I mean she acts so awkward and her new movie literally is about some womanchild femcel who is obsessed with unicorns, is she /our gal/?
Is brie Larson really autistic??
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How can I have a chiseled jaw line like queen Brie?
bros how to i get her to be my gf
Christ Disney, mind your rating!
Marvel likes to hire autists
She's /ourgal/
she was homeschooled
Cute mommy
>tfw no mommy dyke gf
what is her autism movie on? Neffiqs?
>is she /ourgal/
Yes, unironically.
>mommy dyke
>craving underage spidey cock
Did she ever get her feet treated for that problem? I hope she's doing well.
She cute
no she is a femenist tumblr style
femenist tumblr style are a bit like lolcows google that term newfriend.
Tell me about Brie, why does she wear the crown?
>this uploader has not made it available in your country
I .. I´m too scared of watching this.. please somebody tl;dr me..
>ywn kidnap and impregnate her
Her nervous tick as a child.
eg. sucking thumb, biting nails, this is what she did.
she has an "ear fetish" that is an awful lot like stimming behavior in autistic people. She likes the feeling of air on her eyeball, while she's sucking her thumb and rubbing her earlobe.
She also thinks that Andy has ver juicy ears while Cuck Conan has bullshit ears
She's an incel. You should like her really.
based out of context evangeline
Would smash tbqh
A movie starring Brie Larson and Winona Ryder would be autism kino
Am I the only one who wants to fuck Brie's ass while she's gassy from too much spicy food?
thanks for all the paintings man you rock
yeah probably
Her Unicorn movie was excellent. Prove me wrong.
I haven't watched it, maybe I should
This slag was homeschooled which explains why she's an autistic bitch. She's NEVER faced adversity, been challenged and had everything handed to her. So she expects everyone to kiss her ass and when they don't she turns into a cuntish brat. Her parents also divorced when she was young which explains why she's a "feminist" (all of whom hate Daddy aka "THE PATRIARCHY!!!") and fucks niggers.
Furthermore, Hollywood (((executives))) have been fucking this skank since she was a child which is why they've been relentlessly shilling her. They tried to make her a TV star, then a popstar, now they gave her an Oscar and a billion dollar grossing movie as the new lead of the biggest film franchise in history, all unearned.
Seriously, she must have MAJOR dirt on some powerful people because she's a complete and utter zero charisma non-entity!!!FACT!!!
>Bae(sed) Larson looks prettiest as a dyke MILF
yes. . . YES!
i like the way you can see her bagoona in that pict
Good luck, it is said she can turn men to stone with a single touch of her toe
She can act any way she wants and it is up to you to service her.
If she, for instance, spent the entire day in a humid environment doing a shoot and she had to wear thick polyester socks and boots and her feet got all fermented and pickled and she told you to clean them up with your mouth for hours you'd have to do it, no questions asked. The thought of refusing would and should not even cross or enter your mind. You'd be grateful to the last of your living hours that she allowed that to happen, but in her mind you'd mean less than nothing to her since you're a white male who exists only to service her and grovel.
This. She seems insufferable as Captain Marvel but Unicorn Store is fucking great and I love her there.
It's gotta be Marvel's writing.
shes not autistic, shes an actual psychopath
>/our anything/
Stop shilling this bitch on my board, pajeet.
t. the Chad resistence
No. Of course not.
>t. the Chad resistence
this is my favorite brie media
what is your favorite brie media?
Brie a qt!