Will they ever come back?
Will they ever come back?
Fuck off, Mick.
For the most part All of them live in LA, and they said they would record a new one sometime soon.
I miss Stamper's bantz
Only funny when Oney or Zach was on
Cory is cancer after the first few episodes
They're all in California again. At least for bit. At this point it's just a matter of waiting.
It's done and over with. The crew interacts every now and then with each other though. Niall and Stamper fucked off but Stamper really didn't even seem to enjoy doing the podcast. It's a little obvious when you re-listen to some episodes.
Cory + Zach combo is top-tier. But yeah, Cory is way too drunk in some episodes and barely makes sense. It's a shame cause he's actually a very chill dude.
>it’s a Corey, Zach, Chris and Jeff episode
Stamper's in Texas because his life in San Diego was driving him literally insane. Niall went back to Ireland, he was being a drunken bum and needed to get his shit together.
Jeff is pretty underrated imo
They literally just announced another episode on their subreddit, dumbass.
i dream and hope
What’s the lineup?
Stamper quit years ago and Niall was never officially a member of the Sleepycabin.
He's essential to the podcast. The straight man to all of their nonsensic bullshit.
Zach a piece of shit in real life and everyone hates him but those hollywood LA animator fucks have to put up with him cause hes friends with the adult swim losers and all those desperate twitter artists are begging to get an animation job
Jeff is an amazing straight man with a very dry wit.
Taking one for the team so nobody has to go on Reddit.
Man I know twitter is for faggots but I really hope some of you caught a glimpse of what was happening to Stamper. He invited some paranoid crack whore to move in with him and shit turned into a David Lynch movie.
Out of every prominent content creator, I think I would genuinely never believe that this is true of Zach.
Watching Chris evolve after doing Oneyplays has been a real delight. Listen to any early podcast and compare him to now; it's nuts.
>hi we are a bunch of stupid fucking faggots who made a deeply offensive homosexual flash cartoon and instead of making funny sequels we deluded ourselves into thinking we could make a network show out of it. Well wouldnt you know we actually animated and voiced and completed all of it and its now locked away because we legally cant do anything with it. hey listen to our gay podcast
>the conclusion of him moving to texas because the gang that was after her found his twitter and went to his house and confronting him so his family had to step in and force him out
stamper is KINO
of course you wouldnt, youve never met any of these people, but everything you probably think is ass backwards, Egoraptor and Ross, Jeff Mick Cory and Oney are great genuine people, but hardly anyone can put with Zach and all the bullshit he does
They'd probably agree with this statement.
>Chris is doing Let's Plays with gays and creating babby's first 3d-modeled game
>Zach is making shitty weirdo doodles with Michael Cusack and occasionally cameo-ing on podcasts
>Stamper is a hollow shell of a man wracked by drugs that can't stop posting odd recipes on Twitter in a manic meth frenzy
if they do come back it'll be even more interesting
do you think they'll be able to book the president sometime in the next cour of episodes? he has time to go on stupid fox news boomer shit news shows but not where he's needed the most.
Why does Zach sound like a person trying to talk mid-yawn?
>Jeff and Cory are still the same
Literally working on the same thing they've been working for years. It's kind of impressive.
Why though
this is zach's masterpiece
Their gay podcast is more entertaining than their gay cartoons
He sounded so fucking Irish. Literally sounds like a different person.
Can you imagine the amazing sitcom-level hijinks between these two that we've missed out on for all these years
listened to one episode years ago and it was just a shitty generic talk-about-nothing podcast. Find any "gaming" podcast and it's exactly the same.
Zach constantly fucks around with small time twitter artist girls, has flings with them for maybe a month or so, then ditches them to go fuck around with Nikki again, not like Nikki gives a fuck, shell take a goddamn bullet for him, and scream at the girls like they were in the wrong, all the LA people know it too, theyll scold him for a bit then go right back to sucking his cock and partying with him because they so desperately want the connections he has
believe it or not, it's questionably effective to play the in-the-know whistle-blower role on Yea Forums
people have been fabricating autistic bullshit for years with the gay grump and these guys. nobody is going to take you seriously without proof.
im well aware, but i guess im just venting, the people he fucked over recently dont really want to make some gay twitter call-out post anyways, i just plan on decking him if i ever see him again
oneyplays is better now since fag 1 and fag 2 are gone, it's kinda like sleepycast but with shitty sonic gameplay. however sleepycast is top comfy.
zach is the king of being based
I demand proof. Screenshots of twitter accusations, a stream where he slips up and says something. Anything to give even a little bit of credence to your claims. I'm sure you'll tell me to look it up myself, which will only confirm that your a bullshit artist with no proof. And no, "I don't care what you think, I know what I know" is not a valid argument. Proof or gtfo
He could be a legit actor if he wanted to. His timing and character acting gets to point of unnerving
so you know all these people right?
True. If people want more sleepycast, just play whatever "Best of" Oney has on his channel. They are pretty much sleepycast episodes.
I know you
I'm probably forgetting some of them.
They've been doing some game show/fan service on twitch. Would be nice to have a 'reunion' podcast though.
They missed out on the gold rush of Patreon bucks for podcasts. Yeah got out too soon
sounds stupid but i think it's kind of pointless to rate them like this. it's all about the chemistry.
most of the funniest bits from zach and chris wouldn't have happened if niall/lyle weren't there to ridicule or bounce shit off of, for example
If you are counting Lyle, then I guess you should include the girls and Shad. They are all pretty low tier though, except for Sab, she's fun.
It should all still be on his Twitter. it was some crazy shit. He should have sent that old cunt packing.
I always found Mick to be very unfunny. He genuinely seems like a nice guy, but it's like he tries way too hard to be as wacky as the others.
What a couple of dorks
Word. Bitch said farewell like 5 times and shit. I'm surprised he didn't eat a shotgun to the face.
Wow zach sounds based as fuck
OneyPlays is literally sleepycast 2.0, DingDong + Julian are top tier but Cory + Jeff were in a few episodes recently as well
Oh shit nice
If only she was as hot as how she draws herself.
Veronica is literally the first funny female I have ever seen on a Let's Play.
>Chris is doing Let's Plays with gays
DingDong and Julian? They're the best guests he's had and they don't even go on the show anymore, quit your complaining.
What another couple of dorks
she seems like the most basic "im a girl on the internet" ever
Haven't they been broken up for like, a year?
What is the best OneyPlays and why is it pic related
Chris + Mick + Tomar is the best combo. The BeamNG gameplay was my favorite series in a long time.
For me, it has to be the full playthrough of Spiderman 2. Their autistic Peter Parker always cracks me up.
Corey's unbridled autism and Jeff's abject misery at being forced to play Sonic Adventure 2 is top kino. Poor Jeff, all he wanted to do was play Ace Combat
I wish Chris would've at least worn a costume instead of his regular Irish attire but oh well.
This entire compilation: youtube.com
Finding Bigfoot
the best oneyplays, after the animation collaboration, is now immortalized as the LOTR DOS game episode. their one offs are usually good, but that was something else entirely.
one of my favorite series that i think is underappreciated is the friday the 13th series.