MCU seems to really be jumping the shark here

Time-Travel (from Endgame) is always a cheap plot device used to dig the writers out of the corner they put themselves in when they're too stupid to research the comics and find any numerous ways to solve an 'impossible' task.

Now we have multi-verses, which gets into more ridiculous territory. The multiverse plot device is essentially saying, 'we're sick and tired of following the comic lore that made these characters great in the first place, so fuck you all we're changing it up and falling back on alternative dimensions as an excuse.'

Now in this latest spoiler-filled Spiderman: Far From Home trailer, Mysterio is a good guy? Nevermind that he's been the founder member of the Sinister Six since forever, now the MCU can say he's a good guy from an alternate dimension because....why not?

Bad enough the MCU is going full SJW as well. Sounds like superhero movies are going to back to it's shitty years, like from the 1990s, where they have no clue how to film good superhero movies anymore.

Attached: Spider-Man-Far-From-Home-Mysterio-and-Mysterio.jpg (618x412, 65K)

Y'know Mysterio's main tactic is lying and bullshitting people, right? And literally everything he does is some form of deception?

Are you retarded? He's the bad guy. It's fucking obvious. All that shit about multiverse is probably lies to get Fury support.

sóyboys and tumblrinas will pay for seeing it anyways, so why get upset? just don't watch it

How dumb are you that you know Mysterio is a villain and you watched the trailer and didn't get a single hint that he might be masquerading as a hero in this film? It's incredibly obvious he's a fraud.

Have you seen a single movie?

>face on full display
something doesn't add up

He wears the helmet in other shots.

Attached: mysterio helmet.jpg (1200x600, 241K)

>Now in this latest spoiler-filled Spiderman: Far From Home trailer, Mysterio is a good guy?
are you autistic?
Mysterio's whole schtick is that he creates problems to "solve" so that he can look like a hero.

Attached: confirmed for autism.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>how come this BAD GUY is saying he's actually a good guy?
hmm, surely he is telling the truth and has nothing nefarious planned

>believing mystrio, the master manipulator

The multiverse has been part of Marvel Comics since forever you fucking sóybean

>yfw that storyline that MJ never was real, it was just mysterio making spiderman fall in love with him and sexing him for years, just to crush him with the reveal
i never understood why people cared so much for MJ after that came out

Holy fuck faggot OP BTFO yet again!

the costume looks fucking good, thank god someone actually pays attention to the canon and the fishbowl

Age of Ultron had all that time-trave but they cannibalized it for their IG saga.

the A-list stars are always the villains in the MCU because they want the money from the one film commitment and the flexibility to move on to new films.

Jesus i was surprised to see actual retarded comments like OP's on social media but they actually post here too.

How can you be so fucking retarded, to be deceived by a mcu trailer?

The MCU is fucked and they've completely abandoned the pretense of a serious narrative with stakes, but Mysterio is obviously going to be introduced as a hero and become the villain at the end of act 2. It's telegraphed from a mile away

*ahem* have sex

If I pulled that off would he die?


Ahahahahahah name 3 good capeshit movies that arent guardians or dark knight

um sweety

Attached: 207. uh whuat.jpg (2893x3775, 2.17M)

If you think Mysterio will end up being a good guy in the end, I'm afraid you are legit retarded

>Now we have multi-verses

you actually believe that shit?

Attached: 1460177391490.png (327x316, 208K)

tfw im happy with homecoming

>spidey noir costume

this is all I needed to be happy

Falling for bait: the thread

get ready for some twists. mysterio is the master of illusion so get ready for that whole 'multiverse' nonsense to be a fabrication

seething OP

>too stupid to grasp that Mysterio will obviously be the villain by Act 3
Back to r.eddit with you

nobody has done spiderman justice because they keep miscasting him

>name 3 good capeshit movies except these 4 good capeshit movies

Attached: 1555697239867.jpg (676x698, 160K)

am i the only one who is sad that the multi verse shit will probably be a lie?

It would be extremely illusive.

>Now we have multi-verses, which gets into more ridiculous territory.
established in Dr. Strange

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