Into the Badlands

Series Finale Edition

Alright bros, here we are. The finale to Into the Badlands. Tonight's episode is titled "Seven Strike as One":

>Sunny, The Widow and Bajie lead the charge against Pilgrim, as he attempts to gain ultimate control of the Badlands; M.K. seeks revenge on The Widow.

Despite being the finale and things being messy, this episode is only an hour. Get hype!

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bump; 8 minutes left

So this is how it ends? With a whimper?

is this show even good, every time i flick through to it theres like a bossy looking ethnic woman or a badly choreographed fight scene going on.

Will they get to wrap up the story or is it just ending?

Probably wrap it up. Widow might die; not sure if Sunny will or not, though.


Here we go lads, been a fun ride.

I'm more curious if they are gonna remember that this was supposed to be baased of of Journey into the West or Not, they kind of ditched that storyline

First, it was Journey to the West, then it was Journey to the West + Lone Wolf and Cub, and now...

they never really introduced the third companion, regrettable

well clearly they were canceled before they could figure it out so little to nothing is getting resolved

and now everyone's trying to convince The Widow to have an abortion
it's a fucking shame what happened to this series
half of these hack writers are moving on to Warrior, I hope they don't ruin that too

figure out what, most of the mysteries have been dealt with

the only long standing mysteries is who created the badlands and what happened to cause the world to be what it is, but fuck that noise we're better off not knowing

The High Priestess is about to get blacked?

does he not know she's already reded?

He should, but we'll see. Did taking Kannin's power keep him from dying?

>doesn't snap his neck
>literally suffocates the poor fuck to death

his death is gonna be fantastic

Hopefully this black bitch gets what's coming to her

wasn't there a whole army of the black lotus guys, why is there suddenly only a couple dozen?

Fuck off MK

They cut the scene to save time.

>Kannin loses her gift, but has the ability to turn off other people's gift

The hell?

that isn't an ability, it's a technique, even Baji knows it

Into the Trashcans

Press F

Oh no Tilda

Should have just left with her lesbo girlfriend and started a lesbian harem

MK is fucked/10

What the fuck, she can force choke?

that lebso got her own lesbo

Not gonna lie, I do appreciate how MK started as the innocent sidekick/mcguffin and evolved into the villain of the story

A new Terror show?!

>What if Superman but EVIL!
How original

right in the kidney

Oh shit, Sunny!

This fight is a lot brutal than I expected

Yeah season 2 but it's not based on anything unlike thr 1st season was based on the book amc is just using the name for there horror show now

One last ass pull for the end of the line

And now, we get blue-balled for eternity

>Firearm is the bigger evil
It really is a martial art show

I wish it could've kept on going, but it's nice to see that MK is definitively dead.

Oh shit this show is already over? I just started season 3. Is it worth it?

only a namefag could enjoy this trite garbage
sorry you won't get a season dedicated to a gun control allegory

I kind of wish they just ended it definitively, especially since it really went to shit over the last 8 episodes. It seemed like they were trying to squeeze at least 2 or 3 more seasons worth of lore and character development into less than half a season.

Still though, it was a cool show and I'm gonna miss it. Hopefully if it comes back they'll be able to slow the pacing down.

The gun thing was a super weird note to "end" the series on, but if they just take random minion and turn him into a Gun-slinging Warrior Monk big bad I'd kind of be into it.

From the way the Master was talking, it sounded like they wanted to set up a time skip, since the peace brought on by their actions would be short-lived.

How's that martial arts show on Cinemax, anyway?

>badly choreographed fight scene going on.
Kill yourself. The fight scenes are what you're there for.

Well, I mean, the tagline for the show was "a world where guns were outlawed; fighting is an art."

I'm not sure if the rushed writing was them going back to the drawing board or trying to set up season 4 a clean-slate. The black-eye/gift clearly wore out it's welcome.

A lot of this episode gives a "is this a definitive end? Yes, but actually: No." answer-feeling and it sucks. Because I really do want to see what the series would've been like having guns re-introduced into the Badlands after they were outlaw'd and like the majority of the world destroyed by the dark ones/in the past.