Can we get some Trek memes in here?
Can we get some Trek memes in here?
What is this, secret /trek/ or are we mourning the death of /trek/?
>mourning the death of /trek/?
Were /trek/ threads finally ban from Yea Forums?
Goddamn these are awful.
You guys suck.
Check em
No, they just became so tiresome that they die after 30 posts. Even a few months ago it was rare that /trek/ threads wouldn't hit bump limit.
This, everyone in Star Trek is nice and respectful. It's easy to imagine the unwholesome cultures of today are dead and that everyone acts like a civilized white or east asian person.
It helps as well that the people are shown to respect history, culture and the right to freedom of expression.
before that middle aged unfunny faggot started spamming his /trek/ garbage, star trek threads on Yea Forums were of undeniably high quality
> computer..
> commander tell me about...
> Troi sexual shit
all that arose spontaneously without the need for a fucking general
please for the love of god let the long nightmare be over
I get it when relatively normal people like Star Trek. But you don't have to be a 'progtard' to genuinely wonder why the salty old grognard, who is an abject outspoken racist (drawing from one example person I know) enjoys the sci-fi future where humanity got over that shit somehow.
Is their attraction to it pure surface level, enjoying seeing baddies getting punched and the good guys winning the day? Is there a huge cognitive dissonance going on where they simply don't ever think about the gigantic contradiction in their outlook on life and the media they enjoy? Do they just have a fat crush on Leonard Nimoy they could never speak of?
>Is their attraction to it pure surface level, enjoying seeing baddies getting punched and the good guys winning the day?
Pretty much. These are the same people who watch Fight Club and miss all the social commentary. Or who think the non-expanded universe Empire from Star Trek (or 40k really) are the "good guys." A lot of people who skew racist and xenophobic and other things might appreciate aesthetics, but they don't really understand art. It's an important distinction because anything short of Star Trek 6's Cold War parallels is genuinely lost on them. They really do think Kirk is simply nothing more than the captain who punches lizard-men and romances alien chicks.
I became racist by meeting a bunch of blacks IRL and realizing they weren't at all like Uhura, Geordi, or the Siskos. (or Tuvok or Worf for that matter) Then I looked into the statistics and it got worse.
>13% of the population
>50% of the violent crime
>criminality and IQ correlate with race far more than they do socioeconomic status
>and that's not even getting into other groups' problems, like the physical impossibility of the official Holocaust narrative, or the fact that 80% of women illegally migrating to the US from Central America get raped en route
So yeah, if people behave decently I'll treat them well... but if a group of people consistently acts untrustworthy or violent, I'll treat them accordingly. Trek is a nice future to think about, and I hope we get there some day, but that day is a long way off.
The old threads used to be god tier. Now it's all just memes and tripfag worship. The discord is what killed /trek/.
Boomer alert
>middle aged unfunny faggot
Yeah but he makes a mean chai latte
have a 2011 gif i found on my hard drive
I've been going to 1701 for years and every single time I open the tab there's always THAT guy making cringe comments over and over. It's like he's an alien entity that has power over the mods and they're afraid of him or something. Last time I was there he was literally making shitting sounds and adding bizarre commentary from the episode being shown. Don't get me started on the in-jokes these people have, calling keiko cakehole and changing the cast's names and whatever. I honestly couldn't give a shit about any of it up until I had to endure what was the end of every couple of episodes where they shoehorn some heavily edited video their local tranny "musician" made with absolutely TERRIBLE music, it's like breakbeat but made by someone with no skill or training, 4minutes+ of this shit the fucking cringe man, and they have multiple videos of this shit going on. At least in the past you could just go through the list they had on display and watch whatever ep you wanted while the group watched VOYAGER but they even hid that the absolute fucks. Don't even bother to want to watch some trek on the weekend there because it's movie weekend, or MOOBIES like these dweebs like to call it. Last time I saw them actually stream a trek movie was the first time these fucks shoehorned this shit as an excuse to watch movies aka fucking forever ago. And you can't even try to connect with these people because you're basically held hostage to sit and listen to them drone on about unfunny stupid shit 90% of the time, their daily boring routine lives or their shitty jobs for hours and hours. Absolutely horrible congregation of cringe.