Is this the ultimate pleb filter?
Is this the ultimate pleb filter?
If this isn't in your top 5 of all time then you either (1) aren't white, (2) aren't Christian, or (3) didn't grow up in a two parent household with siblings. In which case your opinion doesn't matter tbqh. Ultimate pleb filter.
No this is.
What is this?
>being a christ cuck is a good thing
Im not christian and my parents split when I was 12 but it's still one of my top 5. Just an incredibly beautiful movie
no, this is
>it's plebbit to not be a christcuck
read nietzsche plebe
I still dont understand what the fucking point of this movie was. It basically 30% Sean Penn wandering around in New York skyscrappers, 20% some abstract wallpapers and the 50% brad pitt disciplining his kids.
Ultimate style over substance pseud garbage. Longing shots of space and stars and nature doesn't make your film deep.
>read NEETche lmao
back to Rebbit
Malick doesn't need to pretend to be "deep"
>not complete christ cuck trash
It's one of my favorite movies of all time and I'm sad I didn't see it in theaters. Is the added footage in the... "special/elite/premium/whatever" edition worth a viewing? After seeing Malick's subsequent movies it feels like Tree of Life was lightning in a bottle. Knight of Cups and the similar movies are okay, but they lack the magic and genuine sweep of Tree. They feel like pale imitations. I'm afraid that the additional footage to Tree of Life might make the movie feel lesser.
His earlier movies are similarly impressive, Days of heaven and Thin Red line. Badlands is good in a different way. ToL is probably his masterpiece though
>After seeing Malick's subsequent movies it feels like Tree of Life was lightning in a bottle
what did he mean by this? Days of Heaven, Badlands, The Thin Red Line and New World are all 10/10 kinos. don't tell me you started with The Tree of Life and worked your way forward? oh no no...
'Subsequent' as in 'those following' Tree of Life. I'm talking about the movies that stylistically follow Tree of Life.
but The Tree of Life is just stylistically following The Thin Red Line and The New World. and I wouldn't call TTOL "lightning in a bottle" since everything he did before hand was just as stellar.
I'm really hoping this turns out amazing. Given the current political climate, Malick (who translated and was influenced by Heidegger), is probably the only one I would trust with this story, since everyone else would just go Muh Nazis.
Pure kinography
>Malick with a script
i unironically hope it's a return to form. I wasn't a fan of Knight of Cups and Song to Song desu
Tree of Life doesn't feel like his previous movies at all. And it was clearly the influence for the nonstop swoops and sweeps in To the Wonder, Knight of Cups, and that shitty movie with Ryan Gosling. It was also so reviled by people waiting for Malick's return that you had articles laughing about how many people were getting up, throwing tomatoes at the screen, walking out from the premiere etc. Tree of Life was a departure.
I can't wait.
I can't imagine Malick doing some trite political take on anything. His themes are always so universal and intimate
My most anticipated movie of the past 5 years
this is