He doesn't have an ending for the books

Does he even have a real ending for the books? It doesn't take a fucking decade to write a book if you actually know what you're going to write. I think he wrote himself into a corner is hoping he can just die and leave at as some big open story. Like that will make him more prestigious than Tolkien.
He must've fucked up something for his original ending and doesn't know what to do now lol

Attached: grrcheeseburger.jpg (250x303, 11K)

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He's a naturally slow writer who uses some archaic word proc software to do it, and I believe D & D's butchery killed his creative drive for the series. He still works in the world but it doesn't look like he wants to touch the ASOIAF storyline anymore.
Can't really say I blame him too much, creative drive is a real touchy bitch & there's nothing you can really do to force it back once it's gone.

>there's nothing you can really do to force it back once it's gone
I mean you can plow away at it just to get it out like King would do, but you'll get the same quality level at best.

he was actually hoping to crib off the show's ending but that plan obviously went up in smoke

It's the journey that matters, not the destination.

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He has an ending in mind, he just writes so much useless detail (like food description or shitting in a field) that it takes him forever, also he watches too much football. I imagine the ending will be the same, (depending on backlash), but it'll be massively different in how it gets there and take him 9 years.

not only this, but he actually writes EACH CHAPTER from MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES. who the fuck does that

To be Fair the world is too anoying right now. A real writer Will Go where the story leads.
But now the woman can't do anything dumb. He can't kill character X. The white Male cant get too much power

It must be hell trying to write and constantly think of the implications

>take him 9 years
He's been stuck with book 6 of 7 for over a decade, and apparently added two fucking more; not a chance in hell he finishes it in his lifetime even at his "quickest" work pace. And he knows it damn well too.

That's a stylistic thing & Tolkien did that too.