How do I achieve this mode?
How do I achieve this mode?
God is not a concept HE is the Almighty Creator.
based and redpilled
>he thinks he can be big and strong by doing home """workout"""
Nofap. If you have trouble, ask your mom for help.
it's based and godpilled you fucking retard
Pushing your archaic religion makes you sound as dumb as the left pushing reparations.
why can't god also be redpilled you filthy heathen
She's so cute. I wish she would strangle me to death.
>tfw already in this mode because I work out hard and eat right
Why do you hide behind an android phone?
Stay away from me tranny. LGBTQ means let god burn them quickly!!!!
JIDF on the house tonight
Because my computer isn't in the same room as my TV and I wanna watch Rockets Warriors.
This, weights or nothing. Maybe a pull up bar.
read Stirner
>defeat time and god
Imagine being over the age of 17 and still caring about these things.
>he doesn't have a home gym
This would have been way better if he was wearing the Jordan shoes from the movie Like Mike.
You are a fucking moron dude.
God isn't real and time is irrelevant because there is no way to plan how to use your time in the long run because you could die at any moment. It's impractical to concern yourself with these two ideas.