Why were the Hobbits roughly 18th century while the rest of Middle-Earth are buttfuck medieval times?
Why were the Hobbits roughly 18th century while the rest of Middle-Earth are buttfuck medieval times?
Because they were logical thinkers
Sauron kept them in technological stasis
Because they were left alone in their corner of the world until Saruman took an interest
>oh look, there are other people who understand technology
What do you mean? Its medieval all over the place.
The only reason the Shire stands out is because its clean and not touched by war yet.
I dont see how The Shire is more advanced than say, Minas Tirith. But then again I havent read the books so.
most of the world was basically in ruins due to massive recurring wars
I think OP just means their jackets
I like this meme but I cannot begin to remember seeing this shot in the film. Is it in the movie?
Someone help me: is having daughters a good thing or a bad thing?
Even on the commentaries Alan Lee talks about how the Shire is more 18th century based on how Tolkien described them while everyone else is medieval
A good thing if you live in some remote village up in the mountains
Hobbits are intellectually superior to other races
fpbp, also nice digits
They refused to have daughters.
Culturally sure but that comes with being insulated, that they behave differently. Other than having so many books there wasn't too many objects/technology that was different. Their "government" was definitely superior to everyone around tho
Bilbo had a cuckoo clock
Only in looks really. The shire interior and clothes the hobbits ear appears Victorian-ish, but they're simple farmers and don't have technology above middle age as far as I remember.
They were left alone, weren't destroyed by wars/Sauron's armies and prospered.
they were wise hobbits
because it was the England self-insert written by an englishman. An idyllic, somewhat isolated country surrounded by a world of barbaric peasants
A good thing.
The hobbit is one standard deviation above humans on the IQ destribution. Orcs around one standard deviation below humans.
Small things age faster
It's just a little moment man, she will grow up to be a whore, it's not worth it. Actually it's worse because your heart will break
Because the rest of the planet was roughly 18th century until Mordor and Angmar fucked its shit up.
The Shire would be fucked too if not for the protection of the Dunedain rangers.
Hobbits were more advanced because they understood the true nature of women.
When you can get any woman you want you start to see very disturbing repeating patterns in their behavior that begins to make you question how "human" they actually are. That is undeniable. I started noticing it really early and eventually getting women was like watching the same movie again and again. They all were attracted to the same thing and relationships with them all unfolded in broad strokes identically. Women are a lot more like dolphins, chimpanzees, intelligent birds, or well scripted basic A.I. than they are what we traditionally believe to be "human." You shouldn't hate them though because at the end of the day you didn't design them, killing them won't fix them, and you're not an all-seeing all-knowing God so deciding that they need to be fixed in the first place isn't your call to make. You just accept that a lot of what you were told about romantic love and women being equals is just bullshit and you treat them like exotic pets. You wouldn't have a conversation with your dog and expect it to provide you with meaningful and life affirming insight that you can trust and the same is true for women.
If by technology you mean better farming and governance, then yeah.
But base technology is the same in Middle Earth. Like, Hobbiton wouldnt be much different to Bree in terms of technology other than farming or government.
>When you can get any woman you want you start to see very disturbing repeating patterns in their behavior that begins to make you question how "human" they actually are
Can you elaborate?
Not really. I dont think any particular race is intellectually superior in this universe. Its only ever higher figures.
For example Id say Legolas is probably a simpleton compared to say Elrond.