Why doesnt Hollywood cast bigger girls?

Why doesnt Hollywood cast bigger girls?

Are they not wife material?

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Because most hollywood actors are manlet jews that get mogged even by the average girl in the street

>tfw 6'2 and /fit/
>want nothing but a tall gf to gently dominate me

Life is suffering

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Have sex

bend over

no one likes fatties except fetishists and drunks.

The truth is there is a lot of MtF trannys in hollywood so they cant cast women with curves because the trannys would be easier to spot.

how do they... do it?

I warn you now user, if Hollywood starts pushing what you want it will be the beginning of the end for men and the human race as we know it.

Fuck of stealth faggot/ tranny thread

she's a big girl

Females are bigger than males in like 90% of animal species, rabbits being among that 90%. It's no different than anything

Kill yourself faggot scum

Netflix has a fat positive show with a plus sized queen as the main character
>inb4 source
Exactly. (((Hollywood))) doesn’t care about people of size.

Guys a painfully thick virgin is into me. Her personality is literally perfect but if she got any fatter... idk bros

Is she wife material? She wants a ton of kids and has trad values

hello me

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bullshit tranny

He's not talking about fat girls he's talking about amazons

He's taking about wanting to become a girl because he's a disgusting queer.

yes it's about 90%, mammals are the only class where it is more typical for males to be bigger and even then 20% of mammals the females are larger.
I'm not a tranny I'm a straight man with a giantess and amazon fetish

>tall person trying to make people feel sorry for them AGAIN

Day of the Ceiling Fan soon.

>coping manlet projection

Because tall girls are beautiful and perfect, and Hollywood hates actual beauty

No, he's clearly another guy with a giantess fetish
You're a fucking retard

>with a giantess and amazon fetish
Your ilk are the harbingers of trannies, fucking kill yourself faggot scum

Why would I bring trannies when I like women?
Trannies have nothing on real amazons

I like to fuck feminine women. I dont want to be the woman like you faggots