Flat Earth discussion thread
Earth is flat
Flat Earth discussion thread
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it is a cube retard
Let's get this to the front page.
Science rules
Dubs and it's flat, singles it's round
the earth is a flat disc resting on top of a sphere that's hollow and full of dinosaurs fucking retard
reddit and israel btfo
It's an infinite plane you brainless faggot, there is no edge there's only more water and ice and land
Jesus cocksucking Christ how many times do I have to explain this on this board, there's no proof it's flat and less that it's a sphere or a spheroid or an oblate spheroid or whatever that fudgepacker Steven Fry claims it is
You get on a plane and see for yourself that there is no curve and NO EDGE you FUCK
My Lord who art in heaven I don;t know why I try to correct you people everytime, the thread get s shoah'd everytime I start posting the TRUTH about the EARTH being a INFINITE FLAT PLAIN with parallel realms
fucking retards, the earth is a cube
>what are flight paths
>what are geostationary satellites
>what is gravity
>what is mass
>what are ships on the horizon
Fuck gravity vectorial, density/buoyancy scalar ftw
This whole flat earth shit show reminds me of the early sjw stuff. It all started out as a big meme and then idiots actually started to believe it.
That's what it did start out as, specifically it was a debate thing where one side would take up the absurd position that the earth was flat as practice for arguing a position that you disagree with or is indefensible
I wouldn't call arguing with idiots a debate...
Except flat earthers mostly don't talk about it because it doesn't really matter and it's not worth losing relationships over. It's actually super comfy because you know that global climate change is all bullshit and so is NASA and space. It makes life much more comfy.
it's hollow you retards
>being a retard is comfy
I'm sure it is.
false. it's a disc resting on the back of four elephants standing on a turtle
i think your brain might be flat
back to /x/
>mfw a globular cuck tries to tell me on his stupidity about how the earth isn't flat because he's seen some photoshop images from NASA
>flatfag posts a webm of someone with the same IQ as him
>flat earthier asks for proof
>”you’re a retard!”
Wow fuck yeah science!
anyone who has argued with flatcucks knows that they just ignore or dismiss any evidence, so it's not worth the effort.
What a dumb fucking picture. You can't fire a gun in space.
don't be mean
she's been handed a rough hand
none of you will ever go to space so why do you give a shit what people believe?
Says who? The same people who lie about the shape of the earth
It can be hollow and flat you fucking amateur
there's no "space", kike
the sky is a globe
Flat earth, trickle down economics, God. What retarded shit will humans come up with next.
Have you been there?
based alien poster
Why is this such a debate? Who cares if someone thinks the earth is flat or whatever - let them believe it if they want. The supposed shape of the earth doesn't really change anything for the vast majority of us. Flat, round, cube, whatever - we're still going to live our lives the same way regardless of how the shape the earth is.
Mountains are trees? Is that what this is saying?
listen here gl*Betards, if the earth was round, why doesnt the terrorists simply go around it? good luck faking you're way out of this one