I thought they had a purpose.
Craster's sons
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DnD keking at you
he turned into a fully formed white walker like two minutes later then he sat on a horse and did nothing
you weren't supposed to remember that happened
Next GOT in 20 years all those babies will be full grown Night Kings each commanding their own white walkers. So when one king gets taken down in a BS way the others will live to fight on.
Your expectations were SUBVERTED!
Maybe the last shot of the show is the baby all growed up.
nothing had any purpose.
ya well you thought wrong goy
They had purpose when the show still had Martin on board and wasnt Benihack and DB Kike completely winging it
It was a strategic weapon for Winterfell, the wights would throw the babies over the wall on the soldiers but then they decided to go for the soldiers dying in the field and the idea started to look stupid.
>multiple night kings
frozen civil war when?
Why did the White Walkers all shatter when the Night King died? I thought only the wights were contingent on their existence, don't the other White Walkers have more autonomy than their minions?
Do I need to turn my brain off more?
And yet the people the NK raised from the dead didnt, so they could have a funeral scene.
Awful writing
the show blatantly skimps on the budget whenever possible to animate the dragons
The WW's purpose is pretty simple, they are manifestations of the god of death (opposite side of the coin from the lord of light) and their only goal is eternal darkness.
>be night king
>capture humans
>build huge trebuchet
>shoot humans over the wall
>raise their corpses
>you now have a army on the other side of the wall
why didn't they do this?
would the magic have worked beyond the wall? I remember they would immediately explode in blood raven's place
They didn’t even need a catapult. The night king could have just dropped them in with his dragon. Hell, he could have done this at every major city in Westeros.
Yeah thought it might have something to do with being virgins since they bring that shit up every other episode.
Also Craster is the only person that called them gods and hints that he knows some shit.
>Gee, I wonder what's taking our glorious leader so long.
>Well, humans are jerks. They run and*shatters*
>Oh dear god n-*shatters*
>M-mr Chilly, I don't feel so good*shatters*
Why was the dragon raised like a white walker instead of a typical zombie? The Night King personally touched it and gave it glowing eyes.
With as many kids Craster was having over the years there should be an entire army of white walkers instead of a handful.
purpose was to make a cool scene, which it was.
> Hey guys lets have something like Mordor, but really cold and icy instead.
>night king touches Arya's neck
>she doesn't become a walker
Just slap a saddle on a ice spider.
>shapeshifting undead ninja
would she be better than the night king?
they are the next generation of wight walkers
they were the night king's tax policy
Arya as the Night King would be what the Night King was originally supposed to be.
>breathes fire on humans
>they instantly become wights
would have been kino
Literally nothing related to White Walkers ever mattered.
The wall is more than just a huge thing. It's also a magical barrier.
At least in the books, DnD don't give a shit.
>I thought the White Walkers had a purpose
why didn't the night king just use the eagles to fly over the wall
I thought a lot of things in this show had a purpose: all the Jon vs the Night King foreshadowing, the Azor Ahai prophecy, the prophecy about Cerceis children, Jamie's redemption arc, Bran's entire character and story arc as the Three Eyed Raven, etc... Boy were my expectations subverted, though.
why can't I hold all this subversion
You just know the show with 2 episodes left will end with no explanation for:
>Azor Ahai
>Lord of Light
>Night King
>Craster's Sons
>Valonqar Prophecy
>Melissandre's true nature as an elderly ghoul woman
>3 Eyed Raven
>Brandon the Builder / Bran connection
>"The crow is a liar"
>Horn of Winter
>Drowned God
>Children of the Forest / WW spiral symbol
>Why was Jon brought back
>Kinvara / Varys conversation about what he heard in the flames
>Littlefinger's masterplan of poisoning Arryn which motivated the whole saga
>Many Faced God
>Jaqen H'ghar
>Nymeria surviving with her own wolfpack
>Euron's powers
>Why the Mountain is some kind of zombie
>The Mad King's Insanity
>Dany's vision of Khal Drogo and her child
>"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before."
All of it will remain unanswered as the show dedicates itself to pandering to the lowest common denominator who just likes badass action scenes and shit getting blown up while the fat fuck GRRM eats his way into an early cardiac arrest.
>run out of source material
>get bored of writing anything beyond the red wedding and phone it in
>fan base explodes
>pander to them by favoring Jon and Dany
>kill "bad guys" like Stannis and Littlefinger
>looking for purpose in this piece of shit
Its like GoTfags are retarded.
It's LOST all over again except this time the characters fell into the shit pile too.
>in the game of ice thrones, you win or you freeze
>will house Brrrrratheon keep the ice crown or will they fall to the machinations of house Lanicester? And what of the exiled Danyrice, mother of Mammoths, and her army of Dothchilli poised across the frozen sea, waiting to reclaim the throne?
>find out in A Song Of Ice And Ice!
I guess we'll just forgot about Othor the wight arising jnside castle black in season 1. Everything makes sense if you just shut off your brain and ignore everything that happened before [CURRENT] season.
passing a javelin... that's all what they did in 8 seasons, more lazy than Rocky's brother in law
The whole Night King plot was a mistake. Runs contra to the entire series thematically: Kill the king and the whole faction instantly dies.
>Azor Ahai
dude lmao wat?!
>Lord of Light
he served his purpose
>Night King
see above
see above
>Carster's Sons
dude lmao little baby zombies
>Valonquar Prophecy
dude wtf, just watch the show, it's fun
>Melissandre's true nature as an elderly ghoul woman
dude lmao hot lady is in fact not hot, wow!
>3 Eyed Raven
cool wise dude
>Brandon the Builder / Bran connection
dude wat?
>"The crow is a liar"
u high bro?
>Horn of Winter
it blows
>Drowned God
I make bubbles when taking a bath
>Children of the Forest / WW spiral symbol
dude cool symbols, wtf!
>Why was Jon brought back
Jon can't die, wtf dude?! y u no like Jon?!
>Kinvara / Varys conversation about what he heard in the flames
secret things, who knows, lol
>Littlefinger's masterplan of poisoning Arryn which motivated the whole saga
Littlefinger bad, he ded, was cool too, lol
>Many Faced God
valar mongoloids
>Jaqen H'ghar
are you islamophobic dude, that's problematic
>Nymeria surviving with her own wolfpack
omg direwolf, so cute, lol
>Euron's powers
he bad man...
>Why the Mountain is some kind of zombie
evil zombie of evil queen, ew...
>The Mad King's Insanity
he was a bad king, he burns everything
>Dany's vision of Khal Drogo and her child
aw yass queen slaaay!
>"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before."
this is boring dude lmao
there, all explained user, no need to thank me.
Night King was a cuck, he was raising another man's kid. I'm glad Arya killed him.
The Kingdom of White needs accountants
>>Melissandre's true nature as an elderly ghoul woman
didnt she say she was hundreds of years old at some point? or did i hear that from a bookfag?
anyway that one was pretty much resolved. we know the necklace thingy made her young, and we know she only was staying alive to help in the fight to kill the night king. after he died, she had no reason to continue living. seemed like closure to me
It's like a domino effect. The white walker created the wights. If you kill a White Walker, all the wights that White Walker created will also die. Since the Night King was the first White Walker and created all the others, if the Night King is killed then all the White Walkers and all the wights will die.
They didn't, lol fuck you
t. dabid
>we know the necklace thingy made her young
There were heaps of scenes where she wasnt even wearing it, fucking garbage show.
Their purpose was
>How is white walker formed
Except with half-wight Benjen and the creation of the Night King being turned by being staked with dragonglass, this is called into question.
I'm not defending this shitshow but do you really need all of those spelled out? You can figure out half of those if you pay attention and the rest should be left a mystery.
>ywn be a lazy guy in show business that prints money
>I thought they had a purpose.
Magnificent D&D, give these guys the award for best writing
Probably because being thrown from a catapult would break their bones. And they're still constrained by bodily integrity (though not presence of ligaments anf muscles)t, so that would render them inefective blobs of flesh screeching at the besieged.
I still can't get over the house of black and white making absolutely zero fucking sense. Saturday morning cartoons tier and they spent half a fucking season on it.
In S1 as well as the books, two wights resurrect beyond the wall. They only go through if they're let in Trojan horse style or dormand, I presume.
DIdn't seem to stop them running off a cliff near Hardhome.
All the white walkers that the Night King created died. So wherever these baby white walkers were they're dead now.
>Probably because being thrown from a catapult would break their bones.
This might not be as much of an impediment as one might logically think
Remember NK had literaly _skeleton_ troops as well
.. That, and theres the moment in hardhome episode where NK orders dozens/hundred wights to jump off a cliff and after a few seconds they get up and continue chasing after characters
They could have had the Night King without the retarded kill him and win scenario. They only added "killing a white walker kills all the wights it raised" last season.
>Craster's sons
>White Walkers
>I thought they had a purpose
They did. They walked. And they died. The end.
>They did. They walked. And they died. The end.
reminds me of lost
night king's death should have been during an epic sword fight with jon
this whole season sucks dick
>Blue fire tear down castle walls, the wall in the north
>Can't break up rubble so Jon can hide
>Can't break a house wall so Jon can hide
Maybe she put it in her pusy
And creating a slope and cushion for those that come after them. They have the resources, it'd just take too long to launch a big enough contingent over the Wall to have enough wights left to conquer Westeros with.
why didn't they die when they killed the children of the forest they created the white walkers
why didn't the starks die when ned died
Yeah as I said, bodily integrity is important, they can't attack with limbs that they don't have, the can't stand on phantom legs and would need to crawl, but every part of the wight can act on its own no problem. I also mentioned that muscles and ligaments were not so important in the show. In the books, a wight hand stopped moving on its own when the rot had progressed sufficiently, suggesting the WWs bring the cold to preserve their undead army.
Would've been cool if NK just amassed all the dead body parts into a Thing-like monstrosity.
>Jon Snow sees Sam and Gilly
>hurr I hope its a girl
What a jerk
We'll never know what those spirals mean
They helped build the Night King's army by raising wights.
dang I just posted this and this popped up on fagbook
>Final episode
>Gendry and Arya sit on the Iron throne, after saving the smallfolk from Cersei's wrath, a new completely shiny greatsword is added to the throne
>Jon kills Dany after she went berserk, plunging Longclaw into her back,only for Drogon to incinerate him before he can even pull out
>Drogon fuck off to Valirya
>amidst the smoke and salt of black water, Light bringer can be seen.
>credits roll
>cut to the lands of always winter
>Millions of babycrasters incubating on magical permafrost with snow spiders all around them
>....And whoooo are youuu the prooud lord says...
No, they're just worthless cock sucking faggot morons.
the absolute state of
Except that the night king doesn’t make the other white walkers, they are made from crastors children
When they killed one of the head Wights in a previous season, all the others fell with him. That’s how they knew that he created them and that if they kill the Night King, all the others would fall. He created the ones who created the other ones. It’s fucking obvious.
he was only giving them the boys
All the magic centers around the piece of dragonglass that was inserted into the Night King (by the children of the forest) thousands of years ago. They appealed to the god of death, and the dragonglass acts as a focus.
Well they are also called "the Others" in the books.
Jon has another ruler to kill.
such a bullshit. the moment back in s7 when beric mentioned the killswitch button option, i knew this would happen. and how would beric know anyway?
most of this has been explained. Maybe you should watch the show?
>Do I need to turn my brain off more?
maybe turn your brain on first?
Fucking liar
>post credits scene
>Robert Baratheon rises from the grave
>MORE WINE in the distance
not going to make the entire list, but the velonqar prophecy for instance, it already has been explained in the show. Cercei will have 3 kids and a prettier younger queen will take it all away from her. pretty straight forward stuff, explained at the beginning of season 4 or 5
>not going to make the entire list
Because you can't, they haven't explained anything.
i'm not going to spoon feed idiots who don't even understand a HBO tv show.
>while the fat fuck GRRM eats his way into an early cardiac arrest
i agree with everything else, but at this point it would not be early by any means, it's a miracle an obese person last this long
Like why does most of this need to be answered? It's an entire universe and most of it touched on the plot just enough to serve its purpose. Not everything needs to be solved. Do you watch every show and wonder about how the lives of every single named character turned out?
It did have something Mordor didn't have though, an undefined space. No one really knows how far these lands go, I remember having a fever dream about the characters moving north and finding a completely alien map, with the land getting more distorted and strange as you went on north. If Martin ever finished the map of the world and showed the full extent of the world I could die in peace
Why didn't they kidnap all children then? Could've had a billion White Walkers
have sex
I'd watch that. Needs more ice though.
i dont even remember 90 percent of those things you listed, and i doubt normies remembers them
More ice puns
you are reason that people hate white men!
>Do I need to turn my brain off more?
>night king needs an army
>Craster gives up his babby sons because he's a stingy glutton for incest pussy
>night king turns babby
So are we to believe that there was a shitload of white walker children learning how to walk, growing up and aging and shit through puberty, and then finally reaching the age fighting effectiveness? Do white walkers age? I don't remember seeing any children walkers in any battle besides Lyanna when she came back to life for a brief second. There were no infant walkers marching south...
>There were no infant walkers marching south...
Would have been kino too.
LOL toddler walkers with full diapers stumbling south in a massive horde
you funny whiteboi
Crasters father is bloodraven you mongs
The white walkers are after specific genes
Bloodraven set up craster to continue the obvious pact between humans an the WW
But he might've fucked up with the whole blackfyre gene
Isn't there something about there having been more than one Night King throughout history? Might be a question for the bookfriends.
What are the figures behind the Night King here?
Other Night Kings?
>we didn't want to do the obvious thing
-David Benioff, screenwriter for X-man origins: Wolverine
Oh jesus that's true. Fucking interns running this show all around
White walkers were just a plot device so that Jon and Dany could form an alliance. They're actually pointless
Why did this fucker left Sam alive
>shatters at the slightest touch
>shatters if the night king dies
>shattered in every combat encounter
>couldn't even beat a teenage girl and a fat guy
>serves no obvious purpose
>all look like Rob zombie rejects
They were butchered worse than stannis
I thought the animated wights just dropped dead. The ones previously shown would make sense to fall apart because they didn't have any flesh holding them together.
Wait, Benioff wrote that shitshow? How did he have a career afterward?
>just turn your brain off bro
Fuck off you utter faggot
Jews fail upward in Hollywood
It's an easy and effective way to show how powerful the White Walkers really are and that their plan is going to be something out of this world. Sam doesn't matter, none of the humans matter. Only the march and the dead matters.
Until Arya destroyed them all with a deus ex machina.
>the biggest television show on the planet
>somehow the best writer hbo could get is responsible for one of the most universally despised superhero films ever
What were they smoking?
They did have a purpose until the management and writers started looking at social media engagement as a measure for what to write.
Social media ruins everything.
crasters son is either a white walker or another night king
The night king doesn't exist in the book, but a dude who was called the Night's king(evil human) who fucked a sexy Other(book white walker) Babe did.
I call it
the night king in the book is just an old story about a lord commander who took control of the night fort and married a female wight, then declared himself king.
No that the Night's king which is different from The Night King
Going even further, Others also have even more cool shit like Ice Spider mounts.
that's just a story, we haven't seen that in the books yet
fake news
those are myths and legends
he coudl have been another player, and it would have been awsome. Instead of "le evil man from the north"
the Cersei and Night king alliance theories were much more interesting than what we got
So like a reverse of the books Night's king story?
nIce work good sir. you should think of crossposting to another sub for more updoots
What was the purpose of swastika legs
I thought the white walkers had a purpose but after 7 1/2 seasons of buildup they got one shotted out of existence
as far as I know night king doesn't exist in the books and we have no reason to think the white walkers would be just silent evil characters without a bigger purpose.
There’s 0 reasons they couldn’t just climb the ice wall. It’s not like they would get tired
i'm guessing the problem was either that grrm himself doesn't even know the real backstory for the others, or the who/whats/whys are so convoluted that they just can't explain it in the show
so how the fuck did this craster offers his sons thing even come to happen?
did he negotiate with the night king? did he just offer his sons and when he cameback a day later they were gone? lmao
We were shown that each white walker can control at least 10 wights at a time.
So assuming the night king has some kind of limit (which would be the only reason for him to raise white walkers), he can use his generals to either scout ahead or command a section of the army while his attention is elsewhere.
So the white walkers were there to command the undead while the king was busy fighting the dragons.
Much Like DIO's sons
>tfw I thought NK was going to be an OP Uchiha Madara type character commanding an army of undead and raising long dead legendary warriors like Sir Arthur Dayne from the dead
>Instead he turned out to be a weak ass bitch who got BTFO by a lesbian
he didn't really negotiate with the others, he left them out there to die and they just took them.
For he IS the Kwisatz Haderach!
>BTFO by a lesbian
So is who's Arya in this analogy, Naruto or Kaguya?
It's all garbage.
Dont worry about it INCEL
She doesn’t even know that the night king exists for most of the books. The lived hundreds of years to help kill some useless zombie man?
Other White Walkers.
A catapult?
Did you see how he launches that spear??
Why didn't ryanna and the other dude who died and got ressed during the siege explode like the other walkers?
it was the night kings tax policy
They are the Night Crawlers
At a minimum I wanted to see him as far south as Kings Landing. The Dany vision of snow falling in the empty throne room was sort of spoopy and it really seemed something was destined to come of it.
>house Brrrrratheon
Maybe it's like a wifi connection. Only the ones within a few miles were affected. It's definitely something D&D would come up with.
Mr chilly haha
yeah in season 04 (I think) she is naked in her bath with no necklace
The melissandre is old theory is quite old too. This scene actually convinced some people that it was bollock, then one season later Dumb and dumber remember the necklace hold power and she is actually an old witch
Now that I think about it, they are probably gonna do a 'There must always be a Night King' and have these kids now grow up to be the new white walkers
This kid died at the war, at 4 yo.
Danny will return as a dragon
screencap this.
That's when she will be reunited with Drogo.