I can't believe they got away with this

I can't believe they got away with this...

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Is it just me or has the sky not started to fall since Trump became president? Why are some people so hysterical?

Things have objectively gotten better.

the fuck is this? some ""woke"" show trying to call out all of the ebil incel drumph lovers?


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we did it Reddit! we are famous!

>tfw I started Benis Back

Attached: CAB25A3D-FECB-4833-8AA2-5232FE8EDE85.jpg (1287x858, 228K)

>sniff her ass

Attached: 1460064250432.jpg (4940x3740, 1.57M)

what is it supposed to be?


This looks like someone's filter list.

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You can't deny the fact incels are drawn to this place like flies to shit. If only you could just go out there and get laid, would solve a whole lot of problems...


I want context and a source before i get mad

On the contrary, I got laid because coming here made me funnier and more knowledgeable in useless but interesting bullshit. Also made me a bantz lord.

Fuck you i spent 20 minutes trying to find out if this was real on some bullshit wannabe hip dead-inside housewife wino daybinge show you fucker

>some autist took the time to edit every single word in

Attached: laghing clooney.jpg (251x251, 7K)

This is somewhat accurate. Place made me grow too, instead of stunting me, but I can see how people end up miserable from coming here.

fucking this

it looks like some user had to come up with a bunch of "Yea Forums lingo" so he just exported his Yea Forums x filter list


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>all the retards itt asking what show
It's obviously OP's laborious edit to include faggot Yea Forums shitpost words.

Should've been more subtle and I might've fallen for it, nice photoshopping skills kid.


Want to know how I know you didn't open the image?

>no cunny

>enforcing toxic masculinity would solve things
I don't think so, sweaty.

Wasn't me. It's a repost from a guy who made it here a while back. He was very cool.

Nice spin.

They've gotten better for people who pay taxes and own stocks, and they've gotten worse for people with fragile mental health who spend too much time reading scaremongering media. For everyone else nothing has changed.

It's like one google search away

I think they've gotten slightly worse for welfare leeches actually. I think that the "infinite child" loophole was closed in the tax reforms.


How do I get a Jewish princess gf, bros?

>orange [man bad] and little donny are /pol/ blatantly falseflagging and not hiding up
>/pol/ still denies they run the board

I hate this stupid "people voted Hitler into power" meme. He was appointed by Hindenberg on his death bed.

Not even taking sides, it's just retarded to make a point while being wrong.

I'm not sure this one adds up. Trump is extremely pro-Jew. Are leftist, anti-Zionist Jews that much more powerful than Zionist Jews?


Oh fuck Im laughing.

They don't run the board, they run the world.
>According to all the schizo trannies out there

True. And he couldn't have seized power without the legislature pussying out and giving him extensive emergency powers. 100% a failure of the elite and not the people

What's under the finger? You can just see the end of the word. It ends in "NNY"

The democrat voter base was whipped up into a frenzy of thinking Trump was the antichrist thinking that they'd win the election and it wouldn't matter. But they lost, and now they can't turn around and say "actually he's just a zany twitter man" because that would mean admitting that they were wrong, which is something they're incapable of doing. It's easier for them to see the world as a delusion in which Donald is ordering mass executions of anyone not straight white and Christian than it is for them to just say hey maybe we got all het up over nothing, let's give the guy a chance maybe. That's not to say the republicans are any different but since they won we don't get to see as much. There can be no bipartisan solution when the opposition is seen s evil rather than just politically different, but in America's campaign-as-reality-television system smear is tactic number one because it gets the best ratings.

What's the original?

dabbed on

Israel is the biggest welfare leech in the country and they're doing better than ever

What would happen if you filtered out every word on this image from this site? Would there even be posts left?

How does a blimp out someone in power dumbass

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he broke the fourth wall

>Stoklasa Feed Seed

porn gotten worse with so much blackness going on now. like damn i just wanna watch a cutie get gangbang without seeing big jamal busting out a freestyle.

Factually untrue retard.


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based 4chad

That's not what I meant. But also it's insanely hard to go against Israel unfortunately. I wish we could, somehow. Look at what they did to Patrick Little.

Is no one going to mention that it says big guy for you at the top

Fuck off, jude

We have a criminal selling out US interests to foreign govts who buy his shoddy condos. We're at the height of corruption in the Executive branch. If anything, the severity of our moment is being too downplayed because everyone treats it like it's just another reality tv show and not like our nation's history and reputation are on the line.

prove it

Here's the real one niggers

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That's only because countries are still lending us money. He's driving up the national debt enormously with no intent to pay it back. We're fucked in a few years and he'll be out of office by then.

How can debt be real when money isn't real?

The episode arc is even worse: the main character is part of a feminazi group (including a feminazi hacker) doxing Trump supporters, sending death threats to a Taylor Swift stand-in's trans brother and being the real source of that stand-in for Swift's Nat-Soc memes (to turn her against the alt right when she refuses to become a good puppet of the left shilling their talking points/shitting on the right), and openly scheming to steal the election from Trump via hacking voting machines.

Worse, it features the evil gay guy from Ugly Betty (who in the show is the one reviewing the list in question in the tweet) wholesale covering up the main character's evil scheme: he warns her that the NSA is onto her plot (eventually getting her Republican husband to decommission the machines when he realizes the group is days away from getting busted and won't stop their plan to steal the election from Trump) and then destroys ALL NSA evidence of the plot because "he likes Diane (the main character)".

Repeat after me commie - 'Carte blanche FISA warrant and they found fuck all' Come on, try it it will make you feel better.

The national debt is mathematically impossible to pay back and it has been for years before Trump took office.


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what in the fuck???


children. in. CAGES

They're all the same.
Nationalists at home, globalists abroad.
If you're white, you will never satisfy them. They want you dead, they want your kids on drugs and they want your bloodline to end.

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