obscure" but actually popular author.
I love that Steven Yeun went for a Korean language film.
I haven't even seen it, but I really respect him doing that and embracing his heritage.
even Yea Forums isn't that obtuse
Why do you faggots read this pretentious garbage.
his short stories are exactly how he writes most of his books.
what you are trying to say is that the adaption of Burning is nothing like work.
please do your homework next time.
you made a definitive statement and you're wrong
lots of his work could be adapted into a good film, it would just have to be done with a large degree of creative license and not a workmanlike attempt at 'accuracy'
>his short stories are exactly how he writes most of his books.
No, they most certainly aren't.
>what you are trying to say is that the adaption of Burning is nothing like work.
This might be more true.
I can see Hardboiled Wonderland working just fine.
I didn't actually mean he's obscure, he's one of the most popular Japanese authors in the US. But those faggots love to be pretentious and have somehow managed to make him simultaneously niche contrarian choice?
You may be right actually, the CG for all the sheep and wall would be egregious though
how fucking pleb are you to think Murakami is trying to masquerade himself under any pretense?
>No, they most certainly aren't.
I just don't agree. I haven't read his full work so I can see a discrepancy in the specific works that both of us have read, but any paragraph of his work can instantly be recognized imo
2bh Murakami does come off as pretentious sometimes.
>stop liking what I don't like
>stop doing what I don't do
>a bloo bloo bloo
Shit I meant unicorns. The cg for the unicorns would be terrible
meh it was boring and it sucked
big step back for a director I like
only roasties read jap authors
How come Murakami is the only popular current Japanese author outside of Japan?
Everyone else that's recognizable is either dead or 100+ years old.
You're so far up your own arse you can't see it.
You may continue enjoying garbage for all I care.
>You may continue enjoying garbage for all I care.
>t. faggot whining about people enjoying things
>You're so far up your own arse you can't see it.
Murakami is bland incarnate. I've literally spent all day reading piss poor hentai erotic dialogue and this was the best day I've had all month. I'm the first one to call out how lame I am.
Most things don't get translated, people like the magical realism shtick, modern lit is generally pretty bad and its hard to find good authors in English, much less in Japanese. Most of the 100 year old stuff was popular in its own time, which produced tons of translations. The early 20th century will always be the golden period for English Translated Japanese lit.
i like those and osamu dazai
Real japanese authors write and draw manga
who is the gook and why am I seeing his books on every normie girls desk
Japanese author (as in the actual literary kind, not the light novel shit). His works are "cerebral" for lack of a better term and very surrealist / magically realist.
He really is quite a good author.
Although a word of caution, I once read to separate translations of The Wind-up Bird, and I found them to be drastically different to the point the entire writing style and authorship felt different. So his fame as an international author might come from an indirect proxy of a translator's eloquence. (The translator in question was Jay Rubin)
I’ve read three of his books and didn’t like a single one.
my boss at my last job gave me his book about an elephant or something. She's a half-thai art ho so I knew it couldn't be good.
It’s basically already done with Haibane Renmei
Yea Forums hates him though