He deserves Highgarden.
He deserves Highgarden
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Does winterfell not have security how did he get in with a crossbow?
>keeping someone around who will literally betray you for anything
hopefully he just gets fucking stabbed in the back by jaime
They fired the guards for hassling Arya and forgot to replace them.
I hope so, he had a based speech on episode 4
Only character I want to see dead
Don't care about the others
>He deserves Highgarden.
He believes HighGarden is Tyrion's to give away?
His sword is an iron sword from Skyrim.
before the last episode, one of my favourite characters
now hope he dies, if 8 years+money and life for those 8 years isn't enough for a little bit of loyalty, then you're just a cunt
That belongs to Qyburn
He believes Tyrion, Dany's hand, is on the winning side
He deserves better writing
jaime has those eyes on him
jaime is a fag fuck though and his whole character arc was destroyed
Pretty much this. Whoever butchered the character needs to be fired.
nah he's based, merc working for himself only is rare to come by
I want Qyburn’s endgame to be him escaping and living on a remote island off of Sothoryos, becoming a Lich through self experimentation, and building a new army of the dead with his more voodoo-like magic.
my man jaime is going to kill cersei and fulfill the azor ahai prophecy
He’s the only character still true to his book side, literally the best part of that shit episode 4
>Jamie, Azor Ahai, destined to slay the night king
>Bran: “oops, fucked up there, maybe next reincarnation, but hey, neat sword.”
He explicitly states over and over hes in it for the money/self advancement. Both of the Lannister bros constantly end up not being able to fulfill their end of the deal or whatever so ofc he'll end up being tired of their shit
please tell me you are joking, that scene was just fucking awful
He just shows up out of nowhere, threatens them and then leaves
>First sword broke
Jamie lost his hand
>Sword broke while being stabbed into a lion
Jamie betrayed the Lannisters to fight against NK
>Sword becomes Lightbringer when stabbed into his one true love
Jamie gonna stab that bitch Cersei
Not even the Eyrie could keep you safe from him, though.
did he have a better life before meeting them or after?
surely even out of pure self interest he would stay on their side
What is the purpose of Azor Ahai without a night king?
Damn right. He’s the only one left alive besides maybe Varys who truly understands the nature of power. Bron is essentially the embodiment of Varys’s parable from season one. Bron is what you get when the man who holds the sword understands where power really lies.
Bronnfags are invariably edgy losers living in basements.
This, he should have been gone after season 4. If not wuth his wife Lolys like in the books, then elsewhere after Jaime tried to force him to g to Dorne and takr his lordship away.
Why the fuck does distance not matter after like the first two seasons? In season 1 it takes them months to travel from Winterfell to King's Landing, in season 7 it takes one night to get a message from beyond the wall all the way to Dragonstone and then to fly from Dragonstone to north of the wall, in season 8 Bronn can sneak from King's Landing to Winterfell in a night, this show is falling apart
Why is everyone surprised that Bronn doesn't give a shit about Jaime/Tyrion? He's a psychopath. He was going to murder an innocent noble lady so he could inherit her castle. He implied he would kill babies for the right price.
Dude only cares about himself and his gold.
To secure the realm for peace. Who says the Night King was even defeated? What if he's in service to a god opposite of the Lord of Light?
Fun idea but stabbing the lion is kinda weak
Bronn left Kings landing weeks before that day, retard
After promising him Highgarden, what's to stop Tyrion and Jaime from simply turning on him, doubling their security detail and paying guys to follow and kill him?
>loyalty to Tyrone Lancaster who is a total retard and never pays his debts