unless this fucker's dead he shouldn't show up in any news article ever again
Well, if he's so sad about it why he doesn't write his own book then he could make up any ending he want.
I’m good with him throwing shade at Jezebel’s favorite dumb 8 year old who had zero impact on anything on the show but got to kill a Whitewalker giant because she trended on Twitter.
I hope he completes this series before he dies just so I can finally finish and be done with it. Burn it. Piss out the flames and smear it on his grave.
>He’s totally overseeing the script y’all. >They’re just giving us the rough story of the books
Coping poster btfo
Hes expecting backlash from the mad queen ending so is already saying it's not my fault
>four years ago
nigger if you were half way competent you'd have finished up by like 2008
he's a genuinely good dude. or he does a good job of portraying himself that way.
>started in early-mid 90s
>still has two books to go
What a colossal fucking fat retard. “Waaah I know I’m lazy but please hear me out on how my series should end!”
What a cuck
Reminder this series was started in the fucking 90's and is older than a lot of the people watching the show.
Why is he not writing? Is he bored with the story or something? He sick? I dont understand
I bet it's pressure induced stress. He probably gets cold sweats and the shakes when even thinks of sitting back down to write. He knows what is waiting for him on the other side. The divided fandom. The echo of the television show whispering poisonous ideas into his head. The fact he hadn't eaten within the last eight minutes. All of this amounting to an inevitable brain aneurysm in front of his keyboard.
>The fact he hadn't eaten within the last eight minutes.
Didn't have a clear plan for where the series was going, wrote himself into a massive corner and had such severe writers block he quit. With all the money coming in he had no pressure to keep writing so he stopped. Look at him, does he seem like a highly disciplined fellow to you? When he got stressed he ran away and the success of the show let him do it comfortably.
I mean hire ghost writers for christs sakes. Who cares just complete the damn thing before my autism destroys me.
So it begins... he likely just saw the ending and is even a bigger let down than anything we have already saw, so he's distancing himself from it.
Pretty lame desu
He was doing a metric fuckton of other shit so it's more of just ADD
Well lads, think about how much worse the butchering will be for Wheel of Time where there's no writer to even consult.
He wrote himself into a corner he made the mistake of not having a clear plan when he started and now he doesn't have a clue where to go. His only hope now is to say fuck the 2 book left to go approach and just keep writing as many books as it takes until he lucks into something working out
Bronn. Useless quip character.
Just looking at this guy makes me embarrassed to have read his shit.
is he legally obligated not to deviate to far from what a bunch of shitty hipster tv writers wrote for the tv series or something? did he actually sell his soul and cuck out that hard?
>He wrote himself into a corner
I don't read the books, what exactly is happening for him to be in a corner?
He's an old man, what do you expect him to look like?
I admire how he cucks the whole world by refusing to finish the books before he dies
Someone can only say "I should have done this x years ago." so many times until you realize they are full of shit, don't intend to do it, and would rather not do it.
That point was reached years ago.
He can do it after he dies. Either way is fine.
He originally planned a 5 year time skip which he scrapped so he now has to get all his characters to that point in real time and he's introduced too many new characters and plots but has no idea how to bring them all together without doing what the show did by just saying fuck the logistics let everyone teleport around the world in a day to bring them all together in a satisfying way while still delivering on all the seeds he planted in earlier books
>wrote himself into a massive corner
>He wrote himself into a corner
He's got a shitload of characters in different parts of the world and he is supposed to bring them all back together while using logic and not taking the easy way out the TV show did.
Basically, he has story for ten books but needs to finish it in two.
Not so much a corner, but he is writing in the way reality works, in which every decision affects a lot of people, and he is following more and more people because of it. Now it is extremely difficult to get all those plot lines merged into a single satisfying conclusion, because that would break the writing style he has established.
Why didnt he just finish the books then?
what a fucking faggot. maybe he should have fucking told that to the writers.
OR MAYBE CRAZY FUCKING IDEA HERE he should finish his own fucking books.
even he's jumping on the bandwagon of hating this show now, what a fat cunt.
at least hes setting the record straight so that when he dies with the books unfinished, we'll know the show isn't real canon.
>Q Rating
>literally just a fraction
holy shit, PRfags and marketingfags are the biggest brainlets
he doesn't get to tell writers shit. i guarantee the execs ditched asking him for any kind of input by season 4. he wouldn't have let this female power fantasy bullshit fly
Ohhh I see, nice quads btw
He has way to many plots open at the same time. Catlyns resurrected ass is hanging fuckers in the riverlands, Dorne has an actual good conspiracy, a person claiming to be Rhaegars kid Aegon just invaded Westeros, Euron has a horn that can bind dragons and is generally just a terrifying monster of a man, Mance Rayder is in winterfell on recon for Jon, Ramsey is married to a fake Arya Stark, Jaqen Hagar infiltrated the Citidel and stole a key for some reason, Dorne sent someone to steal danys dragons. He has no real idea how or why to get Dany to westeros, since she keeps going east. Mel can resurrect jon, cause I think that might be the actual plan in the book.
>Who is to blame
The fat cunt for not finishing his fucking book
Damn that actually sound interesting, are the books worth reading?
No. They're unfinished.
So I should wait for them to be finished?
i remember him saying he wasn't going to watch the last season so it wouldn't mess his writing.
A good dude would have waited to finish the book series before allowing it to be turned into show.
>who is arya
Fucking agree. This piece of trash makes me pretty angry. Has a chill job with a good following. Gets even bigger due to the show and can’t even finish this shit for the fans and people who followed him and got him where he is
When the first two seasons came out I started reading the books. Season 3 wasn’t out yet and being a fanboy I burnt through the last three. Imagine reading the red wedding part, holy shit that part was nuts. I remember reading them drunk after coming home from the bar. I’m not sure if you would have the same experience though.
>He has way to many plots open at the same time. Catlyns resurrected ass is hanging fuckers in the riverlands, Dorne has an actual good conspiracy, a person claiming to be Rhaegars kid Aegon just invaded Westeros, Euron has a horn that can bind dragons and is generally just a terrifying monster of a man, Mance Rayder is in winterfell on recon for Jon, Ramsey is married to a fake Arya Stark, Jaqen Hagar infiltrated the Citidel and stole a key for some reason, Dorne sent someone to steal danys dragons. He has no real idea how or why to get Dany to westeros, since she keeps going east. Mel can resurrect jon, cause I think that might be the actual plan in the book.
There's also the Great Northern Conspiracy and Stannis about to Alexander Nevsky the Boltons. Theon and Asha captive in the camp. Selyse and Shireen at The Wall. One of Stannis' men is on his way to Braavos to get more mercenaries who will fight for Shireen's claim if Stannis dies.
Yeah I’m pretty he wouldn’t have liked it if George Lucas decided not to finish Star Wars or if his favorite comic book series were to stop out of no where.
it was actually bronn.
who already finished his story in the books.
Yea last I remember he was already posted up at winterfell and shit wasn’t so bleak for him.
And Sansa's arc where she's hiding as a bastard girl called Alayne in the Vale and THAT's another amount of conspiracies and houses trying to get the Eyrie.
It’s not pozzed like the show that’s for sure. If reading fantasy is your thing then yeah go for it.
You know what's happening here, right? He is reading all the hate the episodes are getting and he's trying to distance himself from it. He's hoping that we forget that he told the show runners how the books end. He's going to do a re-write.
During the shows entire run he would constantly say in interviews that HBO didnt' interfere and now he's saying this. Something smells fishy and it's not just Breanne of tarth's breath
Fuck, I can even continue
>Tyrion trying to turn Meeren's war in his favor, he has not met Dany yet.
>Dany and the Khalasar.
>Selmy saving Meereen
>Bran's story.
>Greyjoy family drama (Theon is probably offed off early in book six)
I mean, I think we'll be insanely lucky if Dany sets sails to Westeros by the end of book six. Fuck.
At least they actually had the balls to kill her off, I'm surprised she didn't do a backflip and run down it's arm as it collapsed after she stabbed it in the eye.
Yeah I read pretty much anything as long as the story is good
that's his own fault and now the 3 new spin-offs will be SHIT thanks to his greed
Can someone post the s8 spoilers? After this last episode idgaf anymore.
Absolutely. One of the best fantasy series ever written. Especially worth it so you can read the 6th book when it comes out now that the show is an abomination. Unfortunately the seventh book will never come out.
As an aspiring writer, let me say I really hate this fat fuck. You can tell he has no idea where to take his plot-hole ridden saga and hasn't thought things through.
If you are going to write an epic saga with dozens of individual plots converging into an overarching grand finale you better have that ending hashed out before you even begin writing.
Is there some other low fantasy books that are actually done I can read while I wait for a guy who's probably secretly dead and being "weekend at bernies"-d
He HAS the ending already, and that's the fucking issue. He's got a place to go but he can't finish act two and actually put everything into place so that ending pays off.
Sort of like the show, they had the ending already, decided to fuck logic and get there. That's the main difference: GRMM knows that shitting on the suspension of disbelief would only make people hate his ending, and he is working his ass off until he achieves something grounded in a character-driven resolution.
Unlike the show.
I don't think we'll ever get GRRM's ending tho.
No. They'll never be finished. May as well start reading Cuckiller Chronicles; at least that author has more than five years of life left to finish his work.
>Oh, here's Tyrion
>I really hate him and I want him dead, I've already dispatched an assassin to kill him, and here he is before me
>And I'm already planning on killing the Queen's handmaiden in an act of aggression
>We have dozens of Crossbow-ex-machinas aimed right at them, they couldn't retaliate if I did anything
Nah, I don't think I'm gonna kill him lol
i bet he's writing one massive clusterfuck that he's struggling to put in chapters and split in 2 books that he has no idea where goes what
After season 1 was a huge success GRRM signed a contract with HBO to delay the release of the last two books until after the show was over.
They’re already written
Fat fucker should just admit that he can't finish the story in two books and just release what he has as the sixth out of eight books (until it becomes nine). Maybe that's what's screwing him over. Hell, he could even go the "well, FFC and DWD are basically the fourth book together" so he can still go with the Seven Kingdoms Seven Books route
I get the part about Arya leaving (for KL as the last episode implied) but to what end does this serve if all of those characters meet the fates described here? Just what is she up to this time?
Thanks bud.
Is this just a meme or a desperate cope? How would HBO even have the ability to veto the release of a book?
Isn't Qyburn working for himself now? Why would Cersei want to kill Tyrion now after she spared him?
For those who don’t think they’re real can you please explain why?
leaker was right about the first half of the season
d&d are retarded and lazy enough to do it
shit fucking basically the most realistically written woman on the show
She paid Bronn to go kill Tyrion at the beginning of the season, why wouldn't she still want him dead?
It sounds to me like Martin needs to discard his ending and let the plots he has already prepared go through to their natural conclusions. It would help reinforce one of the themes of the A Song Of Ice And Fire series: real life is nothing like a fairy tale, with clear cut heroes and villains and tidy happily ever afters.
>Catlyns resurrected ass is hanging fuckers in the riverlands
wait like literally? wtf
Not op, but the reason why I believe he lost his wood for the series is the 5 year time gap that didn't happen. He wrote it initially to have five years pass after the red wedding before the next book.
This wokld give time for the Stark children to develop and learn their crafts. Become an assassin, or a political manipulator, or a Lord Commander.
But he didn't like the result. He had to tell too much in flashback. So he scrapped two years of work and wrote it without the gap. He was tormented for another year with the Meereenese Knot. Or, how to get all the characters to Meereen at the same time.
Even after solving this... He just doesn't love the series the same way. He hates what it is, and would have probably let it quietly die, but HBO showed up and gave him bags of money. And then he was fucked.
I meant when she spared him after she told Tyrion she was pregnant, also we have no proof Cersei paid Bronn other than Qyburn giving him the crossbow and the gold which he could easily get at his position.
How would I know, I just know last episode proved that's what we're getting.
She's called lady stone heart and she's tearing a path of revenge through the river lands. It's a really cool arc and I still don't understand why they left it out.
Lady Stoneheart is in charage of brotherhood without banners, yes, and is hunting down Frey shits. I wonder if she will meet up with Arya and or her wolf.
>Theon is probably offed off early in book six
No way, he should get to the Iron Islands as the Latecomer Prince, so Asha can take the crown from Euron. He will survive the book six for sure
She could have literally ended the war right then and there. Drogon was right there, just sitting around and she has rapid fire Ballistae. Just shoot.
He’s written multiple other unrelated and tertiary projects. He’s a fat gamma faggot.
Try Stormlight Archive, first book is The Way of Kings. Only 3 books out so far but each is over 1k pages and the writer busts them out every couple years unlike GoyMartin.
Just a reminder that the books are proper fucked.
GRRM fucked it all up when he got to the part of the series and was writing the time skip, but then realized that he had no way of making the time skip work. See, this is the big thing, if the time skip worked, then George could've ended it by now. Seriously, these series were written with a time skip in mind, but because it got all jacked up and George had to go with something else, he's having immense trouble getting to where he needs to be. Let's check it out:
>Dragons are still small. Dany is gonna be ready to hit Westeros after cleaning up Mereen which shouldn't take too long, the Dragons will still not be at the level where they are flying nukes like in the show.
>Jon is too damn young, he won't be taken seriously as a young boy trying to boss people around, telling them that the Others are coming.
>Arya's assassin training will take too long. In the show they had to skim it, but George can't, but how will Arya finish her training up and go back to Westeros in time to kill the people on her list? Even George doesn't know!
Left seems legit, right is mostly fake.
>Bran becomes king
Yeah this isn't happening.
Yeah. Beric uses his inner fire to resurrect her, he's ded in the books.
Sanderson can't fucking make his characters likeable.
>he gets away with everything
Maybe he should have finished the ending then, fucking retard.
Shekels. Endless shekels.
Bronns been on screen for a total of 5 min this season. Seethe more
ahahahahahahha holy shit even kit and emilia hate it
The only character I dislike wholeheartedly is Shalan. The rest have flaws and strengths more realistic than most fantasy characters.
I wish I could be gullible and optimistic enough to believe this.
But I suppose if I was that dumb, I'd probably just be enjoying the show itself and not care about the books.
If he wanted people to be able to tell who he was he should have hired a handful of low rate skidrow hookers to accompany him instead of the gayass sign.
>creator of Dragon bitch wouldn't let female power fantasy fly
lol this article is such trash. all it is doing is quoting out of context bits from other articles. nobody from express uk talked to the guy
sad to see so many of you being so easily manipulated by click-bait
well shit, I'm personally sad that the books wont be finished. The fat fuck needs to focus, on completing ASOIF and not on prequel projects nobody asked for or his shitty attempts at sci-fi.
Mad Queen isn't a power fantasy long term, she's a mirror held up to self righteous cunts
The books generally depict Dany as a naive, incompetent child who mostly succeeds because of magic dragon bloodline bullshit, and older more competent men doing things for her.
The show tries to remove most of her flaws and present her as perfect. Not to mention all the bullshit they pulled with Asha, Arya and fucking Lyanna Mormont.
express is not a legitimate news site they make shit up constantly.
If this is only on this publication then assume it's a lie
> GRRM doing something other than writing
Go finish your book, lardass!
>implying he didn't coincidentally write the exact same ending as the TV series and is now scrambling for something different
Oh really? He isn't thrilled how Dabid and Dabid butchered his magnum opus?
Too many characters that he doesn't know how to tie into a coherent plot.
Look at the show, episode 3 invalidated half the character arcs. You could remove half the characters from the show and it would still work. Martin won't do that, and he has twice as many characters and arcs to make sense out of
Westeros was a mistake
God, what a plotting trainwreck.
>The earliest partial in my files dates from January 2006. At that point I had 542 finished pages...
>And the year or so that followed proved the folly of my prediction. The next partial I sent to Bantam is dated October 2007, and it is 472 pages long. Yes, in the year and a half between the two partials, I had managed to UNwrite some seventy pages. I was doing a lot more revision and rewriting -- and restructuring -- during this period than I was making forward progress.
>But then I hit a good spell. In March 2008 I delivered another partial, and this one was 596 pages long. In May 2008, another: 684 pages this time. In December 2008, 774 pages, After that progress remained slow, but fairly steady. I won't say I wasn't still tearing things out, rewriting, restructuring, changing my mind... I was... but I was forging ahead as well, as the partials I sent to my editors testify. In September 2009, I sent them 998 pages. In January 2010 I passed the 1000 pages mark, and delivered 1038 pages. Now I was picking up some steam again. June of 2010, a partial of 1028 pages. August of 2010, 1332 pages, December of 2010, 1412 pages. By March of 2011, Kong was screeching and the biplanes were in the air, and I sent in the final partial, which weighed in at 1571 pages... but I still had some incomplete chapters, some that remained very rough, some that I didn't know whether to include or not. It was those that pushed the final count over 1600 and up near 1700 before the editorial changes and final sweat that I've detailed up above.
You have to understand that his ability to write is extremely sporadic where he can shit out 300 pages in 2 months and then have a year where the page count drops by 100. Thing is he has to write the stories with the future book(s) in mind for set up, so it's hard to get shit panned out.
>Arya finish her training up and go back to Westeros in time to kill the people on her list?
Of course she won't become the supernatural superninja that DnD made her in less time than an olympic gymnast needs to train her program. hat's the whole point.
Maybe his hatred will sustain his life force like Palpatine, and he'll finish the damn books before he dies.
How did they fuck arya up in the show other than being a ninja girl and and love interest with Gendry
The best case scenario for him though is dying with it unfinished so that people will always talk about "what could have been" rather than complain about whatever he ends up shitting out.
The faceless have a time dilation chamber where Arya can train for 1 year in a week.
retarded bean counters brought up to obsess over numbers. They cant see beyond them.
How did Euron teleport his ships in? Surely the dragons would have seen them.
He just needs to finish the books before the exertion of rolling around his pile of hbo cash blows his heart up.
He is a pirate sorcerer in the books, he's seen some shit. He can teleport some ships.
It must be terrible if he can't even force himself to lie about it.
He never explained how long it takes to grow a dragon so he has some leeway in saying they grow a lot in their first 3 years and then it slows down
idk what the fuck is going on, isn't the Mercy chapter involved with having her seduce someone despite being fucking 11?
Can be solved by killing him and not resurrecting him. The archetypal hero that Jon fills in fantasy does not fit with any previous book GRRM has written.
Thanks for ruining my night with that picture. You'd think after 12 years of coming here I would finally learn my less and stop. It's all true, you're here forever. I'm going to bed.
>I would prefer THIS
Joe Abercrombie's The First Law trilogy.
Good pulp style hack n' slash series.
>We will never have based Robert "Bondage and Spanking" Jordan traumatizing modern audiences
Dalinar is likeable.
way to miss the joke you retard
This is why everyone hates marketing fuckwads. They are ALWAYS FUCKING WRONG AND STUPID.
Arya was always destined to become an asassin. Any female character having success isn't necessarily a Mary sue, the problem with Arya in the show isn't her writing but the smirking quasimodo who plays her.
Desperate cope redditors came up with so that they wouldn't have to admit they were played like a damn fiddle. There's literally nothing to back it up yet every retard repeats it like it was common knowledge.
She's not an assassin in the show. She's an unstable magic terminator. An unbeatable swordsman, unkillable from any wound, undetectable (when she feels like it) by any eye or ear.
She speaks like she's from that hatred game, she is so fucking edgy it hurts
This is exactly what he's planning to do and only absolute brainlets can't figure it out. He has already started the "hehe you know lots of authors don't finish their series hehehe" -talk and he intends to destroy his notes at the end.
so according to the leaks Tyrion tries to help this cunt. WHy?
A smart dude doesn't turn down an adaption of his books.
I cannot hear you over the loud coughing
Maximum trolling
Reminder that he ows you nothing at all and could drop the entire series for more zorbing time and he would be no worse a person for it
Maybe that fat fuck should have finished his work, then.
He is a well known feminist you moron
I still think she died to waif and got replaced.
He's the normie boomer "yeah women should have rights" kind of feminist, not the millenial 2010s kind
>Giving the world to Bran
To be fair, society would probably be a lot better if some shut in autist ran it.
Yeah that scene was fucking beyond retarded. They had a wall of archers, the ballistas all set, etc. They could have fucking shot that tiny troupe of faggots dead before the cunt could even say "Dracaryis" (or however the fuck it's spelled). The show is still entertaining enough, but overall it's 100% pozzed Hollywood tripe made for fat black women and basedboys. It's just upsetting because the fat man will probably never finish the actual ending... His will better have a clause about releasing his rough outline upon his death from heart disease or diabeetus or whatever the fuck.
Sounds about right
>be george r "the incest cuck" r martin
>begin writing in 1991
>books are widely appealing
>insist on writing excessively long series despite writing at a snail's pace
>series gets picked up for televsion
>sell rights
>seven years later
>still no real idea how your series will end
>significantly more difficult and large scale production of televsion show is already wrapping up
Lmao. What a fucking moron. Maybe we can get the director's cut in another 25 years when he's done writing.
user, 2010 was nine years ago...
Yes, but writing, production and filming began in 2017
2017 was three decades ago.
Game of Thrones: Brotherhood when
If only there was some way he could express himself and maybe tell us how he would've ended it
he stole littlefinger technology
How stupid would it be of me to start reading these books now?
He's just a finger in the bum and a fat cock character in the show, though. Zero to do with what book Euron is.
>He is a well known feminist you moron
>He's the normie boomer "yeah women should have rights" kind of feminist, not the millenial 2010s kind
Lots of people just declare they're feminists just to please people so claiming to be one doesn't mean much.
George is unironically the worst kind of perfectionist.
The reason 4/5 are so weirdly paced is because the publisher forced his hand after he was taking too long and basically said "fuck you, we're publishing this partial you sent us, you can play ball or you can quit."
They're trying to do the same with Book 6 because it's taking so long again but George is now famous enough to resist them and old enough to not care about the consequences of burning the bridges he's burning.
The writers that did this have been offered a movie deal for star wars, it's still under consideration.
Kathleen Kennedy is a militant feminist, it's pretty obvious why they did what they did imo
Depends. If you're one of those people who's barely read a book since school you'll probably enjoy them. If you're actually a fan of literature they are just genre fiction, perhaps slightly above average , you'll be disappointed.
Just read the first one and call it day.
The better joke is CollegeHumor when it used to be funny a couple of years ago
>Every complaint is a plate of nachos I'm gonna put away; every chip is one scene I won't get to write
>I'm no lady. Never have been.
*pulls of face* and Jaquen/Syrio winks at Gendry
Are you his psychologist?
The most radical thing Martin has said is "I've always considered women people". That's it, that's his secret for writing female characters.
He's such a fat dumb piece of pozz'd shit.
>its onesided as hell
literally how
a tired army who was cut in half (and not destroyed for some reason) against all the fucking lanisters, greyjoys and the golden company.
He is a millionaire, why the fuck would he work hard now? to put more zeros in his bank balance.
imagine reading about all the braindead posts on reddit who all love it and the 9+ imdb ratings. Clown world rofl
If you've read the books it's clear that he mission creeped himself and created an insanely difficult task to wrap everything up. Books 4 and 5 are basically one 1800 page book.
He wants to wrap everything up to absolute perfection in 2-3 books. That requires writing all 3,000 pages first and editing them into something coherent.
Good fucking luck.
Fuck yeah loved there
>everyone hates
>Posts character everyone likes.
I agree with Martin, but stop being a little bitch.
Just finish the books. Write scraps together, simple sentences, I don't care, just finish them with whatever idea you had for the conclusion.
Yes, yes you "should" have, but now you're free of the preassure of the show nad can finish them normally, right?
If you go from his behaviour on con, it depends. He can be a nice old chill dude that likes to talk with his fans about the boks and his other works for as long as he has time for, or a dickhead if you ask him the wrong question like his stance on fanfiction.
wait till a new one is announced. Would be useless to start now if they never finish
It's probably going to be more then two books unless each of them has 2000 pages. iirc his biggest problem was/is that he can't find a way to bring the storylines together in a timly fashion and a timeskip just wouldn't work with the way the storys are at the moment.
Well he could have finished his books if he wanted his story.
>he cute
That depends on what they're based on. He does have the Dunken and Egg stories and is writing on the second Targaryen book.
he's playing the long game. he knows art is more valuable after the artist is dead so he's saving up the manuscripts and shit for someone to ghostwrite it after he dies
>just finish the series so I dont have to write these shitty books anymore. I already have tons of money so why should I care?
it makes perfect sense for bran to be king if you account for his total inaction thus far as the three eyed raven.
He did that before already. He hates fanfiction and sees the show as licensed fanfiction to the books.
Nah Arya will inexplicably be handed the throne cos YAAAAS QUEEN
Have you seen who goes into marketing? It's all w*men
This is pretty much what I think i'm going to do
>just finish the books
Can you even imagine how difficult it is to write a story in a world where people get outraged when things don't go the way they want? I'm sure there's a tidal wave of articles being penned right now about GOT killing off another stronk womyn of colour, imagine trying to write a story while being bombarded day and night by dickheads at the publishing company, the TV network and the general public about Twitter trends, diversity and representation?
If I were GRRM I'd just quit the whole thing out of spite.
>But who is to blame?
The moment the HBO show started and it was clear it became a huge success like Martin himself knew there was a market for he had to know there is now a timer.
He had to finish before the show reaches his books or otherwise other people will tell the end of his story
He didn't bother to get his shit together so he literally ruined his own biggest work.
Even if by some miracle he will finish the books now later without dying of a heart attack first it wont matter
It will just be a footnote of
>oh so that is how it was supposed to go? Huh I guess that is better. Whatever
It will just be trivia.
>Can you even imagine how difficult it is to write a story in a world where people get outraged when things don't go the way they want?
it's no harder than being an artist is anyway. GRRM has to be both author and audience for everything he writes, and he's been writing since he was ten or something.
the difference between GRRM and D&D is that GRRM actually cares, but that's a strength not a weakness because he has that desire for quality to keep him from picking easy options or pandering.
>Bronn on the council
You just can't stop that mighty handsome fella.
>there is now a timer
yes but to be fair they could easily still be adapting book material. they basically skipped all of books 4 and 5 and like well over half the shit in books 2-3
Unless he finishes the book next year I don't think it would've mattered how slowly they adapted it.
The writing was on the wall and he has to know this is his magnum opus.
I can't understand just letting it die like this.
No matter how tasty those pies are.
the time sip would've been really great if he actually stuck to his guns
Good night fren. Sweet dreams.
After the last few episodes nothing is off the table, in fact I'd say the more stupid it seems, the more likely it is to happen.
The definition of self-made man who took the opportunity when he saw it.
>this obese lazy retard has the balls to criticize tolkien
it might be published in more than 2 volumes but it will be two books. in spite of all the POVs, TWOW can legitimately be done in the same number of pages as ASOS.
Is this why bongs have to create fake news in their shit tabloids? They probably stay in everyday
>desperate cope
Its technically possible but there is no proof for it.
I have a feeling he'll die in a year's time. Even if he finishes the two books he knows it's not enough to wrap it up. He'd need 10 more years for that, and he knows it, so why should he give a shit finishing it quickly
Jews and normie audience ruined it we already knew that. Ballsy of him to speak the truth like that
He probably signed so agreement not to write the books while the show was running to not compete
Again, that's just a desperate cope with nothing backing it up.
Total societal collapse is almost here. Saddle up boys.
He probably regrets he didn't go with the time skip after all. I mean, it's a lazy writing device and all, but it's genre fiction, people just want a complete story
>her seduce someone despite being fucking 11?
I really don't see the problem here. If she is cute and funny, it will work. With all men.
He has an outline, it appears that d&d didnt follow it
If he needs more time wouldn’t it just be as simple as creating another invasion force or catastrophe that everyone or almost everyone has to deal with individually? You know, basically filler but with political intrigue and lessons to be learned in the time inbetween it could work and not be adequately called filler. Maybe dany has to deal with an actual insurrection to the Far East with their eastern dragons. Could learn a few things, namely dragon weaknesses or even how to grow them faster. If the white walkers are supposed to be an allegory for (((climate change))) then why not have some climate based catastrophes in the north that young Jon has to contend with that will solidify more the love of the people in the north, better than winning a few battles. In the south could be a dornish uprising or even a small invasion of some Saxon like tribes from the west. Maybe even some sort of sea monsters which would be a good reason to have giant ballistas ready made for the blonde slut to the east. Add in some politics here and there to help pass the time and learn a little. Few minor deaths to keep the plebs interested. And maybe you could shave some time off or even justify a decent time skip.
Imagine you got a billion dollars this exact moment, would you wake up at 5 tomorrow to go to work? Neither did he.
>Dany decides to abolish slavery, something that realistically should occupy her for the rest of her life, otherwise it would feel like hack writing
>He can't do that because she is instrumental for the plot in Westeros
He has "expandng universe" syndrome, many writers do. As he kept writing he kept expanding the story to uchecked lenghts while not bothering to finish up any arks. If you really think about, only a few important characters have a full arc finished, Ned Stark, Quentin, Reny, Khal Drogo and a few others i cant remember. He kept aking new stuff up and didint finish what he already had up his sleep, its why we have maps of Yi-Ti and detailed targaeryan legacies going back 600 years, but dont know if daenerys ever actualy goes to westeros, stannis wins the battle, or jon snow is alive. Too much imagination with barely any focus ends up like this.
Bran: I don't really want anything anymore
Varys 15 min later: We need a king who doesn't want anything anymore
Surely that is not what he meant
He meant a king without the desire of power
Not someone who is dead inside and feels nothing because he lives in the past.
Are you stephen miller?
>John takes the black again for killing Dany.
Did user forget that the wall is gone and there is literally no reason to join the night's watch.....also the night's watch is completely wiped out?
The right side seems fake
Jon can become the 1000th Lord Commander and rebuild it and be know as Jon the second Builder.
I remember reading "spoilers" when season 7 ended that involved euron/jaime/jon getting blown up with wildfire in the dragonpit at the end and tyrion fucking missandei being among the few to survive, some shit about the kid of jon and dany ending up ruling. That was much more fun to go through than this.
>The writers that did this have been offered a movie deal for star wars
It's amazing how they can't tell that they're just another rian johnson and the only good stuff they managed to shit up happened when they had good source material to adapt.
At least the show has a ending... this fat fuck does not have 2 books left in him, and will never complete the story
They know. They just don't care and see the money.
What makes you think those people you're referring to can read?
stop asking him for interviews you degenerate fucks.
That was SUBTLE FORESHADOWING for you, normies will eat it up.
>caring about your net worth after your death
ok bud
But its retarded.
Why? Everything beyond the wall is not a threat anymore.
bcaf poster
Why are people surprised the writers suck after seeing s5?
Did the quality go up for s6 and 7 or something?
well from 5 I guess.
But at this point I just want to see how this shitshow ends and seeing denialfags slowly realize that it is shit.
I really HATE random capitalisation. People who do it should be GASSED.
>Didn't finish the books
>Wouldn't tell them the ending he was going to do, just gave them some shitty framework
>Wtf why aren't they doing it exactly in the way I never told them to do.
Big think RR. Why don't you stop trying to hold onto your 15 minutes and just finish your books.
Yes, Tolkien, the guy that also died before finnishin shit.
It's NOT random
Thats because the writers legit have no idea what ASoIaF series is about, they are just hollywood people out to make money. I'am not worried in the least because i know the books ( if ever finished) will be EXTREMELY different from the show. Even here on forums and chans a lot of people (usualy semi-normies) are entirely ignorant of what Martin is writing. If you told D&D that the books are a lovecraftian story they would have no idea what you are talking about. The show failed storywise because it would be almost impossible to translate into a screen what martin is actualy planning. Taking something like the dreams the characters have for example, Daenerys dream's, Jaime's, Stanni's, etc...
If people want a better understanding of what is going on in the story they should pay less attention to Emilia Clark or Stephen Dillane, and more to Patchface and Quaite.
Dead things in the water, my friends.
didnt the white walkers get BTFO in the past during the actual long night? If the came back after that they will probably come back again in the future.
Why did he scrap the time skip?
First three books were amazing. 4th and 5th were not as good. Not only 4th book is kind of tedious, but in asoiaf the chapters are told from some character's POV . And in 5th book there are a lot of chapters where it's the same events of 4th book, but from different perspective.
Btw that's when the show went downhill, too. Not when they ran out of source material, but when the got to the books 4 and 5. They were difficult to adapt and that's when DnD started to write their own bullshit.
>Muh family
People seem to have a visceral reaction to that image. What am I looking at exactly?
Is that Moner
I wanted to see how grrm's shitshow ends
Not the got tv show original content.
No they wont, in the first long night the night king wasn't killed, he was only pushed back up north in the lands of forever winter. Right now there is no danger whatsoever so it makes no sense that Jon joins the night's watch again.
Q predicted this
Q predicted this
top kek
1000 times this.
Things I'm interested in:
> are gods real? or is that "just" magic + religion?
> what's the relation between many-faced god, the lord of light, the drowned god?
> (yes, that's an actual plot line, properly explored in the books, and it made great strides forward via Bran's and Mellisandre's POV chapters)
> doom of valyria
> the flow of seasons
> the others, their motives, origins, everything
> greenseer networks and warging
> is there even such a thing as destiny? are things going according to some plan? or shit completely random?
> who is "in the right" in that fucked up world? being noble as Ned Stark doesn't work out for you, being a cunt, like Walter Frey doesn't work out for you...
Thing I don't care about (because the books told me it doesn't really matter)
>Wouldn't tell them the ending he was going to do
He clearly told them, but take Sansa, the smarter character in the show, in the book she is actually under LF care, she will DEVELOP into a manipulator and a smart person, in the show she gets fucked in the ass, she runs awau and then betrays Jon during the battle of the bastards, never gets called out and is magically turned into the smartes character around. Dany has been on a path to madness since day 1, while in the show they tried to downplay it for the "fanbase". It's not about what the characters do, it's about internal logic and why those characters can do and get into those situations. Arya gets the biggest kill in the show JUST becuase they think Jon fighting with said villian was too expected.
>guy puts dick in catacumb skull
>guy masturbates to his daughter's underwear
>guy kills his gf, post and says "check the news in a few hours" and that her son will find it
>guy trows a granade into a toilet and kills himself
>guy goes on a murder spree becuase he can't get pusse
>girl does something retarded
>this is the collapse of western citilization!
Fucking incels
how many books have you written?
>Thing I don't care about (because the books told me it doesn't really matter)
This is by far the biggest failure of the show, misinterpreting the whole point of what Martin is doing.
Based & Qpilled
The real game is the game of thrones played by the old cosmic gods
chill out it's fine.
>Oh for fucks sake you people are reactionary morons.
>This isn’t the girl’s grandmother. It’s her aunt. She isn’t dying, she just had a simple surgery. This is a series of photos. In the first one the niece is laying in the bed with her and hugging her. Then there’s this photo. Then another one where they both are laughing. Then the final one the girl is sitting on the bed holding her hand.
>In the original caption she says “keeping Aunt [name] spirits high after surgery. She’s feeling better now.”
>The people in this sub are the real trashy ones for faking outrage over some BS photo with a BS backstory that not a single person thought to actually question.
>The trashiest of all is OP for reposting this bullshit lie.
I went on reddit for this
I do care about who wins the iron throne but that's not the end all be all of the books. I want to know what the fates of these characters will be (them randomly getting killed off because dabid were having a bad day doesn't count) and an answer to a few of the mysteries that have been set up from the start. Not all of them because what you show (or write in this case) is just as important as what you don't. I'm fine with things like the existence of gods being uncertain and not getting an in-detail explanation of every mystic thing that has happened. But of course GRRM is never finishing the books so we're all kinda fucked
would you guys prefer if he released bad books or if he never releases them at all ? look at it this way, seeing how bad the show went and its reception, he can regain confidence about where he wants to take the book on his own without the show writers or executives trying to influence him. He knows what people expect and he knows what people never asked for
Yep, the show is just merchandising fanfiction for teenagers, its fun to watch CGI dragons and memepost about random characters, but the books are taking a very dark route. There is some massive shit about to go down, especialy in relation to Essos, Iron Islands and the Stannis/Daenerys storylines..
Why can't he do a time skip?
so why didnt cersei just try to kill them shoot all the arrows after killing miss sunday?
She forgot she had them.
yes, and I want to know more...
THIS is an anagram
He never intended to release The Silmarillion. It was notes that he used to create a backstory for The Lord of the Rings, which he did finish you dumb idiot
friki leaked that jon kills danny and then takes the back so its no wonder really
because there's still 2 episodes left user
just something butthurt brainlets say. it's pretty obvious what will happen
based fat cunt
dont read them when hungry
so basically one piece without story progression
I think the books made it very clear that all the bickering over the throne is just making it more likely for Winter to ravage fucking everything. The books go to great lengths to show how devastated Westeros is by the end of the War of Five Kings. Nobody can raise great hosts, nobody has been storing food, nobody is ready. The only places that are even close to being in a decent state are Dorne and the Reach and both of them are being dragged into the fray by the end of DoD.
The Iron Throne is the least of everyone's problems.
this, a feast of crows really hammer that idea, the white walker will reach king landings maybe even dorne
no argument here, at least, that's what I imagine - a continent-wide devastation, the lack of food, the lack of proper armies, the Others taking castle after castle in the ever-growing sense of dread
the Winter in the show is already over, apparently
4 & 5 are fine when you read them as written with a fan recombination like a ball of beast or whichever. The problem is that GRRM was forced to split one book into two and did it by pov character so you end up with 30 cersei being a retard chapters in a row and no pacing for brienne's boring adventure.
Also jew and jew made changes even as early as the letter in season one and the serious tone was lost in season two. They're simply incompetent retards and hbo didn't give them the necessary budget (or they blew it on blowjobs from hookers like Ros).
I don't think so. They have no way (that we know of) to get past the wall. I think the only point to the others in the grand scheme of things was to drive the wildlings south and cause the whole debacle with the nights watch that we get to observe through Jon. I don't think they're supposed to be the main threat, just that people think they are because they're weird ice elves that bring back the dead. I think the books are going to stay more focused on the human element not mythical bullshit and that the greatest destruction will in the end still come from the upcoming wars for westeros. The only thing that really throws a wrench in my theory is Bran's role. No clue what's going to happen with him
How hard is it to simply let winter come and start rallying/killing off some people?
tbf lotr is for fags
Yea Forums falling for fake news again, gullible fucks like /pol/
Because that's not the point retard. That's what D&D did and it was fucking retarded. Asoiaf isn't good because it establishes characters and kills them off, it's good because most character deaths can be seen coming and are a result of that characters poor decisions and because of it's great worldbuilding. And you can't just expect GRRM to abandon all the shit he's been building up just so he can kill off characters at random for the hell of it
Daenerys will suddenly not act retarded around the scorpions and she'll torch KL with Drogon
I mean fuck he could've made a ghostwriter finish it and then edited the shit himself to reflect his style and nobody would be the wiser.
he dont have ghostwriter but some close friends/fans, are always in contact with him to keep him on the lore and correct all the autistic details
>"I've always considered women people"
Disgusting, i hate radfems like him. Women are property.
I'm sure that will be off his hand once he dies and we'll finally get the last two books written by someone using his notes
> are going to stay more focused on the human element
Not a chance. Read the last Euron Chapters, and pay attention in the Daenerys chapters to what is going on in Volantis and Qohor.
>>Jon is too damn young, he won't be taken seriously
>19 and 20 year old Ned and Robert took over a kingdom.
>17 year old Robb started and lead a rebellion.
But 17 year old Jon leading anyone is way too much to handle?
I don't quite recall the Daenerys chapters, was it about the red priests gaining in power and exhorting the slaves?
Why would Bronn be on the council?
If so there is probably stuff left out.
>They have no way (that we know of) to get past the wall.
You didint read the books, did you? This is the chosen cover for the next. Now why would Martin choose the Horn of Joramun as cover?
Seem pretty likely the horn or something will take out the wall. But isn't eastwatch also getting fucked? Couldn't they just cross the water around the wall or am I forgetting something?
>the horn brakes the wall
No user, the horn is to wake up the dead Stark Army.
That was just fanart user, not official
But yeah that horn is still on the table, with having a lot of contenders as well, we are still not sure which one was legit. Kinda surprised that the show didnt use it
Why wouldnt the Lord of the Reach sit on the small council?
True. Killing of characters show-watchers love to point out again and again
But if these people actually read the books, most of the characters are actually still alive. Even Cateltyn Stark is still alive. Hell, even Stannis is still a good king canditate. There's more to the lore than what the show gave the general public.
>Why wouldnt the Lord of the Reach sit on the small council?
Why would he?
Based and redpilled
Volantis, Qohor and Norvos have mustered massive armies for "the great coming". Its hard to explain with th character limits, so i'll just leave this video here
When reading the books, often you read small bits like the POV characters overhear merchants talk about what is going on in the free cities
It's YOUR fault for not finishing the books like you say you would THREE FUCKING YEARS AGO, you fat lazy fuck!
There is no way in hell that HBO does not pay GRRM insane amounts of money, so that he wouldn't say anything about the show, or release the next book until the show is over. I mean, one book would destroy their weak ass fanfiction. But once they have made bank, they can let GRRM do whatever.
>so that he wouldn't say anything about the show
He barely can hide it anymore.
I like you guys, you can stay
I would love to see a podcast or something, where George gets drunk and spends a few hours bashing GOT.
He is starting to drop subtle disses at the show. Like when season 7 started, and he advertised some other fantasy show instead of GOT.
D&D are dumb as fuck, when they misinterpreted the entire fucking point of the series (constant infighting is making us not notice the real problems in the world) and did exactly the wrong thing.
>Jon takes the black again
What the fuck is even the point of taking the black anymore now that the Others have been defeated and the wildlings integrated into society south of the wall?
>wildlings integrated into society south of the wall
lol cuck
love how this is the moment that made shitters decide NOW got has declined.
>h'es never heard of an estate
>For those who don’t think they’re real can you please explain why?
Because the show is incredibly retarded and this feels exactly like something they would totally do.