Why dont we get more underwater kino?

Why dont we get more underwater kino?

Attached: octokino.webm (718x404, 2.74M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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because all sea life will die off in our lifetimes

Aquaman was campy.

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thats gay and retarded.

Oh hel yeah flipper gona git it

I would probably fuck a dolphin

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Attached: octowalk.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

respect woman

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big if true

Are octopuses aliens?

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Can these things comprehend affection?

/ourguy/ jim is on it

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Dunno but they can feel pain. They're much more advanced in nervous system than even humans.

you can literally see the sentience in its eyes, wtf

That's not funny I tell ya what.

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I think because it's notoriously difficult and expensive to film underwater and on water

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I think those docs he makes are the best thing he does.

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They're certainly intelligent and many animals regardless of intelligence level enjoy some level of being touched or scratched. It's difficult to understand how an octopus thinks. Other cephalopods are certainly more social, like most species of cuttlefish, so it probably isn't a stretch to say that they can identify sensations that they enjoy and choose to seek them out. Or at least not respond with aggression.

Have a read.

nah they just took one of the weirdest evolutionary paths of all species

Video somewhere of octo trapped in low tide and folks help it to water. Next day it returns and caresses physically the humans feet with its arms.

Octos not mammals, but have some kind of weird intelligence. Also, many diff kinds of Octos so who know the difference.
There is something such as alien affection. Like affection but not quite/mixed with other weird shit.

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What did he mean by this?

Attached: seal hits guy with octo.webm (1280x720, 736K)

Filming underwater is hard, people nearly died in the making of The Abyss.


have you ever seen how octopuses walk on land?
They look like, oh, just EVERY FUCKING NIGHTMARE EVER

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why doesnt disney make more dolphin movies?

Attached: dolphinwaveattack.webm (768x432, 2.89M)

Absolutely based sealchad giving those lost and tired humans a meal.

that dolphin has good taste.

Their sense of touch is incredibly nuanced and each sucker also tastes and smells whatever it's touching.

Probably because of how difficult it is

Hey man, Octopus are kind of awesome.

Those are orcas.

I feel uneasy when cats stand on their hind legs.

Yeah all cephalopods are, check out cuttlefish and how they rapidly change their skin colour and texture to communicate with one another.

Orcas are dolphins
>The killer whale or orca (Orcinus orca) is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family, of which it is the largest member.

Orcas are a type of dolphin user

If they lived for more than a few years octopuses would probably have underwater metropolises or something.

It coincides with tool use. Lots of smart animals tap out at a certain point like elephants or cetaceans. All that brain and no ability to use it but octobros certainly can.

Imagine the smell

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If the dolphin clearly wants it, is it really wrong to have sex with him? I mean the consent has clearly been given by the animal already.

>strong sucking if Simulation more meat texture

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>*deceives you in your path*

Attached: not a hermit crab.webm (720x404, 947K)

Attached: Sit+on+the+pillow+you+slut+_c013fc8500c15282f1d8583e27d0c774.jpg (691x597, 40K)

Fucking skurlls

>yo mang, chill

Attached: stealsurlights.webm (640x480, 1.64M)


god i wish that was me

Awesome dude. Do you have the webm of the cuttlefish approaching the crab, or fish or something, in its hunting stance? The prey is in focus and the cuttlefish is this enormous looming thing in the background, splaying its arms in a three-fold star and flashing black and white.

Actually if anyone has that shit post it right now.

For the night is dark and full of terrors.

Truly underwater kino

Attached: cucumberbutthole.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Yeah octopuses are really smart. Unfortunately the mother dies before being able to teach her kids everything she learned so it's like they keep starting over and over.

>be an amorphous blob only capable of going poopy
>fish go inside your butthole
I have no mouth and I must scream.


Attached: 산낙지.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

Why are asians such cruel bugpeople bros


Fucking Asians. Literally have no souls.


Damn you'd think they've been around long enough for new instincts to become baked in but I guess when you're already one of the smartest things in the sea there's no need.

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It's why we created mind flayers/illithids in fantasy to look like octos... We see it in their eyes.

Best thread on Yea Forums right now.

Hail hydra.

Attached: seal 1243624436218.jpg (600x347, 19K)

Lack of empathy

Vicar Amelia on the right

There'll be a reckoning for their kind in the coming octowars.

Cephalopods are the best.
That is all.

What is happening, what are those things, both of them?

>5'11 vs 6'

I would looooove a film about orcas that isn't just some conservation shit. A fictional disneyish animated serious film about them would be amazing as long as it isn't too light on


that fucking hardon too

The sea makes you flat and flabby. Get out of the water and exercise.

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How L̯̰̰̗̖͓̝o͙̳̻̙̼͚̕v͍e̥̫̳͖͍͖̺c͓̖̻̞̕r̻̪̯͈ą͍͔f̖̫̘̯͇ṭ͔i̛̬a̻̪͔n̥̣

Attached: startled_octopus.jpg (640x480, 36K)

The lumpen thing is a sea cucumber. The "eel" isn't really an eel, it's a pearlfish, and it generally hides in small holes, caves and alcoves. Most animals don't bother sea cucumbers so it ends up being a good place to hang out.



also how scary are walruses? i know some bigger seals like elephants are fucking scary but i don't really know much about the tusked lads

But seriously though, has anyone ever even tried to do a movie that's just about how beautiful the sea is? I don't want drama about people stranded in a research facility fighting CG aliens, I want to see people stare in awe at sights no surface dweller can experience.

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I legit dont know if this is real or not. Jesus christ we barely know Earth.

Those tusks are used to dig on the ocean floor for clams. They don't use them to eat people like saber-tooth tigers do.

Yes it's real.

It's just a fish with limbs that have their own brains, what's weird about that?

fuck orcas

Asians are not people.

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>when you see it


it's bizarre how even animals are attracted to human women

white women in particular.

We dont know shit

Attached: mermaid.webm (854x480, 902K)

you and me baby ain't nuthin but mammals so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel

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Pheromones are pheromones, right?

well they are head and shoulders above the rest. its not even close

that's just a blanket octopus

>this thread

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Drawing the three diver skeletons is a little much.

Avatar 2

>ask for a movie NOT about CG aliens
>get a movie about CG aliens

>If only you knew how bad things really are

Attached: dumb looking fish.webm (720x404, 2.92M)

You're gonna love it.

>be fish
>could swim at any depth
>nah I'mma use my flippers for arms and legs
>whacha gonna do bout it huh?

Where were you when nature wrote the most kino dialogue for a character?


>this thread

Attached: that's it. I'm outta here. crab 1499542022259.webm (640x640, 1.04M)

literally aquadogs

I love seals.
Zoidberg noises?

Fuck the sea and fuck marine animals.

part 2 of kino dialogue


Fish, like?

God i wish that was me

>oh no I'm in the water

Still better then D&D garbage show.

Attached: seal fail brutal qte.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

sentient sausage

How much does that boy weigh?

Look at how he's rubbing on her.
I bet he did that on porpoise.

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>ywn pet a fat cute sea doggo

Very heavy

Attached: squid_blush.jpg (335x410, 43K)

9001 tons

400 pounds.

fuck the ocean

Attached: big wave.webm (720x576, 2.14M)

You know someone will try to extend their lifespans and maybe give them something like writing.

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Oh shit it's Kos

Some say Kosm

They have as much DNA in common with us as bananas. Which is to say, nearly all of it.

You are going to love Avatar 2, OP.

>le humanity is bad meme movie
No thanks.

All those webm and and gif are fairly old now.
Any new Abyssal zone kino?

He smells the fish

>literally evolving so that sex organ maturation renders digestive function inactive

What did nature mean by this?

We don't go down there anymore.

Attached: Friendly wolf.webm (720x404, 1.99M)

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Grow up and make kids, goy.

Some sea cucumbers actually have "teeth" in their anus to stop this happening.

It happened so often over so many millions of years that they literally needed to evolve to counter it.

Imagine if humans were blighted by anal raping parasites for so long we had toothed buttholes.


>Imagine if humans were blighted by anal raping parasites for so long we had toothed buttholes.
Is this the cure for gayness?

Some people think that there may be an undiscovered species of giga sized octopus responsible for kraken myths

Okay but eat these eggs first though

being a Yea Forums this long, i didnt want to watch the webm cuz i see a cute seal and a man not showing his face with a hammer in his hand...

You have to eat all the eggs

They say there is nothing worth dying for. But for the murderhobo in me I see 300 scuba equipment waiting for looting.

something fishy's going on here

>in caves just like this one

Really? this fucking sucks.

Just dropping by to remind anons that there is an actual abundance of qt 3.14 women that go into marine biology.
That is all.

half life 1 scientists

There's just no profit in it, man. Like how we never go to the Moon anymore. What's the point? That's not going to help us build a wall.

If you ever get the chance to have sex with a female dolphin you better take it. Female dolphins are just as recreationally horny as the males, and theur vaginas have complicated muscles systems that can jack you off and twist and turn and undulate around your cock and make you cum in seconds. They time their orgasms to yours too. Fucking do it

I don’t think it’s wrong, but I do think it’s potentially dangerous and unhealthy for everyone involved.

you think they....?

you shit

Attached: laughing frog.png (400x400, 312K)

So they know about that dolphin dick, huh?


I wonder why

>Sunday Sport exclusive: WOMAN split in HALF by monstrous DOLPHIN DONG!

A ruse

>tfw there has probably been at least one person that has jacked off to this webm

Contrary to popular belief, no penis can actually sever your insides.
At the worst your wall tissue get perforated (more likely to the colon than vaginal) and die from infection.

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Grant these two men eyes

based the nightly off topic reddit animal/space/sea thread. better than blacked i guess

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Seals BTFO

Honestly, anons, how will they ever recover?

Attached: are you suggesting coconuts migrate.gif (616x273, 3.16M)

user deep sea threads have been a 4channel staple since the start, and before that they were done on Yea Forums while you were still learning to spell your name.


im more curious about how it got too perfectly split coconut halves.

A giant enemy crab did it.

(You) eat a bowl of dicks

i am uncomfortable

And every mammal you've ever seen is basically hyperized vermin who lost solar dna repair because of a couple million years of hanging out in dank caves.

Shit, hibernation is only a thing because out of the millions of mammals experiencing the 'hide and die' hypothermic response somehow made it out alive.

Evolution is a comedy of errors.

>before the Permian mass extinction there were reptiles with prehensile tails and opposable thumbs filling the same niche as monkeys do now
Fucking volcanoes trying to stop the repitlian master race.

Let's make you comfortable then!

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It got them from a swallow

Bruh look at this dude.

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i want its suckers all over my dong


Dolphins don't have a sense of smell

Dolphin pussy is legendary tier. It'll squeeze your dick until you bust

Then how does the badboy know where the poon is?

Idk, probably general knowledge of anatomy or he's messed with humans before. Dolphins are fuckin smart bro.

tell me more


She's on the rag and he can smell that musky pH.


Writing yeah.. holding a pencil and such, maybe holding something pencil shaped and moving those tentacles up and down quickly haha

Christ, just give them a fucking typewriter.

>hide my treasure in a cave
>put in a sign saying people died there and there is no treasure
Nice try

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Okeanos: new missions, generally about deep sea corals in Gulf of Mexico

Nautilus: from LA to American Samoa with stops at atolls along the way

Falkor: currently doing sea floor mat studies in Gulf of California

Okeanos is best quality overall, but Nautilus is going to be a good expedition. Okeanos did the Pacific seamounts two years ago and it had some amazing footage


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Why do octopuses live for two-three years, bros? It's not fair

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why do I find this thing so fucking sexy?

EV Nautilus
>Search for the Samoan Clipper
>July 15, 2019 to July 21, 2019
this should be kino
>Working with the Air Sea Heritage Foundation, the objective of this expedition is to locate, identify, and document the wreckage of Samoan Clipper, a Pan American Airways Sikorsky S-42B flying boat lost off the northwest coast of Tutuila, American Samoa in January 1938. If successful, the resulting survey will characterize an archaeological site with major significance to aviation history, determine the final resting place of pioneering Captain Edwin C. Musick and his 6-man crew, plus investigate the wreckage for evidence as to what lead to their fate.

they put all their points on int and forgot endurance

Dammit I didn't come here to get an erection

got me good. i covered my face for a solid 5 seconds in terror like a child, dark souls did me no favors ether!

With electric eels for street lights and sea horses for transportation?

Based thread

Recommend me some kino under the sea documentaries

cute :3

good thread

I wonder why he's in such a hurry. Probably late for work.

I hope he has a good day.

/span/ dropping in to say hi

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Nice try.

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I love how it keeps checking the camera, like
>make sure you're getting my good side

are they evolving to orcas?

>Copping one last feel before dying

walruses are absolute bros
I remember seeing one documentary about a photographer who became best bud with a wild walrus. It always kept coming for him everyday he went to the area and wanted belly rub

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he shy

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Well I don't see it happening any other way.

It still blows my mind that boats don't just split in half left and right from the sheer force of the sea waves themselves. I know there are a lot of freighter accidents, but I just feel like there would be a lot more.

Sauce? That looks so fucking rad

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>When the hold one heroin hits

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Thanks to The Magic School Bus, diving in a kelp forest has been one of my dreams since I was a kid.

what was his problem?

What a little shitbag, was he trying to take his hole?

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holy shiet

just fucking bored from living in a crowded fish tank

Attached: 58748773_456758261728303_4014331220891533312_n.webm (480x480, 2.49M)

Anyone have similar webm, but with some kind of leopard?

Attached: 1546958293814.webm (1280x720, 1.27M)


>the most majestic animal
>spooped sea doggo

I love nature.

If you like cephalopods, read this book.

>octopus civilizations

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From blue planet 2 I don't have the exact gif you're on about but this is from the same segment

Attached: cuttlefish-hypno-01.gif (480x270, 2.35M)

I have read this one a couple of years ago, it's mostly about the relationships between captive ones and their caretakers, but pretty comfy ngl

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kelp kino

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Tell me about this book.

carcharodon kino

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Why are seals so friendly despite people clubbing their babies for millennia?

What the hell I didn't know fish were intelligent enough to be assholes.

Who the fuck is Vicar Amelia

Bloodborne enemy.


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some are smarter than others

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This works on cats too.

im gunna rewatch the sphere now
that movie got bad critic ratings but i love it

I want an octopus pupper

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Even if you could communicate with an octopus, you're going to have to tell it why you went to the trouble.
>so you're really smart but you don't live as long as this putrid rat I have in my hand here
>you have about eighteen months left before your body starts falling apart so do try to study hard

>hey man, do you need some he-

Attached: ss+(2019-05-07+at+02.42.13).jpg (211x111, 8K)

>it's drawn to the odor of the other end
national animal of Yea Forums

Genetically modify them not to fuck out after 3 years?
Fuse them with the eternal jellyfish DNA?

holy fuck


And I for one welcome our now, cephlapod overlords!

I would rather hang out with octobros than niggers

What's with the racism? I'm black dude.

That's just the ink, wash it off

how do they survive with all that shit, plastic and oil in oceans?

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Oh I thought the already discovered species of giga sized squids were responsible for kraken myths, like the giant and colossal squid.

The ocean is a big place.

>I am your seeeeester
Squirt squirt, too late.

Sharks smell blood dolphins smell pusy

then she was probably already wet from excitement or hadn't showered since she had sex and it could smell her juices.

For you.

Reminder Octopuses are about as old as the dinosaurs if not older. Let that sink in for a moment.

They don't.

more like an attention whoring bitch

id pay to be back in this

t. ex-seafarer

Yeah but some people think there may be a giant octopus as well. Squid are largely deep sea and relatively fragile with tentacles; apparently there's a report of a small vessel being sank by an octopus-like creature in the 1800s.

The Moon has been claimed by the nazis.

that's a big wolf

I too have seen Iron Sky.

>second most intelligent life forms on earth
he totally did it for the lulz, he's one of us

Wolves are big babies.

Attached: 1539776593986.webm (1280x720, 1.47M)


>sticking your face near a wolf's mouth
these videos always make me nervous

Wolves are just doggos, user.

>it's always women


lol they aren't

reminder that birds are literally dinosaurs

>Some sea cucumbers actually have "teeth" in their anus

Attached: giphy.gif (300x168, 685K)

I dreamt I was a seal...

An enemy in the best game of this god forsaken generation of entertainment

Attached: menstrual discharge.webm (720x388, 1.24M)


Just watch the blue planet documentary series

Been there, done that.

If octopi didn't die right after hatching their eggs they would be the smartest being in this planet

No they aren't they are wild animals

What is an animal? A fluffy pile of love and cuddles.

Attached: Thirsty tiger.webm (480x480, 668K)

>you have to eat all the eggs, Murph

>I am wild animal, I will eat you

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Imagine if they step on poop haha

>tfw all the sickest shelled cephalopods are dead and only based little nautilus bros are left

Attached: big ol ammonite.jpg (1200x800, 132K)

anyone have that forum thing about how annoying octopi are as pets?


>good thread on Yea Forums
>it's actually /an/

Primordial oceans were so cool.

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We need an underwater Baraka/Samsara.

You think, thinking about it, deep water threads are some of the only threads I’ve enjoyed for months. Everything else on this board is all normalfag newfag shit.

>missed the cephalopod thread again

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These threads also used to be the best part of Yea Forums

its like that with every board, they have the ability to talk about subjects that aren't related to the board in perfect harmony

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An African or European swallow?

This is reddit this is memes....

No this is Camelot.

>Got 'em


Why is there a dead gorilla in there?


golden snibber youtube.com/watch?v=BKBUDwqQo-A

imagine how fucking scary this is at night




White bois btfo!

you just know

>ywn have an water pupper

>swimming isn't excercise

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>characters that are literally you