Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#474 One-Way Ticket to Zalem Edition
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4k vs HD
Bless this thread with Holy GETs, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.
Hello new bread, please be healed by cutie pie Arita!
>Great... Another Alita General
vs 2D
That can't be 1080 HD on the right
>mfw new bread
Zapan is so laid back
Isn't this some bitch from Overwatch or something instead of Alita
Yikes not ideal martial arts boots on Dua Lipa
>mfw waiting for bread to get going
The bread RISES
Discount Alita made a surprisingly good end credit song for the movie.
Swan Song really grew on me after a while
I love how the Motorball theme blends in with it so perfectly
I just clicked all traffic lights instead of crosswalks by accident but the thing didn't care
Get your shit together CAPTCHA
>Doc Ido’s journal at 220 Mexican pesos on Amazon Mx
Yeah, I think I’m going to buy it
Yeah the remix of them together was such a highlight. Honestly the fact that we've got so many different kinds of OC in this thread is great.
I want to fuck Imaginos Alita.
I hate Mondays desu
We'll keep you company fren.
Tell us if it's good
I only have the art book but I'm glad I bought it
Alita will bring riches and wholesomeness to your life
I put some Dua Lipa tracks on my drunk mix. Not a bad artist at all, not really something I'd normally listen to, but works well while I'm just trying to have a good time. Certainly better than the disco hits I used to have in my play list.
Vol 2 Alita is probably peak cute in the origin Gunnm run
>Alita will bring riches and wholesomeness to your life
yeah by beheading a lot of people
Disco hits can definitely be fun too though I respect that
okay Garfield I do too though
lol, no offense to Dua Lipa, and I like her stuff, but it's nowhere near as good as good Disco.
it's worth it, it's got some neat tidbits and has an explanation of how Motorball actually works.
hello Brie-kun. How are you today?
Literally the only 4 seconds of genuine likable humanity she has on video, because that's all that exists
Is this movie worth watching?
Are there more ass shots in it other than this and the motorcycle one?
I just realized the only other movie I've seen Rosa in is Bird Box.
Brie actually had two great talk show appearances with Craig Ferguson but unfortunately a lot of his videos got taken down
I mean CHiPS not Alita
according to anons when this webm was first circulating, that's a big no.
Rosa is a qt in the Maze Runner movies. They're also not bad movies either
My understanding is that it's like a 5/10 kinda fun time which is probably higher if you love Rosa like we do
Oh, in that case, GOD no. That webm and the one 10 second wemb clip that inspires all the crash anons are the ONLY worthwhile seconds in that putrid film.
>tfw you see the girl get going
>"You go, Hu!"
Eh, after a decade of listening to disco and eurodance while chugging vodka some R&B is a welcome change in pace.
Yeah I should get around to watching Maze Runner, it looks pretty cool
One for the /k/ anons
It'll be cool to see Alita use guns eventually
>tfw the guys look like shit
Excellent work soldier
I really hope we'll get even touches of the TUNED arc
gonna yoink this for when shitposters get lazy
>mfw nobody crashposts any more
I've been waiting for a chance to use that but better to post it when it's slow so others can try to find a good use for it too
>tfw no operator rosa gf
say it ain't so, where's crash user???
blessed thread
When we have 999 we have to throwback to all the old posting types. I'm down for it.
>tfw they'll never make suicide jokes in cartoons anymore
pretty weird honestly. I saw plenty of it with old Looney Tunes or Tom & Jerry and probably others I'm forgetting and I don't think it affected me seeing cartoon characters want to kill themselves. I think
Is 13 Hours operatorkino?
Well I'm one of them but there's at least one other, I don't think I've ever posted this before
>tfw suicide jokes don't affect you
What's going on in the background in that gif
>>tfw suicide jokes don't affect you
Why would they? If someone seriously wanted to commit suicide they'd be dead already. It's not exactly hard to off yourself.
>Je jure de toujours combattre en présence du mal!
Alita do remind me of Jeanne d'Arc a bit.
Here are a few Alita line in their french (Quebec Dub.)
Eng: "I do not stand in the presence of evil!"
Fr: "Je jure de toujours combattre en présence du mal!"
Translit: I swear to always fight in the presence of evil.
Eng: "Fuck your mercy!"
Fr: "Rien a foudre de ta pitié!"
Translit: It means about the same as english.
Eng: Final champion
Fr: Vainqueur Absolue
Translit: Absolute Victor
Eng: He is the dragon that must be slain
Fr: Il est le dragon que tu doit pourfendre.
Translit: It means about the same as english.
Feel free to ask me if you want to know any other line in french.
I hate waifu-fag.
No idea but it's in a few other clips
thank you SA
this is why i still come to Yea Forums
zombie dance party? lol what is going on back there
>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation >performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced
Well I imagine seeing someone commit suicide IRL would be incredibly traumatizing
Blessings to our coloringfrens.
we still need an Alita/Koyomi edit of this.
nice, haven't seen this one. This is all I've got to trade, sorry fren.
OK guys. long time though infrequent /ALITA/ poster (saw it on opening night) who just had a rough day.
>recent broke af
>as in eating rice and oatmeal broke
>donated plasma today first time for bucks
>not gonna lie, uncomfortable to be there
>get sat on a bed, needle in, other people in beds
>think of alita in pic related
>feel better, smile inside, then outside
>rest of wait fun cus austin powers 3 is being played on low volume for everyone there
>long rest of day
>now chilling at home with my ugly cats sitting outside, eating dinner, in thread, feel awesome
>plan on seeing Alita at the cheapies tomorrow for 2 bucks.
Alita gives strength yo.
Whoever did these is my hero
Me too friend. Me too.
Hon hon hon I hat waifufag oui oui
>2 bucks
Damn, I thought my local showing for 5 bucks a pop was a steal.
Something something goblina mutt
But you'd not see it. If you were serious about it you'd do it in circumstances where there's no way for anyone to stop you. They'd just find a corpse.
I'm sorry things are so tight right now user. Things will get better.
Ugly cats? Are they squish-face cats?
tuesdays only at the usually 4 bucks cheapies. great deal.
Zombies. They call them Cranks
one probably has some squish blood cus of nose.
Why aren't they attacking her then
I was really impressed with the cranks, they're pretty scary.
is that that maze runner stuff? never seen it but considering it cus of rosa only. any good?
>loud road construction going on at the end of my street
God help me it went on until 1AM a couple weeks ago.
they shoulda kept this hammer design and kept it as overpowered one hit of a weapon as it is in the mango instead of having ido be a musketeer with it.
Nah tuned Agent Alita with balisong is peak, imo.
I want an Alita western PLEASE
I am incapable of feeling pity nor sympathy.
Yeah, they reminded me of the Infected from The Last of Us. The director was definitely a fan
They're actually pretty decent. The movies are adapted from "young adult" novels, but are miles ahead of other movies in the genre like Divergent and Hunger Games. The cast is fairly likeable, but Rosa and zombies don't show up until the 2nd film
I will agree that the poncho and harmonica frames are absolutely gorgeous
mmh, i haven't seen people post my webms in a while
>Eng: "Fuck your mercy!"
>Fr: "Rien a foudre de ta pitié!"
Yikes, 4 syllables for the equivalent of "Fuck" huh? French swearing is awkward.
Can I watch Insurgent without having to sit through Divergent?
I like how you can tell from the smooth, curved motion lines that the rocket-hammer is stable, wieldy weapon in Ido's hands. But then in the OVA it's different wobbling through the air
> tfw Rosalita gf does your laundry
doll body with human hands is... odd looking.
/k/ anons is that a Mateba?
ywn grab Rosa's hair in order to keep her alive.
>Yikes, 4 syllables for the equivalent of "Fuck" huh? French swearing is awkward.
yeah but that's where all the flavor is I assume
Good to know, thanks.
I wish they paid me for plasma donations in my country, would be easy money. Why is it an uncomfortable thing for you?
Reminds me of that scene from the Matrix Reloaded where the Merovingian talks about cursing in French
And then the lady eats orgasm cake
this was an unexpected scene when I first read it. But still cute.
But do you have the Vorpal Blade collector's item?
Kek thanks alita but even your fluffy things can't silence the rumble. Can you destroy the tractors for me?
No it's because it's not an as "natural" swearing as it is in English, so it's hard to translet well. Curse don't translate well in general.
An more exact translation would be:
>"Va te faire foudre avec ta pitié"
Translit: Go fuck yourself with your mercy!
In dub:
>"Rien a foudre de ta pitié!"
Translit: Don't give a fuck about your mercy!
No, but I hear it don't cut too well.
I have all the game and DLC tho.
my hate for waifufags is to the bone.
Am I the only one who has watched this series
freaky because that's kind of what planted the idea in my head lol; nice catch user
There are more than one color frens...
I'm one of them
so you have many heroes
Fuck that was a weird scene in hindsight
Have a thee incel!
I like having lots of heroes.
I have exactly 3 euros to my name and over 10 grand in debt.
That and the dinosaur sketch were amazingly adorabe
>accusing anybody of being incel
>putting effort in for once
Whenever you're feeling down, just imagine the smile on Kishiro's face when he saw live-action Alita walking around for the first time, or the final version of the movie's motorball sequences.
There's a lot of fun little things in the earlier parts of the manga
yeah I actually chuckled when I saw it
only pic related watches this movie
try again
it must've been a good feel to see your creation come to life.
I can't wait for the sequel announcement if only so that all the haters will finally shut up about it
careful, SA will make you want to kill yourself because she's a daemon.
I don't anything about the man and I'm happy for him.
Nice set
Mommy there's a bug in my room! Come kill it!
The set is super cool and it's all still up
If I worked on the movie I would camp out in one of the upstairs rooms for the entire shoot
they won't but their shitposting will get even lazier.
very comfy.
Alita you really are an angel, thx
>tfw there's a bug in the room
>mfw I was just in a thread and we were talking about movies and it was on the first page and no one was spamming or doing anything reportable
>got pruned anyway
>all the shit that can go on in these threads
>never pruned
>mfw trolls BEG jannies to nuke us when jannies love us
Great movie. And joke.
Girl can't be incel, flop-kun.
A loser onions boi who make his goal in life post about a great movie floping hower...
Slap it mommy!
lol ok incel
jannies have been on our side almost since the beginning. We're very low maintenance and keep to ourselves.
what if va and sa made out then wrestled each other lol
You do not deserve such digits.
Can you even imagine the feeling?
>oh that's your life's work? The thing you're known for?
>well let me just make a 170 million dollar Hollywood adaptation of it
corrupted digits
still works lol fuck
>"I'm not trying to make a quick buck out of your creation, Kishiro. I believe in it. Alita has won my heart and I won't begin until she's ready."
>the guy whose work you based many of the story and aesthetic elements from in your own work asks you this
I think they're partly curious to see how far we can take it. We keep to ourselves and self-regulate well enough, I don't know why they would ever nuke us.
Watching Alita again tomorrow
>tfw another day of nothing written
Why am I exhausted all the time? Should I buy another case of redbull?
Finding out that Rodriguez was directing must have been great because Kishiro is a huge Frank Miller fan and RR did an amazing job with Sin City
There isn't going to be a sequel because the movie flopped.
now what do you think cutanon
Jannies know that we're a thread of peace and /healing/
Exactly right fren. Complete flop.
floplita 2 basically confirmed I'm convinced
>tfw you know your waifu could take down an EVA
Its not in the theater anymore sweetie.
Energy drinks are a zoomer meme giving you sugar crash, nothing water/coffee, stretching and light exercise don't do better
it's his schtick, user. but he also likes them and I can relate
Maybe I can write something this week... I'll be double sure to make it very comfy...hihihi
Good night of sleep is best for writing ideas BTW.
Take time. You'll suffer burnout, especially given your intensity of writing. The work will come you have to trust in it.
>CutOut is immunized against all shitposts: one may call him a troll, an incel, shill, shitposter, it all runs off him like water off Alita's raincoat. But call him addicted to Redbull and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
But it is bb. In my area anyway
You're back!
It is for many people.
My local theater has screenings at least until the 9th
What song is she dancing to?
>I'll be double sure to make it very comfy
don't believe her lies
>r a r e ThreadMan post that isn't counting
My money is on there being a lot of posts about never getting rid of us upon sequel announcement
Depends on the Alita in question. Movie Alita would probably have trouble cutting down something that big but manga Alita would blow it the fuck out.
>sequel announcemen
Come on user. Be reasonable.
I miss seeing 'Alita Holding Things'
Can someone dump all his? We used to see loads of them in every thread.
Goodnight frens.
Goodnight Alita.
>*tucks her in*
>CutOut is possibly writing again
What this user said. It won't be an announcement, it'll be a confirmation.
itll get better, brother. when youre that low, the only way to survive is gonna be up.
You're right, it'll most likely be a trilogy.
Been writing all this time. It just wasn't Alita.
Yeah I meant more like Imaginos Alita that could run up the side of one in half a second and then blow its head off with a plasma blast without trying very hard
Hugo x Zapan fanfiction when
You'll have to ask VA.
it was one of our earliest OCs so we had a ton, especially with bluray edits.
CO is a nerd! I'm just jealous of his extended Motorball story it was a great read. I love all the writefriends and I'm so proud of you all.
Thread Man x writefag fanfic when?
hey anons
This kills the VA
I've been hoping for the appearance of a new writefriend for some time now. We need more writefriends.
my answer is thus:
Two hits for that
>Cheer up
So... tomorrow then?
>Alita will never fist you with an extendable nanotech arm
What's the point of living?
How many and who are the Namefags?
Also, who are the oldest? (both age and presence in the thread wise)
I'm 22! Dunno how long I been on the thread for.
Suffering user is bullyyyyyyyyyying k agaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiin!
>Nononono don't hit me!
Too many namefags and also regular posters who remain anons but contribute and are recognisable
i-is that a pony battle angel? I wish I could delete this from my memory
/r/ing the VAxAlita fanfic altered to be HugoxZapan!
meant to quote:
There was a guy close to his 50s in one of these threads.
the namefags are all early 20s oddly enough.
Nice try, Jerome.
roll call
Thread Man
Suffering-user (Sadist user)
I feel like I'm forgetting someone
>thread "man" was a Zoomer all this time.
I'll never look at your posts the same way again.
>tfw a decade older than thread man
I'm 28
Hard to say who was here first because a lot of people were user for a long time before making a name
the OC acts like a shield that keeps this floating city unnukeable from space
/abag/ namefags:
/Alita/ namefags
Thread Man
And a few known misc posters like music user and sufferanon
looks right to me unless you count the handful of us blanketposting leftyfrens, but I don't.
Oh fuck I forgot MK and Arch
>tfw several decades older
using Max Headroom only cements that lol
tfw you're a sneaky namefag who some people know but most don't so you're not on the death list
you guys realize crashanon, Peaches, and Jerome are all many people right?
We know you're there, Vamp
inb4 "ara ara Thread Man"
there's only one.
*Hugo Faceroom
>Crop with the play button
Good guess but wrong
Peaches is one but Jerome is a title not a person
VA is one of the leftyfriens
she can be our spokesperson then.
>tfw you're a chameleon namefag who almost never gets identified when the name is off
tfw blessed and protected by Alita
Yeah he doesn't count, bold move to add him with the namefags...
Someone requested this yesterday. Enjoy.
I guess it's more of a notable roles one then
>tfw you know that feel
i want to put a choco bar in that mouth
and still not on the death list, I wonder how many of us will survive
>tfw almost always instantly identified
I know I inspired at least one person here and all I want is pic related when it comes to stories.
There are unnamed regulars like Crash-user, Wholesome-kun, and manga purist
Also, you forgot about ^w^
Yes for Crash-user and Jerome, but Peaches has always been one guy. Only exception is when trolls take his name to spampost,
>Tfw constantly get called out posting on user all the time
Blessed CutOut, I requested it and I'm sure the Glauanon will love this.
some of us will survive and we will try to bring you guys back don't worry
>cutout's mouse went over those curves
Actually jealous a little.
Sneak level: -1
you could learn from me
>tfw it's dark now
>all alone in a shadow no-sun room
>tfw I'm this, except I never actual namefagg'd, but I have a recognizable persona and have been part of many great thread moments. Tried taking a name long ago but was shown immediate backlash and never tried again since
>hell, I made the OC and posted the OPs for the past two threads and have done several times for several other threads.
C o m f y
>pic related is also my OC
>tfw 4 of the namefags are the same person
Oh yeah I remember that guy. He was fun. Also for the age count I'm 22.
>oh hi user, thought you were alone?
38 reporting in.
Fuck that was not the picture I meant to post.
>I know I inspired at least one person here
Still a fledgling, but I'm flappin' away
Eh. I don't wanna change how I talk or whatever, not worth the effort.
I appreciate the offer tho
>4 of the name fags are the same person
Most namefags are fags
Well, I'm not anymore. ha ha tho
>tfw 4 of the namefags are the same person
[x] Doubt
Most of the namefags all produce OC, and many of them all have different skills.
Sure, it's in the name.
did you make this specific 3d logo?
Is VA around? Has anyone asked her how she's feeling?
[no in Japanese], desu
>tfw you've made some decent contributions/discoveries and some shitty OC but nothing to warrant a name. Won't lie, slightly envious but 99% content and happy to see other namefags flourish.
It's not a bad place to be.
that al bundy hand in the pants is pretty funny
What'rya tryin' ta say wit dem trips?
Everyone recognizes me because of how I write my posts and how I name my pictures and .webms. It's a curse.
I'm here! Doing better today! Almost all better, just trying to kick off the last of this bad cold. Hopefully my voice'll come back sooner or later.
Boomer thor was peak kino
I crop images really well for one
Pst. You. Hey you! I heard you guys like /comfy/. I got what you want, right here. Lookit. Premium comfy.
You can always get on our level, user. Not in namefagging if you don't want, but in being an OC creator. Feels good, and you brush up on your shop, video editing, voice acting, and writing skills and your sense of creativity gets sparked.
I made the original too.
You post Ido pics a lot too. That's sorta how I know.
my trips confirm
Does this mean Thread man is the youngest Namefag and the Youngest active poster?
I’m not a namefag but I’ve contributed to a few things that will hopefully /heal/ other anons. A lot of it has to do with general life advice. I love it here. Good luck everyone
All creativity and creation is welcone here. It's not better or worse with a name attached. I love everyone here for making the content they do and keeping ourgirl strong and healthy.
I name all my images the same way though
I think a lot of us do some similar things at this point
Unless someone's lurking as an underage b&, Thread Man would have to be one of the youngest, if not the youngest, yes.
Are the namefags all gonna have a part in the redub
SA should do Chiren
By Yea Forums(nel) rules he must be since
>underage and b&
Bake that new bread
I'm gonna be Romo.
Don't curse Chiren like that
Two girls, VA is obviously Alita, SA should be Koyomi or Chiren
you guys are doing a redub?
Hell yeah BROTHER
I'll bake bread give me one sec
i think alita is cute
posting under the blanket because i'm too embarrassed to tell her
Why didn't anybody tell me this! Can I get a line to read at least?
yeah, whole movie being redone. Here's some of VA's lines
>I heard something...
>tfw late 20s but look like I'm in my early 30s
she's going to peek! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Vector - an user
Alita - VA
Motorball Announcer - Writefag
>tfw you're thor
>tfw if I shave or not I look either 40 or late 20s.
Yeah i call dibs on vector
nah, I'm user and sometimes one of the leftyfrens and I'll always be user.
Yeah, the beard really makes the oldfag look. I should shave more often.
thats some shit shading fren
I don't speak English well enough for that