>does nothing to help your business except some superficial changes like a menu redesign and a mild redecoration
>business that he "helped" proceeds to shut down in a couple of months anyway
Wow. Thanks chef!
>does nothing to help your business except some superficial changes like a menu redesign and a mild redecoration
>business that he "helped" proceeds to shut down in a couple of months anyway
Wow. Thanks chef!
Other urls found in this thread:
>I'll have the shark fin soup thank you
What did Gordon mean by this?
Here's the same thing said by someone much more clever.
>uhm, no chef, I hired them and pay them salary
woah OMG
Don't forget the band spanking new POS system, look it's got a touchscreen and everything, surely this is the silver bullet cure to all your crappy business's flaws
Bar Rescue is the same thing but they're cheaper and most of the gifts are rentals.
Restaurants are a gone boomer luxury, nobody wants to pay $10 for a burger
Ramsey's a hack. He said a microwaved canned soup served to him tasted good lol
I'll pay $40 once in a while for the highest quality of food
A lot of the hotels and restaurants survived though and have good reviews. You some owners are too retarded and stubborn and behind saving.
>lol only old people eat here
>you need to cater to the local hipsters and forget your loyal customers because they're old LMAO
>the hipsters don't come in anyways and the old people don't like the new menu
>get shut down
Thanks Chef!
soup randomly tastes great, even when store-bought
Tbh, cleaning up the menu is a great way to minimize waste and decrease time between orders.
The redecoration is just so people doesn't associate with the old restaurant and decide to give a second chance.
The sad thing is the costumers are only going because Ramsay's there. Although that's the chance to prove your food is good enough for a second return.
Any episodes that aren't staged?
Reality is staged so take it for what is.
His newest show 24 Hours is so fake it's impossible to watch.
>comes up with a menu that fits the restaurant's theme
>entire restaurant gets a redesign, network foots the bill
>points out their flaws in regards to business practices
>tells them they shouldn't have rotten food in their coolers/freezers
>restaurant goes back to their shitty ways once Gordon leaves
>they go out of business
I swear, over half the people on that show don't have the faintest idea on how to run a restaurant.
most restaurants fail anyway
The UK one seems more real
Why do people open restauraunts? Aren't they notoriously hard to run and und unprofitable?
This. And besides, most of the shitpiles he visits we’re doomed to start with. I liked the BBC Kitchen Nightmares, cause most of the restaurants were actually salvageable. The owners were hard-working decent people who just hit a rut, or ran out of ideas.
70 percent of restaurants eventually fail. You make next to nothing on food, your margins are in soft drinks/alcohol. Even then half of your customer base is either there for the food which you make no money off of or the jail bait waitresses.
Every now and then someone comes along and does everything at such a high level that success is automatic but that's literally 1 out of every 1000 proprietors.
I do wish he spent more time on camera showing them how to cook things, but that's not the bullshit drama that brings in views I guess. The people that have rotten shit in their fridges, dirty ass kitchens, and half their entrees frozen ready to microwave when someone orders them are inexcusable to begin with, regardless of the show's or Ramsay's faults.
This is a problem that plagues all reality television centered around helping businesses. Shark Tank is another example.
Programs take months to air after they were done filming, and for a restaurant that's bleeding, those extra dead months may often be the crushing blow. The real "help" would come after the episode airs and people flock to it, but not all of them can survive until them. That's why a lot of entrepeneurs go bankrupt a while BEFORE appearing on Shark Tank. There was a recent episode where the guy mentions that "it's february" if I'm not mistaken.
So, ideally, they'd have to shoot and air it on the same month, maybe even the same week, but that's nearly impossible.
Amy's Baking Company proves this show is not staged
All of those restaurants and hotels were going to fail anyway. A good amount of them are millions of dollars in debt and just looking for the free make-over so they can get a slightly better remit on the property. Basically, the whole premise of the show is faulty: if a business can't turn a profit on its own, no amount of advice or free decor is going to save them.
Most are chefs with an inflated ego about their recipes. And yes, very few restaurants survive the first few years. Look around your own city. There’s a few locally owned “local flavors “ that stood out from the rest and managed to make a continuous profit, and the rest are franchises. And even franchises face an uphill battle when arriving in a new market, unless you’re fucking McDonalds, because everyone and their pet gerbil has been there
Would you risk it?
He seems to have a better success rate with hotels
>be retarded mongoloid business owner
>staff kitchen with a bunch of niggers and illegal spics
>head chef can't taste the difference between pork and beef
>restaurant redesign, at networks expense
>hastily sell your failure of a business while the renovations are fresh and the place is abuzz with publicity and avoid the looming bankruptcy
Most of them are walking disasters anyway. It sort of reminds me of that Extreme Home Makeover show. After the excitement wears off, the same old people and the same old troubles, except now you get a fat bill.
Real talk, shark fin soup is really tasty. But it's bad for sharks.
Tempting, but no
I honestly never feel bad for the people on Kitchen Nightmares. It's never some passionate chef turned owner who has hit a rough spot. It's some dumb soon to be retired boomer who thought he could buy a restaurant so he could have some passive income. It's not their life dream that has been ruined, it's just an investment that turned bad. They are always hanging out the bar comping drinks for friends. They bought a bar to hang out at. It's not a business or a job or a career for them until the money starts running out. Then they get serious and call in Ramsey.
Didn't they find out later that the restaurant was a money laundering scheme by the husband for organized crime?
Original Bong ones are far superior. What really annoys me with American shows is that they always do the same thing
>Flashy intro
>Many sound effects
>5 minutes later it starts
>Maybe 5 minutes of show
>Cut to something dramatic happening
>Ad break
>Comes back
>Reminder of the something dramatic that's still to come
>Quick recap of what's happened
>Dramatic event is shown
>It's some complete overreaction
>Ad break
>Still to come
>Actual show
>Ad break
>Repeat until end
It's honestly unbearable.
The shark fin has no taste, it's just texture. It's a fucking meme food, like powdered rhino horn or fermented tiger penis.
It fixes erectile problems.
The fixing of the restaurant doesn't happen until the last 15 ish minutes minutes of a 40-45 minute show. The rest is Ramsay being disgusted by the food, the "coming up" and recap bullshit and the drama, either the owners melting down or Ramsay yelling at people if the restaurant owners and employees aren't up to it. The fixing part usually involves the renovation reveal and Ramsay saying "here's your new menu lol," "OMG it's delicious," and a five minute dinner service segment. The show is barely about good food or how to provide good service, which should be the whole point.
>The show is barely about good food or how to provide good service, which should be the whole point
But it is in the Bong ones, that's why they're superior.
>That head chef who's like 16, can't make scrambled eggs, and tries to poison Gordon with a rancid scallop
Yeah, that's why he was the only person allowed to use the register
This. Brainlets always say that a lot of the restaurants go under anyway, but they forget that it would've happened to them ALL had Gordon not helped. That he's able to save at least some is a miracle.
I've Googled most of the restaurants that he went to and most of them really have shut down. It's hilarious and sad.
feel bad about sushi ko. akira's wife was such a cunt holy shit. his daughter was qt tho
Akira really needed to learn about shit tests
The one restaurant with the big meme 'za is still active and successful. Then again that one episode wasn't really drama filled. Even their kitchen/fridge were clean.
>when I was twelve I milked my eel into a pot of turtle stew.
>flogged the one eye snake
>skinned my sausage
>made the bald man cry
>into the turtle stew which I do believe my sister ate
What did Tyrion mean by this? What kind of twelve year old has access to all those things?
Oops sorry wrong thread lmao
Honestly the key is having a good location. If you have mediocre food in a prime location, you’ll succeed as long as your restaurant doesn’t look like it was built in the ‘80’s. Location is like 70% of the battle. If you’re gonna serve average food, open up in a commmercial district because businessmen will flock to it on “business meals/lunches” every fucking day just to not have to go to McDonald’s. Ironically having a spot in an upscale place is tougher because you’re going to have better competition. I know of about a dozen places by my work which thrive on this model. Average food and decent prices with a clean dining room. Some of these places have been around for 30+ years
The real reason they keep bad food is they can’t make the budget work and are trying everything to save money to love a few more months. Saying "dont have old food" is useless advice if you don’t have cash flow to replace it. It is like an investment banker telling a homeless person to just buy some distressed assets
They're not staged. Customers go know its a show and will exaggerate bad/good tastes to get on TV, and the editing on the American version is riduculous but the rest is real.
>hurr redecoration, new menu, advertising, inviting critics, giving new systems to improve service and speed, teaching how to cook and serve is supposed to improve shitty business
ok genius what would you do?
I hardly can say I'm a fan of the show but these conplaints are retarded
Yes they are. But so are all businesses and some people want to work for themselves. The biggest mistake people make though is on pricing, you have to gouge (compared to the costs) you have to price on the margin.
This is true too. Location is huge, but you still have to finess a profit on low margins
This. There's a place on my street, right in front of some government offices, so everybody buys lunch there. They do so well that they close on Sundays
Dude this is like the one episode everyone knows about.
>Crazy wife/husband cook/manager duo
>Literally serves shitty food
>Charges absurd prices for it
>Husband/manager literally tries to fight customers if they complain
>Wife/cook is convinced that anytime someone complains about food they are “haters”
>Just want Ramsay to come in so he can “tell the haters they’re wrong”
>Take all tips from waiters/waitresses and pockets them
>Literally tried to fist fight Ramsay and then kicked him out of their own restaurant
After it aired they opened their own merch shop to profit from how shitty they are. A few months later it turns out they were just using the store as a front for some other shady shit. It’s pretty great reality tv TBQHFAMALAMADINGDONG
That one episode about that boomer Australian who stole his son's inheritance to fund his shitty burger place..
>t. someone who has not eaten shark fin soup.
I don't know why some people are compelled to speak on things they know nothing about.
this. the restaurants in my town that have survived for years are either pretty high class and expensive or they have a bar
I honestly felt bad for the kid, even though he was soi incarnate. The other one which pisses me off was the one with the wife and husband who owned a Mexican restaurant. Zocalos I think. Anyways, this fucking bitch of a spic wife made him buy the restaurant, gave him “recipes” and then refuses to work with him while the poor fucker was doing everything to keep the doors open. Cleaning the dining room, buying the product, preparing, cooking, and cleaning. Every fucking day. Meanwhile the epic worked three days a week and threatened to leave him (to go back to fucking Mexico of all places) if the business went under. I felt bad but the dude was cucked into the marriage for a green card.
No one understands store front economics.
>sinks a million+ dollars into a restaurant, a industry with a 3 percent profit margin average
Even franchises, which can get cheaper supplies might only clear $50,000 a year, might. A milllion dollars into something that MIGHt start clearing 50,000 a year, and that is after 5 years.
>hurrdurr why can’t I make payroll only 2 years in, what do you mean, why didn’t I plan for 5 years of loss?
it's like pimp my ride but with food
The thing people don't understand is that all these restaurants were pretty much destined to shut down anyway. A good analogy is that the restaurants are people bleeding out after a stabbing and Ramsy is a doctor. Without him very few of the people will live, but with him the chance of survival increases, but some are so far gone that not even a doctor can save them.
Also the changes make sense if you have ever worked in a successful restaurant.
Smaller menu means prep time is lessened and less confusion, plus allows less ingredients to be bought and better managed. Having a smaller menu is also good because it means the waiters know it back to front and its easy for them to memorise it, same goes for the cooks. Variety should usually be found on the specials board.
And the redecoration helps because it increases the chance people will give it a second chance.
Explain Cheesecake Factory and its 25 page menu
I should have specified, above average and fine dining establishments.
Its like giving africans weapons and seeing if they can win their wars
>superficial changes
>menu redesign
Who do you think this guy is? Obviously it's a reality show, but a menu redesign by a celebrity chef with sixteen Michelin stars is akin to defibrillator therapy for a struggling restaurant.
These people fail because they don't actually give a fuck about food service and revert back to their old ways of doing things.
It's the American version that got really redecorating, probably because they want to at least slap some kind of uplifting vibe onto the show given it's near impossible to put a positive spin on what he's doing otherwise.
The idea of redoing the menu is a major thing that is actually helpful, especially the idea of specials (items done ahead of time which can be served to ease things up on the kitchen then stop having the waiters mention it)/
Hating cheesecake factory is just extreme contrarian
In the UK version quite a few continue to do well on revisit. However, a lot of the time the issue is with the mentality of the owners; i remember a UK one where the pub owner was a pretentious, socially anxious hoarder, who went back to his old ways as soon as Gordon left. The issue there was basically a mental illness.
If the owners truly want to change it works out well. Hotel hell with the laylavs place (if i got the name right) is kino, and the hotel now has excellent TripAdvisor reviews and is going strong years later. But I think Gordon appreciated how well meaning the owner and his family were, because he seemed to really go above and beyond to give him a great, catered makeover. I mean he made fucking high end dog kennels and a play area and arranged with a dog show organiser to host events there.
They're all cheesecakes.
Chinese restaurants have absurdly large menus too.
That doesn't mean that menu reduction/refocusing isn't a good start for a financially struggling restaurant
Most of the cheescake is made elsewhere and shipped in, they don't make any of it on location.
The regular foods they make on location are pretty simple and boring.
>I speak feline
I don’t give a fuck. Whatever the sauce is that they make with the chicken costelleta is 10/10. If I could find a good replica recipe for that sauce alone I could die a happy man
>you’ll succeed as long as your restaurant doesn’t look like it was built in the ‘80’s.
Not entirely accurate. I know of a local restaurant with nationwide recognition(for their food), and they use shitty ass used plasticware for their drink cups and the place looks straight from the 80's. It's a pretty hipster-ish place so I would guess it is part of the appeal. Everything else you mentioned is on point.