varys edition
If there is justice in this world the Mountain will kill Arya
I want to _____ Dany
Jerome Flynn has aged like milk
Did Marg deserve to die like she did?
Which character would you most like to rape you?
Marry and grow old with. :( Fuck D&D
Varys unironically became too redpilled for the show.
Hes close to 60
nth for Ashara
Yes. She was all about playing the game of thrones. Like Cersei said, you either win or you die. Marg just didn't know she was up against a much more ruthless player. Her mistake.
>I love season 8!
Why did subversion of expectations work for Sopranos and not for GoT?
>some of you guys are alright, don't go to Winterfell tomorrow
Not the only one who thought that Dany looked really fucking cute in the new ep, right?
Bobby B
Frogfu or Marg
Reminder he raped Cersei's actress
anyone got the jaime kills the night king green text?
[Panics in Old Valyrian]
Better than Preston.
Yea he seems like an old man now, I don't remember thinking that even last season.
What really went down between them?
Will we ever know why she’s such a bitch to him?
Margery when she makes herself a little minx for Tommen
Sansa, to transfer her rape xp
because viewers today already operate on a meta level, expecting the subversion because everything is subverted nowadays
so the only truly subversive thing left to do now is to play the old tropes straight, whereas back then subversion was fresh and new
he just fucked her silly and got bored
>Dany mad that Cersei chopped Missandei's head off
>Literally executes her prisoners by BURNING THEM ALIVE
Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.
Emilia's facial expressions were amazing this episode. She's at her best acting when she's not speaking
He's 56, by Westeros standards he's probably the oldest person most people have ever met.
>Cersei blows up the Sept of Baelor and takes half of KL with it in a wildfire inferno
>Nothing fucking happens, LITERALLY no one cares
>Dany shows up and suggests using dragons to take out Cersei in the Red Keep so there's no protracted siege or sack of the city
justify this faggotry, dabid
>Jaime kills the night king
Who can stop this madman?
Your grace, I come bearing urgent news, it appears Cersei has BBBBWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH
>would be the only way keep the North in the seven kingdoms
>Jon is more likely to suck it up and have incest then Dany is to suffer a rival
>Jon’s dick will keep Dany sane
LITERALLY would solve all their problems. Why can’t Varys and Tyrionat least suggest marriage to Dany?
Daddy Clegane
it was just the sept
Dany now feels like the only sane person left on the show and everyone else is like an exaggerated caricature of what they used to be, if this was intentional to show what the world looks like from a madman's perspective then it's 10/10 fucking kino but somehow I doubt it was.
Looks like a setup and she will come back to him in the end.
literally what is the appeal?
Best fucking rack.
mad dany is best dany
>word of god means you can’t criticize shit writing
Bullshit, you don't just nuke a massive structure with wildfire in the middle of a crowded urban environment and not have it expand into the surrounding structures. That's literally its entire gimmick. In the scene itself you see it consume whole city blocks even in the opening blast. No fucking way it didn't wreck a solid chunk of the city
Here's your spinoff cast bro
What did he mean by this?
This show had the same thing happen to it as Trailer Park Boys, even the alcoholic old person is an epic evil villain now
hahahhah what the fuck
King of rape, Ramsay
So I guess there's no hope for Varys.
How can she even lose other that Arya killing her in a stealth mission.
No he isn't.
Preston's amazing because he's a turboautist.
This normalfag is cringe.
it all exploded underground
>"I mean, so much great drama and so much great storytelling is completely surprising when it hits you, and then if you go back and you read it again, and you go back and you watch it again, you're asking yourself the question, "how could I have missed that this thing was coming?" - D.B. Weiss
what the fuck happened
besides isnt she barren from the time that witch cursed her womb or something all the way back with the dothraki?
so if she wins theres gonna be another civil war over succession when she croaks
I tried.
So the dire wolves didnt mean or do shit. And the battle of Ice and Fire lasted for like 5 minutes in one episode. I was watching this shitty soap opera cloaked as a fantasy to get t to an epic final season of zombies vs. dragons. WTF were they thinking? Was it too expensive to actually have any real fantasy situations?
why are normies so attached to missandei?
like she's contributed nothing to the story other than being the love interest of grey worm, she's a literalwho adviser compared to tyrion/varys
>Varys: I'm glad that negress is dead, Westeros for the whites
No wonder Dany has him executed
>how can she even win?
>none of it means any thing if you're not with me
>so be with me
Its so sincere and adorable, I actually feel bad. Espeically when there's no reason for her to turn him down
>hurr durr im no lady
Right because fucking GENDRY THE BASTARD BLACKSMITH , the only man Arya could trust knowing she was a girl way back when, is going to force her to be a housewife and broodmare.
Literally already plotting to unseat Dany too, but somehow she can't see that having 2 possible claimants to the throne on their team and not Danys only helps them AND could theoretically bring the Stormlands to their side in the upcoming war.
I know its just bullshit for the sake of subverted expectations / her suicide mission with Clegane but come the fuck on.
why is dorne suddenly involved?
> despite being only 13 percent of the population
> make up the entire ugly cast
D&D turning off her ridiculous plot armor
>"Oh shit I forgot I'm a married man now I have to pretend I don't like kissing my 10/10 ex"
What happens to Yohn Royce?
I'm interested in the Qyburn's own agenda plot. Isn't he just guilty by association at this point? Whenever people complain about blowing up the sept it's entirely credited to Cersei, would Dany & co just kill him because he's the hand and invented a method that can kill her dragons? People have just written him off as a 100% confirmed death either by a Dany rampage or an Arya face-steal but I think out of all of Cersei's allies he's going to be the guy to live
The city of Dorne?
this is a little off topic but how the fuck does my girl brienne of tarth end up with a fucking real life pepe looking shlub?
Dragon Armor.
Dany Sacking the city and killing all the innocent civilians
>someone taller
>Opening chapters of Game of Thrones
>"Ned, let's join our houses!"
>Myrcella gets promised to Robb Stark along with Sansa to Joffrey, just to further reinforce house ties (Bobby was feeling sentimental)
>Gets left in Winterfell while Sansa and Arya come south
What changes?
fucking shit, wrong image
>she's a literalwho
this is problematic thinking
He was our only hope
>we need to redo season 8
more like redo from season 5
or from season 2
Nah, she said she's not returning to Winterfell.
That means either she fucks off for endgame questing at the end or she intends to stay in King's Landing.
She’s the pet nigger
Based Kit
As long as it's consistent within the world of Westeros, it's fine. Have the negroes come from the Summer Isles or some far-off place in Essos. The Long Night supposedly affected the whole world not just Westeros, so it could make sense
The moment they try and say these darkies are First Men or Andals or whatever is when I nope the fuck out of it.
token poc killed = this is literally worse than the atlantic slave trade
t. woke twitter
Bollywood movies are less diverse than this bullshit.
>"Jon I think you should stab Dany, she cray-cray"
>"Okay Sansa"
Yeah you can't armor a dragons wings and still allow it to fly.
>hardly knows how to use a fork
>is made lord of an entire kingdom and a claimant to the throne
What did George and D&D mean by this?
And is it me or does Arya look psycho here?
This kinda looks like she's in that movie Alita with her big eyes right there.
So? You see the green flames consume like an entire quarter of the city
we need to redo the viewers
maybe give them actual parenting during childhood so they dont grow to be entitled cunts
because she's a 56 percenter
reminder that in the books the ruthless player she's up against is VARYS, not Cersei.
Arya Uchiha
Teleport Bronn
Alzheimers Tyrion
Grey Worm
Darkstar is pro Dany for some reason
The very one.
why the fuck didnt the 2 dragons fly really high to scout the fucking fleet with the ballistas?
they cant aim straight up or 1 mile into the sky
user, they never said black people came from the Summer Isles in the show. Fully expect them to be First Men. And this show isn't gonna be around the entire world, it's gonna be right back to Westeros in the North
she did a nice job on hound but that aside she's a retard
>I am the God of Hellfire, and I bring you FIRE!
Be careful senpai!
Euron Greyjoy (CV: Norio Wakamoto)
what was he thinking?
>le entitled meme
Cersei would never allow her to remain. Robb would have gone south.
Though, given it's Robert, he'd have pushed since he didn't take shit from Cersei. He's the only character that never took a single amount of shit from Cersei. Got killed for it.
I think Robb would get along with her, and Cersei wouldn't dare let Joffrey kill Ned if it could get Myrcella into trouble.
user, you severely underestimate Qyburn's railgun ballista
i just want to say i love this meme
Was it necessary shop her head though? I could do without the enlarged head.
Exactly that
Sopranos didn't "subvert expectations" it was a legit by-the-book psychological mob drama. only HOW the ending is shown is unusual, not what happens.
the asoiaf books aren't about "subversion" in the sense that D&D mean, either.
Is this by the same person that said ep3 wasn't dark and I just need to calibrate my tv?
Game of Thrones should’ve been an anime
I’ll be so fucking mad if they kill off dany and don’t let her have the thrown
Ice to see ya
Ashara Dayne, gently or violently
I don’t care which
It's bad in the show because they merged Edric Storm and Gendry into one character in the show. Edric Storm grew up in Storm's End and is a recognized bastard of Robert. He gets abducted by Stannis and Melisandre and Davos frees him on the boat. It would make sense for him to be legitimized into a lord because people actually know him and Robert recognized him as his own.
>Avenge my plundered holes
>important card to keep Lannisters at bay
>If Robb has already consummated and is honorable no deal with Freys so war might be more difficult but no risk of Red wedding backstabbing
>If no marriage/ no consummated Robb does the same stupid thing again
it's 2am here and I'm making varys cough memes how do I retake control of my life
what does GRRM think of the show now? has he commented publicly on it?
Emelia is so fucking pretty, I don't get why she looks like such shit in GoT
what did varys mean by this?
Gotta love how Tyrion and Varys basically confirmed the Bran is the new king leak.
You only say that because she's cute.
da show is da show and da books are da books
stop making fun og gray worm
can someone post the one with Davos "i am of the niggit"?
based Sam
I don't think you realize just how big King's Landing is, friend.
she doesnt
Who is the Prince of the City of Dorne?
>And this show isn't gonna be around the entire world, it's gonna be right back to Westeros in the North
All the black characters except Missandei have been from the southern isles. They even had Xaro Xhoan Daxos come from there since they changed him to be black
I like Stephen Dillane too but maybe it's time to admit Stannis is dead.
Best character
>Khaleesi...come closer
>The nomad shitkins...the dothraki...I tried to make sure that all of those subhumans died in the charge...
>But *coughs up blood*
>But I think a few may have survived...I'm so sorry Khaleesi...please make sure they are all dead for me
>Please...and the castrated niggers too, please check that none of them are alive...this is my last wish, my Khaleesi...
>The White Man's burden Khaleesi....
*looks at camera*
>the darkies from the summer isles, the shitskins of essos, the chinks from yi ti, it's our duty to rule them
>non white races shall not despoil westeros
>goodbye Khaleesi....
>mfw Jorah Brownsbane "whitebringer" failed to kill all the Dothraki and unsullied.
"Failure in love, failure in life, failed protector of the realm, here lies Ser Jorah, he never scored"
We don't know.
But they are never in a room together. So something bad happened. Not our business but its unusual to be that hostile.
That awkward moment when daddy Sam has to explain to little Sam that he can’t inherit horn hill because he’s a several generations inbred wildling fuck and that’s also why he can’t wipe his own ass still
>Dany forgetting about Eurons fleet AND the scorpion ballista
>Dany not seeing the fuckhuge ballista
>Every fired arrow hits the first dragon yet the second dragon doesn't get hit by a million arrows afterwards
>The survivors of Danys destroyed ships teleporting back to Dragonstone
>Cersei not wiping out Dany and her crew when she got this close to the city wall
So it turns out it S8 can get worse than in episode 3
My expectations are subverted good job D&D
So, will Dickhead & Dipshit address the fact that Tyrion talked about Cersei's unborn child while Euron was standing right there? From his perspective, how the fuck would Tyrion know Cersei was pregnant unless she got knocked up by someone else first?
le cool wine aunt
>no body
not dead
Episode 5 is flashbacks
Episode 6 is a time skip
We have officially left the present behind
my sides are in orbit
His name is Darkstar and he is of the Night
>does the right thing and asks to marry a woman from a noble family he fucked out of marriage
>she rejects him
if I was him I'd be pretty happy, now he doesn't have to fuck some slag
>Oh fuck that's right our son would be a Bastard, so naming it Jon... oof...
>Game of Thrones should’ve been an anime
What went so terribly wrong that people are now unironically saying this?
make more
This but unironically. If she loses the throne that’s fine but she deserves to sit on it. But then again, Jon deserves to kill the night king
Reminder that Jaime fucked this amazonian babe
could just assume qyburn told him
The books moral compass is still firmly on the Tolkien side of things. The characters just have a harder time living up to them because the situation and plot is far more grey than a literal physical manifestation of evil, using weirdo Power that's somehow woven into the earth by a greater evil to create an evil object and control a race of always evil corrupted elves.
Ned Stark is still the greatest character in the show or books
Fucking Cersei knows it. She still called on his memory to try and get Jon to at least be neutral.
In the books, there isn't a northern house that collectively hates the Starks, besides the Bolton. Every single house has loyalists if not the entire house being loyal
Ned Stark is the paragon of Westeros. That symbol not even GRRM tore down
Which is why it would make sense he really did fuck Ashara. Because even a paragon is a fool for love.
Sam and Gilly is so fake and gay, irl she'd cuck him with a knight or Dothraki at the very first opportunity
Have you ever cried in an ep. of game of thrones? If so, which one?
I cried when Ygritte died.
why isnt there fucking more????
Dire Wolves are wild beasts, not Labradors.
Letting it run free without coddling is Jpn's final gift to Ghost
Drogon has dragon armour
Jon kills dany
the imp made a deal with cersie to trick jon into thinking dany went mad so he would kill her
jon sacrifices himself and brings dany back to life after arya kills cersie
drogon kills the imp
ss this
She's a terrible actor.
Niggers and nigger lovers
Africanization ruins everything.
Sorry bros, I was with you in hating Dany up until this season but they made her into a literal saint now and everyone else is fucking retarded, if you don't support her claim at this point you genuinely might be just a woman hater (nothing wrong with that but we're talking about story here)
Because actual people aren't always 100% pretty all the time from every angle
I know that Wildfire is practically impossible to extinguish and that Cersei just blew a fist-sized chunk out of it with the stuff, and that literally nobody was expecting it so there weren't any countermeasures prepared or anything. City was fucked.
>Alys Karstark
I don't think either Jon or Dany care about the incest angle. Targ's do that shit in Westeros so it would be no big deal and Jon probably can't help but think of himself as a Stark after being raised by them.
It got a little dusty at my place when Ygritte died and also when Jon was surrounded by the White Walkers and Dany swooped in with the dragon
>I'm not afraid of Wildlings
What did that random wench mean by this? Widlings are kidnapping rapist savages. Tormund himself killed an entire village plus Moletown, why is everyone acting like he's a decent guy?
>ss this
Why did nobody invent giant crossbows before? Even without dragons they are OP as hell.
i was pretty sad when the 2 dragons died and when the little cunt stabbed jon in the heart
that aside, nothing much
>I have to pretend I don't like kissing my 10/10 ex"
>my 10/10 ex"
she wanted the Freefolk D
>game of mongoloids
No shit, it's obvious why she did it, doesn't change the fact that she's a cunt for breaking her oath. That might make her a manipulator(idk about master), but it also makes her untrustworthy.
I'm now a #targmissile
Jon does care, is why he stopped kissing her
explain this coughing meme please
Dumb cunt. You have a vagina and you were born into nobility. You're a goddamn lady regardless of how you act.
>he's dead and his brothers are dead, so who's lord of Storm's End now?
>No body your grace
>Want something good
>Get something bad
The ultimate subversion of expectations.
Why was episode 4 so much better than the rest of the season?
They come from the Summer Isles or Essos you absolute lorelet.
They cancelled this btw.
They are going with The Long Night prequel rather than the ancient Valyria prequel.
The Long Night prequel starts shooting this summer.
2 others are in early stages for shooting a pilot episode.
2 others have been cancelled(including the Valyria one)
one last Emilia before sleep
well at least it wouldn't be quite as horribly unsatisfying, as Tyrion is a nothing character at this point.
aren't the Mad King's wildfire caches still largely in place? should the blast at the Sept at least triggered some of them?
or did I miss a line where a pyromancer mentioned they collected them all
seriously why is Varys lying like that so hilarious
cause he wanted to fuck brienne like a rabid dog lel
what about bran/white walkers/alwaysnightking????
To be fair Euron seems like a guy who doesn't understand how basic human biology works.
She's not his ex dipshit; they probably never even met each other until the sixth season
The first time this show made me remotely sad was when Viserion died. Last night I was outraged to see Rhaegal die too.
This show pisses me off when the Dairy Queen wastes her goddamn capital assets, which are also critically endangered species.
Also I was pretty fucking sad when Stannis burned his cute daughter. I blame it all on the dabids being horrible fucking people.
we know, Ned
This is jalabhar xho. Say something nice about him, then donate to his patreon so he can reclaim the Summer Isles
Westeros' defense budget didn't allow it.
why tf does anyone believe these shitposts that are just the same predictions getting rehashed. stop it
Literally got converted last episode. She was so lonely...
I hope they subvert our expectations by ending it all next episode so we can finally be done with this shit.
Apparently in their sex scene his sock came off and she felt his cock rub against her vaginal sleeve for protection. Which is why they looked extremely flustered before having to cut to reattach his sock.
>balista is more powerful than cannons
At some point they are just showing off special effects and unnecessarily wasting money instead of developing other sets.
>he didn't take shit from Cersei.
What is when Cersei demanded that Lady be killed?
You think they have a budget to do shit that takes place all over the world and won't capitalize on the family most known for Winter and leading the North? The only family that comes out "happy", alive and in power by the series finale?
Not Sallahdor Saan either. Again user, just because one or two black characters are from there doesn't mean they all are. Show never said so they can do anything they want
>I hope it's a girl
Is he making White Walker jokes? Too soon, man.
have you got a source on this at all
>doesn't change the fact that she's a cunt for breaking her oath.
Well you see Ned Stark was an idiot and a fool
Thats why the entire North & Riverlands rallied behind Robb and why the North even bothered to entertain her farce of a marriage to the bolton
God, could you fucking imagine being one of Neds oldest bannermen, some of your own friends or family murdered at the red wedding, then Sansa Stark who may as well been dead or a Lannister slampig rides in to marry into the house the murdered her family
should have ripped her head off instead
coughposting is my new favourite shitposting
She's 6'3 and may be wearing heels there; as a girl that tall you're basically limited to dating like the 0.5% tallest of the male population, who also are incredibly desirable to every other woman on earth
I was dissapointed with the show but after the last episode this is getting so good... normies are seething after the stupid dragon and nigger die can't wait until all brown are dead and dany prove to be a stupid whore lmao
Jon will marry yara, forming the dragon/wolf/kraken bloodline that will rule for a thousand years
based hound poster
By means of Jamie
should have raped her head off instead
I honestly can't believe how bad that episode was
everyone thought D&D was playing it safe and just coast the last 3 seasons pandering to lefty politics and strong wom3n trend.
Then they all got BTFO'd and it confirmed the leaks that the last 2 episodes will BTFO everyone more.
D&D showed they are willing to piss off everyone, ergo are /ourguys/
>someone taller
Why is reddit trying to pretend were danyfags now?
What do you think they mean when they say "Wildfire caches"? There are caches underground in important areas, like under the Sept. The Mad King wanted to ignite all the caches during Robert's Rebellion. You can't just blow one up and chain reaction all of the caches. There are things in place specifically to prevent this, like ceilings with sand over them that collapse to snuff out any accidental ignitions. But the biggest thing is distance between them. You can blow one up and it won't reach far enough to ignite other caches. They designed that on purpose.
>source: user's ass
The true Game of Thrones were the friends we killed along the way.
tfw D&D are so incompetent at making their feminist TV show that all of the women in it are legitimately retarded.
I don’t buy that Tyrion would plot against her. There would’ve been some foreshadowing or hints that he is conspiring against Dany
best one yet
I'm pretty sure they're both actually gay and using eachother as cover-ups
he's a big guy
you just know
>big victory and feast all thanks to her and she's all alone
I need leaks
so just like irl lol
im gonna go have sex now
I wasn’t present for Pedro Pascal’s audition, but I understand that he really killed it with his reading. And since his casting was announced, the producer of another TV show on which he appeared recently has written me to say how terrific Pascal is, and to congratulate us on the casting. So I suspect that he will turn out to be a wonderful Red Viper.
I do know that David and Dan and HBO do favor having a racially and ethnically diverse cast on the series. It is true that we’ve lost several black characters who appear in the novels (Chataya and Alayaya, Jalabhar Xho, Strong Belwas), but to balance that, characters like Salladhor Saan and Xaro Xhoan Daxos, both white in the books, have been played by black actors. Missandei as well, though in the books the Naathi are golden-skinned, not white.
As for the Dornishmen, well, though by and large I reject one to one analogies, I’ve always pictured the “salty Dornish” as being more Mediterranean than African in appearance; Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portugese, etc. Dark hair and eyes, olive skin. Pedro Pascal is Chilean.
When and if the show introduces Prince Oberyn’s daughters, the Sand Snakes, I expect we will see the same diversity as in the books, ranging from Tyene (blond and blue-eyed) to Sarella (light brown skin, as her mother was a Summer Islander). And I expect that the crew of the CINNAMON WIND will all be cast with black actors…
--GRRM, 2013
Wasted. If you care about making normies rage more than faithfully adapting the books with great writing and characterization the go back to plebbit
For you
>implying the same thing will happen in the books
>autist behaving autistically
>There would’ve been some foreshadowing or hints
Have you been watching this season?
The entire romance is D&D OC user, it's the only thing that makes sense. It's the only way that all these other people can talk about it among themselves but never bring it up. It's why not even Dany or Jon suggests it. The romance was there for no reason than throwing us off the track of Mad Queen Dany and giving a shortcut for Dany going mad by making it tragic that the man she loves is the heir and they're plotting to put him on the throne
c-cool man m-me too haha
The writing may have been shit but the acting was great! 10/10
seriously? shireen
>mom said it's my turn to play Fortnite
I would share some medieval coffee with her
Emilia get out
this coughposting my sides are inside of a black hole
Yes. What did I miss?
THIS. god fucking damn it these memes are FIRE
How does Varys keep getting away with it? He's a fucking scumbag
>you know why all the world hates a Lannister?
He was god-tier the moment he said that line. And his improv of running his hand through the candle flame. What a god-tier actor. Even now something about the way he spoke that line, the syntax, the tone, all of it, it makes me happy we got this
This can't be happening, I'm in charge here!
red wedding , and when Hodor died
I'm saying that you wouldn't need to trigger the other caches. The wildfire explosion from the single ignited cache would consume a large portion of the city on its own before it could be put out. It's a foregone conclusion based on how they hyped the wildfire up at literally every point in the show.
>you absolute lorelet.
Book lore is not show lore fag, read my post again
He’s clearly been wavering in this last episode and he in the preview for so 5 he looks pretty conflicted
The fact that your expectations are about to be subverted
Didn't the dornish people use them to shoot down Maraxes or whatever that dragons name was 300 years ago?
>If you care about making normies rage more than faithfully adapting the books
They literally ran out of books S5 user
Going by what Westeros's technology should be compared to real life, ballistae would have been invented a millenium prior to the story and they should be using arquebuses and cannons by now. Guns predate full plate armor by a long time.
>basically a big crossbow
>max effective range of like 100m
>clunky to reload
>bolts don't really go all that fast, relies entirely on being relatively close and stationary
>fucks up dragon and boats from 1000m away
I seriously wish d&d would kill themselves. They're like those faggots obsessed with trebuchets, except with ballista instead.
I went from wouldn’t it be cool if Cersei ends up killing dany to okay I feel from her. You can feel that she wants blood for her hot mutt assistant and her dead dragon
Never once cried at the show, but I cried several times at the books, even over mundane shit where nobody dies like the chapter where Jon's embarrassed at the family dinner in AGOT.
Yes, by getting an extremely lucky hit directly in the eye at relatively close range.
>I'm saying that you wouldn't need to trigger the other caches.
And I'm saying you would. The pyromancers specifically designed it this way so you didn't nuke all of KL with one cache exploding.
Stannis is obvs the new ruler of Dorne, he went south and established a rule by killing his way to the top and nobody noticed cause they're too busy with the main drama. He will do a blackwater 2.0 while KL is in chaos and will win this time. Screencap this
That's pretty dumb of GRRM to say since Pedro Pascal is obviously a white as fuck Chilean.
why was euron even there waiting with ballistas? because expectations needed to be subverted
Jon and Dany are very likely going to hook up in the books too
>tfw dragon teen gf dumps you to go marry for political alliance in her war in Westeros but then she fights two wars and has several allies but isn’t married
Make more then masturbate to Sansa in her 24/7 BDSM outfit.
>Dany forgetting about Eurons fleet AND the scorpion ballista
Women are shit at warfare and strategy.
>Dany not seeing the fuckhuge ballista
It's easy to miss when its hidden behind the terrain
>Every fired arrow hits the first dragon yet the second dragon doesn't get hit by a million arrows afterwards
Rhaegal was flying on a conventional path. Its easy to hit a giant creature just lead it then fire. Same logic applies to all shooting.
>The survivors of Danys destroyed ships teleporting back to Dragonstone
Hardly. They were off the coast of Dragonstone and they washed ashore.
>Cersei not wiping out Dany and her crew when she got this close to the city wall
Yes this really fucking annoyed me. Use the wall scorpions to take down Drogon, then use the archers to pepper the box of slaves and traitors telling them to avoid hitting Dany then send out the mountain to crush Dany's skull.
Tywin would have done it. Further proof women are shit at warfare and strategy.
How dare you talk that way about Cr1tikal.
She cute
didn't he catch up with the show like literally a week ago or something? He doesn't get to shit on it when there are people who have been following the series since '95.
You don't know that. For all you know, any of the caches could independently burn the whole city down and the only reason why there was a shitload of them was for redundancy in case any of them were destroyed or discovered.
>GRRM thought we’d get any of the boats
>at most we got a one-off line from euron in the final season
>to the Dragon Queen!
[numales and tubbies cheer and raise glasses]
>to Arya Stark, the hero of Winterfell!
[cheer even louder]
this is Dumb and Dumber's target audience... behold it in all its horror
>yfw Ellaria is still in the dungeon watching her daughters face collapse and stomach bloat before exploding and decaying at increasing rate with a swarm of flies and maggots.
Based Cersei.
I still have to read all the books.
>so you didn't nuke all of KL with one cache exploding.
Lol wot? Not him but that doesn't make sense. Aerys told one dude to set off the wildfire, unless there's a whole contingent of pyromancers just waiting that he can secretly signal to trigger all the caches before Tywin's troops can get somewhere and kill whoever is there, there has to be a ripple effect where one explosion takes out the others. Otherwise one dude doesn't get the signal or dies and not much burns
>"Good luck finding someone that doesn't want the throne"
Yeah confirmed for sure.
Jesus all the leaks for 4-6 are spot on.
im unironically routing for dany to go full mad queen and burn the whole city + tyrion and varys alive, only to have jaime kill her and then Jon becomes king and executes jaime just like Ned executed the guy in season 1
Yeah they keep using crossbow/ballista without acknowledging any of the difficulties or shortcomings involved. Last episode Bronn threatened 2 people with a crossbow and at one point fired into the wall; not shown was him cranking the thing in about 1 second. KL must have some AMAZING fucking crossbow tech if they can be winched that fast. At least they had the courtesy to show him clumsily load the thing. It was all played off as a joke despite the fact a man waved a loaded crossbow at people ostensibly his friends and there will be no repercussions because Bronn is officially a comic relief character now.
Crazy Dany
Nah, not really. The complete turn from all the mentions of Dany being barren and Jon not believing it, to Jon being told to pass on longclaw to his kids and how in love they were and banged on the boat to Dany not liking him and no one seriously taking marriage into account even when it would fix all their problems tells me the romance is completely made up by D&D. nothing is paying off and everything would've happened just the same without them being in love, except how crazy Dany would turn.
Joffrey was actually shown cranking the tension up when used it. Nowadays everything is “solved” off screen with jump cuts.
What was their plan? To fight back against the ships miles away in the distance shooting giant crossbow bolts at them by chucking spears? Literally what did they mean by this?
Screencap to the ending of the show in the flashforward section as part of the epilogue.
>People bitching about Dany forgetting about Scorpions.
Dragons are suppose to be invincible in the air so there's no reason why she should have given a single fuck.
Best part is that this retroactive makes the NK even more of a bitch. The one in a million shot that's impossible for mere mortals wasn't impossible for mere mortals. His throw wasn't supernatural, he was just somewhat stronger than a mortal.
It also makes Stannis siege at King's Landing retarded. Why did they give a shit about the horribly dangerous dragonfire when they could just used Scorpions since they shred through ship as if they're made out of paper. Stannis should have known that they had the high ground. Fucking hell he was probably lucky they didn't had Scorpions, at least you know you have to bail if you see a huge green fire, the Scorpions would probably have stealthmode enabled or something if used at the night.
She looked like she got bad service at a Starbucks. She never seems genuinely distressed or vicious. Shit, last episode had a scene where she stares around like the Targ autist she really is.
who is this qt
Nuclear Daenerys vs Nuclear Cersei and 1mn people between them.
I'm okay with this.
Imagine some alone time with her tight warm body
>Best part is that this retroactive makes the NK even more of a bitch. The one in a million shot that's impossible for mere mortals wasn't impossible for mere mortals. His throw wasn't supernatural, he was just somewhat stronger than a mortal.
This. I think the dabids recycled it because they're that craven and boring. Plus the rationale offered at the wrap... she "forgot"? fucking lol?
He dies next episode so don't worry.
Reminder that Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen is /ourgirl/ as she personally ended the Dothraki menace.
omg Xd edgy spoiler man! haha lol woah lol ya got me!!!!!!
Fuck me I forgot about that.
I wonder if they'll show it.
Who cares what they look like, the spinoff literally cannot be worse that this shit Ill happily watch it.
so is jaime going to try to kill cersei or did dumb and dumber undo all that character development
Its been modified. I noticed that aswell, no cranking it. Looks like Qyburn modded it with the same technique used on the mounted scorpions on the walls and ships.
It's probably going to be Mary Sue Arya who kills her
I'm sure it's somewhere in his mind but if he's sure he's a Targ (and he is) then he knows they do that shit and it's not a problem. Better than a brother-sister hookup. Hell for them an aunt-nephew is downright mundane.
It's her psychotic Iron Throne obsession that's really bugging the shit out of him. That's obvious.
how did you miss the opportunity to say Andal Man's Burden?
>so there's no reason why she should have given a single fuck.
Yes she should cause one shot was enough to made Drogon have to land even if it wasn't lethal. And she should've never gotten ambushed since she's in the fucking air on a clear day
My sides
Wildling. She's the sister of Mance Rayders wife.
>Looks like the writers are dumb fags and don't give a shit about the technical realities of crossbows
I want to make wildling babies with this
Cuz shes cute
Suitably white for child bearing
>children: 0
this is the end of civilization
I liked her abs
I still don’t believe the leaks are true but it could be that I’m still in denial. For those who agree with me, please reassure me.
This man angers me. His demeanor is fucking offensive, he is a toad that has been on a sunbed for too long, a frog from benidorm, a fucking jet-set looking 'entrepeneur' type who sells dildos and has a yacht in San Marino. I don't even know this piece of human detritus but he is making my blood boil. The way his square glasses frame his square face, and his fucking disgusting melted chin. He does not belong in my reality. If I had it my way, men like this - that is, sub-men who cover up their complete and utter degeneracy with fake tans and money - would be forced to be elevator attendants and hand-dryers in club bathrooms, and would never be allowed in the tanning salon ever again. His miserable face is not justified unless it is his misfortune causing it. He gets to have that lovely giantess sit on his face at his whim, yet he still chooses to allow his facial muscles to gravitate towards a perpetual hideousness. He has no right to be a toad. If I saw him in my pond I would crush him with a brick.
I'm not even done with this slimy cunt. He looks like they guy my loose cannon aunt would bring home. I don't even care if he has a nice personality (which I doubt is the case) his crypto-amphibious visage gives me all of the information I need on him: he is a sad anachronism, a self-denier, a santrapa bore, he has no redeeming qualities. He is an antique roadshow extra who is convinced their dusty heirloom is the most impressive piece of shit to ever grace the screens. He prides himself on his ability to gurn.
I didn't want to get to this but the more I look at his greasy orange face the more it becomes necessary: I want to vomit at the idea of this tanned froglin mounting Christie and depositing his sperm into her. He would do this exactly in the manner of a frog: a piggy back position. His tiny limbs would look microscopic compared to the maw of his giantess wife. Fuck this man, and fuck his dumb frog fucking face.