Why didn't Cersei just kill them all?
Why didn't Cersei just kill them all?
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The bitch likes toying with her prey. Notice how sadistic she looks towards dany after she kills missandei.
Fake tension and retarded writing.
It will be a woman who sits on the Iron Throne, guaran-fucking-teed. I'm betting on Sansa.
Because they didn't have the budget or insight to do a bird's eye view shot including King's Landing and a full army, following the parlay.
Could be laziness.
You know like in Skyrim you go into a village and it's 5 houses, same thing.
Because the war isn't until next week.
Why did they burn the dead at the start of the episode?
Is 90+ men really all that was left of the Unsullied or were the rest of the dudes just standing by elsewhere?
The season needs to last longer, dumb
isn't cersei supposed to have a pregnant belly?
D&D don't care about time or she is faking it?
Hold on...I will say that some of this makes sense...some of it. But the rest is just a bunch of bitches crying because the storyline isn’t going how they want it. Does it make sense that Dany should have seen Euron? Yes. Would I have liked to have known what Sansa and Arya said? Yes, but maybe there is a reason they didn’t tell us. But Jamie leaving Brienne sobbing, and people are pissed? Because they expected Jamie to live happily ever after with Brienne? We all know that’s not who he is. (Though I believe whole-heartedly he is NOT going back to make up with Cersei). Just because the story doesn’t follow what everyone wants doesn’t make it bad. There’s plot holes in everything, EVERYTHING. Get over it.
However, Jon did Ghost wrong. That shit was fucked up
The writing is so bad it’s not even funny
Parley is a thing, consult the wiki
Because they were discussing terms and Cersei is superstitious enough not to try to pull a Walter Frey on them.
It will be Danerys. The whole thing with Carl Drogo was a feint, that gold was really only gold paint.
Because the story is written by retarded hacks who would never think of such an obvious detail, for retarded viewers who would never notice such an obvious oversight.
Fuck I meant Viserys*
All these names sound the same
all the unsullied should be dead but 50% of them survived the long night so 49% could get killed by euron.
What else are they gonna do with them?
why didn't they just use arya to kill the mountain and cersei?
what if the child is a dwarf and kills her like tyrion killed their mother?
>Cersei is superstitious enough not to try to pull a Walter Frey on them.
>blew up the most sacred religious building in the entire kingdom and killed hundreds of innocent people and then smirked about it
Cersei is an actual sociopath. She does not feel empathy or regret. It's completely and utterly out of character for her to play fair when the chance to just end the way right then and there presents itself to her on a silver platter.
Arya kills Cersei (Remember the lord of light saying she will shut green eyes forever? Cersei has green eyes)
Littlefinger makes a return somehow, I DO NOT KNOW MUCH, but all I know is he returns
Dany becomes the "mad queen" and dies at the hands of Sansa, Jon also dies in battle
Gendry will sit on the iron throne
You heard it here first.
>Because they were discussing terms and Cersei is superstitious enough not to try to pull a Walter Frey on them.
So she was carrying the idiot ball?
All lies. I know the real ending, and it has to do with a certain White-walkerfied king. Starts with an S.
D&D don't think that far ahead.
Imagine defending this garbage.
How did euron shoot drogon from behind a giant rock?
I know the real ending, and that is not it. Trust me. Screen cap this post and come back and check it after the finale.
Euron might have an aimbot, but he wasn't manning a ballista and even if he were who knows if he could have killed Drogon right there. Not hitting the dragon means a very quick retribution. Not saying the show portrayal is any good, but it's not like she had a dagger up Dany's throat and just decided not to slash it out of "honor"
I meant to say it doesn't make sense, but things have their flaws. It's still a good show
Cersei used to be based, especially when she blew up that church.
But why the fuck is she clinging on to the throne? "Protector of the realm", yet she didnt lift a finger to protect the realm against the undead. She is a shitty ruler and the moment when Jaime cuts her wide will be great.
>can nail moving targets thousands of feet in the sky with perfect accuracy from on board a swaying ship
>can't hit a stationary target a few hundred feet away on the ground
And even if they missed, Drogon would have to get close to the city to attack it, giving them another, even better shot at him.
Because unprovokingly beheading a hostage is parley. Fucking retard.
blabla negotiations
scene was written to be a faceoff, Cersei would have blasted their asses easy. She doesn't care about politics and rules.
You could argue she was scared of being burned by suiciding dragon. So both were in a Stand Off, Cersei not wanting to risk to die and Dany realizing she will die if she attacks.
This. If it's parley, killing a hostage at the negotiation doesn't really fit. She should have let arrows rain at that point.
>Cersei smirks
>Gives Mountainbot the order to finish Browngirl
>Sssssssloooooowwww mmmoooootioooooonnnn
I was literally expecting either
>Browngirl slides out of bonds as her mask falls off revealing Arya, who then kills Cersei or Mountain
>Mountain pulls out sword, winds up, lops off Cersei's confused head, just conscious long enough to see the Mountain take off his helmet to reveal Arya watching her die
Guess we're delaying even more shit to cram into the next episode, if the last one (or two? I forgot) is going to be a conclusion/aftermath episode.
Why didn't brown girl grab the bitch and just jump? Even shackled she could at least have tried.
>Why didn't brown girl grab the bitch and just jump?
>if you have any last words now is the time
>thanks for the heads up, bitch
*plunges both of them to their deaths*
If that iron born faggot really spent that much time on a boat he would have a tan.
Bravo, yet again
the leak which was 11months old had all the right spoilers for 4 first episodes, and for 2 left:
>dany burns kl
>varys is executed for treason by deny
>tyrion is in jail for treason
>jon kills mad dany
>jaime dies with cercei
>cleaganebowl leaves no survivors
>bran sits on the iron wheelthrone
it is known
yeah, at first I thought that just suicide by jumping would be more in-character for her, but then cercei came TOO close for her and even grab her hand, telling her she would die anyway.
She's Naathi that's why she's so fucking stupid. Her country is literally cucksville
>Dany realizing she will die if she attacks.
Aw fuck me now I know how this shit's going to go.
>Oh a bloo bloo bloo I'm not a man and I've never fought on the front lines so no one will ever think I'm a cool hero
>Fuck you I'm going to be the one to take Cersei down, back off SANSER now I'm the one flying into battle like a badass, not Jon, just me and my dr- OH NOOOOOOOOO DDDDD: ABLOO BLOO BLOO BLOO MY BB DRGN DED MOMMY SAD!
next ep:
>Dies a RL hero + a RL human bean
>Took out the last threats to unification all in one swoop
>Remembered forever, statues made, dragons never seen again and associated with her forever, earned the respect of everyone, even more than John, the true queen yas
>Conflict with Sansa resolved, everyone serves under Queen Sansa, with John and Arya to advise her and keep her in line (and then John and Arya are implied to hook up in a post-credits teaser)
If she was willing to blow up the sept and execute a hostage out of spite then it’s out of character for her to not kill her enemies during parley and end the threat right there. It’s just another turn off ur brain moment.
>then it’s out of character for her to not kill her enemies during parley and end the threat right there. It’s just another turn off ur brain moment.
Maybe she considers dany to be incompetent and would rather have enemy forces commanded by her instead of Jon?