Why did the romcom film genre die?

Why did the romcom film genre die?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Despite being only 13%...

im not a virgin

Sneed's Feed and Seed

i love you babe

Sneed's Feed and Seed

It was saved this weekend, user. Where were you?

Attached: Long Shot.jpg (760x589, 88K)

damn bitch ur ugly

im gonna say it


Bridesmaids was the last good rom com

political correctness won afterall

Let's get some rape

Nothing, I said nothing

Attached: dr pavel.png (716x572, 329K)

I fucked Ted

How are you paying?

Pee pee poo poo

I like little girls.

Jews did nine eleven



Hitler wasn't completely wrong...

Your forehead is big

It's time for rape

I browse Yea Forums everyday


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It's popular in asia

You're a big guy

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let's share the bill

That won't scare her away if you're chad enough

please eat my ass


I shit my pants

It looks like ___ _____ _____ ____.

Ahem, the n word.

'Thirteen percent' is two words user

please be my girlfriend

Show bob and vagene

I voted for Trump.

Because women are so distracted by their phones they can't pay attention to a movie for five minutes.

>Why did the romcom film genre die?
Because the rom-com genre is all about white people, which is problematic

that might work out well, not for you tho inbred

Mrs. Obama, get down!

Attached: penguins of rhodesia.jpg (640x640, 55K)

U want sum fuck?

>*ting* *ting*
Excuse me...

No it isn't faggot. Fuck you.

Show bobs an vagene

I'm a marvel guy

I play video games

You like Rick n Morty?

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Beat me to it

I hate star wars

I am a virgin

please eat my ass

>going on a date

Want to see Endgame?


Attached: bane.png (569x802, 563K)

I go on Yea Forums

My life for aiur

Because it used to he fun trip and then it got taken over by (((female comedians))).

Comepare a classic like 10 Things I Hate About You to anything now.

I'm no longer infected

you're gonna be fat

i stand with women

the good thing of being good looking is that I can say everything and I can't ruin it

fuck kike and niggers

comedy movies in general died out, mostly because they were over-saturated in the late 90s and all throughout the 00s

Thanks for paying, friend!


I paint Yea Forums memes

Attached: 299. Dab on the h9trz.jpg (2974x2974, 1.59M)

Absolutely BASED

if ur going on dates and not just banging over tinder then you're not good looking.


>hits pipe
Think about it logically...

Release the Snyder Cut

Actually they are wyverns


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ding ding ding
it's 100% effective

My name is user.

Based And Red Pilled

"The problem is girls..."

ur a big guy


have sex................................................................................................................................with me

>Seth Rogen
Gross no

Actually, it's three.
>inb4 American brainlets don't understand basic Latin grammatical structure

Okay, I'm thinking this is pretty based.

why not a mix? there nice women without tinder

You're right, it's actually thir teen per cent, so it's actually four words


I have a pagina

Because people don't have sexâ„¢ anymore.

Thank you Based God

he has bigger tits than she does.

Rom coms became less popular because most didn't perform well internationally and basically never had any shelf life. Why spend $35 million to make a movie that grosses $70 million and that's about it while you can make capeshit that costs $100 million but will gross $500 million and sell a lot of digital copies and maybe even some blu rays because millions of dumb Chinese people want to see it.

Romantic comedies were also severely mocked and all their tropes were made fun of. It was "uncool" to make or star in them.

Now you can't risk making a straightforward one with a toxic white male and an old fashioned white woman because it would be too problematic. So you're just left with shit like Crazy Rich Asians or that new Seth Rogen movie that ~subverts your expectations~.

Got something for me?

Male: I only do anal


I only play Xbox

Xbox is better than Playstation dumbass


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Only whores use condoms.

You hit the wall

I play video games

Black "people" are niggers

Imagine being this beta and retarded

Have sex

ayyy nice forehead lmao

Dick in mouth now.

um I um you...


That's six words fren

i like fucking lolis


Yes, I am white.

>I have a kid
>I have a tattoo
>I have a STI
>I have a STD
>I have no degree
>I like to travel
The list goes on and on, but for brevity's sake I'll stop here.

Attached: man-is-getting-bored-on-first-date-P9C05K.jpg (1300x821, 147K)


Isn't that the girl who convinced her boyfriend to commit suicide?
so i guess i would say "how's your ex doing?"

I think romcoms were a temporary fad anyway but it was a good way to see your favourite celebrities up close "acting" but not really playing a particular character. Now there's a reality tv show for every niche and you can follow the daily lives of every celebrity on you phone so they're unnecessary. don't post a photo more interesting than your thread next time

>I have no degree

roastie detected. fuck out of here, bitch


Post kik motherfucker and I'll whip it out. If you know what's good for you, you'll put on some 3-D glasses. bitch, because it's coming right at ya.

>he dates whores who aren't educated
fukken lol

Nice to meet you

I like eighties anime

All women are whores

Ben Shapiro is based

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I play video games

"I consider myself moderate." (this means "I'M A TRUMP SUPPORTER REEE!")


doodle deet deedle doot

all women are whores

Fuck Game of Thrones.


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I voted for Trump

it has no games

my ass smells like cum

Congrats, you got her out of the indifference zone

Crazy Rich Asians wasn't actually half bad
DUDE WEED LMAO was, is, and shall always be trash of the worst caliber.

'n' is a word.

redpilled on the JQ?

You'd be surprised, I've been telling everyone I work with that I browse Yea Forums and /pol/ and they never say shit. Might be because I'm their boss, and I'll fucking fire them if they do.

My wife for hire

Who shit my pants

Please fuck black guys

Why would I care if some cunt has a degree or not? If you think I want to waste time on a career woman, then you must be a roastie or retarded.

you like dog fights?
i'm a traffic warden
deodorant is for queers
were you born disfigured?
ted bundy was alright

feel free to use any of these as a pick up line

I can do it in three

I am unemployed


Mine is five inches


>Crazy Rich Asians wasn't actually half bad
CRA was fucking b tier garbage.

You might be able to tolerate hanging out with a retard on your off-duty hours, but I require someone with at least a room temperature IQ who can at least fake being intellectual functioning enough to finish a four year degree. I'm sorry if you're one of those "trade school" or "blue collar union labor" types, but I don't particularly enjoy hanging out with you guys and gals. You're boring.

Roman Holiday is the only romantic comedy you need.

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I'm an unpaid janitor

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It said ruin

No, I'm not a blue collar guy, that's my point, I want to be the smart one in the relationship, the woman needs to want to be a homemaker and not some feminist who is going to give me shit all the time.

I'm a white male

im a kissless virgin

how so?


Every uneducated bitch I've ever bumped into wants a step-daddy for their kids or a sugar daddy. I don't mind being a sugar daddy, but you better be hot and a teenager and going to school and not require me to use rubbers.

Want the old lick’aroo?

veni, vidi, deus vicit..

its worse than garbage. i can eat garbage

I voted for trump

what should i fap to broskis?

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I liked Suicide Squad.

Can I kiss you?

hitler did nothing wrong

What the FUCK did he mean by this?

"I hate marvel movies"
This will make any normie woman SEETHE

>rogen's height: 5'11
>theron's height: 5'10


Show bobs and vageen

i have hiv aids

lol no. saying that you have strong negative feelings about kid's movies will make normies think you're autistic. Overwhelmingly most people really don't give a shit.

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How's that liberal arts degree working out for you?

I've never had sex

I voted for hillary.

>Why did the romcom film genre die?
I forget the beautiful things in life. Being bitter about capeshit, starshit and swordshit made me forget how great it is that at least one annoying genre has died. I hope they're next

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even the quiet ones?

I fuck black guys

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Is Annie Hall the only good romantic comedy?

especially the quiet ones

This would end the date, but only because she would get so wet and immediately suggest you head straight for her bedroom.

Hitler had a point.

I bought a doctorate for like $200 on instantdegrees.com lol

I paid a bit more for my undergrad and masters, but I got them from an AAU school.

I guess un-educated isn't what I'm after so much as a more traditional girl. She doesn't have to be a homemaker like I ironically said, just this grating 3rd wave shit is too tiring.


you should just get a doctorate of memetics they'll never check it



Show bobs and vegana

Quite pungent my dear

I'm gonna say it

no dont say it

Actually, not all men...

Let's watch endgame tonigjt

I use arch linux

Love at first sight ;)

What's 13% and 50%?

honk honk

Do you like superheroes?

do you browse 4channel?

Saying that and doing the powerstance gets you laid
>Source: Used it to pick up chicks, they think its random and funny

cheers to that my friend

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Eat my ass bitch

You're a big guy

Should I have sex?

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I love my waifu

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Give me cummies daddy!

Hi my name’s user


Jews did Nine Eleven

(Women don't tend to like honesty)


tell me about bane

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This fucking kuk. The weed blew his estrogen levels the fuck out. First a gay road movie with babs, now this crud.

"Yes, it's a toupee"

high heels

Let's get real here
>I have no friends

He said ruin, not improve.

A degree does not guarantee intelligence, you're supposed to figure that out from your conversations with her. When a woman brags about her degree you're just going to find out it's some bullshit like liberal arts or gender studies and in addition she's gonna have a massive debt from it.

6 million, my ass

>Do you like anime?
>Favorite video game?
>My ex did this

I have plenty from personal experience.

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if you don't know bringing up your ex on a first date is a straight fuck up you're hopeless

open bob bitch lasagne

My ex is prettier

>You look like you
>Only _____ ____ ____

You are my first.

My sister is hotter.

Came here to say this.

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I am not rich.

A man of truly patrician tastes

I am a virgin

Damn shame user said "13%" which counts as one word, you superfaggot.

Let me smell you.

Yes, I eat shit

cersei did nothing wrong

"X did nothing wrong" is a conversation starter and wouldnt ruin a date

Fist me you bitch


I masturbate to lolicon.

Do you watch Jacksfilms?

you like grilled cheese?

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I am your father.

everyone gets there in their own time normalfag

I was actually curious about this but this thread has devolved into chaos for some reason.

Anyway I think the genre went to TV for whatever reason.

Too true user.
I miss them desu there was something cute/pure about them like older anime especially peak romcoms from the 30s-00s
My favourite period is the 80-90s one just so darn optimistic.
00s and later ones got idk too realistic and showed modern women and men for what they really where.
I spose 60-70s one did the same tho
Even though I am still a 29 year old virgin I miss them they where comfy to watch with my mum.
My favourite one is 500 day(s) of summer
Love actually and eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
I can't watch them anymore though it's just too sad

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>you like dog fights?
Thanks, I'm keeping this one.

fuck you reddit nigger

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if you're not sure, don't bring it up. a first date is a first impression do you want your date to talk about their ex? no? maybe think about why that is. i'll give you a clue since you're a fucking dipshit, it mean they're thinking about their ex on your first date you dumb shit.

You fuck niggers ?

>I have a x
>display pic fake happy
>muh fur babies lol
>I work in x
>I lost my virginity
>I have large debts
>I like mcu movies
>your a virgin? (asking me)
>you're a nice guy
>you'll find someone nice (just not me lol)
>why don't you work?
>Omg how are you (teehee)
>I'm so happy user

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are you paying half

What the FUCK did he mean by this?

Eat my ass first

You're a big guy

I'm not even the guy you responded to, calm down faggot.

you jumped into a conversation and got your feelings hurt, bite me


I only said people get there in their own time and you proceeded to go on a 90s born queer rant.

that dude is not going to ''get there'' in his own time because he has no common sense.

This is disgusting, can you two racist go play in traffic plz k thanks bye

>dumb shit
>bite me

Hitler did nothing wrong.

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time to go back nigger lover

I'm gonna say it

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Here's my husband's son

your point being what junior? just worry about yourself.

pick one faggot

and a hypocrite, shocking

Thanks for the (You), you disgusting fucking mong. Gosh niggers are silly

He already got there faggot

Feeds and Need Seed

Niggers tongue my anus


There's only 2 genders

Based, bedded and wedded


debt free, no tattoos

"put the phone down"

Instant ghosting the moment you pay the dinner bill.

These movies are the reason why you are a virgin.

>like I'd pay for a thot who is already on her phone at the start of a date.

If my date disagreed with this, she wouldn't be wife material

>Why did the romcom film genre die?
Becuase it is sloppy trash, and degenerated in celebrity vehicles, except no one celeb can carry a romcom now so they try to jam them all in, pic related.

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I like video games.

I voted for Trump.

My wife has penis

I am the Stormbrother!

Attached: stormbrother.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

I have kids somewhere

t. this actually happened

Big Guy For You

Attached: The BGFY.jpg (597x888, 110K)

I support Donald Trump

I browse through 4channel

Attached: 1544595407539.jpg (815x582, 171K)

Fancy a rape, slut?

Your head looks weird

Let's watch Pulp Fiction

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I have oral herpes

I'm gonna rape you

fuck nigger and jannies

Women get pretty mad at Sneedkino for some reason.

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I've lurked here before Reddit existed. Suck my ass faggot.

What's the original?
Some game of thrones shit?

This reaction is so amazing
3 nice latina thots, a chad, a fag, a /pol/regular and a doggo


I have never watched game of thrones, walking dead, lost, prison break, dexter or breaking bad
Is there something wrong with me?

I haven't watched either of those save for a few episodes of Lost and Prison Break, and only because I was a kid back then and either my parents or my sister were watching it.

Is you sister hot?

underrated post

Absolutely not, she went full neet a year ago.
She's not fat, but she never combs her hair, always looks like she just woke up, and almost never leaves her room, which smells terrible.

T. (you) tranny discord

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