Other urls found in this thread:
>the Cleganes fight in an epic battle
>the Mountain gets the upper hand and knocks the Hound to the ground
>he's about to land the killing blow
>Arya comes up behind him and kills him
unironically this.
(lol fuck, the audio captcha that buster captcha solved was "thanks for watching"
they both fucking die. what a predictable shitfest
It’s been leaked already, there is no CleganeBowl, Hound just mercy kills him
More like ClegLAME Bowl desu
I think Grey worm has better reason to kill the Mountain.
This. He's actually burnt by Drogon and the hound just puts him out of his misery.
Why's that? It was Cersei decision. The Mountain was a gud boi. He dindu nuffin.
Arya stabs him and he explodes into ice cubes
my guess is Arya
who cares about this show anymore after the shit show that was episode 3 and 4
>who cares about this show anymore after the shit show that season 5 and 6
>Arya comes up behind sandor and kills him
Subverting expectations
leaks where
the hound deserves to hear he's a good man before he dies too. sucks they wasted it on theon
>be burnt by your brother when your young
>ruin your whole life
>brother gets burnt as an undead zombie slave
>mercy brother, this is no life for you
What the actual fuck.
Season has been trash but Dany riding Drogon and burning the fuck out of King’s Landing and it’s people will be kino
Unironically good writing imo
But I’m sure the scene itself will be retarded as fuck
Arya kills the Hound and peels his face off and she kills the Mountain while wearing Sandor's face--you really think she will let him steal one of her kills?
Verified and certified HBO insider here. Cleganebowl will happen offscreen and none of you can do anything about it
don't you dare even fucking joke about that
Clegane sees the mountain writing on the floor.
He remembers the mountain burning him as a kid.. he starts to walk away... then another memory pops in his head. Its the mountain protecting him from bullies, teaching him how to fight. The hound then turns around and mercy kills him.
Arya can't kill Mountain or arguably any of Qyburn's undead. First of all they're not like wights or white walkers where one stab can kill them. They're more like standard zombies where dismembering or disemboweling them does nothing.
>The hound and mountain swing swords back and forth for 30 seconds
>They take turns landing blows
>The Mountain wounds the Hound and is about to execute the Hound
>"oi bruv u wan a stabby stab?"
>Arya and Mountain fight for 30 seconds while the hound grabs a lamp and tosses it at his brother, overcoming his fears and lighting him aflame
>The hound is dying and Arya mercy kills him
>Hound and mountain fight to death
>Both dying, too weak to end each other
>Arya mercy kills both
>Arya kills Euron
>Arya kills Qyburn
>Arya kills Cersei
>Arya kills Drogon
>Arya kills Dany
>Arya kills Jon
>Arya kills Sansa
>And juuust to make sure that the iron throne STAYS hers and hers alone, Arya kills Gendry too
>But then she decides that being queen and sitting around is boring, and wants to go back to her fun assassin adventures, so she burns down every castle, and then all nobles and commoners alike are entitled to all the kingdom's riches, no matter where everyone comes from or belongs, and there is no more royalty, and the game of thrones is over forever and everyone lives happily ever after in a golden age of peace brought about by an unknown hero whose name seems to have been lost to time
>And the rest... is history
>Roll final credits
>Cut to live bar footage of normies crying in joy, praying to god, thanking HER for such a perfect show
After this episode, unless you know spoilers, how can anyone NOT see that Greyworm's killing Gregor?
>Hound and mountain fight to death
>Both dying, too weak to end each other
>BBC inspector comes in
>oi wankas! Where're your sword loicenses?
>their swords are confiscated and they both get fined 500 gold dragons each
>My God... she's more powerful than Robert Baratheon, Victarion Greyjoy and Gregor Clegane COMBINED
>everyone getting killed and the last person not actually caring about the throne
I'd be okay with this if it was done properly
>who cares about this show anymore after they killed barristan for no reason
I bet the hound does that cliche anime move where he lets his enemy critically stab him, just so he gets the chance to stab him back, both die.
It wont happen at all. It'll be and you'll fucking like it you consumerist pig.
>Arya's sneak attack doesn't work
>Distracts Gregor long enough for The Hound to get up
>The Hound saves Arya and kills Gregor
>One liner + Smiles
You know this is how it's going to happen.
they'll tease it and then blueball the audience
Dude, no. It's the same reason Oberyn died after swearing vengeance on Gregor. Gregor is The Hound's kill, and The Mountain has plot armor unless The Hound fights him.
Greyworm can try, but he'll just die right before Sandor fights Gregor. Maybe Greyworm injures Gregor and that plays an integral part in Sandor's win same as Oberyn "killing" Gregor has made him a zombie who can't think (though arguably more dangerous due to his unrelenting strength), but otherwise irrelevant.
>cleganebowl get hype
>Grey Worm killed them both
Why is it good? Sandor has no reason to empathize with the sociopath, rapist, murdering monster that ruined the idea of knighthood and scarred him. We have no reason to feel sorry for the Mountain either.
He's not even the same person anymore though. He might just be disgusted and pity him.
>>Arya comes up behind him and kills him
>The Mountain doesn't fall because he's already dead. Turns around and crushes Arya's skull
>The hound then cuts his head off in a fit of rage
>head tumbles off
>it's Joffrey's
>Cersei has Qyburn lynched and starts chucking wildfire everywhere
Sauce for this? The leak said they kill each other
Yes i bet that will happen.
>Last scene of ep 6
>Music is victorious fanfare
>Arya sits down on the Iron Throne as the camera zooms in on her face
>Suddenly music turns somber as the camera stops
>Arya coughs blood
>Camera moves past Arya and the throne
>We barely see in the sideview the swords of the Throne repeatedly stab at Arya
>We see Bran sitting behind the throne mid-warg
>The swords of the throne now start shaping themselves into a new wheelchair for him
>the new Iron Throne stands complete, still dripping with Arya's blood
>Bran un-wargs and slowly turns to look directly into the camera
>"Now I am Game of Thrones"
You just KNOW this is going to happen
>>>Arya comes up behind him and kills him
>>The Mountain doesn't fall because he's already dead. Turns around and crushes Arya's skull
>>The hound then cuts his head off in a fit of rage
This is what I think they might do and would be very good.
Would show the consequences of her stupid decision to not settle down and rule a holding.
either this, or fucking grey worm gets the kill to avenge his bird
Utterly wrong.