which is better?
Which is better?
Other urls found in this thread:
Wonder Woman > Captain Marvel
Gal > Brie
Model vs Actor
It's really not even close
Whoever wins, we all still lose
Wonder Woman. All day long.
better for what? both are useless
Gal Gardot is the most beautiful actress in 2019. Brie Larson is gross.
can't imagine Briere Larson doing something like this tbqh
I can't tell if I find Gal's head shape or Brie's facial structure more disturbing.
such a tranny
Neither are great, but Captain Marvel.
I can't even remember the plot of Wonder Woman.
funny how when wonder woman first came out, everyone was complaining that gal was too skinny. now all of that has stopped when captain marvel came out...
>funny how everyone stopped complaining now that it's forgotten
she's still a skeleton
Enough with this bullshit about Gal Gadot being so much better, she is just as much, if not more of an SJW than Brie Larson.
She's right though.
0/10 bait
Wonder Woman and Gal
Did you read the article or only the headline? Supporting equality is not a bad thing you incel.
Wonder Woman> Captain Marvel>>>>>>> Valkyrie
Gal is a dumb jew
the non kike
Equality doesn't really mean equality
I did read the article, and there's no mention of equality, you gigantic soi boy
the black shazam girl and the white not shazam girl
Captain Marvel & Brie
Wonder Woman has and will always be a more interesting character than Captain Marvel
Wonder Woman was such an awful piece of shit it convinced me to quit watching modern hollywood for good. Haven't even seen Captain Marvel because fuck that.
ironically WW is critically underused in the DCEU and DC in general (she should be the leader of the justice league by sheer experience and skill alone).
Still a dumb idea that they killed off all the Gods but ehh.
Wonder woman is the real Girl Superhero. Captain Marvel is a forced sjw meme