Im not a lady

>im not a lady

should someone that hit a wall before 20 really be picky? Being the lady of a great house is better than being 35 alone with dried up ovaries. She can still be an a sneaky assassin as a lady anyway.

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She doesn't want to be a lady of a house and has said as much.

She's a strong independent woman who dont need no man. She gets to make her decisions not you.

Arya is clearly non-binary.

thats retared why is she retarded

be honest
would you?
and if yes, would you tell anyone?
and if yes, would you do it proudly?

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with Maisie? no
with Cara, gladly

>not a lady
Like saying you're not a gentleman
what does she even mean? she doesn't care about looks or hygiene and wants to be vulgar and edgy?

I absolutely would but I'd have to put a fucking halloween mask on her to make her face tolerable. Her body is hot

Cara is all face and not body

>Her body is hot

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Ok now post the pics of her in the swimsuit you cherry picking dumb motherfucker I'll fuck you too bitch

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calm down maisie this isn't a pub for you to start a fight

And she’s a dumbass for thinking this. Arya is going to end up an old misanthropic spinster who wished she had children when she had the chance.

Easily, I'm not picky to be quite honest and she's not even that gross memers. Decent body too

I assume you cherrypicked her worst. If that's it then I'd totally fuck her.

Is Disney already working on a live action version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame?

There were two ways this could've gone, there always is with kids who look "unique" and "androgynous". Obviously she's taken the less lucrative route. Feminism is really all her career is going to have past GOT, especially once she hits the REAL wall past her mid 20's.

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Why didn't she just tell her family that she is a master assassin and can go kill Cersei easily so the North and Jon wouldn't have to send their troops down South again.

It might have something to do with most of her family being dead and her remaining brothers and sisters spending the entirety of they adult lives in perpetual danger and misery.

What began as a childish fear of responsibility grew into genuine disdain for the politics and antics of the monarchy.

Being a puppet for the many-faced god might also have something to do with it.

>I wont take your virginity until you get hammered
How did they get away with this?

So badass and cool

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So just like Sandor.

yea i agree women are stupid. I dont know if id be that blunt user but i agree.

Would she have married him if he stayed a blacksmith bastard?

this line by dnd didn't really fit with the rest of her character did she ad lib it?

Having the two of them actual fuck was so dumb. I hate shippers so much.

He just wanted to make sure she enjoys the deed. Totally understandable, and quite chivalrous honestly.

Betas identifying with Gendry screeching autistically.

how ass blasted would people be if it turns out she is pregnant and HAS to settle down?

The problem isn't Arya's response. The problem is the shitty writing having Gendry even mention being a lady just so she can have an excuse to leave.

She is a take on the British slag architype. They resist acting or being percieved as feminine at all costs. Even when the better choice is to just embrace it. Gengman really wouldn't of cared if she wasn't a dress wearing tea sipping lady. She just cannot get over her edgy self.

>Cara is all face and not body
Cara is better than Maisie in every way, I don't where this meme that Maisie is hot comes from.

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The only reason she was ever considered for modeling or actor roles was because her father literally paid for them in favors or outright cash.

What went wrong, lads?

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hollywood has a long history of picking these freakish kids to push and they're just monstrosities by the time they grow up

>Manface and plank body
>better than anyone

All britbongs are ticking bombs, she just had a very short timer.

And Maisie is a plank with a goblin face.

Shed rather be a serial killer I guess

She's no plank and she has a cute goblin face.

a fate fouler and more physically corrosive than enslavement by the many faced god or any other

she took /fit/ seriously

we'd probably get a plot of arya telling gendry about it and that she'll abort their baby on ep6

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Why couldn't she marry gendry and then kill people?

I actually thought this was consistent with her character. and not unexpected.

Why would anyone want to marry Gendry?

This is a actually a really good question

Why would anyone want to marry Quasimodo the level 18 goblin rogue

This is your brain on mgtow

I see Maisie Williams as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - her exterior AND her personality - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly.

That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.

I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what Maisie Williams is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to.

I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.

Yeah. I reckon Maisie Williams does it for me.

I would, her husky emo voice makes me diamonds.

What would she tell to her child if she's preggo?

>Mom why am I bastard when my dad is literally Lord Paramount?

come on silly. she just killed an undead warlord during a chaotic pitched battle as he was surrounded by 12 of his bodyguards dont you know thats a way more dramatically appropriate use of a meme assassin than your idea

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>with the force of a gladiatorial chariot



Absolutely fucking not. Arya's real flaws that are being glossed over to make her the hero is that she is a homicidal psychopath. She does have strong loyalty to Jon, Sansa, and Bran, but wouldn't mind much if she never saw them again at this point either. She is driven by vengeance and death worship, if she had kids she'd use them for target practice (unless D&D pull a happy family ending for her out of their asses).

It's actually interesting as a look at PTSD, being dead eyed with no joy in normal parts of life or other people, trouble with empathy. She would abandon or strangle any kids she accidentally had. She can't have normal committed romantic relationships.

He's right though, having a family is objectively better, even Cersei thinks so (or used to before all her kids died).

Not everyone gets ptsd.

And she never said she didn't want a family. She just doesn't want one at that moment, with Gendry of all people.

Without a second thought and I would tell the world.


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>Not doing abs
She quite literally only had one job.

Who would marry a goblin anyway

She will abort like an empowered feminist that doesn't need no man

She is hot regardless of her father. I like women with big boobs but she is beautiful in a /fa/ kind of way

No. I've seen male to female traps who I was more attracted to, to be totally honest.

Pick one and only one nigger

english people "kept the genes pure" for a bit too long

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Did she really fuck gendry?
Isnt she like 12?

Can I pick the cute goblin?

Doesn't exist

>A self made blacksmith
>War veteran and hero
>Went beyond the wall to face the night king in an attempt to stop him before he goes south
>Leader of house Baratheon and Lord of Storm's End
>Son of Robert of House Baratheon, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm
>Why would anyone want to marry gendry
KYS roastie


yea because that works out

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She's a teenager ultra ninja assassin noblewoman, she'll be fine.
/r9k/ really is mentally damaged.

if this was anime, Arya would just be that never home mother who's a full time assassin. goes home to storm's end when horny, fucks gendry, drop off a child 9 months later, and leaves for more shanking

its is a low fantasy feudal system. Unless she has one of those age necklaces shes even worss of than she would brme now

weird, but oddly accurate.

hermione still looks good (I haven't seen her in a while), even though she's way past her prime.

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its the celtic genes left over. the anglosaxon ones are better.

Another case of pic related

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I'm not a rapper

she doesn't want to get married, ALL SHE NEEDS is kill

Her skull kept growing and grew oddly. All it takes to be ugly is unironically a few millimeters of mishaped bone.

Don't pin this one on the mutts

She's pure anglo

Real talk had a girlfriend who vaguely had her features. Probably was some of the best banging I did back in the day. The succ was real.

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Masie isn't a challenge. This is a 10 in england remember, a noble woman bred from the upper crusts of a yorkshire golf club.

You, my shitposter, are an abomination and will never lay your burgery, greasy, nigger claws on this sweet, decadent angel of passionate miracles. ,

Hey kid, to even be consider her proper suitor, one must adopt the appropriate ancestry. If you weren't an oxford graduate with scholarships based on down syndrome, or if you weren't the lucky abortion survivor from a welsh duchess, your chances of biologically appealing to this maiden specimen are next to none. There is no race that is her equal. Another possibility of woooing this tulip may be if you somehow deevolved to an aboriginal state of smell and appearance.

Other than that, cosmetic surgery is the only possible way a disgusting dreadful american scumbag like yourself could achieve a passing glance from this mistress of malformation.

I recommend pulling half of your teeth out to achieve a classy british smile, then crawl into a briefcase and remain there for several days.
No sunlight. Drink plenty of whisky. When the cocoon opens, you will become a beautiful cockney butterfly. Flutter to her.
you may only attempt a mating during the blood moons and the great conjunction, when the planes between the astral gates to slaanesh and our world open to the abyss.

be sure to leave a bag of peanut inside her sacred womb-temple. Theres a janitor that lives in there. Hes important.

rebuttal: sneed

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Maisie would make a nice goblin queen in another traditional fantasy show.

Will dennis add her to his vid collection?

>be Gendry
>work my ass off to forge hundreds and hundreds of dragonglass weapons before the long night
>every strike of my blacksmithing hammer burns the muscles and tendons in my overworked body, but I work through the pain so that mankind will survive
>along comes Arya
>objectified me before, eyefucking (raping) me with her eyes
>she throws some of my crafted dragonglass daggers at a target so that she can intimidate me
>she tells me how she's familiar with death
>she uses this intimidation to force me to have sex with her
>either reject her and die, and humanity is lost because I can't forge more weapons or
>let her rape me so that I can quickly resume forging more weapons
>should have gone with option a
>try to leave the bedroom post orgasm but offcamera she demands that I stay
>wait for her to fall asleep before I sneak out to forge
>stockholme syndrome kicks in at this point
>I survive the long night
>I get the title of baratheon and lord
>I ask my rapist and abuser if she will marry me
>she casts me aside like some toy she's grown tired of
I guess this..... is the power ....... of toxic feminism

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>When the cocoon opens, you will become a beautiful cockney butterfly.

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Hermione is French

arya and jon snow are turning into dicks.

jon needs to stop being a pussy

wtf is wrong with you

he's just a man with a dream

what the fuck is that

Well, she is 18 in season 8.
Dyaneris was 13 according to the book when she married Drogo, so there is that.

A reminder that a female can look like she belongs in a halloween shop and still get laid

but a man on the other hand...hehehehahahahaAHAHAHAHA OH NO NO NO BAHAAAAAAAAAaaaa

is she gonna come crawling back to storms end once she realizes she got knocked up by virile Baratheon seed?

Arya did the equivalent of going to (((college))). That episode was surprisingly redpilled on women.

I want to tie her to a bed and shove lard down her gullet until that button flies off her pants and permanently blinds dabid.

That exchange was idiotic since she clearly likes Gendry. Obviously Gendry knows that she isn't a traditional sort of lady. So why wouldn't she just marry him but keep doing her very non-ladylike assassin shit? Because feminists are so offended by the mere mention of traditional gender roles they will ruin their entire life over it.

>teleports fetus
Heh... Nothing personnel....


shut the fuck shes just a tsundere

She's a retarded character, she never really killed the Night King, was just pure fanfiction from D&D.

>how ass blasted would people be if it turns out she is pregnant and HAS to settle down?

Unironically: she would kill the baby instead and think nothing of it at all, even if that meant breaking its neck after it was born. Not even judging. Her character is not supposed to be a nice loving person, she's a cold bitch and doesn't have the "weakness" even Cersei has. She'd absolutely do it because she's utilitarian as fuck and will put any person down if need be or just if it's easier.

To be honest Gendry is a fucking dinlo for wanting her as his Lady

Use your status to fuck some fine bitches for years in the true Robert Baratheon style

She bought?

a non-body can be hot in so many ways.

pretty much exactly what she said

the Night King IS fanfiction.

cara let me lick your feet pls AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I'm not a lady I'm a little pumpkin headed munchkin

Unironically no. I grew up among Slav girls and she looks like an absolute abomination to me.

Exactly he’s fallen in love over a pity sex.

Imagine falling for that after experiencing Melisandre on your dick (even though she tried to kill him)

Are slavs the white the Latinos? All are pretty till 25 then they hit a wall and turn into tiny fat goblins?

watching him kiss her little goblin mouth made me gag

Cara? I'd like to fuck her face.
Maisie I would prone bone so I dont have to look at her face.

thanks for making a shitty tuesday better

foetal alcohol syndrome

I pity her husband when she's a 35 year old Slag with a brood of kids.

This, I envy the Hound right now. Probably having some of the wildest fucking of his life.

If they care about staying pretty they can be gorgeous way beyond 30. But usually they don’t, so boat of them go downhill quick in late 20s

Even there she looks like one of those chihuahuas that has the shakes and pisses on the floor

El goblino horrifico

Yes, Yes, No
Also I'd only hit it from behind

Ummm no sweetie. If you are BLESSED to have sex with my queen, he hits YOU from behind then drags you to her goblin cave for snu-snu

What was the point of this abysmal and unfunny post

Get Sneed and Feeded xDDD

Is this what passes for a 10/10 in bongland?

I would, exclusively so I could go around proudly telling others how I smirched her pussy.

Her stance on this is very consistent with the books, if you actually read them you would know her answer before she said it

>what went wrong
British genes.

Interesting how she's obviously dressing to get attention and no one can stand to look at her

I can confirm
most of the women are pretty until their 20s-30s, then a quick downfall occurs,usually after they stop whoring and marry some unlucky cuck, then they get fat and ugly

speaking as a slav myself, of course

British genes also struck Bran. Look how adorable young Bran was.

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God user, I have college exam in two hours and I was feeling depress about not being prepared enough, but you made me laugh out loud, thanks for that.

actually paying a jew money to read his shit books...
which have yet to have an ending

only if she is dolled up like this (pic related all the time)

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I'd ask her to wear a different face


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>then crawl into a briefcase and remain there for several days.
Holy fucking fuck

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Plus strong and good looking.

>Arya was supposed go from plain/androgynous to taking after the beautiful Lyanna Stark
>we get a hobgoblin

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>implying she wouldn't have been a better character if she learned that female assassins can use their femininity as a weapon...
I'd assume d&d through that character arch out after realizing they casted a toad in the roll of arya, but that might be giving them too much credit... In all honesty I doubt the thought of women being powerful by behaving like women has ever even crossed their minds.

Imagine being Gendry's actor and having to call her beautiful.

Toppest of keks.

fuck off pedo

>brieanne and jaime
>arya and gendry
>dany and jon snuw
D&D seem to have developed a fetish for forcing physically fit and attractive men to fuck ugos.

it's literally just there for a callback line

living in france doesnt make her french... she's english

what age did she hit the wall?

Not in current year. If you live their, you're practically a native

we're talking genetics here, you retard

reverse trap, delicate Arya is prime cunny.
If I had a time machine I absolutely would stick her with my own needle

I'm not sold on Arya as a stronk independent woman because she did a bit of stick training with another girl, I can believe an assassin but a capable fighter is too much of a stretch. Current, balloon headed Arya as an object of sexual desire is laughable in the absurd

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Dany is anything but an uggo.

> Her body is hot

U wot m8

>it's okay when men do it
She's not even the typical "strong woman" trope. At least she acknowledges that she is unladylike. In most cases it's just a woman written as a male character but here it's realistic.

How is this even a surprise when she said EXACTLY the same thing in season 1 episode 5? She said she didn't want that life.

>At least she acknowledges that she is unladylike.
she's been saying that since season 1

The problem is that someone would actually ask that goblin to be his wife. Imagine that.

Her face was never attractive but at least she used to have a good body. Then she started to age and he skin changed, then she lost her body and now she is a goblin.

many guys have an slightly-ugly girl fetish
I have a huge boner for Heather Matarazzo, for example

>If they care about staying pretty they can be gorgeous way beyond 30
this. Women choose to be fat when they're older and that's why they get ugly. They also never lift weights so their muscle dies, leaving them gross and saggy. If a woman takes care of herself and stays /fit/ then she can be sexy into middle age, it's just that most of them don't. She also has to start young, you can't wait until you're 35 and then decide you want to be in shape. And since women can be in shit shape in their 20s and still get tons of dudes, they don't have the motivation to be fit.