What does it feel like to look like this, Yea Forums?
What does it feel like to look like this, Yea Forums?
lol just bee yourself bro
Have sex, hit the weights, get a clue
>trannies bastardized some gay wrestling line
>tfw you will never be a handsome tall stud
>to be a man women want and men want to be
Why should ugly people like me exist. Just to suffer?
He spent the entirety of the biggest movie of his entire career in a fucking fat suit and lebowski costume. He's got such supreme confidence in his world class handsomeness that he was willing to do that for an entire 3 hour film, while RDJ can't even walk outside without his Manlet stilts.
This dude is the most chad of all the avengers cast, and has the best comedy chops.
No one here can possibly imagine what it's like to be him. Dude is a different species from 99.999999999 of baseline humans.
You can get away with being an ugly fuck as long as you're tall.
You can get away with being an abusive douche as long as you're tall.
You can get away with being a poor sack of shit as long as you're tall.
You can get away with having a needle for a dick as long as you're tall.
Hopefully, you see the pattern.
>the most chad
>allowed Asgard to be taken over by blacks
Its true, don't even know why people ignore the heightpill. I'm not even short, but being 5'11" is like being a serf rather than pauper. Every wealthy man I've ever known has been at least 6'1". One of my old bosses was a millionaire and he was like 6'5".
Nothing can fix a shitty face and a receding hairline.
Except money, I guess. Or plastic surgery and hair transplants, but that costs money.
Though I suppose with scarred face, bald and roid muscles and you can pull off Henchman mode.
mark zuckerberg is 5'7, bill gates is 5'10
Autocrats > Technocrats
Oh wow two highly intelligent entrepreneurial men with aspergers. They're the exception so I guess that completely disproves it.
Frankly, women will fuck just about any man as long as he gives them the attention they crave. Thats why the internet is chock full of naked crotch selfies, women can't live without male attention.
Oh and Zuck is a kike.
Hemsworth looks great to be with as a friend, but I'd rather be like Chris Evans.
Gates isn't?
honestly, whenever i think of 'chad' i think of this man and his fucking chad voice.
i get away with all of these and i'm a manlet
i'm good looking though.
Feels pretty good. I was told I looked like Thor multiple times in the early 2010s before I got fat.
Thankfully he got fat in the new movie so I look like him again.
What about Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Jr, Tom Holland, Mark Whalberg, Martin Scorsese and Napoleon?
Its always actors with you retards lmao. As for Napoleon I dunno. His greatest legacy is having manlet rage named after him. Whats next you gonna tell me Danny Devito?
Idk is he? Sure.
This is shoped right?
Urrrr a traanny :(
Seething incel
beauty is a state of mind user
but actually it's just genetics, either you have it or you don't, sucks to be you
>Have sex
Bend over, then.
>hit the weights
Can I borrow yours after we're done?
>get a clue
Sounds like a nice idea. We can play clue after I finish the workout.
To a certain degree, yes
Chris Hemsworth wasn't born with the physique he has now
Yeah but this is a pic of his yearbook photo. I'm pretty sure he was slaying pussy (probably even teachers) at a young age
Kevin Nash was raped
>allowed Asgard to be taken over by blacks
He used the stoners to destroy the stoners.
Lmao fucking cope dude, hes 21 on the left. Still 6'3", still has a wide frame, thick neck, etc.
when you are young it feels great
now not so much its just boring
being tall and handsome has perks, but you'll never find someone who wants you for you tho, life is suffering bros.
wow thats so sad
I'm 6'3 but ugly and this seems pretty accurate desu
Yes fucking hot bitches everyday is suffering
It actually sucks because girls are more intimidated of you.
cope. women rush in to approach tall handsome men all the time
i feel like a subhuman compared to this. for real why live
He's nothing special. You just have to work out to look as good as him
>tfw you're the manlet brother
you're unironically a tranny though
Jesus dude lol
if I lose weight I'll look just like that because webm related is literally me
Intimidating=fending off other men, having a bigger bf than your friends, and getting brutally fucked by a man a foot taller than you
No one here knows, obviously
very boring, you dont struggle for anything (especially if you have a good upbringing). What the fuck is the point of life if you can get literally everything you wanted with ridiculous ease?
on roids and you can maybe get to his size. But it doesnt fucking matter because even if he was a dyel or fat he would slay. Its all about the face nothing more.
Whats the point in life if you aren't allowed enjoy all that life has to offer because the real you is trapped inside the unnatractive vessel known as your body?
If a buff dude like him can lose it and go thicc, what would he feel like?
well praise god you were born a man because you can make up for it in other areas.
I like more like Chris Pratt.
It’s fine.
Look at you, user. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?
So is this CGI or did Hemsworth pull a McElhenney?
Then there is no hope
He obviously got to that point with roids.
He looks just like that one ponyfag now.
That's just great. He's no different from a king
Dadbod is peak performance that's why
Seething fatlet gymcels
>has the best comedy chops
This dude, fuck
why not both?
This but unironically. I see a lot of dudes here who have average or above average faces but their cloths don't match, their hairstyle is fucked, and their bodies are either skelly or obese.
1. At the risk of sounding like your boomer father, you don't need to wear Gucci and shit, but just pick out something nice and affordable from Ross and at least TRY to dress nice.
2. If you're going to grow out your hair, take care of it at least, and if you're going to cut your hair, don't get some stupid bullshit and just go for something simple. I can literally wake up, brush my hair to the sides with my fingers, and look fucking great in 3 seconds. If you don't know, ask the barber and trust them to do a good job. They've been cutting hair for years. They'll know.
3. Fucking lift, you faggots. If you're not lifting in (>2015+4), then you are actually, genuinely, a fag. Overhead press, benchpress, squats, and deadlifts are the four basic lifts of /fit/. If you neglect one, then your whole image suffers. Seriously, even girls are starting to lift nowadays. Fucking everyone does it. The longer you dawdle, the more you get left behind. You can't run or force society to change, so all you can do is buck up and take the plunge. Who gives a shit if you start off weak? Big, fat guys who can't even bench half their bodyweight. Skinny lanklets who can't even squat more than 95 pounds. Literally who cares? I used to be 260 pounds, and all I could bench was the bar. Now I'm benching 2plates for reps of 10 at a time, and the only thing that stayed the same was that people didn't give a shit about me working out then, and they don't give a shit about me working out now. Everyone's too focused on themselves to even care.
Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, Brad Pitt, Leo Dicaprio, yeah they're all handsome, but being brutally honest, being handsome isn't that difficult. An average face with an above average body already puts you in the top 15% of most American men.
Fuck off /fa/g
cope nigger
its all about atleast giving a small amount of shit to your appeareance