For those of you with normie friends: What do they currently think about GoT?
For those of you with normie friends: What do they currently think about GoT?
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The rape
they think it's going in the drain.
i have friends that are the proto-typical "YAAAAASSS KWEEN SLAY" and they were pretty salty about arya killing the night king and were overall disappointed with how they closed that arc.
then i have one buddy who thought it was awesome, so i guess it goes both ways
The tide is shifting to negative since the long night. But the hyper normies still love it, you have to understand they have no stake in it beyond a means of socializing. I think there’s a pasta or two that explains the concept
Everyone seems to like it. My normie gf - who made me start watching this show - thinks it’s the second coming. I think this season has been fucking bad but last episode was kino I have to say.
normies watch thinking on how to react on twitter.
everyone hates it, including mother and sister
they still like it for the most part but the more observant ones are noticing all the cracks forming
They've called it shit ever since the book material ended. Most of them knew this happened with Dexter as well and feared for the worst
I'm somewhat of a normie myself. I went to a party last week and I met a female friend there. Not so much of a friend actually, more like an acquaintance.
She told "you watch got?" "yeah" "look at my wallpaper ;)"
>some lame ass image of arya
seriously wtf, arya doesn't even look badass, anyway of course im forced to say "hehe cool dude..."
And there's a literal cocksucker at work who also loved the QWEENS ASSEMBLE scene from endgame and of course he's cumming all over the place because GURL power
They still praised yesterday's episode, and when I pointed some gaping plotholes and oversights like dany being ambushed for the 5th time by EUron, they told me "its just a tv series bro XD"
Dug the Arya ambush crit. She had a clear path to him and he knew she was coming and decided to play with her and got shanked for it. Seems appropriate.
Who cares, that isn't how life or fantasy has ever worked.
Other than the Dothraki being fed on a cavalry charge and the dragons being used so defensively I didn't really have a problem. As soon as they heard the dead they should have started the artillery fire, then blown their line apart with the dragons, THEN used the cavalry charge. Doing this would have brought the NK out sooner and likely would've kept the Dothraki alive. That part did actually kind of bother me.
>Dany getting BTFO
What did she think was going to happen? She was just going to will her way to victory? This isn't Mereen where no one knows who/what she is and therefore doesn't take her seriously until it's too late. This isn't Astapor where the people are being legitimately oppressed. This is Westeros which is filled with heroes from wars that actually took place in their country and remember who and what her family truly is. She's riding vicious weapons of mass destruction at the head of an army filled with foreign shit skin mongrels that don't even speak the common Westerosi tongue. Of course no one is rallying to her.
Dany should've stormed KL as soon as she arrived. She takes the throne legitimately, avoids losing both Highgarden and the Iron Fleet, probably never even meets Jon Snow until she's already legitimized, and then she has the entirety of the seven kingdoms to fight the NK instead of just her pet mongrels.
Sansa is the only reason this season has been watchable.
>its just a tv series bro XD
Incel kryptonite.
The only people I know are poor and wouldn't watch game of thrones.
Light Calvery would be incredibly ineffective in a charge against massed troops like that. Use them to harass the enemy flanks and draw crowds of them away to be picked off. The dead cannot run faster then a horse. You keep light Calvery on the wings to screen your line, this isn't even battle tactics autism.
It varies but generally that the earlier seasons were better. Everyone loves Arya and sees her as the main hero and Jon and the other characters as shit except for Tyrion who they love but don't want to see do anything but make quips. Still other than the Arya killing the Night King part which they all just love because Girl Power they seem to think it's anticlimactic. Everyone I know wants Arya on the Iron Throne because years slay queen and shits on all the other characters except Tyrion, especially Jon and Dany who they all hate.
>have boomer co-worker who is literally dumb af
>talking about the past couple episodes
>thought Tyrion and Sansa were gonna off themselves in the crypt
>thought they were gonna fill Tyrion with arrows
I piss them off with spoilers now and then but overall they are fairly disillusioned by now.
Why didn't they show her death up close like the used to when main (top billed) characters got offed? In the background and blurred out may as well be off screen.
They literally don't have budget for decapitation CGI
All my normie male friends hate it now. My mom hates it now, my sister has a shred of hope left. I have never seen one episode.
Why not just decapitate her for real and say it was an accident?
I gotta give em credit cause several of my normie friends were pretty PO'd with all the retardation of the Battle of Winterfell.
Most of them got into it like a year ago and still think its the best thing ever.
I hate feeling like an asshole but I can't help but shit on it
>We are peaceful
Calm down there John Landis.
This, how do we stop normies bros?
All my friends (including women) still love it but at least admit there are some inconsistencies/dumb parts like how horribly lit the battle episode was and killing off NK so quickly
>I think there’s a pasta or two that explains the concept
someone plz post it
They think it’s shit. DnD fucked up bad this season
One of my normie friends recently recommended the show to me by saying
>It almost comes close to Breaking Bad as the best show ever made
The same friend has previously compared Breaking Bad favorably to The Sopranos, which he called "light entertainment".
Without knowing more about the terrain I legit believe the Dothraki would've been more effective on foot shoulder to shoulder.
>Who cares, that isn't how life or fantasy has ever worked.
>that isn't how fantasy has ever worked
>a prophesised hero goes on an epic journey to become the man he needs to be and saves the day
>never worked like that
what are ya retarded
The normiest girl i know asked how did missandei went from winterfell to kingslanding in a few minutes, even they are grasping the bullshit already
The only thing I hear from them
#1. I keep seeing all those fucking memes spammed everywhere.
#2. Can't watch that shit theres too many episodes to catch up on.
#3. Everyone is telling me it is shit now and not worth.
#4. Why is everyone pissed about ___ getting killed by BS, Isn't it a fantasy with magic shit everywhere?
did you tell her to have sex
They've finally joined my side on it being a giant meme show now
I love how normies think magic=an explanation for anything and everything to any degree.
Seconding request for the hyper normie mentality pasta
Who said any prophecy applied to the retards on this show? It was just assumed that it did because of muh red comet.
>clear path to him
not really, and otherwise I agree with you
Most of them figured out pretty quickly when the book dialogue ended
a bunch threw in the towel last week on ep3
my boomer dad who doesn't know the names of 99% of the characters aside from "tyrone lancaster" thinks its stupid. When he thinks its stupid, I know that the general dumb audience must think the same, even if they can't admit it.
Of course, the same types of people that fawn over marvel movies still adore the show and think it's so epic just like their capeshit.
I have a older sister YASS KWEEN SLAY sister who was actually rooting for the Night King to steamroll over everyone in the end. She digs bad ends I guess. I think Jon Snow sacrificing Daeny was another alternative she was hoping for
My one literally actually autistic friend fucking loved it. Go figure
They think its becoming shit.
and by loved it I meant the decision to have Arya kill the Night King. He said prophecies are stupid
My turbo normalfag friends still like it because they don't really think about what they consume
My slightly less normalfags friends think that it has gotten worse but still thought that Arya killing the night king was the most epic thing ever
>#4. Why is everyone pissed about ___ getting killed by BS, Isn't it a fantasy with magic shit everywhere?
Because said character had nothing to do with the arc of the NK
It's two things really, one side wants Dani as queen yass gurl you go, and the other half want Jon to murder her
Based sceeenshot-hoarding phoneposter user
None of my friends watch it.
>"tyrone lancaster"
All black GoT remake when?
They’re finally all realizing it’s shit. Last week some people thought the Arya ending was fucking dumb and anticlimactic but for the most part is was “YAAAAAASSSSS QUEEN” everywhere. I got into arguments with people who were defending the episode and how it was the best written episode ever. Or how the exactly 3 times it was slightly hinted Arya would kill the night king outweighed the prophecy, and half of Jon’s whole character arc saying he would be the one to end the long night.
This week I haven’t seen anyone defending it. The normies are realizing it’s shit. Some are finally admitting they realized the show was going to shit seasons ago but she kept holding on to hope that season 8 would deliver. A bunch of women I work with were pissed at the shows treatment of its female characters. Keep in mind these were the same ones yaas queening just last week. Most people are hoping Dany goes kill bill on everyone and that’s the only way to save the show. when Jon kills Dany and the 7 kingdoms are ruled by Bran and a council of white men, the resultant shitstorm might cause actual riots
>and the 7 kingdoms are ruled by Bran and a council of white men,
Gendry will be king. It's ridiculously obvious
post the "That's why it sucks." pasta
>. A bunch of women I work with were pissed at the shows treatment of its female characters
Just because Missandei was killed and nobody on North praised Dany for her participation in battle kek?
One of my friends absolutely hates it. She hates how there's no more deaths for important characters and how the males act like pussies and the girls act like cunts.
Another friend kind of likes the episodes at first, but then he goes back on it when we analyze them.
Plain normies: Great and enjoyable
Well adjusted aspies (my software coworkers): Partly entertaining, but it's gotten a lot worse, interested to see how everything plays out
>She hates how there's no more deaths for important characters and how the males act like pussies and the girls act like cunts.
Based. She isn't a looker though is she?
More or less pic related
Are you watching fantasy? Why are you such a faggot?
Fellow son of boomer dad who can't remember any character names despite watching for 8 seasons bro.
lmao all this salt from 1 non yas queen epiode of nugame of thrones
Right you are. She's still a bro though.
Yea Forums - There is a distinct lack of cohesive in-universe logic and rationality that once existed in Game of Thrones. In addition to this, the lack of skill by both of the main writers is blatantly clear when they are derived of a rich source material to base their character dialogue off. Despite nearly two years of production, the longest of any season, and with less episodes to produce, these producers have somehow managed to still make the season feel rushed and out of place, stringing from one moment to the next without giving time for events to be properly contextualized. The fatal flaws are presented with each new scene that is solely the product of a desire to appeal to the most casual, uninformed viewer of the media, to present a series of "epic" moments in which the audience cheers and hollers at, as this is all that the showrunners believe is necessary to have a quality television series.
the prophecy applied to arya
my normie coworkers read the books because they took the GOTpill long ago, they are mostly satisfied with this season, despite it being absolute shit, but they have different reservations. the more based people think ep3 was the worst thing ever and the absolute retards think ep4 was the worst because NO MUH DRAGONS! MUH QUEEN!!
Fuck you, I am sick and tired that everytime the is decapitation on tv people bring up my dad. It wasa horrible accident that left a sweet man with permanent PSTD, and you people just can't leave him or me alone.
Don't see any problem here. They're people and it's naturally they have feelings and weaknesses. Sjw are ridiculous as always. They would prefer to have bunch of Mary Sues instead of real characters.
That’s pretty accurate, but there is another level of people between us and the normies who pretend to think deeply about their media, but are in truth just as shallow as the normies. This is reddit.
I don't have any normie "friends" but the ones I still follow on Twitter won't stop posting about it. They post the most basic, shit tier memes, showing their lack of both personality and the ability to have a single unique thought.
Normies don't take into account writing or plot, just what happens to their favorite characters. Showrunners failed that too lmao.
wierd flex but ok
Wow nice bait implying John Landis is your dad. I responded so there you go.
meanwhile you lot watch and think about how to get (you)s on Yea Forums
I only want them to remember it as that one T&A show with lots of gore and incest.
If they try to dig any deeper than that, they'll hate it even more than I do
Forgot about Queen Cersei, the only true Queen by right of Conquest and Lineage through her late husband and sons.
Don't mind me. Never watched the show or read any of the books. I'm only here because that picture made me laugh.
They don't really watch it anymore.
My only friend is such a normie that he doesn't even like medieval fantasy. He only watches sports.
I hope we get to see some content around the changes jon/dany make once they take the throne.
Always sad to see when a brother has become normiefied yet does not know it yet.
Friends who watch got think its going pretty shitty but still one of them refused to look at a pic of the coffee cup that i sent to him before he had seen the episode. About superhero movies they get really defencive and even angry when i ask the how they can still be hyped for this shit. They even kikced me out of our wattsapp group for 4 days when i told them i know what happens in Endgame ( i really dont have a clue)
Yet he watches it, youre saying?
that sounds so sad
Loved it until we discussed a few plot holes. Now at least they can see through Dabids shitty writing.
No. He's not interested in it at all.
they love it
i'm in fucking hell
>cold mess
>literally hailed as the hero who slayed the Night King
Bitch is reaching because Arya doesn't fit her retarded narrative.
my normie friends don't watch it and the only non normie friend that did watch this shitshow is a hardcore stannisfag and stopped watching when he died
>thought Tyrion and Sansa were gonna off themselves in the crypt
How could that scene be interpreted as anything but that
Unironically admirable
>Last week, bunch of Game of Thrones talk on Monday
>This week, no one talked about Game of Thrones at work
My buddy is a teacher and he only watches it so he can discuss it with coworkers or his students.
Talked to my normie friends today over dinner.
They stopped watching around Season 4 so none of them really cared and had no clue who anyone was. Fine with me.
>Sansa is the only reason this season has been watchable
They fucking hate how dumb the writing is this season OR they’re the typical HAHA I’VE NEVER SEEN GoT IM SO ORIGINAL
>he only watches it so he can discuss it with coworkers or his students.
Image being that pathetic
People asked if I watched ep 4 at work today and I told them I stopped watching cause it's going to shit (phrased nicely) and you'd think I just told them I want to fuck a 10 year old
Based. You need friends like that in your life who can reign in your autism.
Imagine attaching a picture of a fight club quote in 2019 that's mostly irrelevant to your post
Keep this friend no matter what. You need him.
the normie men all hate it
the normie women all love it
Image not understanding how it is related
I get that but when you teach high school kids you gotta kind of keep up with pop culture.
the fucked up thing about this is that while you can look at way validly there's nothing anyone can do to escape that because with very minor exception this is almost inherently human nature
A real teacher doesnt have any time to talk about anything except his subject with his students.
that they are witness to the greatest television show ever
Yeah building bonds and creating relationships is fucking GAY
i have no friends, only coworkers.
one of my coworkers was obsessed with the show, is also a bookfag, and was mostly an apologist but has been let down by s08 so far. especially with the NK episode. he's made peace with how the show will turn out.
the other is similar, more of a casual fan, and he thinks the show's ending will either be decent or meh at this point.
the rest are all YAAAS QUEEN dykes who only discuss sansa's outfits and arya's badassness and all that other cancer that ruined the show. they can't even recall half of the events or scenes from earlier on because chances are they were on their phones half the time.
It was Stannis' story. fucking showfags.
A friend of mine often recommended the show to me. Back then he was wondering how they would handle the lack of source material as the series reached its conclusion but remained positive about the show.
Haven't heard from him recently.
Ep4 unironically the best of the worse but people fucking hate it. Why?
Ignore logistics and rushed writing. We actually have some character development and plot is moving again.
None of them watch it so they dont think about it
i have a roomate that is a cam girl. She thinks this season is shit. She's not very normie though, just fucks herself, goes to school, then comes home.
It honestly is. The best high school teachers snap you to attention, start a preprepared lecture that runs 2 minutes long every time because they know their subject too well.
Anything less is selling your students short.
I bet you think robin Williams dead poets society was actually a good teacher, lmfao
my mom is just tired and she just want an ending
Whats her cam girl name i need to fap
Yes that's ideal if you're teaching just white kids. Unfortunately that isn't the case.
None of my normie friends give a shit about it.
My normie ass boss that just got into the whole thing a month ago loves it, though.
He suffers from head injuries from playing in football so I don't roast him or belittle his choice in keeping to it.
Do you ever worry about accidently getting caught on cam
I've now realised that the biggest problem with Stargate Universe, was the degree to which it was made to cater to people like this.
I don't roast any of my friends who enjoy shows I think are shit. Not everyone watches things with the same mindset. A lot of my friends just put something on to fall asleep after a long day of work while they tiredly shovel chinese takeout in their mouth.
Just because we get all autistically invested into a shows narrative and themes doesnt mean normies do
Normie here
The series is ok, even though Arya killing the Night King was cool it was still corny. Also it seems like the characters can teleport somehow, I don't remember them explaining it on the show. Mostly the show is good and interesting, but as soon as it is over I will forget it ever existed, like Dexter. lol
yeah my friends are like this too
they used to call me a nerd for watching game of thrones until it got big.
>Without knowing more about the terrain I legit believe the Dothraki would've been more effective on foot shoulder to shoulder.
No, they would have been able to keep a much larger force occupied by threatening to smash through isolated parts of the undead army one by one. Infantry being slow forces them to allocate more infantry to try to ward off the cavalry.
Then, another strategy is use dragons to cut a large swath right behind the front lines and then charge the undead that are cut off from the rest of the force.
They all hate the current state of affairs, and have hated it since they killed off Oberyn, yet they still continue to watch it for completion sake.
Now I like Brienne even more. Ganking Soundwave Baratheon should have happened much earlier than it did.
My black friend said that he thought the last episode was alright. But he hasn’t seen the latest one though.
This post makes no sense and I am now calling attention to it
>My black friend
They don't consider themselves normies, because muh scifi fan.
But they said some dumb shit after this ep about how they think Bran will go back to the past and change things if "things don't go their way" and they still think Bran has a huge part to play.
Why would a being whose entire purpose is just to remember history directly intervene in Cersei Vs Dany when he's never fucked with mortal/non supenatural battles before?
And they think he can change events in the past because he called out to Ned that one time and Ned kinda heard him in the memory.
Hodor notwithstanding. Dunno how that shit works and if it counts as Bran being able to change things.
Even they dropped the show after the Winterfell shitshow.
>when Jon kills Dany and the 7 kingdoms are ruled by Bran and a council of white men, the resultant shitstorm might cause actual riots
If this happens I'm going to laugh; although I'm probably also going to avoid the Twitter screencaps because I don't want to vomit. I seriously can't bear to look at woke Twitter posts any more.
My coworker came into my office today and said, "hey is this show based on a book?"
Have you asked him to fuck your gf or sister?
They are currently discussing the last episode at work, what a bunch of fookin plebs
My work colleagues love GOT and refuse to acknowledge any criticisms of this season. Same with Endgame actually.
why dont you go into their threads and ask them
someone just said "why did they shoot the dragon down?"
I’m black and nobody cares about her or greyworm out side of twitter my friends were more upset that retarded Dany got another dragon killed
I have no friends but my current immediate-boss, a nice enough guy, directly asked me today if I watch GoT. I told him no, but that I knew (through all you idiots) that apparently the series was almost-over and that I'd heard same (from somewhere, you idiots). To make polite conversation and put it back on him (thus taking it off myself) I then asked whether in fact the series finale had been aired, to which he replied that it was due in three weeks, something I didn't know. So now I have a sense for how to time bullshit on Yea Forums that I don't care about, useful information.
I think mom watched some of it on netflix a few years ago, but I don't think she's current on it. That's the other co-worker, the middle-aged woman. She once-in-a-while asks me if I follow anything on contemporary tv/netflix but the truth is that I don't, as I have no interest. It does make me feel a bit bad/put me in a bit of a bind, but it never lasts, the job runs fast.
Because they're enemies???? I can't imagine being such an imbecile or affiliating with one like that.
>i have friends that are the proto-typical "YAAAAASSS KWEEN SLAY"
You hang with fags?
Have you ever offered to be her live dildo for one of her shoots haha?
hi noob, and/or troll:
Game of Thrones is a FEMINIST FAN-WANK where all the attractive characters are constantly murdered over and over, all of the men are killed, have their dicks chopped off, etc, and all of the actually attractive females (missandei) are also murdered, while ugly, repulsive, undateable, disgusting females are somehow ninjas (arya stark killing the knight king on her own) or complete social retards (brianne of tarth) are saved and portrayed in an amazing light, despite the fact that these people would easily be killed. it is a gyno-centric. pandering to SJW, complete and total disaster, and an abortion of storytelling. please stop watching this fucking garbage.
do you think she ever gets lonely and sneaks into his bed at night to cuddle after getting all sweaty from a long camsession haha?
LMAO no. Sansa is the only pretty girl
>complete social retards...are saved and portrayed in an amazing light
typical. get what you want, still bitch about it
I'm married with kids. Me and the wife both think it's shit, she liked the Arya killing Night King for 30 seconds, but then the implications set in and she's soured on it hard.
My Dungeons and Dragon buddies hated it, and my drinking pals hate it.
None of us are particularly 'normie' though and I've been off work so no idea what those fuckers think yet.
I liked the episode, it's a classic story of good prevailing over evil.
>you'd think I just told them I want to fuck a 10 year old
Same happened to me whenever i tell them that i don't watch those marvel movies.
My normie girlfriend that watches reality tv shows and only started watching GOT because she heard it had a lot of gossip intrigue with strong women hates it since season 6.
Almost every normie has turned against the show.
Pretty mixed.
Some are insanely disappointed with the 3rd episode, one of them even said that the entire episode was a pile of horseshit (interestingly he was the only one in the group who noticed the step down in quality after season 4).
The others are overjoyed thinking it's the best episode in the show and Arya's 50 feet jumping was justified somehow.
Got is normie as shit
all these newfags and reddit nigger tourists.
The beheading, Daenerys. It was beautiful. I saw it. The beheading. You were beautiful that day. The beheading.
Not the same guy but i find her attractive, though that could be my jungle fever talking.
Sansa looks like a tranny
>she's black so I can't find her attractive
go back to pol, she cute and so is sansa. Sansa really rebounded and is now a hot femdom this season she was looking rough past couple years
Kill yourself
tyrone is an irish name, mart sharter
>i grew up without a father
>he doesn't have jungle fever
low test, unpatriotic, sad
Every single normie I know found episodes 1 and 2 kinda boring, but really liked 3 and 4. A couple guts at work admitted they dread discussing the show with me because I'm a party pooper.
He thinks it's turned to complete shit and inconsistent and nonsensical yet still intrigued to see where they take it due to being into it for years and its previous quality
He also said his girlfriend acknowledges and likes how the show is basically just showing womyn power and men being useless without them
Kek that's not a good thing. You can still input your disagreements about the show as long as you do it in a fun, cordial way. It just sounds like you bring everyone down by shitting on the show like an autist
Yea Forumsie here, if you're gonna use that shit, at least have the dignity to say "I'm beggin ya, have sex!" you fucking worthless trannie. If you don't I'm finna shoot on you with pure strikes.
>party pooper
you're a poofter user.
What's killin me is that my father still think it's good
And he's a hard ass motherfucker that would make /pol/ blush
I really don't know what does he like in this shit show
This makes a lot of sense, I tried to explain why GoT was going down the gutter recently to a friend by saying that it was transitioning to a 'sports-mentality' demographic. Where characters are supported on the same flimsy and arbitrary grounds as sports teams, and people who watch are more interested in an outcome that they and their group can cheer to than one that is fundamentally coherent. This last season is also a conclusion so no reason for the writers to set up or deepen any plotlines, it's literally just camps of people waiting for their 'fave' character to win. These people loved the Arya dagger drop moment because it's a lot like sports, e.g. football, where a game can be entirely one sided then someone scores a fluke penalty and wins and everyone cheers. This is the same mentality these people have. Arya wins and doesn't die = epic.
I know it's not a good thing. I can't help it. Fuck got and fuck normies, they're borderline retarted.
>i love the funny ginger guy! Giant nipple lmao
>brianne is the best
>bran is a creepy
>stannis is creepy
>jon snow perfect ass!!!
>i love kaleese
t. holes i work with
Have you considered..... asking him
Autistic but based. Don't let any normie tell u otherwise
Is asking normie people what they think about ordinary stuff the only connection we have with the authentic nowadays? No overanalizing no politics no b/s, just the thoughts of the people who can still enjoy/dislike things for what they are.
you're one of them faggot
go back to redit normalfag tourist cock sucker
>Game of Thrones is a FEMINIST FAN-WANK
It is now. It wasn't always. If GoT had started out woke, the original cast wouldn't have been anywhere near as white.
so are you, kill yourself
They hate it.
I'm in a death pool group for GOT and nobody is enjoying the show. Then again, it's also a mix of all my D&D friends, who actually give a shit about things like themes, character arcs, and all that. Our rogue player lost her fucking mind over Arya killing the NK because it was so retarded how she got in there and didn't appreciate everyone replying with "rogues btw".
Nobody's really enjoying the show at all, the quality decrease is so massive its insane. As a massive normalfag, I can tell you straight up that nobody even mentions it in casual conversation anymore like they did in s2/3, that position has been given over to Marvel movies instead, or whatever new shit's out on Netflix for a few weeks. GOT died in season 5, which is about when everyone checked out mentally because the show started demanding you turn your brain off instead of pay attention.
No, you're a fucking tourist and you got calked out.
my normie friends still think the show is awesome. sometimes I wish I was them so I can watch in bliss
They're still going crazy for it and loving it. A lot of them are hoping Cersei wins the Game of Thrones.
One of my normie friends makes memes of himself and his old ass dad (like he takes a picture of himself or his dad, then does top text bottom text memes; they're really bad but they also crack me up and him and his dad are good dudes), and he's super hyped to see the ending, constantly posting about it.
Kill yourself reddit nigger
Damn, source?
>Nobody's really enjoying the show at all, the quality decrease is so massive its insane.
I'm still enjoying it, but for different reasons. In the past, I enjoyed it for the drama, the acting, the intrigue, and the mental stimulation. Then I stopped doing that in season 5 when it turned into pointless torture porn.
Now I'm enjoying season 8, but in the same way that I enjoy watching Battlefield Earth. I'm laughing at it, and am genuinely curious about finding out what crazy, off the wall shit they're going to do next.
I'm sad about losing the show in serious terms, but I'm not crying myself to sleep over it like other people. The show I had PTSD about it getting the woke treatment was Doctor Who. Peter Capaldi was so fricking amazing, and then they gave him a Mary Sue and a black lesbian as companions, and had to make man-hating "jokes" every five seconds. It broke my heart.
So I laugh at GoT now; but it's the laughter of someone who has cried about other things to the point where there are no longer any tears left.
I've been here longer than you
Fuck off
Why are you such a filthy liar user? Didn't your dumb cunt mother teach you anything?
normies know it's shit
>hat position has been given over to Marvel movies instead
I'm getting the complete opposite. I haven't had a single real life conversation about Endgame but It's been none stop GoT for the past 3 weeks
I'm not sure if my friends are normies.
Goddamn I don't care that that was a shameless selfie, she can be anything she goddamn pleases with milkers like those
lol no
I feel like this is how twitter should work: you can post your bullshit but at the end you have to post some nice titties to make up for the garbage you just wrote.
My father think it's good, and when we talked about it he even said he tough surprise in itself could make for a good story. I tried to explain it why it was bullshit, but in vain.
I felt legit pissed about it when the conversation ended.
My group of friends all agree that we're pretty much just watching it to see the ending at this point. They're all normies.
>ohhh wow my dude I'd give my left nut for a peak at some cleavage goddamm my nigga lmao
They hate it, most have stopped watching all together though. These retards really shot themselves in the foot taking that year off so they could get their retarded spin-off project going. It was blatantly apparent that they wanted to close out the books asap, because they’re shitty writers and because the CGI was cutting into their profit margins, but they never account for their retarded leap-year and how their half-assed ending would make their sequels dead on arrival.
>we're all normies
I met an ebin gamer gorl at a party and she said season 1 was boring because "nothing happened" and season 6 was awesome because "so much cool stuff happened".
Mika, we no longer care about GoT strategy. All we now want is to collectively shove our heads into your cleavage.
why did she show her tits
it wasn't fucking related
god I fucking hate women
I had a girl at work tell me season 1 is just porn and it's way better now
why didn't you have sex with the girl at the party.
she was clearly interested.
have sex.
Randyl Tarly wrote this post.
Just for you, from the mouth of the actor himself, "I didn't deserve to be taken out by a mangey rescue dragon".
We know you don't have gfs you incel posters
George Lucas is my dad, imagine all the references I've had to endure.
Tell george i always thought he was a good guy and that i hope he's enjoying life.
I'm black too let's meet up.
She's about 1/8th black, and even so that is enough to monkeyfy her features. Fuck off back to your tranny discord.
I put that there so you would reply and know what type of normie posted it
You're creepy.
Have sex.
Most of them want it to end alot of dissapointment for the NK arc nobody gives a shit about melissandrei though
Try to see it from your father's perspective, careful about treating what he says with disdain, he won't be around forever. Better to understand him while he's alive.
Wow, you are very autistic. I'm surprised you can hold a job. Well done.
Thanks pal, he'll appreciate that.
I'm not mad at him, I just think he just watch like a soap series without thinking about it.
Actually doubt cavalry would work against the undead at all. A cavalry charge only usually works under the assumption that the other side runs away or breaks up out of fear which i assume would never happen with the undead.
>I'm somewhat of a normie myself
oh nononono, have sex
>they think it's going in the drain.
Do they blame themselves? People always use the run out of muh books argument but matching the tone of the earlier seasons is easy - this shit was dumbed down on purpose for normies to watch in bars
He's right about surprise can make a good story. Have another talk with him about it, ask him for more examples, not necessarily about got.
Although Ned stark being killed was the first big surprise.
It was also the horses themselves trampling over people that killed just as many as the rider.
With wights, they would be broken up bit still animated.
Aren't normies muh science guys?
According to some calculations of some reddit faggot, the allmighty ballista produces a force of 110000000 lbs and the initial speed of the spear is 6x the speed of sound. How can they be ok with this?
This is exactly right and I’m sending it to everyone I know
It was more about "Good stories don't NEED to have surprise, and a surprising story isn't necessarily good" Ned Stark was actually a good surprise, because it was telling someting, bringing the story somewhere, and it made sense : he fucked up and underestimated how nasty people can be, and died for it.
Shit like Raeghar getting sniped by railgun balista mounted on a stealth shielded fleet was just here for shock value and "Ooooh but Cersei might win !"
This could only really happen effectively if people were running away and falling over. a horse can knock a person over but against a large block of people it will be stopped quite quickly. Try running through a block of children. You will be stopped and you migjt even fall over and most people have an aversion to running into things. Cavalry charges like the pelennor fields or helms deep by the rohirrim in the Lotr films are super unrealistic.
never seen it, show for nerds etc
They like it for spectacle. That's all they want from movies. It's the same reason why Marvel films are so popular.
They think Dany is a retard who got Rhaegal killed with stupidity. Laughed when Missandei died because she’s a shit actress playing a shit character. Like the Hound, Tormund, Greyworm etc. Want Jon on the throne.
Because they have no fear though i dont think they would break up. they would continue to swarm
The trampling is from historical record and reports from knights. I don't know about crowd density, but they would ride right into the ranks of the enemy. Horses weigh a lot more than a man and are travelling several times faster. It's like a small car hitting you.
A horse running into a small car would do quite a bit of damage to the car as well as killing the horse.
Yeah like ants on a small animal, like they did with the dragon, almost overwhelmed it by numbers.
Charging would still do more than sitting there on your horse swinging those little curved swords.
Hit and run would have made more sense, with the archers or dragons picking off any that followed the riders.
Then again, the night king would adapt to that.
>it’s just a show xD it doesn’t matter if it makes no sense how the ballista’s work or their battle formations lol xD don’t get so mad about it bro they have dragons and magic in show xD
>arya is actually a total bad ass and possibly the best character so it makes sense she would kill the NK
>why are you so mad that GOT is subverting your expectations? That is what they’re known for after all
This is the retarded shit I hear from normal fags who think they’re experts on the universe because they watch YouTube summary videos
Imagine being this fucking retarded
This post is retarded on many levels but I’m sure you knew that
Can somebody PLEASE post the Arya lookalike, the streamer, the one that actually looks hot
They have seen the inconsistencies like cockroaches on the day light:
> ep 3 clearly shows like a handful on characters are left anymore
> ep 4 they apparently lost only half of the army
> all of Dothraki were slaughtered in the battle
> suddenly half of them are still alive
> why didn't Cersei just order the ballistas to shoot them or the dragons?
> disappointment over NK's meme tier villain
> disappointment over Arya killing him out of no where
> shit loads of teleporting again
> characters seem completely on out space, mimicking Marvel as much as they can
>Light Calvery would be incredibly ineffective in a charge against massed troops like that.
Yeah so?
Military history is full of examples of cavalry sperging out and getting fucked
Shit tactics is a real part of history too
I'm cringing through the whole s08 so far. I cant help it i wish i wasnt :
i dont have any friends but redditors are a good measure as ell
>of course im forced to say
yeah nah ure a cunt m8
and she probabbly would've banged ye if you stood up for what you believe instead of cucking out
Pretty cringe not gonna lie
I know the trampling happened but most of it would probably have happened when the enemy are already broken and the undead wont break. The whole point of a cavalry charge is to make them break through fear. Horses will smash through a person or few people but wont cut like butter through 20 ranks of bodies that refuse to move. Horses arent like cars. They generally dont want to run into things and they feel the impact of what they run into.
most of them have given up on it
the rest haven't even watched it
one guy still loves it, he's a chad too which makes it even more weird
They unironically think its one of the best tv shows ever made. But then again, its the same people who think capeshit movies are masterpieces
My Dad's a purebred Boomer and he thought Arya killing the Night King was tge best scene since the Red Wedding
Rather than talking about the show they keep going on about how weird it is there are people out there who don't watch it.
/pol/ please, there is nothing tranny about having jungle fever. Also she doesn't even look anything like monkey-ish.
>trying this hard to fit in
I love how when you DONT like something, people resort to “dude it’s just a ... get a life/have sex” but when people straight up jizz themselves over some piece of media it’s totally acceptable.
Corporations have really taken seed in peoples minds.
GoT a shit
My normie friends think only normies like this show.
They are becoming self aware shut it down.
>actually believing this fanfic
How autistic do you have to be?
Turbo normies are like: "woah this shit is crazy, go arya! No Dany don't got crazy! This shit is whack but cool af."
Nerdy normies are like: "it feels rushed and nuance/subtlety is gone but I'm happy to see the ending"
Social outcasts and GoT otaku are the ones who are really seething.
I actually dont get into discussions with normies. Just a bunch of yes and no. But I would assume they like it. They will like it for as long as this will be popular.
Bran as Iron Throne King will be woke, he's disabled.
Everytime I point out some plot hole or something that contradicts with their world building, they have the same answer
>they have dragons, it's fantasy
>white person killed by dragons
>lmao they deserved it, this show is amazing
>mulatto killed by dragons
>why GoT is a problematic mess that fails PoC: a series of essays
The normies are starting to weak up. My sister got into GOT a few years ago. She had nothing against the new season for a while, but this season she has noticed how downhill it has gone.
But my best friend's brother (Best friend has no time to watch the show post season 5) said that the show is really great, and people only hate it now because they had unrealistic expectations and theories before watching this season, while he went in with 0 expectations and loved every bit of it.
Anybody who takes this show seriously after the BAD POOSSY shit is not somebody who's opinion is worth considering.
Honestly GoT has just been a social experience for me since season ended. I stopped caring about it at all beyond getting to see some cool high budget fantasy TV productions. But even the screenplay and writing that lays the foundation for the big action setpeices this season seems fucked. Everything about the tactics used in the great war was wrong. The crossbows taking down dragon#2 was retarded. They should be embarrassed.
Season 5 ended*
>What do they currently think about GoT?
They love it and can't shut the fuck up about it. They get defensive too, it's getting as bad as the "have sex" disneyshill campaign we had here just with white people instead of Pajeets
They dont watch it.
I watched it, its okay, nothing to complain about, nothing to praise, just a show.
>The only good thing about S8 is coughposting
>its just a tv show bro. It has magic and dragons and zombies xD
How do you respond to that without sounding like an autistic neckbeard?
Why do you refer to the person who is only mother to you and your faggot siblings as "mom". Just "mom". Retard.
>not finding that attractive
How is life being gay?
I'm on my knees here beggin ya to quit exposing the finna business to these batty boys ya slapdick simp.
How would they have felt if Jon Snow was to pull out a machinegun of his pocket and teleport to Cersei's chambers to pull two between her eyes. It would feel lame because they never established that guns were a thing or that Jon Snow had teleportation powers. This would just ruin the immersion and make the story pointless.
They think it's fucking trash.I stopped watching after Jon came from the dead but they kept watching all the way through,even bough some of the books and tried to convince me to at least watch the upcoming last season but I refused
They are beginning to see its shit now but delusions remain high. GoT died in season 7 for me when Jamie didn’t die.
so true it's painful
Most were disappointed with episode 3 but were hoping that episode 4 would answer the questions that were left hanging, like what was the deal with the NK, etc. After episode 4, they all agree that the show has gone to shit.
>that's cool, tv shows weren't originally meant to be more than entertainment, my favourite tv show is actually "alarm fur cobra 11"
yet all threads on Yea Forums are about got, capeshit and cape wars
Based retarded poster
The biggest crime of episode, was Jon being a fucking cunt towards Ghost. No hug, no nothing. Worst out of characther thing to date
They are a super kind of normies girls, like at least the average hoe fakes she likes marvel or videogame, these ones proudly say they don't do nothing but sleep, eat, looks and lusting after men, they go to "cute animal" live action Disney films but hate detective Pikachu
With that said, they refuse to watch it cuz they never learned to pirate things and use it to shitpost on Facebook about how boring and they will never watch it
I'm surprised if /rk9/ hasn't made some kind of organized list of types of normies
I've openly stated that the show has been pretty shit since S5, and after the last couple of episodes, my friends are finally seeing the light.
We had a big conversation in the group chat on how nothing really happened and that the last time that things felt good were around Tywin's death. Most of them wonder why Tyrion and Varys-- supposed smart characters, suddenly do nothing but drink, stand around and occasionaly make quips . Another friend of mine said that GoT turned into The Avengers and that it's so different from the 1st couple of episodes.
Not a lot of people are fans of this season, and it's actually opening them up to going back and looking at the damage that the past seasons have caused. All in all, time is not going to be the latter half of GoT friend.