Cast a young Bobby B
Cast a young Bobby B
Idris Elba
Robert was the coolest looking mothefucker back then
It would have been Henry Cavill, but now he’s the Witcher.
don't know if cavill has the charisma to pull it off. hemsworth if he dyed his hair would be better tbqh
You’re doing God’s work, user
This and only this. I WANT to see Westeros get BLACKED. WE ALL WANT TO SEE THAT!
Nicholas Cage, Ezra or
This is always the right answer.
100% this. Every wh*te male character needs to be either black or a PoC or both, no exceptions. Any white male character in a show is automatically a sign that the show is racist and sexist.
>Robert's rebellion is way more cool and interesting than ASOIAF
What did GRRM mean by this?
As a woman I agree. Nothing puts me off a show faster than white men. Ew.
Why? Bobby B was the biggest cuck in Westros.
On the show? Sure.
>black character is a drunk who constantly fucks whores and likes killing people
wtf hbo
holy shit
How lame would the show make this kino costume?
2 snubs instead of antlers because it's a "female deer helmet"
and is "grounded and real n shit, like our Euron"
He would wear it once and take it off then switch to just wearing furs
the norf' remembers
yeah but rhaegar got rekt
Unironically would cast myself.
faggot had it coming tho
certified badass if true
It really isn't.
Becuase he was a better rider than with the sword. Natural talent is irrelevant he you don't give a fuck about what you are doing, Bobby loved his warhammer, Rheagar only started to care about swords after he got into westero's equivalent of RPGs and Animes
Rhaegar got the pussy. His son is the rightful king. While Bobby B got poisoned by his bitch wife. And his only living bastard got rejected by Lyanna 2.0
Rhaegar clearly won.
Henry Cavill, Sam Heughan, Armie Hammer.
Imagine how much people would like Euron if he was still his insane, Cthulhu worshipping, blood magic practicing, eyepatch wearing, weirdo. He would actually be a character.
This. There's a reason pretty much all the incels you see are white guys- they're just weak and disgusting to essentially all women.
too much budget and passion
proposal rejected
>Armie Hammer
Was about to post this. He's even the same height.
Imagine getting slamed through the chest with that hammer. Ask Rhaegar about it
Incel-bro here, can confirm.
>implying Gendry won't end up king of the seven kingdoms
>manipulated and played with the emotions of Lyanna Stark and Ellaria Martell
>hid his marriage and wound up causing a war costing tens of thousands of lives
>a war that genocided his family
>good guy
sorry, I only read the dance of dragons
this show has gotten so trashy that they could own it by having euron summon an amphibious dragon
So unexpected
Much against conventions
I could see it happening, all they care about now is being 'surprising' for its own sake.
>>manipulated and played with the emotions of Lyanna Stark and Ellaria Martell
He didn't, his wife KNEW, they never loved each other, they were friends. She was cool with being cucked as she had shit health
>>hid his marriage and wound up causing a war costing tens of thousands of lives
The war was coming, there was no way to avoid it. The minute Varys told the mad king to go to the tournament the chances for peace were gone.
>>a war that genocided his family
That was the dance
>>good guy
Pretty much all versions point to that
>Euron rides into Kings Landing on his Kragon next episode
At this point just go nuts
I mean, Daenerys just enabled it by making him a Baratheon. If people don't see it coming they're no paying attention.
Of course it's going to be Gendry. He has all the qualities Varys wants, he has no enemies and Davos will be his hand. D&D may as well have been in the episode and shouted it with a megaphone
Dont forget
>lets his wife and kids get raped and killed by the mountain
>I mean, Daenerys just enabled it by making him a Baratheon.
Not really, since she has to be acknowledged as the Queen to actually make him a baratheon, erasing his right to the throne (the stupid thing is that Jon could had done it, and that they never tried to get the reach's forces with Sam (rightful heir to the reach thanks to cersei) or or the storm lands, also, the Lannister's forcers that joined Dany back in season 7 are nowhere to be seen. The king or queen have to be crowned in westeros, and NO ONE had been, the king in the north and the king of the iron islands don't need to be crowned under the seven, but Dany and Cersei do need it.
Jon could always take the throne, make a few commands and then take the black again leaving everything to Gendry
Daenerys will probably be crowned but then assassinated. Then Jon will go back to the north (as it was foreshadowed last episode) and Gendry will have the throne.
Or Tyrion.
Apparently according to the leaks the king is Bran
lol how?
why would Bran even care? he's basically in a permanent acid trip
three eyes nigga!
>boar also played by Idris Elba
He get's voted in. They're old leaks but what they said so far has been right. A strange point is that Bronn Is part of his small council
I still have no idea why D&D are so against fucking Jon on the throne., they already changed everything and fucked up Jon's arc.
He would be the ultimate king if he gave a fuck and could have heirs.
Jon is the reluctant hero, it just conveniently fits his archetype to be suited for the throne and not taking it.
Shame it'll never happen.
Unironically Henry Cavill.
james gandolfini
10 years ago you would’ve said Denzel.
He would've actually been a good Robert.
I can imagine him entering an explosive rage while ranting about the Targs.
>more gabagool my lord?
too pretty
not convinced
>too pretty
>Robert has the classical Baratheon look: black hair and bright blue eyes.[5] His heavy black hair is thick on his chest, and coarse around his sex.[6] He is a very tall man;[5] Eddard Stark estimates his height to be six and a half feet.[7] As a young adult, Robert was a handsome,[5] clean-shaven man,[7] with rough and hard hands.[8] He was strong and powerful, and muscled "like a maiden's fantasy"
too short
if anyone should play a young Bobby it should be the actor who's playing Euron right now
Better rider but still got killed on horseback. Sure.
Clint Walker
ugh what could of been