What the actual FUCK is he doing? What's his purpose? Why isn't he being useful...

What the actual FUCK is he doing? What's his purpose? Why isn't he being useful? Why won't DnD show us the conversations he's had with various characters this season?


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>what's his purpose

Rape and tax reform

he's just a convenient plot device for the writers
>oh shit what do we do about this
>lets make this character know everything and be able to time travel

He is literally going to be made king in episode 6. I hope you're fucking happy.

he's the new night king

he's studying previous rulers tax policies to help sansa in the coming years

hes gonna be the winner of game of thrones. he played everyone masterfully


Brandon of the House Stark, Second of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm

Attached: KINGBRAN.jpg (1100x580, 311K)

>King of the Ancels

Should have either killed him in episode 3 or had him team up with the night king.

>why don't they show conversations
They have no clue how to actually write him and the associated lore, so they basically turned him into an autistic wizard acting as a plot device.

>Second of his name
You are recognizing Brynden Rivers as a king, even though he was just the hand of the and never disputed the throne.

>autistic white incel wizard becomes mountain dew gamer king of westeros with literally zero effort or sacrifice and beinng literally carried on the backs of others for half the series

It's fucking beautiful. This will be the meltdown of all meltdowns on Twittersphere.

He lives in the past now.

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Top fucking kek. This retard is about to become king of all Westeros, hahahahahhhhhhah! What absolute utter fucking hacks.

dont mind me

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Jews literally don't know how to write powerful characters. Too many centuries anonymizing their desert demon. That's why cosmic beings never show up in (((Hollywood))) Marvel movies.

Just like most things in this show, he has no purpose. Dabid don't know what purpose and reason are. They create things and foreshadow things with no intention of ever paying them off in a meaningful way. I'm convinced they think the reason GoT became as popular as it did is the shock factor of events like the Red Wedding and nothing else.

And the hot incest lelel LMAO xD

what was he doing?

Nah he wont, he gonna live inside a tree somewhere, and fap to historical incest till his last years

>the only winning move was not to play at all

based, expectations subverted with a nice dash of poetry

Watching rapes in other times, in other lands.

Watching Sansa's beautiful rape for the 337th time. He only does it to make himself stronger, just like tha actual rape itself made Sansa stronger.

Browsing /r9k/.

He’s named after a previous king in the north ya dipshit

He is manipulating the results for the benefit of his family.

He's a real player, not merely a "Good Guy".

lel, he was looking into trap generals and how to transition

If I can be a raven or a wolf, why can't I be a woman?

no shit dipshit, I was asking who is meant to be previous king