What’s the best celebrity mean tweet
What’s the best celebrity mean tweet
Other urls found in this thread:
i'm not tired of that at all
The one where Scarlett Johansson says “I hate white people” on camera
What an absolute faggot
could never be tired of that
absolutely low t. faggot
>I don't know who this Christoph Waltz is
>But he looks pretty fucking boring so i'm not going to bother finding out.
Her reaction always makes me laugh
the chloe moretz one
A small breasted woman typed this
we get it, you like boobies
now have sex
The ones that you DONT see on a TV show.
Like the ones that celebs @reply to cuz it really pisses them off, unlike the ones they convey fake superiority over
How is that bad? If you find a woman you're comfortable enough sitting together eating spaghetti, you've made it.
Prob when that stupid drone loving nigger Obama read President Trumps tweet.
Sounds boring
is this really normie humour?
>whiteknighting for some disgusting old bat
>not a low t. faggot
choose one
This will never ever be topped
Guaranteed this was written by some chestlet cunt
What about the cringiest which includes poor acting?
>2019 still butthurt
She was so cute before going full drug addict dyke
These are all fake you dildos
naw just some land whale
fake and gay
God I want to deepthroat her feet
None of them because they're all staged tweets. The producers/writers of the show create and own the featured twitter accounts.
The one where someone says they want to tongue punch Margot Robbie in the fartbox
>His smile and optimism: gone
idk if its pottery because its partially true or because the dude who topped him as worst president came right after him
It's going to be glorious when this smug clown and his canal get taken down in the next year or so. Absolutely glorious.
>we have to deal with a meme presidency cause this guy had to roast trump
t-thanks obama
>some old womans tits
Quit being such a bitch. If you let grandmothers drag you around by the dick, you're going to have a hard time in life you little pussy.
>he believes the deep state memes
those are some nice young woman tits
how does she do it?
The Obama "at least I will be a president" one where he responded to Trump. It works best when cut with the Curb theme song.
this dumb motherfucker actually thinks any corrupt politician gets held accountable lmao, this is why you will always be the one that gets stepped on
only 2 have made me laugh
Whats not boring then?
I don't dine on socialist swine
this one's my favourite it's completely accurate
that's the funniest tweet I've ever seen
This one's pretty good
>tfw Taylor Swift won’t ever do this bit because she takes trolls seriously
>the dude who topped him as worst president came right after him
Poor kid, you really believe President Trump is making a bad work? See you in the reelection boy!
The United States hasn’t had a good President for decades. They are all either corrupted by businesses. Except for jimmy carter, he just wasn’t an aggressive enough person to make a good us president.
obama with the biggest self-own in history
It was the worst presidential candidate in history.
and the second worst presidential candidate in history.
It was always gonna be like this.
>Jimmy Carter a good president
Nigga please with this
lol dumb nigger
>tfw she later got a bunch of plastic surgery
>Unironically thinking this
Read a book
>making a bad work
this sums up the people that voted for him
literally the last good man in Washington. Leave it to Americans to revile truth, honesty and integrity because he didn't pamper their egos like Trump, Bush or even Obama.
thats a bit mean for a young girl
He made sure to set up a trust to run his tiny peanut farm while he was president to avoid any potential conflict of interest with his business, and still helps build homes for people well into his 90s.
best part is Obama says " At least I will go down as a president"
im so disgusted with how americans treat carter. imagine the romans jeering aurelius in the city square.
He's a giant pussy for not calling out the dems for their racist double standards and bigotry. Fuck that guy.
the irony of this post is insane lmao
What was he thinking when he was floating at the end? Dropping the phone is so cringe. Does Obama think back to this moment at random times throughout the day, knowing he immortalized his own faggotry for eternity?
Think about Americans a lot do you?
Sure it is faggot.
Trump will go down as a above average president. You are just too dense to parse through all the propaganda. I guarantee you get 80% of your opinions from comedians or talk show hosts
top kek
Haha so random
sweet jesus
Socialist whore
Do you elect generals or CIA directors?
Cheers from UK lads!
Who gets tired of that?
No I actually form my own opinions based on the information I've been presented with from both sides of the argument. Sorry that you feel the need to project your idiocy onto me because you aren't emotionally stable enough to take someone disliking your corrupt politician of choice.
I'll seize her means of (re)production
>"I form my own opinions"
>provides no actual opinions
Thread could have ended here
*keeps spamming "orange man bad"/"hey lil donnie"/"so....." threads on Yea Forums
He tried hard to pander to millenials throughout his presidency since they helped put him in the white house, made it even cringier.
He will go down as a lame duck one term sociopath conman. He deserves far worse.
>Trump and his fanbase do absolutely nothing but shill right-wing propaganda on everyone
>Someone who isn't biased calls him out on the mentally ill clown he is
>Someone who isn't biased
Bottom ten at least, tbqh
Sorry, I forgot anyone farther than extreme right is a biased SJW
Just roll your eyes and take a big deep sigh and punch the ballot box for someone other than Trump.
>Be forcefed with right-wing propaganda for years
>This is fine
>literally everything that disagrees with you is propaganda
He's by far the worst president we've had but the original handful were pretty fucking shitty themselves. Washington especially just tricked drunk people at bars and people who didn't understand English into joining his army among a lot of other dickass moves
Still beat Britain lol
Just like how anyone to the right of Antifa is a neo-nazi :^)
>moving the goalposts this hard after making claim the poster isn't biased
>He's by far the worst president we've had
Andrew Jackson
>o-one term guise
I remember back when he was supposed to lose that one in a landslide
Not denying that shit isn't a problem elsewhere but Yea Forums is all /pol/shits and drumpfies
How do people unrionically think he's the worst president we've ever had compared to the ones who let the civil war happen or created shitty institutions like the Federal Reserve?
Hell even compared to the last four he's much better at this point (and I say that as someone who thinks he's just done alright).
>Trump will go down as a above average president.
wonder if Paul Rudd wrote that one in disguise
What did he do again? As for shittiest presidents I can name off the top of my head
Shitposts on Twitter all day, keeps breaking down relations with everyone for his own ego, is responsible for extreme identity politics/outrage in the US
Made harmless drugs schedule 1 and started the war on drugs resulting in wasting absolutely obscene amounts of tax money and over-crowding prisons with non-violent offenders. Also Watergate
Puts nukes in Turkey and points them in Russia, Russia responds by putting nukes in Cuba and says they'll get rid of them if we pull ours from Turkey, instead JFK goes "OKMG LOOK AT EVIL RUSSIANS WHO WANT TO NUKE US :(((" and keeps escalating the issue to save face in front of the American public. Nearly started a global nuclear war over his ego (gee who does this sound like)
>who let the civil war happen
Yeah I'm sure the war itself was the problem and not what lead up to it. I'm all for kicking the south out of the country even in 2019
There will never be a bigger case of self immolation ever.
this is what you get for starring in a movie with jealous coloureds
Obama is a fucking NIGGER!
It so figures your only talking points would be libtard revisionist bullshit. God damn hippies are a waste of DNA. Men died for you to live asshole. The world isn't black and white
The tweet is also topnotch.
>it's a right-winger gets angry and responds with nothing but assholes, fallacies and irrelevant nonsense episode
Lots of these lately
Insults**, fucking shit I need sleep
All you had to say blame, blame, blame
Victim, victim, victim
Do you really want to die on that hill?
I laugh every time. It's better watching it, but man...thanks for posting this, I was going to look for it but my folder is unorganized. This may even be my cap.
Yet another high quality post that did absolutely nothing to refute me
Top tier bait
You don't end up as president by not spreading your asshole for businesses/others who pay you to protect their interests
trump is the worst. he does nothing but bitch on twitter all day netting zero respect from anyone. all he does is attention whore like a thot.
he's like the first attention whore president. lolcow president. cwc president.
>not wanting a drug addict butch dyke gf
Speak for yourself, queermo.
>he's like the first attention whore president. lolcow president. cwc president.
This, Bush was a complete idiot but he at least was genuinely trying to do something besides piss people off
bush can at least take jokes. trump thinks everyone who makes fun of him as some kind of satan. theres something wrong with that guy i dunno what.
Why is American culture so stupid?
You’re obviously biased.
Record high stock market. (U don’t have to be rich to buy stock btw)
Record low unemployment.
Your just a faggot :/
It really doesn't matter, Trump will always be viewed as "le libtard trolling genius" by anyone who wants to perceive him that way
Yup that bit gets left out
I mean, Obama already won two terms, the best Trump could do is match him.
Chill out Patty
Now tell me how many of those were not just random or in a cycle, but as a direct result of his intended actions
Retconn almost all of Obama's globalist policies. All they were doing was selling Americans to European Bankers.
Socialist infiltration and indoctrination of America's youth. Opened up trade with China. SALT 1 with Soviets. Watergate was nothing more than a third rate burglary disguised as constitutional crisis by liberals.
Bay of pigs was put in place way before Kennedy assumed the Presidency. Its because he didn't supply the pre-approved air covered that would've hit soviet personnel, the Soviets didn't retaliate by invading West Germany that would've led to ww3.
The Jupiter missiles in Turkey was put there as a deterrent.
Quit your revisionist bullshit. I know you twerps want to not look at how the real world works but America has enemies. You and your group are some of them
Holy mother of cringe
I find it amusing how his supporters have to keep stretching their suspension of reality to keep up the facade that he's "winning". I mean, first he couldn't even get Obamacare repealed with two Republican houses, then he shuts down the government for three months to get 1/10 of his "wall" budget, then he the self proclaimed world's greatest negotiator fails to negotiate literally every deal with other nations since his presidency.
>is responsible for extreme identity politics/outrage in the US
Lolwut this shit began back during Obama's second term you lying fuck
Hm this post seems entirely accurate and not biased or misrepresented at all, good job with those sources, too, user!
Not him but sticking the world globalist into your sentence is not an argument on a free board in a rational debate. What did Trump actually do that was good?
During Obama's term it mostly a small amount of SJWs that were ignored, now it's extreme right vs. SJWs and both of them have a huge us or them mentality
Nah, this shit started in the 90s.
the best
>America has enemies. You and your group are some of them
lmao you think they don't know this? They're self loathing and suicidal by nature. They want to sacrifice themselves to the TV Morality Gods and take everyone else down with them
That cel drop was pathetic. Completely off.
Not the point. The point is Obama bet that Trump would never be president at all.
He stepped on a rake here, and he's still sore.
Nixon was the reason US of A won the cold war and mutts remember him for some amateur spyshit
You don't deserve to be a superpower
You never did desu
And you won't be for long
Learn Chinese like the grandchildren of your president. It will pay off
>best they found is an anti-white racist quip
No wonder he has a slightly smug look
I pointed you in the direction. Look up the work for yourself. Requires actual research other than deep state sources though. No tin foil hat needed.
Why depressed?
Why not just couch farts?
I'm thinking of getting a twitter account just to show people how to fucking tell jokes.
A good joke always shaves off any extraneous bullshit.
>"At least I'll be an Olympian"
>Literal retard gets memed into the olympics
>Falls down and shits himself in front of the entire world
>campaign promises to build the wall and drain the swamp
>doesnt build the wall
>adds to the swamp
hes betrayed us
Mate it was a joke segment on TV. I consider it ironic to say Obama is sore when Trump spends his days calling his appointed Attorney General a loser
Why would Trump supporters be mad about their candidate winning?
Nice imagination you have there my special needs friend.
>I was going to look for it but my folder is unorganized. This may even be my cap.
He has some of the lowest ratings ever. By the popular vote he actually is one of the biggest losers ever.
Yeah! Like who cares if the president is extremely corrupt, hushing media and staging crimes lol, it's definitely not like he's meddling elsewhere even if he was doing that haha
fucking hot
these are so stupid
>hurr durr celebrity is a fag lol
>celebrity looks at the camera and makes a stupid face
Yeah, he's totally feeling on top of the world these days.
This is photoshopped, right?
There's no way this aired on the television program.
I wonder this every day, why would they keep spamming Yea Forums with asshurt posts about 'lefties' and jews all day if they weren't mad, then?
lol, china's about to collapse
I find it odd that lefties use his lack of a built wall as a point against him. I thought you fags didn't want a wall, shouldn't you be giving him credit for that?
Best mean tweet coming through
Point out any flaws in my logic, no pedantry either
fuggen rekt
>Mate it was a joke segment on TV.
The audience was cheering, not laughing.
Not to mention he has actively and in a non-joking manner said that Trump would never be president.
don't bother dude lmao, they voted trump for memes and they defend him for memes, these people are the fall of civilization in physical form, literally a result of boomer degeneracy coming to roost.
What logic lol, all you have is an absurd analogy
The real question is why can't leftists ever detect shitposting? They're trying to get a rise out of you sensitive snowflakes because you're easy targets.
What's your proof that he is corrupt? Trump acted within the confines of his executive powers. Demoncrats through everything at him from his first day on office. Thanks to them. Looking like grown children trowing tantrums. Trumps re-election is assured. Thanks for that by the way.
try reading that again, this time left to right and in order
meant for
Because you're irritating. It's not rocket science. You and your kind are just unlikable people.
>get elected over an idiotic premise
>fail at idiotic premise after wasting a shitton of money
And you're deluded enough to think his opponents are in the wrong?
Please with this bullshit. Had your onions today? Your generation is made of nothing but pussies. Keyboard activist that gets triggered for violating your oh so safe space. Bunch of cuck faggots.
>admit to seething at people for having different political opinions
This is the state of modern conservatism
Yes, that's true. The one redeeming feature of Trump is that he's too incompetent to implement any of the terrible policies he promised he would.
Tits with timestamp or gtfo
why do you all kill yourselves so much?
No, it's your general attitude. I don't give a shit about your politics, but rather the way you express them. It's like the vast majority of you actively try to annoy, rather than argue or support a real point. Ad hominem is your go-to, when it should be hard data.
It's irritating.
every day he just becomes remembered as a better president because of how much of a psychotic retard the current one is.
>Please with this bullshit. Had your onions today? Your generation is made of nothing but pussies. Keyboard activist that gets triggered for violating your oh so safe space. Bunch of cuck faggots.
that's pretty mean tbphwyf
Literally all of what you described is what the right does on Yea Forums incessantly
>shouldn't you be giving him credit for that?
Republicans controlled the house, senate and presidency and he's that much of a lame duck that he still couldn't get a wall built.
Like you cared about Obama
Like you cared about Clinton
Like you cared about Reagan
You just can't grasp the power dynamics of history, you are one of the many that follow the leader
You are the same man that was against gay marriage 20 years ago. Against women voting 100 years ago. Your morality is that of the status quo. You know you are ignorant so you just trust authority but still you feel revolutionary somehow.
You live in an era sculptured by postmodernism but you don't even know the basic ideas of the movement that made you what you are
Ignorance is bliss indeed, but i bet you claim to be an atheist as well
it's funny because drumpf will actually go down as the worst president in history
Oh actually fuck off you ignorant piece of garbage. Andrew Jackson handled nullification like a champ, protected American expansion, set the country up with the highly effective James Polk, brought the democracy to the people, and before he was even president he shit on the British who were trying to recapture the colonies. If Fillmore, Pierce, or Buchanan had half the balls that Jackson did there would have been no fucking civil war. Andrew Jackson was the foundation to a very strong democratic party which lasted over a hundred years before flipping stances, and he's one of the very best presidents we've ever had.
The fact that you know enough about history to namedrop Jackson and somehow have the fucking gall to say he's the worst president ever makes me think you're some bleeding heart Trail of Tears whiner. News flash, those Indians weren't citizens, they were getting violent with people who were actually citizens, and at the time conquest was a perfectly legal (in international law) and widely accepted way to expand sovereign territory.
Read a fucking book before you talk about history.
>in the show
Her reaction was great.
Get aload of this asshole
>Retconn almost all of Obama's globalist policies. All they were doing was selling Americans to European Bankers.
not american but obama seemed like a big pussy on the world stage. that hurt americas prestige and the way the rest of the world views the u.s. he wasnt as bad as canadas leader though. he never wore rainbow socks,
And that justifies your own insufferable tactics? Aren't you supposed to be the better person?
girl (boy)
>all this trump hate
I guess it really was true all along that this place is full of reddit rats and discord trannies...
Damn. Takes a thread like this to show all the reddit rats swimming in here
Trump 2020. I hope you guys move out by then
duper's delight
you guys know they're reading tweets from the show writers pretending to be normies right?
What exactly am I personally doing besides being annoyed by /pol/'s constant spam? I'm not denying SJW shit is a problem elsewhere but as far as triggered shitposting goes here it's all right-wing
>They are all either corrupted by business.
>>all this trump hate
>I guess it really was true all along that this place is full of reddit rats and discord trannies...
>Damn. Takes a thread like this to show all the reddit rats swimming in here
>Trump 2020. I hope you guys move out by then
Based Ryan Davis
Are these shopped or were these actually aired on TV?
>dumb nigger can't read
>lashes out
color me surprised
Hopefully, they would've died from mass suicides after Trump wins re-election. Purge the gene pool from these treacherous snakes
I honestly think that Skull & Bones Presidents are the best.
Why are you here though? Why don't you stay on Reddit?
Also, $100 says you're a Commiefornian.
>What exactly am I personally doing besides being annoyed by /pol/'s constant spam?
Didn't you just tell me earlier that it was the right wing that was mad at you, and angrily spouting insults in reaction?
Now you're the one mad at them, and you're the one justifying your angry reaction on annoyance?
Do you have no self-awareness at all?
>Hopefully, they would've died from mass suicides after Trump wins re-election. Purge the gene pool from these treacherous snakes
>Trump will go down as a above average president.
no. he really really really won't. I voted for him as a bomb vote because it was CLEAR he's a fucking lunatic retard. You're deluding and embarrassing yourself bud. You gotta just jump off the bus. This is the rest of your life trying to cope with how you bought into this retard. Like fine if you want America to burn down as a goof that's one thing but you GOT to come to reality on Trump being a fucking insane retard. He will not be considered ANYWHERE near "average" anything. He was a degenerate fuckup businessman and he inherited hundreds of millions of dollars.
> I guarantee you get 80% of your opinions from comedians or talk show hosts
This is just what you tell yourself. You NEED to get more clear headed on this friend. Trump is going to be a fucking poltergeist on all our legacies for the rest of our lives. And he's going to die soon after his presidency so he won't even get the chance to be a cool guy that repairs his image after his presidency.
>The_Donald calling anyone reddit
I was here far before you retards flooded the site and turned it into your political safespace, I'm standing my ground. Also fuck CA
Do you have a soft pussy? Does it smell?
>who let the civil war happen
Yeah, why didn’t someone figure out how to keep slavery alive?
Oh sweetie, no. Please have sex.
What in the actual fuck is a pede?
12 year old boys also find women attractive. You'd better start sucking dicks if you're gonna go by the logic of pics like that.
seriously though what's up with all your suicides? You kill yourselves more than trannies lol
>they still, even now, after being proven wrong countless times, after Mueller actively and begrudgingly admitted that he couldn't find anything, are doing the russia narrative tactic
Truly, utterly amazing. You're hitting Timecube levels at this point.
Does anyone have the "older lady-pede" reddit post for this guy?
Poor education system
Male suicide attempts are for suicide, female suicide attempts are for attention or just done badly because women are stupid
tldr can you talk about this or not?
prove you're an American lol. I BET YOU WONT.
I bet women still have more attempts
>Also, slavic moneywhore wife is the best wife
>Male suicide attempts are for suicide
no you kill yourselves like 10 points higher than transexuals do. NOBODY is more suicidal ON EARTH than Russian "men." What the fuck is up with you niggers?
based de kino
I feel bad for Mark Ruffalo. Dude has legitimate acting chops.
The Kids Are Alright
Begin Again
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Underrated post (I hate Mumford and Sons)
You obviously don't know Russian women
You assholes dont have to like trump as a person but to call him the worst president because hes mean on twitter reveals your sjw reddit ways.
You vuys are pathetic. You guys are retarded.
How can he be the worst president when unemployment is the lowest in 50 years and the economy is better than it has been in 20.years?
Trump 2020 reddit rats. Start packing
You poor dumb bastards still chasing that Russia thing huh?
I heard you people live in a place called denial. Hows the weather there these days?
4 moar years with Trump
No he's a toxic fucking racist who says vile things which he later calls "locker room talk".
You cannot dismiss this. You are not allowed to ignore the lived experience of PoC. You are literally so white it hurts.
Why would I? You'd attempt to say I'm still Russian no matter what I say or do. I could show you my social security card and you'd just say I stole it or some shit. Pretending people you disagree with are Russian is literally your only method of debate.
>/pol/ gets their memey proto-fascist elected
>he’s completely incompetent, senile, and disinterested in fulfilling any campaign promises
>administration is full of has-been neocons
>turbo regulatory capture in every agency that matters
if you are a rightwinger with half a brain, then the only thing to like about Trump is his judicial appointments
If he refuses to leave office and executes order 66, then maybe he can start getting things done. Until then, he lacks the political acumen and wherewithal to do anything substantial.
>you kill yourselves like 10 points higher than transexuals do.
Are you literally retarded? Are you aware that absolute percentage and stats per 100,000 people are wildly different?
Man, Robert DeNiro got really irritated by those stupid jokes... I thought he would've had thicker skin. Fucking BOOOMERS.
Honestly they should just keep screeching Russia.
Underrated kino.
yeah there's Russians ITT what the fuck are you talking about cuck. Who the fuck you think is posting all most this shit. Post proof youre an American I BET YOU WONT loser.
Prove you even know english.
>I heard you people live in a place called denial.
I heard you live in St Petersburg. Prove you don't.
You know what? FUCK YOU. The time for politeness is over. We have no more tolerance for fascists. Get the FUCK out. Fucking leave.
he's obligated to play a character. i mean even in solo interviews he's so shy he barely gives a reply!
PoC is extremely racist terminology btw
I don't get it.
Even that cunt Hitlary is still saying Trump stole the election from her. Can you believe this shit?
>"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. The investigation also identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign."
Eat shit and die TЯUMPKIN
Brainlet supreme
Larry David's reactions were great but fuck if I'm gonna go fetch them for you
Nigga do some research. This is funny bc Obama replies with at least I'll be a president
Wrong moron. They reclaimed it, and you're a bigoted PoS.
If there's one thing the masses hate more than anything is negativity. They approached the 2016 election negatively and lost. Let them whine.
Oh the irony with this post
>Trump responsible for extreme identity politics/outrage in the US
Goddamn lie. Identity politics and the victim narrative is taught in colleges and universities by marxist professors who infiltrated these institutions after being faggot hippies in 60's.
>Ye that fake laugh is such an amazing reaction
Fucking mutt hours
>no responses
pottery, this is what happens when the trumpettes get assaulted with facts
>Why would I?
because you ARENT. YOU CANNOT. LOL. You fucking gooks are funny.
>I could show you my social security card and you'd just say I stole it or some shit.
yeah probably that's a fucking weird thing to have on hand.
> Pretending people you disagree with are Russian is literally your only method of debate.
nah theres' actually Russians ITT LOL. Stay triggered m80.
>Are you literally retarded? Are you aware that absolute percentage and stats per 100,000 people are wildly different?
the other Russian said it's "suicides." Do your cops count a lot of homicides as suicides or something?
>Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for violating Yea Forums 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only.
What exactly is the appeal of having a bitchy, greedy child as a wife?
>hurr durr it's so hot u wouldnt understand low test beta
You'll get sick of it and be dead inside within a month
Not indicted
Not impeached
Not in handcuffs
Guaranteed re-election because of your bullshit witchhunt
Thanks pal
Yes, they actually aired.
Even the Susan Sarandon titty tweet was real.
Дa, тoвapищ.
explain "the irony" shill. I get that you're trained to do appeals to hypocrisy but how about you try doing something that demonstrates you actually know the language LOL
>white people
>yeah probably that's a fucking weird thing to have on hand.
>not keeping your SSC in a place you know that you can access easily
Have you ever had a job, user? Have you ever even applied for one?
Im just waiting on the purge. Start cracking some skulls.
>Guaranteed re-election because of your bullshit witchhunt
It's amazing how out-of-touch right-wingers are
Obama literally started the campus rape histeria.
Yea Forums ate image
>You assholes dont have to like trump as a person but to call him the worst president because hes mean on twitter reveals your sjw reddit ways.
>You vuys are pathetic. You guys are retarded.
>How can he be the worst president when unemployment is the lowest in 50 years and the economy is better than it has been in 20.years?
>Trump 2020 reddit rats. Start packing
End your life now. Save yourself the crying for 4 more years.
Jump into a river
Кaкoгo хyя ты тoлькo чтo cпиздaнyл oбo мнe, ты мaлeнькaя cyчкa? Дa чтoб ты знaл, я выпycтилcя лyчшe вceх в Boeннo-Mopcкoм Флoтe и я yчacтвoвaл в мнoгoчиcлeнных ceкpeтных peйдaх нa Aль-Кaидy, и y мeня бoлee 300 пoдтвepждeнных yбийcтв. Я тpeниpoвaлcя в гopиллы вoйны, и я лyчший cнaйпep вo вceй apмии вoopyжeнных cил CШA. Tы для мeня нe чтo инoe, кaк oчepeднaя цeль. Я coтpy тeбя нaхyй c тoчнocтью, пoдoбнoй тoй, чтo никoгдa нe былa зaмeчeнa нa этoй зeмлe, зaпoмни мoи eбaныe cлoвa. Дyмaeшь, тeбe coйдeт c pyк cкaзaть мнe этo дepьмo чepeз Интepнeт? Пoдyмaй eщe paз, yблюдoк. Пoкa мы гoвopим, я cвязывaюcь co cвoeй ceкpeтнoй ceтью шпиoнoв пo CШA, и твoй IP oтcлeживaeтcя пpямo ceйчac, пoэтoмy тeбe лyчшe пoдгoтoвитьcя к штopмy, личинкa. Бypя, кoтopaя cтиpaeт жaлкyю мeлoчь, кoтopyю ты нaзывaeшь cвoeй жизнью. Teбe пиздeц, пapeнь. Я мoгy быть гдe yгoднo, кoгдa yгoднo, и я мoгy yбить тeбя бoлee чeм ceмьюcтaми cпocoбaми и этo тoлькo гoлыми pyкaми. Я нe тoлькo шиpoкo oбyчeн пpиeмaм pyкoпaшнoгo бoя, нo y мeня ecть дocтyп кo вceмy Apceнaлy мopcкoй пeхoты Coeдинeнных Штaтoв и я бyдy иcпoльзoвaть eгo в пoлнoй мepe, чтoбы вытepeть жaлкyю твoю зaдницy c лицa кoнтинeнтa, ты мaлeнькoe дepьмo. Ecли бы ты тoлькo знaл, кaкoe нeчecтивoe вoзмeздиe твoй мaлeнький "yмный" кoммeнтapий coбиpaлcя oбpyшить нa тeбя, вoзмoжнo, ты бы дepжaл cвoй гpeбaный язык. Ho ты нe cмoг, нe cмoг, и тeпepь ты pacплaчивaeшьcя, чepтoв идиoт. Я oбocpy тeбя яpocтью, и ты в нeй yтoнeшь. Teбe пиздeц, пapeнь.
>not being literally handcuffed in office means he'll be reelected
That's not really political, just women being stupid
You're are so fucking pathetic.
You're the type of moron that would actually use the n-word.
>End your life now. Save yourself the crying for 4 more years.
>Jump into a river
Says the group that think an Obama lackey or a socialist jew can take down Trump
Nobody's falling for the falseflagging bro, you can stop
>Learned Russian for a couple months
>Recognize this instantly
Bill clinton is responsible for putting millions of black men in jail for minor drug offenses and his 3 strike rule
Obama deported more mexicans than any other president in history
Trump is working on prison reform and black unemployment is the lowest in 50 years.
But trump is mean on twitter
Triggered tranny.
He will win 2020
>Triggered tranny.
>He will win 2020
Americans don't have this level of difficulty proving they're American
Is this the Navy SEAL copypasta or a special rant?
>tried to impeach trump since day 1
>failed miserably
>allready fated trump to win 51%
>moderates hates the left
You guys are the gift that keeps on giving
Falseflagging? Are you fucking serious? You're just as bad as the other racist morons in this thread then.
Fuck off back to POL before I report your stupid ass.
Guess our criminal justice system isn't perfect but I'll take it over Russia's
>why yes I am extremely insecure
I've seen you post this in other threads you thot
Granny user milky
Its only fair when your cunt gets exonerated then huh
>/pol/ = moderate
Nice ESL grammar, by the way
do any of you sub-boomer apologists read his tweets, literal droppings straight from his dementia brain? nigga is straight up retarded
Lowest black unemployment in 70 years
Lowest latino unemployment in 30 years
Lowest female unemployment in 30 years.
Strongest economy in 20 years
War with north korea averted
War with Russia averted
Lowest poverty numbers in 20 years
2 0 2 0
Liberals don't do too well with reality.
(((White people))) in new yawk, huh
>Lowest black unemployment in 70 years
>Lowest latino unemployment in 30 years
>Lowest female unemployment in 30 years.
>Strongest economy in 20 years
>War with north korea averted
>War with Russia averted
>Lowest poverty numbers in 20 years
>2 0 2 0
>C O P E
That would make every rapper and black celebrity retarded as well.
If we judged by twitter
clean your fucking desk, you dirty monkey
Her reaction was the same as 99% of all the reactions. Laughing. And that tweet isn't funny or creative at all. Kill yourself reddit.
>tried to impeach trump since day 1
there's been zero attempts to impeach trump
>failed miserably
there's been zero attempts to impeach trump
>allready fated trump to win 51%
funny spelling choices.
>moderates hates the left
idk Trump shut the government down over the wall, which he still never got, for a month. I know people that voted for him that will never stop being butthurt about that. That transcends politics, that was hundreds of thousands of people getting 1/12th of their yearly income fucked for nothing.
>You guys are the gift that keeps on giving
we're going to be enjoying your shenanigans for hundreds of years.
imagine being this homosexual
>Liberals don't do too well with reality.
Try to argue it.
You cant.
You cant refute.
Trump 2020
C o p e
>Black unemployment
Wtf I love this kike president now!
Haha, libtard hypocrisy at its finest. Brown Muslims you like. Autonomous Europeans that dont bow to Globalist Bankers you want to cry foul. Tell me, do you spit or swallow?
>Try to argue it.
>You cant.
>You cant refute.
>Trump 2020
>C o p e
no I had posted before
is right meow bb
Keep crying
did you post a pro trump message with an anti trump image
can you baiters not even keep track anymore?
>>Black unemployment
>Wtf I love this kike president now!
>Haha, libtard hypocrisy at its finest. Brown Muslims you like. Autonomous Europeans that dont bow to Globalist Bankers you want to cry foul. Tell me, do you spit or swallow?
Пoпpoбyй пocпopить.
Bы нe мoжeтe.
Bы нe мoжeтe oпpoвepгнyть.
Tpaмп 2020
Lena Dunham's boobs are dog noses
>Keep crying
>did you post a pro trump message with an anti trump image
>can you baiters not even keep track anymore?
sheesh lefties really are just mindless objects that can be thrown into trash at any time.
Ruffalo’s cute though
>sheesh lefties really are just mindless objects that can be thrown into trash at any time.
reminder that this is a Russian shill and they will NEVER prove otherwise.
Imagine being this mad at someone greentexting your posts lmao
Christ with this blocking out embarrassing moments in history again.
Congressmen were calling for Trump's impeachment his first day in office. It failed because you found nothing, you had nothing, it was a figment of your tiny imaginations.
Moderates see Trump a far better choice to socialist babies that want to bleed them dry to give twerps a hand out on their dime
Glad we agree. Trump then Pence then Pence VP will be occupying the Oval for a very long time. Again, thanks
Great thread guys!
Keep it up!!
>Christ with this blocking out embarrassing moments in history again.
>Congressmen were calling for Trump's impeachment his first day in office. It failed because you found nothing, you had nothing, it was a figment of your tiny imaginations.
>Moderates see Trump a far better choice to socialist babies that want to bleed them dry to give twerps a hand out on their dime
>Glad we agree. Trump then Pence then Pence VP will be occupying the Oval for a very long time. Again, thanks
>white people
>Congressmen were calling for Trump's impeachment his first day in office. I
there's been zero attempts to impeach trump
> It failed because you found nothing, you had nothing, it was a figment of your tiny imaginations.
there's been zero attempts to impeach trump
>Moderates see Trump a far better choice to socialist babies
the irony is that you're not an American and you have no idea what "moderates" are talking about.
You've given ZERO reason to think that I'm talking to an American right now.
>Day 910. We are still upset about Trump winning the election.
this, jesus christ
so you are criticizing someone for "seething at people for having a different political opinion" while you are seething at someone for having a different political opinion. great post.
>this is unironically Yea Forums in 2019
Sad pathetic fool.
Not really something to gloat over, is it?
He is a child way past his bedtime. Try to ignore him
Cringe post
>being offput by some overmedicated bug eyed wine aunt slag means you’re gay
wine aunts do something to me, it doesn't help that I have a red head wine aunt who dotes on me that im fucking attracted to (and her daughter who is 29 before you ask), and im adopted
my life is a living hell
they were so fucking smug about it
>hehehe the golem thinks I'm white hehe
holy shit, i bet nipples get down to her navel when unsupported
saggy granny tits are fucking disgusting. respect for the people who are into that, i just couldn't
this guy was supposed to be a politician, not an entertainer
he was doing campaing for hillary. this was literally 2 weeks before elections
I can't speak for them all, but at least was written by a person who worked for CBS, and Jimmy Kimbell was on ABC iirc.
That's the best part.
Seriously the last weeks before the election were some of the most strange days of our lifetimes: we had "grab em by the pussy", "why am I not 50 points ahead", "at least I will go down as a president", weekend at Hillary's video and that final "kept you waiting". It literally made me believe in ritual magic.
Anyone have the edit
>"grab em by the pussy"
unironically got him elected.
tongue punch in the fart hole
Americans have no concept of banter and humour. What a fucking unfunny thread, holy shit.
This gets funnier and funnier with time.
Where are you from?
This is Obama's legacy. 100 years from now they won't know a thing he did, except that he was the first black president and said this.
>white people
I changed one word in that tweet and it becomes way more accurate, yet somehow so offensive that you could never say it on television
Best part is they kept laughing at Trump for even suggesting the election could be meddled with.
Rip in piss, Barry
>won't know a thing he did, other than he was black!
You are projecting your own failings on to others, faggot.
You can do better than that
It's a meme you dip.
I'm gay as fuck and I still want to take her to pound town.
Pls Kstew come back, i love you
these are all really tame
would be funnier if they read out Yea Forums posts about them
Would be better if they roasted them alive and the studio crew ate them on camera.
Would have loved for the avengers to have that version rather than the real one, which went something like
>black actor:black actor is the blackest black ever, and that is good!
>(((Johansson))): Johansson is so white, and that is bad!
The kike bitch then mugged for the camera.
I am paraphrasing of course, but its annoying to think that same scenario, flipped, would be considered hardcore racism.
>black actor: Nigger.
>(((Johansson))):Kike bitch.
""""""""""""""""""""""""WHITE"""""""""""""""""""""""" PEOPLE
Yeah, you watch a few of these and you get the trend. Did you know being white is kind of lame, but being not-white is actually pretty cool?
they kinda sound good at first and then you realize the lyrics are literally random prose and it ruins it
blue steel?!
DeNiro is a total faggot, what did you expect?
Based wint.
>They thought hillary would win for sure
Oh man those were the days
That's the main reason why I think Trump isn't getting a second term. They aren't going to push the narrative that they've already got this in the bag. They're gonna make it seem like it's a fight for survival so everyone that is against Trump goes to vote. I'm guessing some of them didn't even bother last time because everyone was so convinced he can't win
That's literally my life and I don't give a fuck because it's actually enjoyable.
It's not boring if I get to fuck afterwards after getting my dick sucked.
damn this post really ruined my mood. why are bluepills so fucking dumb
No one cares incel
He sounds retarded
Very good point. Although if they do the same mistakes again, trumps 2nd term possibility is gonna rise again
i do...
Why would he drop is phone? It wasn't being used as a mic.
haha you can see that one hurt
>would be funnier if they read out Yea Forums posts about them
>fuck you jewish whore
>fuck you nigress whore
>fuck you nigger
>fuck you jewish
There you go, four comments that fit everyone. You're right they're hilarious kimmel is leaving money at the table not reading them
I’m realizing that many politicians never had to employ wit before trump as their skill set was rooted in giving performances with time to prepare, and negative fallout of factual inconsistencies discovered afterward would be mitigated by the media ignoring it.
Trump seems to have made a strategy out of saying what’s on his mind in stream of thought, and in doing so has practiced thinking quickly, if not with absolute consistency.
To leverage this potential advantage he antagonizes opponents and forces them into spitting matches. Trump has been practicing quick back-and-forth for a long time, and the majority of politicians have not and end up damaging their reputation.
I’ve made a point to ignore politics for awhile but this seemed like a novel thought.
It's easy to win arguments when you can say whatever kind of stupid shit you want and your defenders will eat up and back up everything
Trump is no quick thinking mastermind, he just got an army of drones willing to ignore every dumb thing he says because "lolol u triggered #MAGA"
How else are the pilots and stewards going to know they did a good job
I'm pretty sure she's post menopausal bro
With their paychecks
really want to suck on susan sarandons titties and asshole
eww old people bumholes
hers is different because she is rich and famous. her asshole would be immaculate.
seethe more
She laughed cuz she ain't white
In her mind she was thinking mission accomplished
i hate mumford & sons and that cunt with the hat has haunted me for ten long fucking years
How can anyone believe these are real tweets?
Her or her daughter?
What's with all the salty europoors ITT?
You can turn it into heaven by having some balls and making a move.
says you, an actual retard
The postmodern world we live in. Everything has to reference something, the reason every wit out there feels incredibly forced nowadays.
>white people
everyday I have less and less faith in humanity
This board, it still has taste.
Bottom right cracked me up. That libertarian feel.
>Mogging Julianne Moore
Based sexy granny
No it didn't. He laughed about it.
This one is prolly the best.
yeah fuck mumford and sons, fucking private school posh twats singing with an artificial irish accent get your own heritage you cunts
i dont get it why that nigger drop the phone
Thank you based Ryan.
They all laugh dumdumb - that's the common entertaining reaction they're going for
But the truth is in their eyes
The infinity war version was just an anti white fest
best I've ever seen
he's in Collateral too, I had no idea it was him
And he's a faggot bitch in all of those.
Like seeing a girl having her cherry poped
We'll get him back now that the capeshit soap opera phase 3 is done.
it was all downhill from here
>"Hell yeah!"
>i don't know what a crab apple is.. but fuck all yall
I really want her to sit on my face.
I thinking ruining the healthcare system and literally paying Iran to make nukes will be remembered for a while.
Why are people so mean online?
Roast of the decade. What a time to be alive.
Have sex
You seem like a great guy user.
Dude had a nasty brain tumor. Hard to hate him after that.
Jelly A-cup thot detected
Quit being a fag.
Have. Sex.
God damn I'd destroy that.
You can tell she knows people like her boobs.
Eva has a better body and I assume her boobs get bigger when she gets older, just like with Susan.
Literally proved him right.
Seething and cope are signs that you're a loser.
fuck, laughed out loud.
Hear his voice and look at his face.
Gods of Egypt is unironically kino as fuck and I wish a pox upon the genitals of anyone who disagrees.
This but unironically. As soon as he publicly humiliated trump you could see the revenge meme man was concocting
That's not a mean tweet
Who wouldn't tongue punch Margot Robbie?
What a low iq take. If you can’t admit that trump does have some legitimately quick wit moments idk what to say. He’s a terrible politician and probably not a very moral man but come on don’t be that guy.
Not him but to be fair the bullshit everyone will put up with from him is astounding.
Even he admits it;
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay?"
she has the body of a fridge and looks 40
I want to her feet
I really miss 2016. What a crazy year that was.
Is this the most reddit post of all time?
>not sitting at home with your loving wife eating spaghetti and just relaxing
Life is suffering.
So salty you gotta build up a mega-archive to soothe the pain lol
There are more attractive in the streets than robbie
she is average and non threatening so women will still watch her films
maybe if you got out of the house sometimes you’d see
barry soetoro
Women don't have any sexual boundaries. You being adopted just makes it even easier.
Play your cards right, son.
LMAO Trump is an A1 clown
ummm no sweety, that's offensive to clowns who work very hard and yet face constant ridicule from society
Nice Quads.
One of them directed at Mark Ruffallo was written by Ryan Davis (pbuh) from Giant Bomb and didn't even air until way after his death so at least some of the tweets are legit.
His wife looks bland too.
Mark Ruffalo died?
It's typically little boys who get poped.
who ever posted that is objectively gay. i remember getting rock hard for the first time to pic related
why fucking live
Prime Susan was something else. And by "prime" I mean anything from between 1970 and like four years ago.
he legitimately has brain damage
based and spedpilled
He is a jew, he doesnt desere to be called white.
Imagine a life where you are not white.
This is Jimmy Kimmel
Imagine being a granny chaser
she doesn't have big tits, she has saggy tits, there's a difference.
you're one fucking huge faggot hory shit
imagine writing this about some 60yo hag on a message board with your 5" dick in your hand
have sex you thirsty incels
when will it be okay to make fun of niggers on mainstream television like they do to whites?
Based Dre.
rent free
>being this butthurt over some random nigger saying "whitey"
You whitoids already had your time, it was okay to make fun of blacks in the '50s and earlier.
>thinks asking for equality of telling jokes is being "butthurt"
the point is that the world is stale af now that every race in the world except whites are forbidden to be joked about, dumb cuckold
i completely agree user, if you look under the carpet of any entertainment industry in the uk it is depressing. literally all privately educated posh cunts
Her tits aren't that big after all.
The way she smiles you can tell she's into it.
This and the Matt Ruffalo one made by the dead fatman from Giantbomb
just the best
I know, but that's just one reason against her two.
Post pics
You mean having better approval and greater economic development in the first two years than in an entire 8 year span isn't winning iyho?
The country is doing exponentially better under Trump's deregulated economy, even if he doesn't win the next media campaign for another 4 year reign, he's done a better job than Obama.
How many tweets did he read out loud about him giving drugs to Phil Hartman's wife?
ruffalo is pretty based tho
uh forgot You Can Count on Me my friend
that fucking cat
>greater economic development
Oh wow a bunch of companies that skirt paying taxes did better last year, let's celebrate with some natty ice beer because we can't afford coors after our shit tax returns.
Fucking brainlet
>Still memeing bad tax returns
Have kids :^)
After doing the math, the government only kept $700 of my taxed income. Another kid, and I legitimately would have made money on my tax returns.
you act as if obongo wasnt affirmative actioned into presidency, also pretending /pol/ has any influence is retarded and gay
>greater economic development
>The country is doing exponentially better under Trump's deregulated economy
>becoming ever harder to survive on one paycheck
>nativity steadily dropping
>Atomization increasing as family formation is put off due to need to work mroe to stay in the same place
Fuck I hate boomercons
>tfw developed a foot fetish in the last couple of months despite not giving a shit about them my entire life
What's happening to me
>smiling at deregulation
lmao yeah the last financial crisis could have hit a little harder lets try again. How fucking low IQ does one have to be to unironically lick the fucking boot
which one of you cunts wrote this
>gasping at a bunch of conspiracies that were proven untrue 100 times over
lmao yeah let's just keep believing leftist conspiracy train. FUCK DRUMPF
>Trump fixes problems that developed over the last decade and a half in two years
"Meh, fuck those peanuts, can't get caught acknowledging progress under Drumpf's administration"
>Takes longer than half an elected term to stop processes that have been in decline for the last half century
I just want to leave you with the reminder that Obama's doubling of part time employment actually worsened the wage stalling and cost of living jumps.
How is this any worse than how she was introduced in the wolf of wallstreet ?
>disproven lies, personal celebrity drama, 1 serious issue that the left wants to completely ignore
Oh yes, it was an unregulated housing market that caused the 2000's crash, not forcing banks to give out mortgages like candy on Halloween.
lick the boot for not being there anymore???
what are you even trying to say
Great another thread about how trump Really Really isnt retarded, and how he Really Really knows what hes doing actually
No, my son. They're big tits. You just don't have the man power to handle them. Step your game up.
>I bet Tom Holland is one of those darkies that yell during movies
>and in doing so has practiced thinking quickly
not that hard to do when you exist in an alternate reality
>no govt intervention is bootlicking
lolberts are pretty fucking retarded but you're next level
>Budget surplus
Funny how you're not showing the growth after the last two years of tax reforms
>lowering taxes and inceasing spending and throwing everything on the 23 trillion credit card is a good thing