Any good kinos about modern day slavery?
Any good kinos about modern day slavery?
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i have no desire to live in such a situation but i do envy people who can all hang out and friends like that. im 29 and just feel fucking old with little desire to socialize with new people. whenever im there i just feel like its a waste of time. my only motivation socially is to see my old lifelong friends and family a few times a year and to chase pussy
Bros, how do I become a lumberjack?
and its only gotten so much worse
Modern day gulags for zoomers
imagine the smell
Imagine the smell
What the fuck is that?
>universal basic income isn't a good id-
but the neet doesnt do any of those fun things (has no friends, can't afford to go out because no job) and spends his "7 day weekend" making pics like this
Does your boss know you're posting during work hours? Better get back to the grind, wagie.
A place where zoomers pay to live
>implying ubi wouldnt create more of these places
Each one of those goyim animals is unironically paying $1500 each month to live like that
Why do NEETs act like this when really they're in their position because of the overwhelming despair?
Ok, so what do you eat and where do you sleep ?
Imagine pay that money just to live around those qties hahaha
Looking at them or talking to them is against the rules and will get you arrested
it has been tested and no it would not, but nice try berg-chan.
Is this even real?
I only work so i can talk to qts. if i stayed neet i would just hikki it up at home with my mum looking disappointed and jerk off/drink all day
Only middle-class/upper middle-class fags live in these places. No matter how much they try to market it as a thing for "working class folks, JUST LIEK YOU 'N ME!", it's just not going to happen. They're selling an EXPERIENCE to comfortably wealthy people so they can pretend to be like actual working class dudes like you and me. Look at the people living there. Do they LOOK like construction workers, retail fags, and ex-military? Nope. They all look like 35 year old hipsters who can always rely on daddy's credit card as a fail-safe. A safety net.
1500 bucks to live in a 24 Fitness locker room? Wow, please sign me the fuck up. I love it. I would love to live in a fucking cube. Thank you. And only 1500 bucks a month? Wow, what a dream. What a fantasy. Wow. What a deal.
Jesus fucking Christ, it's like they're not even trying.
hahaha its like poetry
>the housing shortage will go away if we just give people extra slips of paper every month
Imagine the smell
this brief documentary is pretty kino
Their housing was free though
Oh god this is some Silicon Valley hipster thing isn't it?
They're being well-paid* and are stupidly, wrongly and voluntarily-ish** choosing to subject themselves to such an arrangement, out of a certain faggot-striver ethos. Properly speaking, slavery is not the word, though the conceit does hold explanatory power in this other case. Indentured servitude might be better, petit bourgeois, precariat... Temporarily embarassed future millionaire.
*This "good wage" is nullified by the local heatsink of Silicon Valley in California, with stupid Californian laws, stupid Californian people, stupid Californian culture, and stupid Californian everything, concomitant as it is with the left false consciousness, generally. The good wage would of course work in the American interior, where life is almost (not quite, but much better) actually worth living.
So, no. Don't pity them. I regret to remember being on a dorm floor during college, where they tried that "doors open" (commie, open office plan) shit. I steadfastly closed my door, every time. Don't pity these faggots who voluntarily subject themselves to such open-office-plan precariat indignities, in states which do not deserve but which of course nevertheless receive the economic activity afforded them by stupid people (the general population). Instead, imagine ways to disrupt the Googles and Facebooks of the world, and most importantly of all-how to replace them with nothing.
**It should be qualified that normies only have a limited sapience of a sort, on a par with the "childish women" of Schopenhauer and 18th-19th c. thinkers generally. The point being that they are quasi-automatically driven to aspire to "be the best in California", because apparently that's how the game is laid out, despite the fact that the antibiotics will happily all stop working in about three years or so, and then we'll see who's smart..
I’d move in just to fuck them up in smash
>tfw you will never a sub 15 brain cells gf to protect
Remindet that this fucking happened
Looks comfy
t. Judenberg Goyslayer
Have sex
>be american
>get dick mutilated at birth
>get kicked out of the house by 18
>incur student debts to finish college
>work for your jew boss for abyssmal pay with ONLY 15 vls and 15sls
>render overtime freely for proof of "working hard" and "loves the company"
>work on weekends
>get sick, incur more debt
>wife leaves you getting half of your property and earnings
>get shot
How can anyone live like this? Isn't this practically slavery?
First world country my fucking ass
I've always wanted to know what neets do when their parents die and have a 30 year gap in work history?
It helps a lot to get a job that doesn't suck the soul right out of you and never get married.
yes they cut my dick but none of the rest is true for me. the US is not like you think, there is a very large variety of potential experiences, more so than other places
You sound like one of those guys that think Nietzsche is the patron saint of neets.
They all eventually get jobs, and not the kind that do extensive background checks into work history.
>replying to copypasta
It's not impossible, just very challenging. If they have basic skills, they can go to temp agencies and get entry level collating and bullshit rm body office work.
Yeah, except this wouldn't be so bad. You'd make tonnes of friends, not waste money on buying things you don't need to distract you from your shitty life as you spend another night alone in your apartment.
A study published this week sheds doubt on ambitious claims made for universal basic income (UBI), the scheme that would give everyone regular, unconditional cash payments that are enough to live on. Its advocates claim it would help to reduce poverty, narrow inequalities and tackle the effects of automation on jobs and income. Research conducted for Public Services International, a global trade union federation, reviewed for the first time 16 practical projects that have tested different ways of distributing regular cash payments to individuals across a range of poor, middle-income and rich countries, as well as copious literature on the topic.
It could find no evidence to suggest that such a scheme could be sustained for all individuals in any country in the short, medium or longer term -- or that this approach could achieve lasting improvements in wellbeing or equality. The research confirms the importance of generous, non-stigmatizing income support, but everything turns on how much money is paid, under what conditions and with what consequences for the welfare system as a whole. [...] The cost of a sufficient UBI scheme would be extremely high according to the International Labor Office, which estimates average costs equivalent to 20-30% of GDP in most countries. Costs can be reduced -- and have been in most trials -- by paying smaller amounts to fewer individuals. But there is no evidence to suggest that a partial or conditional UBI scheme could do anything to mitigate, let alone reverse, current trends towards worsening poverty, inequality and labor insecurity. Costs may be offset by raising taxes or shifting expenditure from other kinds of public expenditure, but either way there are huge and risky trade-offs.
If you unironically think this is better than staying in your own place alone, then you need to leave this website as you are too much of a normie faggot
Today I came out to my Honda Civic after a long shift and there was an Aventador parked next to it, driven by some Chinese 20 year old. I was borderline suicidal on the way home.
Then I see this and I don't feel bad anymore. God bless the spics of the world for the perspective they give.
As this week's report observes, "If cash payments are allowed to take precedence, there's a serious risk of crowding out efforts to build collaborative, sustainable services and infrastructure -- and setting a pattern for future development that promotes commodification rather than emancipation."
The report concludes that the money needed to pay for an adequate UBI scheme "would be better spent on reforming social protection systems, and building more and better-quality public services."
spending a night alone in my basement is a million times better than spending a minute in op's pic
How is there a trend towards poverty when there are less people below what the UN considers destitute than ever?
>mommy why do i not have a gf and have to jerk off to anime again waah waaaah *eats doritos, drinks mtn dew, pisses in bottle* waaaahhh
>The Future is ACCESS not Ownership
Yeah fuck you too buddy
t. bunk cuck
>the future is Access not Ownership
Lmfao these crazy world devouring and society controlling Jews, what will they think of next!
Stop it I can't be more erect than that.
I want to protect her.
>t. neet incel faggot
What the fuck I had more privacy and better living conditions living in a damn tent on deployment how do they not have blanket walls to make their wack shacks?
^^^ fuckin THIS lmao
now who wants to bunk with me
The future is SHARING not Privacy
every new york city movie where you have vibrant neighborhoods with conchita from downstairs yelling at her little brats
but where do they fuck
yes yes
eat your bug mush and return to your doss houses
we made it trendy now with our kids who can come home to the mansion any time
that will be $12 for your maggot burger and $1200 for your bed lease
also we are going to reduce portion sizes but up the price, we don't want our little worker bees getting fat on their own honey now do we , that money saved could be used to escape
Just out in the open, like animals do
Just kill every single one of those people and that company(?)
This is the thing. The only time being a NEET actually gives you those opportunities is if you come from money. A normal NEET has no money and can't do fucking anything.
just start chopp'n
>The future is ACCESS not ownership
Yes thank you master I deserve nothing in my name, you're so kind for allowing me to partake of your property in return for my money
there's something deeply troubling about this world and where it is headed
Left then:
Get the ownership of the means of production
(((Left))) now:
Do not get the ownership of the means of habitation
1. Actually get a job
Or the more likely possibilities:
2. Become homeless or a ward of the state
3. Kill themselves
>There are people on Yea Forums who actually take this shit comic seriously
Daily Reminder that even if this wasn't a meme-image using meme-arguments, the NEET's life is ENTIRELY dependent on the life and work of the person who actually has a job.
>dude just create a massive universal welfare state
Can't possibly go wrong.
>Be Eurocuck
>Give 60% of what little you earn to the State to fund "refugee housing"
>this wagie coping "logic"
They charge a monthly rate for having their ink on your skin. It’s a ‘til death do us part deal then when you die they get your body part.
>No actual argument
Better watch what you say, leech. Get too mouthy and you city/county/state might shut off that welfare-drip you subsist on.
the hell is this?
>get to fuck American women who shave their pussies and armpits and actually shower at least daily so they don't stink like eggs and fish
You left out a KEY piece of info regarding the American experience my man
Pacha has a decent setup there on the left.
oh i'm so scared lmao
What is the story behind this photo?
What is this place? Looks like a hostel kind of, but also a jail kind of.
Rent the free bedrooms to illegal aliens and shitpost.
How long until it turns inot a Meth house
This shot literally brought me back to my days wage slaving at Home Depot; I thought for a moment some such store had built a gulag within the store to keep its employees.
>watches netflix in that commie dorm
>blacked comes user
how do the react?
Ok fags so what are you living situations?
Rent or Own?
House, Apartment, Condo, etc?
Who do you live with?
Urban, suburban, rural?
What do you pay on rent or what is your mortgage situation?
If you're a NEET, reply to this post with something smug to make yourself feel better about being worthless
how tf this nigga got a fuckin smart tv and a goddamn macbook when all he does is pick berries?
> (OP)
>What is the story behind this photo?
>What is this place? Looks like a hostel kind of, but also a jail kind of.
is this like some sort of hipster den? i can smell the weed
you ok buddy?
You very clearly are. Without it you'll literally be fucking homeless. NEETs literally kill themselves over that prospect.
holy shit id feel bad fucking her
itd be like fucking a retard
>imagine trying to sleep
Look up some presentation videos on youtube. They are insanely expensive and have houserules in place that make you feel you're in daycare. Putting up a curtain or anything to cover your bunk from everyone else's sight is forbidden.
Unironically Auschwitz tier
>rent, but soon buying a house
>apartment, about 60m^2
>my gf
>urban, second largest city of my country, planning to move further from the city though
> 500€/month split between me and gf
>Putting up a curtain or anything to cover your bunk from everyone else's sight is forbidden.
What possible purpose does such a rule serve?
Don’t question the rules, hand over your cash and enjoy your environment.
I'd fuck you up in Smash
It's like the living quarters of the ships in the navy. But I was at least paid to be there cant imagine people paying to live like that
>first world
why the most overprivileged people in the wolrd is also the most whiny?
imagine the fucking retards this place attracts.
>Yea Forums
oh wait...
((((social programming))))
Is that guy fucking proposing to his gf(?) in the middle? Like fuck can't you at least go outside to ask?
Nobody live like this permanently you spergs. It's a fucking hostel where you stay for a few nights at most when travelling. It's great to meet people during your short stay if you're travelling alone or just a few people and want to meet others. You're really not supposed to be there other than for sleeping and social events with the other people there before heading out on tours, pubcrawls, clubbing etc etc
They can be very funny. I met my ex-gf at one of these in France, a qt Turkish girl whom I would've never met otherwise.
>Putting up a curtain or anything to cover your bunk from everyone else's sight is forbidden
How can you jerk off then?
>shaved pussy
So the guests don't jack off or escape the scrutiny of their peers
Volunteer gulag. It's like something out of the movie Soilent Green.
why have you been spamming this all day?
I live in a small one bedroom apartment in the middle of a massive city in a country that isn't my own but I'd rather be shot in the head than live in one of these places. I've stayed in a pod hostel in Japan for a couple of days and that was already too much.
>be yurpoor
>get 60% of wages taken by the government
>get arrested for carrying scissors
>get acid splashed in face
>have daughter get raped
>have to apologize to rapist
I live in my country's equivalent of a dorm/student housing. Basically I have my 25 square meter room that also has a bathroom. It's part of a long corridor which at the end has a shared kitchen/living room. It's pretty good to be honest. I like the people living here and often hang out with them in the kitchen but f I do want solitude I can just go into my room which is perfectly sound isolated.
Fuck off rootless cosmopolitan.
Travel is a sickening bourgeoisie pastime
Retarded 'murican thinks only jews were at such camps. Truly idiot.
I don't know why anyone would do this when you could unironically make a "stealth van" for a few thousand dollars.
park next door to your workplace, can go anywhere you want to without worry about looking for a room, can have free breakfast by sneaking into motels, can do whatever you want where ever you want whenever you want, and cost about 500 a month for maintenance.
Living in a literal warehouse, having bullshit rules like you are 12 year old and summer camp, no privacy, 1500 a month plus tip.
you can even hire a company to build you one for like 7k
Back to trannypol you go. I'll continue to travel and meet international qts
>There is no privacy; there is no curtain, no wall; anything that you do here is on display - if you want to do something rotten like drugs or engage in sex with yourself or another, you've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 [pair of] eyballs on you. And that's how the community polices itself. You see, there is no way to do anything bad and for the 50 dollar a night price range now you can afford to co-live.
It’s not the Jews fault women are repulsed by you
> if you want to do something rotten like drugs or engage in sex with yourself or another, you've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 [pair of] eyballs on you.
Excuse me, but how this will stop someone from masturbation? And you now need to look at some man fapping.
Where would you go if you need to take a dump in the middle of the night?
>the absolute state of Urban Liberals
They're literally living in Gulag Shanties. Voluntarily.
you have to be a wage slave to live on your own though.
must be so fun being an adult in your childhood bedroom with mommy making you dinner
Just do it. Why not?
>being this obsessed
You wreak of virginity
>They are insanely expensive and have houserules in place that make you feel you're in daycare. Putting up a curtain or anything to cover your bunk from everyone else's sight is forbidden.
"Nothing was your own, except the few cubic centimeters inside your skull."
They're probably all on nofap.
>if you want to do something rotten...or engage in sex with yourself or another,
western society is beyond fucked at this point, its pretty scare where these people and the "social norm" will be in 10-15 years
used to live in a place like this
smelled like weed, mostly.
don't believe the stories of what's illegal or what's not. it's a degenerate shithole because it's filled with degenerates. a coalburner that was sleeping right above me was fucking her "boyfriend" and I was forced to hear everything. the site wasn't a complete fuckfest, but people were fucking openly, but not loudly, quietly, awkwardly in their beds. taking turns, who's fucking who on what day. if you complain about it, unless you're some kinda ultra opressed minority, they will kick you out. like i said, degenerates, most people here are either single or non-monogamous. you will hear every fucking term you can hear, but either way these are the people who fuck whatever they want whenever they want. nobody cares about this, unless it's really something fucked up. I remember a story of some escort that was fucking dudes in that fucking place. turns out there was some fucked up dude that really loved fucking escorts in a place full of people, he got off on this shti. once they found out they kicked her out. so no hookers, although people bitch even about that, saying how this is sexist against "sex workers" and that "sex workers" have right and shit. hilarious. there's lots of faggots there. barely any dykes. just faggots. you will basically get raped here if you don't say openly you are not interested in that. a single guy out there is expected to take it up the ass
half the people there are fucking broken, and half the people here are looking "for the experience" aka the most annoying people on the planet. whores looking for an excuse to be whores, soibois with blue checkmarks on twitter. and don't even fucking bother discussing politics with them. anything that's not remotely liberal, you'll get ostracized and eventually kicked out.
just fucking don't bother. I continue to live with my parents and it's just perfect.
>Sex is as bad like drugs now.
Murrika, land of the free!
He said, as European countries prepare to start requiring "Porn Passes".
Brexit means brexit
>Brexit means Brexit
>It's only bongland that is paying the biggest porn company on the planet to make a giant database of porn consumers
no matter how many movies jews make they will never be absolved for being complete total cucks cracking rocks and starving for absolutely nothing
imagine being a jew and entering a shower knowing it would be death and being glad you would finally be rid of the torture that was Auschwitz
wow jews, you really got up by making some capeshit figures women and blacks
that totally is payback for 6 billion kikes being extinguished. you win really. Captain Marvel is a good flick. if only its credits could commemorate the fallen 6 trilliosn jews for a a few hours
Thanks for sharing, this sounds like prison honestly.
prison is free
>not ownership
This. Everything and everyone belongs to everyone else. Pure utopia
good thing youtube has all these "try on hauls" or else I'd be scared for my future jerks
its getting better, check out 8:15
I'd go crazy in a place like that. I fucking hate people, I wouldn't be able to stand it. I wouldn't last a week. I barely put up with flat mates and there's walls separating us
It’s not the Jews fault you can’t get a real job and own stuff
Do Jews tend to have jobs and own stuff, user?
sex, have
I'm disgusted by the fact that there aren't any black people there.
There needs to be at least 20% blacks.
Yes due to higher IQ and not being addicted to opioids and anime like you spergs
You can blame them tho just like how blacks blame whitey for being shit
In fact, as punishment for no blacks to begin with, double it 40% blacks
>they gave em free haircuts tone!
>get outta here, why would they cut their hair before they wack them
>i swear on muh mudda
That looks amazing. I don’t want material wealth anymore, I want to share with others and enjoy the great company.
>this sounds like prison honestly
not really, unlike prison you can fuck off anytime you want and like somebody said you don't pay for it, the only thing that is like prison is faggot shit. there is more faggot shit there than just hetero fucking. it's about 70/30 if you ask me. I honestly never been disgusted by men in my entire life than in the time when I lived there.
>aye tone of dose nazis hates queers so much why was their leader a fairy?
I think you meant
>be white american
this place literally costs $1500/month lmao
No idea what that sick shit is, but I was living at a hostel for six months abroad. It's quite exhausting and crime, violence and drugs were prevalent there. I wouldn't recommend it completely, but it can be an okay experience and shape your character.
>Nothing was your own, except the few cubic centimeters inside your skull
They'll find a way before long