Is he right?
Is he right?
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Incels BTFO
People have always judged films what a spastic.
>No 'Marvel movie fans'
How will Yea Forums ever recover?
DC fans are the prime example why nonwhites should have never been allowed internet access
Who is this idiot again?
>Man walks into a bar
"Least favorite things about modern bar discourse
1. The obsession with bitching about shitty mixed drinks
2. Belief that mixed drinks are objectively good or bad
3. Martini fans
4. Old Fashioned fans"
>Stop saying things I don't like to hear
only about 3 and 4
He's right about plot holes not mattering at all. Narrative logic isn't supposed to be the same as real world logic
he enjoys marvelshit
shut up tripfag
opinion discarded
That was I was saying, cuck.
>just turn your brain off and enjoy product, then get excited for next product!
Only bugmen with shit tastes think like this. True fans get disappointed when they are given subpar lazy garbage.
The Plinkett Star Wars reviews ruined online film criticism forever
No he's a retard and mauler already btfo'd him
Is he related to James "Big Gains Fucks Her Brains" Willems?
Some boob, can't even spell Williams right. Imagine having a family legacy of people who can't spell their own last name.
Funny, personally I think the belief that there are no objective qualities in art is among the worst modern trends.
I don't know who this guy is but he needs to be gassed. Lazy writers can join him.
>no blue checkmark
I bet this eats him up inside
DCucks are literally the worst things on the internet, which is frankly surprising because there's so few of them
shut up tripfag
He's right about 3 and 4, but not about 1 and 2.
These types of people used to trip over themselves to shit on mainstream movies and fellate Herzog or Tarkovsky or whoever.
I seriously don't understand how companies like Marvel have made it fashionable to dicksuck their popcorn flicks
He's most right about 1. Only CinemaSins autists care about plot holes
Here is the real one.
kill yourself tripfag. also plothiles of sufficent size can ruin a movie.
Some retard video essayist who got popular on YouTube. He used to pick apart films until he saw TLJ and liked it so now he has to defend plothole trash
Imagine being this challenged
All that matters is whether or not the film is formally interesting, and whether or not the characters are interesting. Plot is just a means of revealing character; it doesn't really matter that much
retards used it incorrectly enough I think effect is generally accepted in place of affect at this point
fuck off
>plot doesnt matter at all
truly, tripfags are the worst
Quads of truth. People only shit on plot holes when the movie isn't good.
HI Patrick
To an extent, now get out tripfag.
An obsession with plot is why genre fiction is so derided. Read what the people who write good literature have always said: characters are what matter
Plot holes can seriously destroy the impact of a films story though and movies can be objectively good or bad.
quads of absolute lies
If you're saying a movie is so good and so amazing that little plotholes here and there won't affect it, of course, but to pretend like an incoherent or poorly constructed plot and a lack of attention to the consistency of themes and the movie's universe etc. doesn't matter, and that every instance of such a plot hole isn't a mark against the film, is pure unadulterated hogwash.
Yes, this manchildren era thinks a good film analysis literally is just how consistent the universe is with some bs arbitrary rules. Just look how much people give a fuck about retardes spoilers. The media should be engaging for the experience and that certainly doesn't reduce to plot exposition. Also fans are faggs who feel personally insulted if someone puts out a shitty film.
Movies are objectively good or bad
>standard amount of care for a film
If the filmmakers don't care and aren't invested into the integrity of the story, why should the audience?
Right because thinking about a film at all outside of vague themes that can apply to anything or just bullshit scenes meant to 'convey emotion' is the wrong way of watching movies, right? Oh but these themes are also brilliant and you really need to consider how deep this movie is, it says a lot about ___ and you need to have your big thinking cap on to appreciate it. Only insecure people want you to not think about the actual events but still praise the emotions or the themes of one or two scenes in this nonsensical crap. You want people to stop talking about plotholes? Fine, make them fun again, make them stupid fun you don't have to think about and leave the real-world themes and commentary at the door. Accept there's nothing to consider and something to enjoy in your work and people won't cry about it. You see people caring too much about the plotholes in transformers? Of course not, because Bay outright said what kind of movie they are and that's what they are, stupid fun.
Get off your fucking high horse and have fun with the rest of us or shut the fuck up about your 'brilliant resonant' movie.
>Plot is just a means of revealing character
If the plot has a character doing something that I as a viewer know is completely retarded, or springs something that should be impossible to resolve issues that deserve more care, then the way I perceive the characters is changed. No aspect of a film exists in a vacuum.
The first two are right. Plot holes don’t actually matter. Glaring obvious game-changing plot holes don’t count and are the exception and not the rule. “Autists” will disagree but let’s talk about them in a bit.
Movies were never objectively good or bad until the past two decades or so. It’s weird. Again I blame autists. Autism and psychopathy don’t comprehend the abstract, everything is black or white. They literally don’t understand anything abstract. The other two points are generic and he forgot to include Marvel. The problem is this so-called autism spectrum. It’s not actually autism and EVERYBODY seems to be on it. Something in the water? The fact that it share so much with psychopathy is telling. These NPCs and autists or whatever you want to call them have literal brain damage somewhere along the way and that’s what the problem is
I agree with this guy
Terminators 1 and 2 have MASSIVE plot holes but absolutely no one gives a shit because those movies are amazing; you only start to pay attention to the plot holes when the movie loses your interest.
>Plot is just a means of revealing character;
So then a plot hole is a bad character?
Characters are not interesting in themselves. Now fuck off.
No. It is like saying you should just accept garbage and like it. I can handle train wrecks when it is so bad its good but even for me there is a threshold where it just becomes so bad its bad.
>2/4 avatars are fur avatars
Why would anyone give a shit about this?
This man is Yea Forums incarnate
>two furshit icons
This is the faggot that made a whole video about plot holes, when he doesn't know what a plot hole is.
>Glaring obvious game-changing plot holes don’t count
>plot holes only matter some times, but the times they matter "doesn't count" because I don't want to be wrong
>Movies were never objectively good or bad until the past two decades or so.
Quite the contrary. Movies, like paintings and literature, were always consider OBJECTIVELY bad, meh, good, great, or timeless. Decided by the proper artistic authorities, and the public at large, in conjunction. This whole "nothing is bad or good, it's all subjective' is post-modern, post-structuralist, subjectivist commie trash
Whether YOU personally like or dislike or are indifferent to something is subjective, but what the higher authorities, the masses, the cultural fabric, the history books, time, etc. sees as good or bad is NOT subjective.
t. traditionalist artist living in a post-modern cultural marxist globalist SJW Hell of an contemporary art community
I find with plotholes if a movie is otherwise good you can just gloss over them. If you find yourself picking up on plotholes and being bothered by them it's usually a sign that the film is generally mediocre, because if it had other positive aspects you wouldn't care.
There is a basic amount of sense a film has to make if it wants to be taken seriously, but the people who complain about plot holes are almost always referring to logical leaps that have always been a part of narrative art. If you can't suspend disbelief, which is what people have been doing for thousands of years, then how are you going to enjoy anything written before the 20th century?
That's what pisses me off.
>You really need to think about something like The Last Jedi, or Us! They're really brilliant and thoughtful!
>Okay, so why was Holdo able to hyperspace ram the big ship? Couldn't anyone do that and save a bunch of lives? And doesn't the big reveal in Us fall apart when you think about-
>Not that! Don't think like that!
this is the worst shit i've read today
>plot holes don't effect quality
>no movie is good or bad
Sophist retard.
But it's only amazing in the first place because of the lack of any other plot holes or other flaws in its execution. If there were more of the plot holes, it wouldn't be so great.
That's almost a Catch-22, what you're arguing.
>, but the people who complain about plot holes are almost always referring to logical leaps that have always been a part of narrative art.
Such as?
> you can't suspend disbelief,
Okay can you actually find anyone who says "Iron Mans suit being able to fly is a plothole! Thor being able to hit that hard with his hammer doesn't work, its a plothole!" or are you pulling this out of your ass? Because otherwise people can suspend disbelief, accepting a creator failing is another matter entirely.
Pretty much, yes, but he doesn't go far enough. 1 should be obsession with plot and nitpicky autism in general. 2 is spot on. 3 and 4 could be combined and condensed into fandom in general.
What a shock. What this dipshit lacks the perspective to understand is that Captain America is better than he remembers it is because he’s been on a steady diet of weightless Disney bullshit for a decade.
No, fuck you. j
Jsut because you cherry pick, "oh, they whine about silly plot holes" that a handful of critics are talking about is not enough basis to dismiss being critical of plot holes and character holes and prop holes and set holes and cinematography holes and editing holes and other film criticism in general. It ALL matters. The more of the good stuff you do, the better. The less of the bad stuff you do, the better, but it's all a points system, and if the points don't add up enough it's a BAD movie. The end.
i just watch shit go BOOM and eat LOL i dont give a fuck about words and shit man like people talking yall fucking crazy on this website bro just fucking going ham just chillin watching a movie nothing else like it get a life lol
>suspension of disbelief so you can immerse yourself into a fantasy world is the same as ignoring when the fantasy world contradicts itself
I would agree with your post here if you didn't agree with 2
Movies can be BAD or GOOD, objectively. That doesn't a bad movie can't DO good for certain people who like it and like the aura of it, or that a good movie can't DO bad for people certain people who don't like it and don't like the aura of it.
Now go away.
fucking this
for fuck's sake, why are people so stupid and creatively barren?
You don't have to actually engage with a film on any sort of aesthetic or emotional level to complain about plot holes, you only have to point out that a series of actions don't work like they would in the real world. It's the laziest form of criticism there is. If a film isn't engaging with you emotionally or leaving and impression on you aesthetically, then complain about that. Complaining about "plot holes" makes you look amateurish; as if you don't actually know why you didn't enjoy a particular film and instead are trying to think up reasons for why it sucks post hoc
>art is only meant to evoke a sense of beauty or emotion
Art is also supposed to stimulate thought, numbnuts
u are a fucking idiot what do you mean suspend disbelief. im going to watch a movie about iron man or black pancake or whatever obviously im suspending disbelief. doesnt mean i want to be jarred from that disbelief by heavy handed writing. these are the plot holes that ruin movies for people.
This. Real plotholes matter, but most "plotholes" that Youtube autists try to point out are "oh look, a character made a slightly dumb decision in an incredibly stressful situation" meme tier bullshit. Very few films that aren't total disaster flops have logical errors so severe that they could rightfully be called plotholes. If you're watching a lot of films with real, blatant plotholes it's probably your shitty taste that's the issue.
Based Marvelchad
>you only have to point out that a series of actions don't work
That AFFECTS your EMOTIONS when the structure of the characters and environment comes into question when their actions and the string of events encompassing their lives appears too inconsistent or poorly crafted. They become less like REAL people, because IRL, things only happen in a way that are logically and could happen, otherwise they wouldn't happen. They're not as believable and you care less about their plight.
Seriously, fucking kill yourself. I'm not joking.
But good and bad is such a limited way to think about movies, it's this RT mindset of tomato vs splat, where everything has to be absolute and there's no room for nuance. Most modern blockbusters people use these labels for aren't even good or bad, they exist in this bland middle of mediocre miasma.
The only way a movie can be objectively bad is because of severe technical flaws, and no that's not webms where you've slowed the footage and noticed a few mistakes in the choreography, it's a level that's usually reserved for amateur and no budget films, and even deeply technically flawed(or bad) films can have qualities that make them interesting. A film can't be objectively good though.
>expecting people to know a movie's bad or has glaring plot holes before they've seen it