Yes, Secretary Chairman, Kino. It is, as they say, back on the menu

Yes, Secretary Chairman, Kino. It is, as they say, back on the menu.

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>the public will not know about this kino , comrade. They are too busy crying about some gay husky and a lizard

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this is our time comrade, our moment

we will all be given awards for this

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this show is fucking huge. what a cool mood.

that thing terrified me more than any horror movie antagonist.

I was watching with my mom and sperging out like a black woman at a movie theater

"oh he ded he just looked at the core"

my mom was like "whats the core"

mom is soviet officer, already meta memeing denial

fucking hell this is intense

Imagine actually seeing this in real life. Imagine actually being educated enough to understand what you're looking at.

What show is this

>there is no core so there can be no core meltdown only soviet scientists have learn this

mom please stop drinking

chernobyl on HBO

what the fuck is that

exposed nuclear core melting down

Whatta gonna do about it bitch? Take a swing at me pussy! Come on bitch! *Moges closer to your face* knock me out BITCH! *lightly taps your forehead* You know why I'm still talking? Cause you are a tiny PUSSY ass bitch who won't stand up for his words, BITCH!

>mfw that guy with the mustache talking shit about the graphite being bullshit only to wind up vomiting profusely and all fucked up

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sorry comrade I'll get back to work

he was holding it in lmfao

Thanks user

good thing is that you won't have to worry about it for long.

Shills out in full force for this exploitative overblown faggot bullshit. Get some fucking taste you scumfucks

Fuck off commie it's pretty goddamn on point read a book.

>literally 100+ Got threads
>can't have one for this kino

Maybe he was just drunk

DAMN a show that isn't entirely straight up insulting to my intelligence? That means it's KINO! I've never seen a movie before! I'm an easily impressed faggot!

i just like soviet kino

How do those communist boots taste, comrade?


So far your only argument against this show is that it doesn't insult your intelligence. You're not making a very strong case as to why it's not good. Keep shitposting without saying anything of substance, though. That seems to be what you're best at.

Can anyone answer why this guy and everyone thought that it was impossible for an RMBK reactor to explode? Wikipedia is telling me that the RMBK reactor design wasn’t used in other countries outside of the Soviet Union due to concerns over its design. So what made the Soviet nuclear engineers not consider the possibility that reactor no.4 had exploded until they saw it with their own eyes?

Fomin seemed pretty confident when he stated that he was a nuclear engineer, and that Sitnikov was stupid for insisting it had exploded. Even Sitnikov said he couldn’t explain how exactly the core had exploded even as he was telling them that he was sure it had exploded.


>What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow
>Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man,
>You cannot say, or guess, for you know only
>A heap of broken images, where the sun beats,
>And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief,
>And the dry stone no sound of water. Only
>There is shadow under this red rock,
>(Come in under the shadow of this red rock),
>And I will show you something different from either
>Your shadow at morning striding behind you
>Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;
>I will show you fear in a handful of dust.

because in the soviet union you could be imprisoned for saying things that were negative about state projects.

this was a super duper big deal at the time

This 1000 Megawatt, enriched U-235 uranium powered, 28 ton water cooled, xenon-135 emitting RBMK nuclear reactor walks up and slaps your girlfriend's ass, what do you do?

did you miss the point of the old guy with the cane's speech?

me, my gf and everyone in the city dies of radiation poisoning.

T. Liberal arts brainlet

28 people died, but that doesn't mean the collosal engineering fuck up shouldn't make you think twice it couldn't happen in any industry considered "safe"

Because the Soviets were literally chink tier brainwashed bug people too afraid to speak up for fear of getting sent to the fucking gulag

>So what made the Soviet nuclear engineers not consider the possibility that reactor no.4 had exploded until they saw it with their own eyes?

It’s a combination of incompetence, state brainwashing, and cognitive dissonance. If you’re told something can’t possibly happen, it can’t possibly happen, just like the Soviet Union couldn’t suffer from a “decadent Western phenomenon” like serial killers for the two decades one of the most prolific serial killers in history stalked his prey on public trains.

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I get that the point was the power of bureaucracy to suppress the truth and the power of delusion. But still, those guys were trained nuclear engineers, who seemed literally convinced that it was impossible according to the laws of physics for an RMBK reactor to explode. Again, Sitnikov KNEW the reactor had exploded, but he couldn’t come up with an explanation for HOW it exploded. So had they all learned in school that it was impossible for glorious Soviet RMBK reactors to explode or something?

Are you a literal zoomer? What part of authoritarian police state makes you think truth or scientific fact trumped what the Party wanted you to think? They didn't have the internet to just look this shit up bro

State brainwashing and fear of being sent to a gulag is a bitch innit?

>Are you a literal zoomer?
I’m 27

>They didn't have the internet to just look this shit up bro
No, but again, the guys were nuclear engineers, who presumably had a basic understanding of physics, and they still couldn’t come up with an explanation for how the core exploded. I’m not questioning that the Soviet bureaucracy was incompetent and suppressed scientific fact. What I’m honestly curious about is what specifically made Soviet nuclear engineers believe their reactor design was flawless and that it was physically impossible for it to explode. How exactly did this specific piece of misinformation spread is what I’m asking.


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Where I can download this?

I am here for the kino.

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Think of it this way. It was in the best(political) interests of the plant’s designers to hail their design as an unprecedented achievement in safety and efficiency, therefore it was. Questioning their declarations could be spun not as scientific scrutiny and diligence, but disloyalty, unpatriotic.

This is why politics poison everything. It happens here, too. It’s happening right now.

>What I’m honestly curious about is what specifically made Soviet nuclear engineers believe their reactor design was flawless and that it was physically impossible for it to explode. How exactly did this specific piece of misinformation spread is what I’m asking.

Because their superiors told them this was the case, that the RBMK was just amazing and a testament of superior socialist Russian engineering and that they shouldn't investigate the subject, if you investigated the subject then you and your family got sent to the gulag.

Sitnikov had to juggle between telling the truth (the reactor did explode and lots of people could die because someone fucked up) and potentially being killed for being a traitor to the USSR (saying that the POS RMBK exploded when it couldn't have because it was glorious Communist Russian engineering)