>lol russia bad
Lol russia bad
Other urls found in this thread:
Total propaganda
Well I mean they are a total shit country and they’ll probably never get better as long as Putin is in office
uh hello?
KINO department?
>Russia bad
You realize Chernobyl is in Ukraine, right moron? Do you mean Soviet Union bad? Because it objectively was.
Don't confuse the poor child. OP is struggling as it is.
>daily reminder the only reason we are alive right now is because some drunk fucktard at a radar station in bumfuckaynzk russia told his superior officer the equipment was malfunctioning and to tell him to go fuck himself about launching a nuclear attack
Fuck russia. Russians are cool though
It really wasn't, i mean compared to the shitworld the modern US is.
what's a good antidote to this propaganda? the fog of war perhaps
>Being starved to death en masse as part of a political play to solidify communist power
>Being locked in a gulag to work hard manual labor in the middle of nowhere because you're too religious
>Constant shortages due to terrible central planning
The modern US might be decadent and degenerate but I would prefer that over living under the Soviet Union any fucking day
bullet to your furfag antifa brain?
inb4 tranny chapo fags defend soviet era bureaucracy.
The show is extremely kino by the way. I can't wait to see Yea Forums ignore it in favor of more capeshit and game of onions.
We really should have a Drunks Fukkitstan holiday in honor of insubordination that saved lives.
Looks fucking kino. I wonder if they're going to try and go for a more realistic approach to Chernobyl or if they're going to stray into the supernatural and go /x/
Is this seriously the money shot of the episode? If I'm wasting my time with HBO schlock I at-least want some dramatic set pieces to wash down the writing
yep. the official hashtag on twitter for this show is barely moving
yet game of cum has been trending for a week straight
its the money shot of any nuclear disaster kino movie ever made
The irl photos of Chernobyl are pretty kino too
They are
It'll catch on like The Terror.
pretty sure it's gonna be a straight retelling. The entire event is pretty terrifying in it of itself. Just wait until they send the guys in to drain the bubbler pool. Pure terror.
I'd be pretty stoked if it can achieve that same level of suspense desu
>Just wait until they send the guys in to drain the bubbler pool.
I can already guess. It's going to be a mix of pure terror and dread, then manly tears in the aftermath
There was only famine during the industrilization era which was a common occurrence in tsarist russia anyways.
Gulag's were just as bad as most prisons in the US and you weren't surrounded by nigger
Not saying the Soviet union was a paradise but quit failling for /pol/ memes in thinking that the soviet union was north korea tier.
internet says they lived
Drown in Vodka, FSB scum.
I don't like that thing.
Russia = / = USSR
fucking brainlets
>Everything's propaganda and lets choose to ignore the sacrifice portrayed and made by those to contain the accident in favour of muh propaganda memery
>Quit falling for /pol/ memes, my leftypol memes are superior
Yeah, no. Mass camines occured at 3 seperated occasions. Immediately after the civil war, during the Holodomor which was a state lead attempt at mass murder, then after and during WW2. After that you
still had periods of extreme food shortages, even if they weren't famines.
>Gulags were as bad as us prisons and weren't surrounded by niggers
You know what Lysenkoism is? The Soviet Union also allowed some of the most anti-social people among the criminal populations to become jobs because they believed so fervently in the reformation of a Marxist conception of historical materialism. At different points in history, Gulags were on par with what the Khmer Rouge did. Towards the end of it'd existence as the social fabric of the Soviet Union fell apart they became far less severe, sure, but they had also by that time bred vast criminal organizations that perpetuated themselves on violence alone.
None of this is going into overall corruption, rates of alcohol consumption that were so extreme they had to be cracked down until the government totally collapsed for the last like 4 years of it's existence (which only made the issue that much worse as it's not so simple to treat alcoholism with an outright ban), or how much the central party stifled necessary reforms... no it was a pretty shitty system overall
I dare you to go to kiev and call them russian
Daily reminder that the BBC did this in 2006 and it was fine as a 1 hour docudrama. Why HBO had to spread this out into a miniseries I have no clue.
Every single one of you chapofags needs to be lined up against a wall and shot like the dirty communists you are.
The soviet's economy was complete and utter dumpster fire. Collectivisation was joke and nobody had any incentive to do their job correctly because there was no point.
Kill yourself, seriously. You have no idea what you're babbling about.
t. someone who was actually born in that shithole and lives in a country that was almost destroyed by the USSR
It's only 5 episodes
>USSR wasn't bad
back to r*ddit you fucking commie retard
No, they died two weeks later. They knew it was a suicide mission.
>Chernobyl was in Russia
Most Ukrainians don't hate Russians. They rightly hate Russian government, though.
4 episodes too many.
I was hoping for something like Zero Hour with a bigger budget for portraying the lead up to the explosion like the test experiment and explaining to viewers how and why it was folly and once they pulled the control rods there was no going back. They should have shown the rods jumping up and down and shown the cap (which weighed 1000 tons) getting flipped like a coin on its side because of the sheer force of the explosion. It was neat they they at least covered the cap on fire, showed just how in the dark the firefighters were by picking up chunks of the graphic moderator, and the showed the 'laser light' from the ionization in the air.
It took a while for the forest to turn brown redish, but here radioactivity seems like a godlike element that destroys everything it touches
Fukushima Daiichi was even worse. 3 explosions, one of them was an actual runaway chain reaction explosion. Japan is now radioactive forever.
I mean, nuclear is probably going to have to take the place of our reliance on fossil fuels in the future but it's not a perfect system, no.
It's not going to end with Chernobyl or Fukushima
Did you flood the core though?
Maybe some of that will be shown in further episodes as flashbacks etc, maybe when giving statements to officials, there's still another 4 hours
>andropov did anything wrong
kinos for this feel
And Russians love Russian government and despise Ukraine. That's why Ukrainians hate Russians as well.
They actually lived.
>However, research by Andrew Leatherbarrow, author of the 2016 book Chernobyl 01:23:40,[92] determined that the frequently recounted story is a gross exaggeration. Alexei Ananenko continues to work in the nuclear energy industry, and rebuffs the growth of the Chernobyl media sensationalism surrounding him.[98] While Valeri Bezpalov was found to still be alive by Leatherbarrow, the 65-year-old Baranov had lived until 2005 and had died of heart failure.[99]
Ananenko was even interviewed years later about the operation and the Chernobyl disaster myths.
The problem is the average person knows nothing about basic nuclear physics. I don’t know how they could explain to the audience what was going on in a way that wasn’t extremely contrived. Besides, I think they wanted it to be structured in a more investigative way where we follow Legasov as he pieces together why the meltdown happened.
>With full knowledge of the danger and with basic scuba gear and a dodgy lamp, they dived down to find the valve. Despite Boris’ lamp failing while diving down, the trio found the valve to open the gates and swam back up. Twenty-thousand tons of water was drained out, and a report stated that had the dive not taken place to open the gates, a thermonuclear explosion would have occurred as a result.
>Being locked in a gulag to work hard manual labor in the middle of nowhere because you're too religious
What's the problem with that?
>Get out of here stalker!
It's only the people frightened by radiation that are harmed by it.
I love snow, luckily enough I was sent to a Siberian Gulag, lucky me!
However, research by Andrew Leatherbarrow, author of the 2016 book Chernobyl 01:23:40, determined that the frequently recounted story is a gross exaggeration.
Alexei Ananenko continues to work in the nuclear energy industry, and rebuffs the growth of the Chernobyl media sensationalism surrounding him.
While Valeri Bezpalov was found to still be alive by Leatherbarrow, the 65-year-old Baranov had lived until 2005 and had died of heart failure
Why is this man so fucking kino? He's been part of some of the best shows of the past 10 years.
>I mean, nuclear is probably going to have to take the place of our reliance on fossil fuels in the future but it's not a perfect system, no.
Gosh if only there was a nuclear reactor that never polluted and we could harvest its energy forever. hmmm I wonder if we ever will get there...
What did they see?
This. It can smell fear.
I thought Chernobyl was in Ukraine though
>a thermonuclear explosion would have occurred as a result.
The original reports talked about a steam explosion that would have made the core and the building collapse releasing even more radiations. A thermonuclear explosion is what happens in an H bomb, which is complicated as fuck to create.
So many bullshit spread about this operation, like the guys dying while they all survived.
Reviews suggest it's more of a depiction of institutional rot, so nothing supernatural.
Where can i watch this ?
Great in Mad Men, shame he hanged himself in the show.
>Killed Imre Nagy
>Head of KGB
>Die hard Stalinist
A lot of things were wrong with him
They should've locked up atheists for being retarded instead
Right into satans anus
That's why we're making fusion reactor
>What is holodomor
>What is ethnic deportations
>What is gulags
>What is artificial famines
>What is purges
imagine the smell
ill give you the first but not the last two
his acceleration program actually worked
How did they do it? Not a single nigger.
I'm seeing a pattern here
>I wonder if we ever will get there
Solar is reliant on fossil fuels in manufacturing and logistics, and the metals that go into it's production are absolutely terrible to extract themselves.
They're only a temporary solution
Imagine believing this garbage propaganda. Do you really think the soviet union didn't cover up tons of deaths?
Solar panels destroy the environment and are as toxic to make as coal mining.
It depends. Family of my mother had more money so she only remembers that they had a lot of food, especially meat and even got free vacations by the sea after Chernobyl. On the other hand my uncle's family (husband of my blood related aunt) lost their home because of Chernobyl, was relocated to very poor village into half ruined house and had very hard times. And also my grandma told me that life in 1930-1950 was very poor and difficult.
This. Radiation itself is not dangerous at all. You could literally lick the control rods without suffering any demage. People in the reactor died from inhaling smoke and dirt
okay tough guy
>They're only a temporary solution
>2 billion years of free sunlight
>Temporary solution
its conditioning
no niggers = dying of radiation
>His acceleration program actually worked
In the short term, yes. He was never able to address the long term issues that plagued the Soviet Union as he died to briefly into his reign to see his policies fall apart. The best thing he did was promote Gorbachev, and we all know what he ended up doing.
>Stalinists are a good thing
No better than stormfags
Not bad. I dled it obviously. Im not paying for hbo lol
>30% percent efficiency
nuclear is superior
the only reason this plant blew up was that they were trying to test to see if it could run it's own cooling system before backup generators can turn on
Ah yes the extremely effective Soviet propaganda...
Look in the mirror!
WE'RE the biggest propagandaniggers on the planet.
Born in it, molded by it
Post-Chernobyl there was a massive anti-nuclear propaganda push by coal and oil industries.
Shit like "every person in Kiev will die of cancer by 2010 because of Chernobyl don't build any more of those fucking nuclear murder reactors"
It worked and guaranteed dominance of fossil fuels for another 50 years.
What part of
>They're reliant on fossil fuels for manufacturing
Do you not understand?
>Ah 3.6, that's not terrible
What did he mean by this?
> long term issues
literally could have been easily solved by computerization
The fuel rods had a design flaw. If you pushed them in too fast there would be a massive spike just before shutdown. The plant went from 2% to 2000% power in a few milliseconds.
Do radiation effects appear that fast?
I thought it took awhile before you show symptoms.
>extreme issues with centralization and command economies ultimately dictated by a single person and were still reliant on the LTV could be fixed if communication was even faster that what radio and telecommunication had to offer
... No
Wait what story is that?
The only one I’m familiar with was a lieutenant on a nuclear submarine that was below the American fleet blockading Cuba when the fleet ran an anti submarine drill. The sub thought the war had started and was going to fire but one of the officers refused
He turns up in a bunch of good shit and always delivers.
>The Terror
>Mad Men
>The Expanse
>The Crown
His role in The Terror is one of my favorite TV performances ever, it's a shame most people don't even know who he is.
a Skarsgard is in it. it will be amazing!
not when you're given an extreme dose
these are literally flesh melting level
>guys found alive 30 years after the fall of the USSR, one of them doesn't even live in Russia
>Soviet propaganda
Do explain this logic to me. Ananenko never left the nuclear industry; hell, he even got an award from the Ukrainian president celebrating their heroism.
What's wrong with Brezhnev?
He just was turboboomer autist with brain injury.
>Every single source says they died after the dive
>suddenly two of the men were given medals for bravery in 2018
It's an absolute farce concocted by remaining soviet era politicians in the Ukraine.
> largest muslim population in a non-islamic state
Everyone knows that's India.
If you make up such blatant bullshit, people are just gonna dismiss the rest of your shitty infographic as well.
>Do radiation effects appear that fast?
Depends on the dosing.
Depends how much you get, and how you get it (internal exposure vs external)
the soviet union half functioned, had the world's largest economy and was capable of checking the US, the richest country in the world
even if computerization increases its efficiency by 25%, it would have been massively more viable. It kills off a lot of corruption and massively increases productivity and logistics
2nd largest lel
Gosh if only the materials used to harness this energy were sturdy enough to last 10+ years with little maintenance. Instead these motherfuckers crack all the time and they need to be cleaned regularly to be as efficient as possible. Do you know anyone who climbs on top of their roof to clean off their panels once a week? Once a month? Average normie cleans or inspects them maybe once or twice a year when they clean their gutters.
how fucking stupid are you, russians are like white niggers
anyone got a link? cant find any torrents yet and I dont have HBO
With regard to the reactor accident more incompetent than evil.
Will Mr. Hickey be alright, lads?
I'm pretty sure if you watch a video on VodkaTube in Russia it doesn't put warning labels when its a video produced by US state media
Communism doesn't work, because why would you work hard for no real reward. The farms had very poor production output for that reason, farmers got lazy and yields plummeted.
Thats why commie countries always have issues feeding their people even if the land is rich. Modern Russia has no problem producing food now, its Christian and non-commie.
You have to remember the very core of the plant was exposed and on fire with no containment whatsoever and people were exposed with nothing to protect them in slightest. People in the plant were getting exposed to over 5 roentgens per second and got fatal doses in under a minute of exposure.
>had the world's largest economy
Yeah, it was an empire ruled by authoritarianism that simple owned most of the world. That doesn't make it a succesful economy, otherwise it wouldn't have completely collapsed economically during the revolutions of 89. There were two competing economies in it ffs
>Computers remove corruption
Explain the NSA and Silicon's Valley's relationship then.
lol just fight russia my fellow americans, putin bad !
kill everyone in syria and iran! they hate freedoms and semites!
Why can't you manufacture them using other renewables?
Besides, that would be a one time cost. Still considerably less pollution in the grand scheme of things.
The major issue with renewables is that you need insanely expensive precious metals for the batteries.
It's not great. But it's not terrible.
>Do radiation effects appear that fast?
I think its the teeth
Didn't watch but 99,99% sure it's some volatile shit because it's made by burgers
he dies two weeks later. he's based on a real person.
Depends on the level of exposure. You get a big enough blast and it can basically kill you on he spot
You knew its bad when even the armored attempts at using cleanup robots failed, the radiation cooked them.
Go to the booty bay search the name and sort by uploaded. Get the ethd one that is VIP. It says 0-0 but there's plent of seeders
>implying the revolutions would have happened if they crushed them with the military
if people have even 10 percent more shit, it obviously works
>Explain the NSA and Silicon's Valley's relationship then.
that's companies protecting their stock by doing what the government tells them too
but i'm saying that direct supervisors could check to see if people are grafting or not meeting their quotas
dude, snow niggers
If you think Petro Poroshenko is a "remaining soviet era politician", I don't even know how to react to that. And note that those "sources" saying they died don't really exist; it's always listed without any citations.
I have no idea why you're so hellbent on making a conspiracy theory out of it - it's not like their survival somehow makes the Chernobyl fuck up more acceptable.
Oh fuck is that faggot in it?
So going back to the show, can anyone answer why everyone thought that it was impossible for an RMBK reactor to explode? Wikipedia is telling me that the RMBK reactor design wasn’t used in other countries outside of the Soviet Union due to concerns over its design. So what made the Soviet nuclear engineers not consider the possibility that reactor no.4 had exploded until they saw it with their own eyes?
How much radiation could you take, Yea Forums?
Fuckin hell I didn't recognise him kek
I only see the ebook
he was just making an excuse, it seemed like he knew what it was right away
it just didn't happen before
Not for long
>its Christian and non-commie
It's about 20% Muslim and has a GDP per capita of Kazakhstan, despite its immense natural wealth. The USSR was inexcusably terrible, but Russia is still a shitshow.
Will he punished as a boy later?
It's not that hard I just spoonfed you the easiest way. I can't help you any more
>why everyone thought that it was impossible for an RMBK reactor to explode?
its showing the hubris and delusion of the people in charge thinking they know better than everyone else and that due to the flawless (in their eyes) design of the plant nothing like that could happen and everyone was just hysterical.
Heart of the nuclear reactor, laid bare before them
I bet it was breathtakingly beautiful IRL
Did you know Russia has TIGERS?
at least 3
I was watching today some russian stream with a show called officer wives or something, too bad I understood absolutely nothing.
Well, not only is it reliant on plastics, that by the material nature requires fossil fuels from the byproducts of crude oil refinement and natural gasses, asides from the material nature that goes into making solar panels the logistics that goes into resource extraction, maintenance, and transportation in the solar industry is extremely reliant on fossil fuels as well.
That said, solar is a good means of reducing our reliance on fossil fuels for general energy needs , but the rate of it's manufacture plus the industry's reliance on fossil fuels combined with what our global energy needs are going to be makes it a temporary solution at best. It's not going so solve the issues by any means
All of it
the mirror site I was using didnt have any results, tried the original and its at the top
The thing most people don't seem to know about radiation is the method of damage. They think it gives you acute cancer, or it burns you like a flame would, or it destroys your DNA.
What it does is create a bunch of hydrogen peroxide and other reactive free radicals in your cells. Basically you die of chemical burns caused by the materials in your own cells.
>Yeah, no. Mass camines occured at 3 seperated occasions. Immediately after the civil war, during the Holodomor which was a state lead attempt at mass murder, then after and during WW2. After that you
>still had periods of extreme food shortages, even if they weren't famines.
That was literally under the industrilization era, did they starve in the 70s?
>None of this is going into overall corruption, rates of alcohol consumption that were so extreme they had to be cracked down until the government totally collapsed for the last like 4 years of it's existence (which only made the issue that much worse as it's not so simple to treat alcoholism with an outright ban), or how much the central party stifled necessary reforms... no it was a pretty shitty system overall
And it became even more corrupt after the collapse, bunch of bureacrats became billionare oligarchs with even more power. Russia's crime exploded after the collapse of the soviet union, they still haven't recovered to their soviet era levels. The alchohol consumption became even worse after the collapse
Have you ever talked to anyone who actually lived in the soviet union? Most people miss it and will tell you that life was better back then.
Not an argument
>What did they see?
burning nuclear fuel. if you pause the webm you can see the cap, fuel, and control rods on fire and they being exposed to astronomical levels of radiation.
The burning reactor core. Literally tons of twisted carbon and uranium on fire. Hell. They knew they were going to die the instant they saw it.
You're a big guy
u mean HaD
they are barely any left
between chinese and russian poachers
3.6 tops
I thought it was Indonesia?
>They could've crushed the revolution with military force
They tried that and failed because the military didn't want to. Like I said, the Soviet Union had two competing economies in it that was tearing it apart due to shortages caused by mismanagement inherent in mass scale command economies. One person can't micromanage an economy that encompasses hundreds of millions of people over that largest country on Earth.
>Government telling companies what to do so that they don't fail
Yeah, because a country like the Soviet Union that wanted total control over the information it's populace is introduced to wouldn't immediately try and control internet access and try to micromanage it all.
Cherenkov radiation makes my dingle tingle
>So going back to the show, can anyone answer why everyone thought that it was impossible for an RMBK reactor to explode?
Nobody thought a plain old PW reactor would explode either, but Fukushima did 3 times even though TEPCO had added a water ring around the GE design as an extra safety measure.
The amount of thermal energy coming off of that thing should have given them severe burns instantly.
>solar panels require certain materials
>one time cost
Liberals can't do logistics at all, can they?
>Most people miss it and will tell you that life was better back then.
How stupid do you have to be to completely miss the point here? It's not that quality of life was better, it's that they were part of a big strong union and now they're not. Life was shit. Like holy god damn, we should really just shoot you retards in the street
Dylatov seemed like he was making excuses, but Fomin seemed pretty confident when he stated that he was a nuclear engineer, and that Sitnikov was stupid for insisting it had exploded. Even Sitnikov said he couldn’t explain how exactly the core had exploded even as he was telling them that he was sure it had exploded.
How bad is bias in it?
Is it like in the modern US press where Russia is deemed to be behind everything bad that befalls the burgers? Or is it more of a critical take on the stupid bureacracy?
> failed because the military didn't want to
no that was a coup where they tried to overthrow gorbachev and it was done incompetently
if they just never appointed him, they would have survived
>wanted total control over the information it's populace is introduced to wouldn't immediately try and control internet access and try to micromanage it all.
but it still allows supervisors to double check everyone's work and better run the economy
you're talking about mismanagement, but this reduces it
Great bait user
>Gulag's were just as bad as most prisons in the US and you weren't surrounded by nigger
one, that i can't be bothered to look up the name of...
Was just island devoid of trees, it was just a pebble beach surrounded by water.
So "central planner" just stuck hi finger on a map and said there.
they dropped people off with no supplies, wide spread cannibalism broke out, the survivors would hunt to newcomers ...
what American jail had that ?
commie needs a bullet to the head.
>And it became even more corrupt after the collapse
You mean the collapse of the failing command economy that was replaced by the black market which it, by it's own existence, created and worsened? Yeah no shit
>Most people in Russia say they miss the Soviet Union
You do know that the Soviet Union wasn't just Russia, right? They don't say they miss the Soviet Union, they say they miss the Soviet Union break up. You know. The Soviet Union that was mainly dominated by ethnic Russians? Wonder why so many people in the imperialistic Russian Federation miss the time when they had control over more lands.
>bunch of bureacrats became billionare oligarchs with even more power. Russia's crime exploded after the collapse of the soviet union
This is true. I live here. I am no expert about Soviet Union, but the rest is true. Russia was stolen by oligarchs and criminals. Billions of dollars are stolen and taken out of country every year. On all levels in all cities. Most people have really low life while others shit in the toilets made of gold (unironically)
>Life was shit.
and it was shit before when the tsar was in charge, and now its shit after with neoliberals and putin cronyism. Being part of a big strong union was obviously an improvement for them. You have a very one-track mind
>Have you ever talked to anyone who actually lived in the soviet union? Most people miss it and will tell you that life was better back then.
My whole extended family and a bunch of acquitances, you absolute cretin. That half of Russians cry about the dissolution of the USSR is well known, because they loved the idea of being "first among nations" (protip: the whole "druzhba narodov" was absolute bullshit) and lording it over the rest of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. Now that they are just one nation among many, they're not taking it well. Add the immensely corrupt mafia state government and it's obviously nostalgia season.
Ask a country that isn't a shitshow and the responses about muh socialism will be very different (pic related is Czechia).
Probably would smell very strange and ozony radiation would really mess with your nervous system even the photo shows a ton of noise because of the radiation.
Faggot is calling this officer a drunkard when he was very sober to make the right call
cool rhetoric pal, you're completely and utterly wrong, and a solar panel will produce energy for decades offsetting any fossil fuel emissions required to mine and create a solar panel.
It would ironically kill all fast reproducing cells first and clear you of all your cancer and then all your healthy cells too and then you die.
>critical take on the stupid bureacracy
This. I didn't perceive any politically charged criticism and I consider myself very kin on that sort of thing. Maybe someone more politically sensitive can chime in
>no that was a coup where they tried to overthrow gorbachev and it was done incompetently
Which was an attempt by the military to prevent the revolution from gaining traction in government... like I said.
>If they just never appointed him
Yuri Andropov himself pushed for him ffs.
>It allows the supervisors to
The problem was with the supervisors to begin with, dude. Can't check for incompetence or corruption if the supervisors themselves are corrupt or incompetent.
it had it moments, streets were clean, free health care even tho most of it was a medieval torture
i only remember around early 90's standing in lines for milk and bread since 5 in the morning, would go in store and there would be one tiny blue chicken on display, most citypaw people relied on buying food from farmers
>and now its shit after with neoliberals and putin cronyism.
Yeah man some people having more money than others is on par with gulags, totalitarian govt execution squads, mass starvation. So stupid. It's a significant consolation knowing that not only will you never get your way, but if you ever came close you'd get facefucked out of existence in 10 seconds.
Indonesia is a majority Islamic country , dude. One of the most populous in the world, Muslims there were responsible for one of the greatest mass murders of the 20th century ffs
>Yeah man some people having more money
You have no idea what you are talking about. Leave the thread.
>You mean the collapse of the failing command economy that was replaced by the black market which it, by it's own existence, created and worsened? Yeah no shit
Look up the 96 election and how the US meddled to have Yeltsin in, the people wanted the union to return. The elites sabotaged it for their own personal interest.
>That half of Russians cry about the dissolution of the USSR is well known, because they loved the idea of being "first among nations" (protip: the whole "druzhba narodov" was absolute bullshit)
Are you really this deluded? Did you really think this why they missed it and not because the poverty rates are higher now?
again, one track mind. You, as a non-russian, are trying to rationalize a viewpoint that the majority of people in the country don't agree with. It's like going to China and saying "rice is gross you should all stop eating rice because I think it's better"
Who cares what you think? Why is your low-iq opinion more important than those of people who actually live there? Clearly you do not believe in democratic autonomy or self-government
You fucking retarded zoomer
I'm afraid not, kiddo. It doesn't matter how much you try to wrap it up in navelgazing philosophical musings and mental gymnastics. Let's stick to objective physical reality, if you can do that for me
>try to discuss a kino tv show and the idiotic bureaucracy of the soviet union
>gets invaded by chapo fags that try to argue that the soviet union was actually good.
Oh these are gonna be fun threads.
It's both, actually. But yes, the Soviet nostalgia tends to rise and fall in Russia also depending on how historically butthurt they're feeling at the moment.
>The US started speculating on the 96 (post collapse) economy and political nature of Russia well after most if Eastearn Europe had abandoned communism after the revolutions of 89
>Therefore the collapse and (that already happened) and every aspect of the Soviet Economy (which you said was independent and strong) was engineered by the United States
On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the greatest, how high are you right now?
lOl pOsT yOuR hOg, dUdE
ReAl CoMmUnIsM hAs NeVeR bEeN TrIeD
Again, misinterpreting the "data" because (goes without saying) you're a retard. Maybe if you cared a little less about what I think you'd be less buttblasted over your imaginary wankutopia never coming to fruition. Sad time to be a commie retard.
>democratic autonomy or self-government
fucking lol, don't you have humanities homework to do?
You'd have to be a real brainlet to think ussr was actually communist, it was state capitalist.
That's because Russians are brainless NPCs.
Socialists cling to their delusions. Their worldview depends on it. I just want a comfy kino telling the sequence of events that happened at Chernobyl and I think we are getting it. First episode is 9/10 imo.
>but that wasn't real communism!
Never gets old
>heavy (100%) diarrhea
>argues in memes
How's high school?
EBN was holding power with the help of CIA
They even admitted it
He's caping for the USSR. The answer: very high.
Johan Renck is one of the most respected and sought after directors of commercials and music videos today, so much so that the French magazine CB News dubbed him "the number one director of commercials and music videos in the world ".
>Marxist Leninists believed in self government
It was a one party state under a command economy
imagine the smell
I just dont understand how you can say that your personal view of the USSR should carry more political weight than the people who actually live there.
In like 1992/93 Sweden released a bunch of weather balloons and the Russians thought they were getting bombed and were about to hit the button until what user said happened.
Isn't this the way retards do sarcasm on that blue bird app?
Maybe not the instant but you are a dead man walking the moment you see that.
>It was state capitalist
Because the Marxist Leninists believed in a two stage revolution where state capitalism lead to "true socialism", except instead it collapsed the government and overall economy.
Yeah, that's what communism is like. A failed ideology.
there have been a few
one was a Norwegian sounding rocket test that showed up as an ICBM on russian radar and the entire arsenal of nuclear response was readied
yeltsin decided not to be hasty and the rocket was tracked to land to the north so they backed off
You tell me.
They had absolute control and weren't able to establish communism?. Doesn't that tell you something about the merits of that theory?
>CIA was assisting the fall of communism in the Soviet Union
Yes? That doesn't mean that every issue with the Soviet Union came from the "all powerful" CIA. Fucks sake man
You have a better way to indicate sarcasm through text?
I just finished the podcast with the writer. He is an anti-trump leftist but it sounds like he made a real effort to get this right.
I know a bit about nuclear power and I didn't see anything in episode 1 that set off my bullshit detector.
>unironically socialist
>calls others underage
o i am laffin
I am not the one you was talking to. I just live in Russia and believe me, it is not "some people having more money" here. The problem is huge and is not gonna be solved anytime soon
Alias too.
> It was the good type of nuclear meltdown caused by complete incompetence.
>Largest muslim population in EUROPE.
Learn to read.
not even close. They believed in marxism, and like all marxists thought socialism should occur in countries with a large industrial workforce. The problem being russia in 1917 was like 90% peasant farmers. So Lenin initiated a "forced industrialization" through the NEP which has nothing to with marxism, and was criticized within the party for being capitalist. They basically took Russia through 100 years of industrialization in 3 decades and that lead to a lot of bloodshed. And they were right to do it, because that industrialization was the only thing which saved them from the nazis.
I am not communist but the arguments you're making are from ignorance not a real critique of the system.
This. It's pretty accurate so far and nothing really sensationalist regarding nuclear power. Looking forward to ep.2.
the showrunner for this undoubtable piece of shit previously wrote
>Scary Movie 3
>Scary Movie 4
>Superhero Movie(which he also directed)
>The Hangover Part II
>The Hangover Part III
>Identity Thief
>The Huntman's Winter War
>The KStew Charlie's Angels reboot
and fa/tv/irgins still think this shit is going to be good
Pole here
fuck ukraine and fuck OP
The day to day functions of the Soviet Union worked like it was in the show. Every authoritarian and extremely bureaucratic system requires that the low elements that actually interact with the people/problem are responsive. If the lowest people on the bureaucratic ladder send up the wrong information then the system makes exponentially wrong mistakes. This is why the USSR grew to be so dysfunctional. Brezhnev made it work for a little bit because he stabilized it and introduced some informal rules to the chaotic backroom dealings and blat. It fell apart when he went away.
>guy irradiated so hard he was sent to the shadow realm
Did you watch it? It's pretty fucking kino.
you realize the USSR no longer exists, yes? I already pointed out to you those people don't wish life went back to how it was and you accepted the point. I really suggest you put away these silly things and get a job
NHK in glorious Nippon did a series reenactment of Fukishima, with all sorts of techy details. That's the one to watch.
ukrainians are very closley related to you polak faggots like it or not
>you share a board with communist apologists
It's pretty good. Might not have enough capes and dragons for you though
Why would i?
It's post Sopranos/The Wire/Deadwood HBO plus the showrunner is clearly a complete hack
In Russia there is a saying
>If you dont regret the fall of the USSR you have no heart. If you do, you have no brain.
Most Russians realize that the commie system sucked, and that their quality of life is better now. They just miss when the entire world feared/respected them. Russians have always had a Great Power complex.
>They believed in marxism
Marxist Leninism, yes, like I was saying. There are many different Marxist ideologies. They believe in a two stage revolution. The NEP was an attempt to force the revolution forward through a capitalist stage, as capitalism leads to socialism which leads to a communist utopia (inb4 uhhhh actually Marx was pretty critical of the concept of utopia, you know what I mean).
Except according to a lot of people, gommies of course, that didn't take them out if them state capitalist stage. Ancoms especially hate the Soviet Union.
>It saved them from the Nazis
It's one of the reasons why the Nazis even took power. Also, no, that would be Great Britain and the US as their counter offensive would've died without Lend Lease contrary to what Soviet propaganda tried to claim under Khruschev (which he later admitted lying to).
The other poster (who I'm going to guess isn't you) is one of those commie. It's either that or I'm going to have to explain to a very confused person as to why he is confused
can you answer you wise anti-communist redditor
First episode was alright
> Chernobyl dramatizes "the true story of one of the worst man-made catastrophes in history"
> More people die in your average Chinatown casino bus accident.
Controlled and handled by soviet union. Nobody said anything about it being in Russia you fucking idiot.
Listen to the HBO podcast. This was a passion project for the guy that wrote it. He spent years researching it, finding every picture, account, quote he could find. He said he always took the least sensational version he could find.
right but is communism the failed ideology, or marxist-leninism? Because nowhere in Marx's work did he predict or advocate for a revolution in a peasant/farming country where the government accelerates capitalism by force to reach the next stage. Also USSR lost a lot more people, like millions and millions more, than America or GB did, but there's other factors in Russia's role in WWII besides industrialization.
"Ow! Right in the Cherno-balls!"
What they have now.is not better
Sure, communism doesn't work and is a shit ideology, hence why every instance has a smörgåsbord of excuses for why it didn't work. Any more brain busters?
And anyone else that's had to endure communist bullshit will tell you straight up "Fuck communist societies, that life is terrible." Every single one has a terrible story of their family getting broken up (many family members being outright killed in front of them), starvation, so on so forth. Anyone who says "Oh Russians miss communism" is 100% naive to how the world works.
Ain't no one misses communism, outside of deranged tankies
It's all trash.
t. mario zeppeli spaghetti
This was my only complaint with the episode. It's decently accurate depiction of Red Forest, but realistically it took a while for the trees to turn red/brown.
>try to discuss a kino tv show and the idiotic bureaucracy of the soviet union
i was hoping for some discussion of the science of it. its still crazy just how much force was generated to blow up the reactor, the sheer amount of radiation and isotopes released, and how quickly the power was generated to cause the explosion. wish they would have covered the experiment that led to it all happening, maybe they'll do that later though.
>Every single one has a terrible story of their family getting broken up (many family members being outright killed in front of them), starvation, so on so forth
They were lying to you for sympathy. Unless you know someone who actually lived through the 30's and 40s.
Have you even asked the survivors of communism what they think? You go on about that shit, but fucking have you? I'm sure the people that lost family members would absolutely love to hear you go on about the benefits of communism.
>they were lying to you
Nice try, chapotard.
True, it's only better by every single observable metric. However if you brainwash yourself with enough literature, you'll see it's actually much worse.
but your criticism is entirely about Lenin and the USSR's capitalist farming and factory quotas in the late 1910s. That's not communism, as you yourself already admitted by calling them marxist-leninists. Marx did not play any role in those events, he was dead many years before they occurred. I am not really seeing the connection here. Is jesus a rapist or a murder because knights on crusade did those things in his name? By your logic I guess so.
>That's not communism, as you yourself already admitted by calling them marxist-leninists
I literally just got into this thread you fucking batshit dingdong. More than one person can disagree with you. Fuck communists are dumb
>That's not communism
Because communism is so retarded they couldn't even make it happen
Capitalism has higher highs and lower lows. Everyone in Russia thought with the switch they would be the next rockefeller instead they were in the same factory job but now housing wasn't paid for. They went from having the bare basics guaranteed to having better everything but now they have to pay for it. Most of these "i miss communism" fags are out in monotowns which were alive solely because the government decided to prop up a factory there and now it has to close down. Its like if you polled Detroit on how well capitalism was working.
>right but is communism the failed ideology, or marxist-leninism
Communism in general. Ancoms and libcoms in general have never established a long lasting or succesful governmenta. No Catalonia , the Zapatistas, and the Free Territory of Ukraine do not count as long lasting or succesful governments.
The rest, like the Maoists, Khmer Rouge, and the various African and Latin American communist governments have either failed or willingly passed away from their communist leanings like the Sandanistas
It says "in the world", retard.
> Arguing with some commie sophomore.
Didn't you people have enough of that standing in line at the college bookstore?
The CIA intel itself said that USSR citizens had just as good as nutrition as US citizens. Look up USSR calorie intake and it's literally one of the first things that popup. Now tell me they were starving.
>talks shit on Jesus while promoting communism
Are you 14?
>Unless you know someone who actually lived through the 30's and 40s.
Implying that's fucking hard, a lot of those people were still alive back in the 90s. The fun part is sifting through their "USSR was so great" stories to get to outlandish shit like airplane tickets being easier to buy than meat.
>having better everything
Never been to Russia i see.
>trusting the CIA
>at all
>they couldn't even make it happen
if by "not make it happen" you mean intentionally disregard some of the core principles of Marx's theories, than sure. But they weren't really trying that hard, you already admitted the NEP was capitalist like 5 minutes ago lol
Excuse me sir, you've dropped this.
>CIA admitted that they weren't actually starving
Yes , but that doesn't mean there were no shortages. Starvation =/= shortage. People can last a long time without any food. That was also the philosophy of the Soviet Union.
Is there any video or articles on Soviets covering up the death toll in Chernobyl?
>muh starvation
>muh capitalism is better
>admitted the NEP was capitalist like 5 minutes ago lol
Different guy but you don't even realize that supports my point rather than conflicting with it. Literally could not implement communism because capitalism is natural
what was better in the USSR that isn't better now or in the west at the same time?
Cmon guy you can't just post something that looks like it was made in mspaint as a source
>daily reminder the only reason we are alive right now is because some drunk fucktard at a radar station in bumfuckaynzk russia told his superior officer the equipment was malfunctioning and to tell him to go fuck himself about launching a nuclear attack
Press S to spit at that fucker's grave. The world with nuked USA would be much better place to live: imagine - no degeneracy, no "moderate terrorists", no protection of Israel.
>capitalism is natural
no it isn't, you simply have a very warped view of what capitalism is. Humans trade with each other all the time, the exchange of goods is not inherently capitalist. And the NEP was an intentional choice by soviet leadership, read the thread or even better a book with actual pages
You know damn well all normies will remember from this show will be bullshit nuclear scaremongering. Chernobyl was practically a non-event compared to the climate catastrophe and mass extinction event currently unfolding, but brain dead "environmentalists" will still cling to it as definitive proof that nuclear power needs to die and will cause millions of death in the process. Great fucking job HBO.
It was bad, but for many what followed agter was worse
it clearly says FAO is the source dumbass
I can see how using plastics is gonna be a major issue, definitely. But provided that extraction, maintenance and and transportation can be transitioned to electricity, which, admittedly, isn't economincally feasible at the moment, a transition to solar would be much less reliant on fossils. Besides, nuclear also requires fossils for transportation and production, unless you mean to use nuclear-powered vehicles as well?
I must admit that I don't understand the idea that this would be temporary. Temporary means it would have to stop eventually, but the sun isn't going to stop shining for the forseeable future. An incomplete solution, sure, but add the potential of solar to wind, hydro, wave, biodiesel, nuclear and geothermal, and you can reduce reliance on fossils by a lot. Seems like a better idea than doing nothing.
Once the panels are built, they don't require continued input of these materials (except maybe for maintenance). Not entirely one-time, but certainly more so than coal or oil, which by definition is non-renewable.
>implying I implied starvation
What was the regular occurence in USSR is shortages of any kind of consumer products. Cheap food was a plenty (any kind of grain, canned products, the like), but if you wanted something better you'd have two options: either wait in a really long queue with no guarantees to get what you want or bribe the seller. It's why any kind of job that was connected to shops was highly coveted and commanded some power, directors of shops were only a step lower on a social ladder than high-ranking party members. Such system crashed and burned during the late 80s as you can see on this footage: youtube.com
2 side of a coin, crudely to say we have high brow "educated" people with money, properties, businesses or land who got plain ass raped by government for everything they had.
Then u have your basic less educated simple folks who relied their whole life on government to have a shitty job and maybe a roof over a head. They know no one cares if they die under a bridge somewhere.
>Being starved to death en masse
Yeah yeah yeah, and Putin jailing khodorkovsky is literally "anudda 1937".
>Being locked in a gulag to work hard manual labor in the middle of nowhere because you're too religious
As opposed to church being decadent sanctimonious degenerates that will whore themselves for money from everyone, since, pretty much, the fucking Mongol Invasion?
>Constant shortages due to terrible central planning
As opposed to not having access to quality service whatsoever because you are not a richfag, a jew, or a degenerate.
Reverse image search just gave me an interesting result to your unsourced meme image
>CIA data comes from a report from 1984, released in 1999. The Nutrient Content of the Soviet Food Supply. Like FAO’s, these figures are for food supply, not ingestion, which is lower because of losses. The report says that the nutrient content of Soviet food supply matches the US’s. Carbohydrate intake is higher, and fat intake is lower, but gaps were narrowing. The CIA analysts also estimate that losses from production to consumption are higher than in the US. They also indicate that the high caloric consumption are problematic from a public health perspective. Food availability differed between regions in the SU. For example, fruit consumption per capita in the Russian SFSR was 40 kg per person, while the Siberian region just consumed 12 kg. Meat consumption in Estonia was 80 kg, but just 31 kg in Uzbekistan. (Data for 1975-1981)
>BIRMAN comes from Igor Birman’s book Personal consumption in the USSR and the USA (1981). I’ll explain later why Birman deserves a place here. He says caloric consumption in the SU is a little less than in the US, even though it should be higher due to a younger population that performs more extenous work in a colder environment. Birman gives a figure of 3330 for 1976 (vs 3380 in the US). His data comes from Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSR v 19-9odu: statisticheskiy yezhegodnik
>No. In saying this, I’m saying the FAO is wrong, and that Robert Allen, who based his calculations in FAO data (and used their multipliers), didn’t notice. To say this, I had to go through a full literature review, and I come to this opinion. Before reading my post, you were totally justified in believing that caloric intake was higher. Not anymore. Unless some FAO official tells us why did they used their coefficients, that seem to go against the Sovietological literature.
>chapo fags
You have to go back.
So many chapocommies in this thread. Why aren't you all posting from Venezuela?
>one, that i can't be bothered to look up the name of...
Because it didn't exist.
Well it won't be bullshit, since Chernobyl really happened. But it would certainly be appropriate to accompany it with a similar piece on the environmental damage of coal and oil extraction, as well as an overview of how many deaths can be attributed directly or indirectly to these industries every year. Just wouldn't work very well as a drama piece.
Fusion, idiot.
Damn most people dont even need 2000 calories a day unless they are freakishly tall, well muscled or work in construction or a farm with no tractor. Was the economy back then filled with those kind of jobs? Automation was prevelant even back then so I dont think so.
>those people don't wish life went back
>Popularity of Stalin in Russia is record-high
>The rich had better access to medicine
Because they were more important in a feudalistic society. If you think that the top members of the Central Party had equal access to medicine as random gopniks then you're a moron
>also all the church ever did was be corrupt
>Zero Hour
Which do you speak of?
> to having better everything but now they have to pay for it.
Marginally better, mate. Basically, they needed to pay for pretty much same shit as if it's premium quality. That's the cornerstone of 95% of Russian business.
I think most Westerners would agree that Russia has always had a bigger problem with incompetent and corrupt leadership than with what particular ideology said leadership adhered to.
Still, the USSR was a horribly mismanaged shitshow. That it somehow looks less terrible in comparison to what you have now, should tell you all you need to know of the current Russian leadership, and very little of capitalism and democracy in general.
What's the popularity of starvation?
>what was better in the USSR that isn't better now
The whole food and living conditions. Also, militia > police.
Also, a degenerate fucker on top had non-illusional chances to wind up either on gulag or straight in butovo shooting range.
Right now, the rich degenerate can, pretty much fuck kids in front of their mothers and, if he has money, or his dad has, he won't be prosecuted AT ALL.
Soviet Union =/= Russia
Oligarchs and "effective managers", as well as khokhols should be starved again.
>being a whore for money is worthy of the gulag
you commies got a whole pack of doritos on your shoulder. "life isn't fair, so everyone suffer equally!"
seething ruskies show your flag
>and very little of capitalism and democracy in general.
Yeah yeah yeah, the fact that corruption of leadership lays perfectly into randroid propaganda about "successful people" says nothing about capitalism.
Fucking cuckold.
You need to be shot.
>The whole food and living conditions
Why would someone do this? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
>Right now, the rich degenerate can, pretty much fuck kids in front of their mothers and, if he has money, or his dad has, he won't be prosecuted AT ALL.
Yeah welcome to the entire fucking real world buddy, it's gonna hurt at first
>Right now, the rich degenerate can, pretty much fuck kids in front of their mothers and he won't be prosecuted AT ALL.
What, like Beria? Or any party member high enough on career ladder? Fuck outta here, senpai, little people had even less power in USSR, they couldn't even leave.
The only good thing Hitler ever did was kill 24 million Russian commies in cold blood.
>If you think that the top members of the Central Party had equal access to medicine as random gopniks then you're a moron
>A CPSU faggot with his two-store dacha is literally worse than a rich degenerate having dozens of villas and batallion of personal whores, while population is forced to survive.
I worked with the clergy as clients for some of the projects. They are greedy degenerates that think everyone should bend over to them, who suck the tit of EVERY entity in power, be it communists, nazis, mongols or degenerate oligarchs/crime bosses.
Is this /pol/?
>According to a 1993 study of archival Soviet data, a total of 1,053,829 people died in the Gulag from 1934 to 1953.
It was a genocide bruh
>eah welcome to the entire fucking real world buddy, it's gonna hurt at first
Yeah, welcome to the real world and stop fucking whining about "bolsheviks killing poor nobles, richfags and their families".
Entitled fucking gelminth.
I dont know why people are seething so much here. This is true, most of the famine did happen during the industrilizarion era. That's when Stalin ruled. That is what Russia is known for. Only conditions were still much better for the people with Tsars.
>What, like Beria?
Now point to me one. ONE. Fucking piece of shit that was thrown in jail to rot for his fuck ups.
Reminder that the USSR did not kill one person who didn't deserve it an the Greenpoint oil spill was far worse than Chernobyl and people living in greenpoint are still drinking literal oil out their taps even to this day after 50 years and dying of brain cancer at a rate 30X normal.
>still much better for the people with Tsars.
Citation needed, bootlicker. After 19
>Stalin's rule means all of the soviet union was north korea tier
Stalin buying into Lysenko's bullshit is what killed all those millions of Ukrainians. It doesn't matter whether he intended to or not, his hubris killed millions
>calls others bootlicker while defending stalinist Russia
Is this the power of tankies?
>the exchange of goods is not inherently capitalist
>Reminder that the USSR did not kill one person who didn't deserve it
Every single kulak was a hero and every single Bolshevik was a pedophile
Lysenkoism didn't even come into fashion until the late 30's way after the 32-33 famine you dummy.
>''Gulags were like American prisonsnwithout negros''
America,ladys and gentlemen
My grand-grandma who walked home pregnant out of one of the gulags in Siberia would fuck your ass up with a belt for that stupid bullshit.
Based retard.
that episode seemed pretty well done
super suspenseful
>holodomor denial
You realize that Beria was executed not for his crimes, but for losing in power struggle, right? Had he won, he'd have gone on to live till his natural death.
>one. ONE. Fucking piece of shit that was thrown in jail to rot for his fuck ups.
Those fuckers who organized financial pyramid schemes were, despite their money, even though they got off too light.
Whatever dude, everyone knows it was a way of suppressing Ukrainian nationalism, making a genocide by definition.
>One time cost
Fuck... I didn’t know panels lasted more than 20 years at full efficiency.
Your grandma was probably a retarded or a piece of shit, they don't just send off people onto gulags.
>main board is /k/
>hear about new show on HBO about Chernobyl
>come to Yea Forums to discuss
>expect nuclear kino and STALKER ANU CHEKI BREKI comfy discussion
>board is overrun with communists instead
Fix your shit, guys.
>life was better in ol' UdSSS
Yea nah, my grandfather ate shoes and me as a baby got app the food of my. parents. People Were robbing and stealing and everything was shit.
You're just retarded and talk shit about things you haven't experienced and know nothing about. I hope you're a troll and not seriously that stupid
same buddy
It was a pretty cool episode though, highly recommend
i really wish whoever keeps saying chapofags would stop. cth isn't tankie anymore they're demsoc they love people like aoc and bernie.
kill yourself
>ate shoes and me as a baby got app the food of my. parents. People Were robbing and stealing and everything was shit.
>he actually believed him just because he was muh grandpa
You're full of shit buddy
Chapo are socdems, they don't deny the so-called "holodomor", they prefer to side with fantasy novelists and Hitler worshipers that made it up.
Yet the famine happened mostly in the Russian-ukranian areas and Kazakhstan.
I hope you know all of Yea Forums besides /k/ /pol/ and /fit/ are mostly commies. McCarthy was right you know.
radioactivity is bullshit. there was an ex-us navy guy who worked on the first reactors in the 40s and 50s and he went on the lecture circuit explaining how they would handle uranium without any protection, just some gloves and glasses, and it was perfectly harmless. the work on nuclear energy got suppressed then reactors were sabotaged with conventional explosives in order to prevent a peer competitor to gas/oil because america and russia had a near world monopoly on both of those resources and they didn't want anyone else using nuclear energy and escape from their umbrella.
look at phones 80 years ago and today. if you're dumb enough to think the us military already doesn't have nuclear spaceships and could power it's bases indefinitely then i don't know what to tell you.
chernobyl like three mile island was detonated with TNT in order to scare the europeans away from building their own reactors, something the germans were well on their way to doing following in the footsteps of the messmer plan. the anti-nuclear movement is filled with well know cia assets and paid shills, and the big astroturfing protests of proposed reactors in the 70s and 80s almost killed the entire industry. nuclear power = energy independence for a nation, and it means no more war.
Only complaint so far is that there aren't a lot of slavic looking actors in the show
>/k/ /pol/ and /fit/
you mean the incel boards?
Why create particularly harsh policies that were only ever applied to Soviet Ukraine? It was Ukrainian farmers who were sent to Siberia en masse during the process of collectivization and given no way to survive
That's nonsense, dude.
>documents describing random people who got wrongfully arrested by NKVD and thrown into that hell
Lmao give me a fucking break. I like chapo and even I’ll admit that isn’t too hard to find talkie bullshit like Stalin apologia there. Just because Chapo isn’t as overtly tankie as other leftist subreddits doesn’t mean there’s no tankies.
woah, based radiation
It's all about getting exactly the right amount
No-one ever did. Stalin made provisions to eliminate the kulak class because that was always the intention and because they pushed things too far by hoarding grain, but that was all through the soviet union, not just Ukraine.
No /fit/ is full of gays and they fuck more than everybody else combined./k/ is mostly married tradesmen, ex mil/leo and
neet traps who larp as stalkers and show off their funs. /pol/ is half full of 14 year olds who cant get laid ill give you that but the other half range from boomers to everyday joes mostly from flyover states.
Chernobyl is all well and good, but when will we get TRUE radiation kino?
>si, hermano, my brother huan does radiotherapy, muy cheap, he once treated the entire town for free
>enact policies intended to eliminate an entire class of people
>not a genocide
Also, the kulak hoarding grain thing is propaganda on a "Jews were poisoning the wells" level
I meant the sabotage. There were enough anti-nuke jews out there to achieve that goal regardless of the nuclear accidents (though they didn't help). The real shame is that the average dumbass fell in line, and newer, safer reactor tech is being ignored in pursuit of more environmentally catastrophic measures.
I fear these same kike bastards will ruin fusion for us too.
Dude, the guy that wrote it is for nuclear power. He just isn't for soviet style nuclear power.
Eliminating a class of 5% of the population is not genocide. They weren't some distinct ethnic group, they were just land lords he took the land off of and collectivized.
They were hoarding grains and they slaughtered around 160 million of their own livestock, so much so that the USSR never recovered those numbers, not even western sources deny this.
>/k/ is mostly married tradesmen, ex mil/leo and neet traps who larp as stalkers and show off their funs.
That isn't /k/ at all. How do I know you have only been going there since 2016? /k/ is mostly single weirdos and there is a lot of /d/ lurking under the surface.
Yeah its da jews who ruin nuclear, not the fucking nazis who considered nuclear energy "jewish science".
I use jews as more of a catch-all term anymore
A genocide doesn't just refer to the elimination of an ethnic group, nor does it have to be any special percentage of the overall population in order to be considered one. Also, the kulaks were a legit peasant class that were literal surfs a generation or two beforehand. Most of them had very little land, and many grew for sustenance.
The mass slaughtering of livestock, like most Soviet propaganda, was exaggerated in order to justify the murder of innocent peasant farmers who did nothing but refuse to give up the fruit of the labors to complete strangers. It wasn't like the particular kulaks who committed crimes were punished, the kulaks were punished as a class. Any form of collective identity eventually leads to collective guilt, which can lead to genocide.
>There were enough anti-nuke jews out there to achieve that goal regardless of the nuclear accidents
>be Ede Teller
>love nuclear so much that you say that an anti-nuclear movie gave you a heart attack
That describes literally every board.
Go back to /x/, retard.
>it's a shit country controlled by Putin
Based angry brainlet