local theater after avengers: endgame
Local theater after avengers: endgame
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Get a new job then
Stop charging 8 dollars for a medium soda then, cunts.
if I have to pick up my own shit then why should I pay 3x the price for snacks and $20 just to sit in a crowded room to watch a movie? Hire more workers or extend the break. Not my problem.
can someone spoil every plotpoint of endgame for me?
wagies BTFO
Don't sell food then or build bins into the seats
Tick tock wagies, automation is coming
Why is he sitting down sulking like a little bitch?
>i have to do 5 minutes of work picking up small amounts of trash
Oh the horror! Being a wagie is so tough
>be a dishwasher
>I have a little window out into the cafeteria
>there's a trash can for people to dump their plate and stuff off before they set their dishes in my window for me to take
>some people dump their stuff, some people don't, and some people scrape the plate as clean as they can get it
>it doesn't really matter what they do, it doesn't bother me to just tip the plate into the trash after it comes through the window
>but some people insist on holding up the line
>they'll stand there and take forever to scrape their plate as clean as they can
>they never ever get it clean enough to make my job easier anyway
>sometimes they'll peer in the window to see other plates more dirty than their own and scoff about how inconsiderate some people are
>even worse, sometimes they'll skip the window and come around to my door and insist I allow them access to my sink because they don't want to force people to clean up after them
>it's never worth arguing with them, they won't back down, I just have to let them use my sink and then redo the plate after they are out of sight cause they somehow don't know how to wash dishes
I don't need idiots to rush to my defence, alright? honestly, the my oh-so-virtuous defenders are much more annoying than people who just leave the mess and go.
I'm gonna laugh so hard when autovacuums take care of this in 60s and all these little bitches have to get a real job
I'm usually not a dick and clean up after myself but I have a terrible habit of bringing a couple bottles of 8 ounce cokes and a few Jack Daniel's mini bottles with my own snacks I grabbed at the gas station on the way. Fuck paying all that extra money in an obvious price gouging.
Awwww wagie so sad
Based alcoholic bro
They were checking bags for Endgame and the bro who checked mine and found my bottle of JD and coke just nodded at me like he knew
>no feathers or bird seed strewn around everywhere
>no buckets and crab leg shells
Fake. This isn't from a real cinema.
I worked at a hospital kitchen when I was a teenager as a dish washer to make extra cash for the weekends while in high school and also to save for college.
Dont ever and I mean ever eat from a hospital cafeteria in a city. They dont care, there is no real standard and they get paid shit so it bring me back to my first point, they dont care. Working with a bunch of under paid crack smoking low IQ retards who cant form a complete sentence at the age of 35, I caught the majority of the work because I actually have standards and care about my work no matter how shitty of work it is and I would spend the majority of my lunch breaks and what not to keep cleaning the floors with the pressure washer, ect.
Alot of times they will from what I've heard but the theater I go to we never get checked or frisked. As long as your not looking like the dude in the photo I posted you're fine. I try to be discreet about it in the theater though because for some reason the guy with a $10 coke gets reaaaalllyyyy mad
forgot photo
Do amerigoblins really have double seats?
It's for sitting close to your date. American theaters have a "No Singles Policy" that states you are not allowed to enter the building without a date.
Post country then, you chiseled Greek God you.
Shit like this, cellphone users, and movie talkers are why I rarely go see things at the theater anymore. People are just so fucking inconsiderate, it's insane.
Too much shit happens
Just watch it
That mess literally looks like it would take less than 5 minutes to clean. Pick up the big shit, put it in a can. Sweep the popcorn and quit bitching wages.
Not a fattie but I buy seats beside me so I can stretch my legs and I don't need to smell your stinky ass faggot
Where are they suppose to put it. Not like there's a trash can near by.
Any competent worker could have all the trash in that picture bagged and binned in the time it took to get out their phone and pose for that crybaby ass photo op.
not a wage slave. but it pisses me off when people do this. when i go to a movie theatre i usually bring water in a flask. which i sneak in because why would I pay for overpriced bottled water. and why would I buy any snacks or junk food?
If I did buy food I would put it in the trash like a respectable human being. Besides it pisses me off if the floor is sticky because the staff did a poor job cleaning up spilled coke or when I have to walk through peoples fucking trash as im exiting the theatre because people made a mess. fuck you guys
if you're going to charge me $8ea for popcorn and soda then I'm ABSOLUTELY going to toss that shit around to make your life miserable.
My new go to is to push the crushed ice into the electronic panels that control the seats and then soak the popcorn in soda so I can stick it to the walls, ceiling, and screen
Maybe it's just me but in the theaters I go to where its 100% white, and very family oriented, there is almost no need for a crew to come in and clean up.
The armrest lifts up so you can cuddle with your date.
No singles, remember?
I've been thinking about wearing just a snuggie to my local theater so on the way out I can just swing the back out of the way and pop a turd out onto the floor
>boo hoo we have to do our job
well that fuckin sucks. You mean the cinema isn't pay you to just watch their movies for free ?
Not a bad Idea.
I've been toying around with freezing my stool, blending it into a fine powder, and then sprinkling that through the theater
>throws half eaten Publix Sub across the aisle
I make it a habit to retrieve popcorn buckets from the trash and dump them throughout the aisles.
Anyone ever block up a theater toilet on purpose?
If that bothers them then they really won't like my "Endgame Supreme", as I like to call it. Personally I've never seen the film but I sneak in at the end and drop containers of sour cream all over the seats in addition to stuffing rotting ground beef in drink holders. Then I take some old el paso taco shells, dump them on the floor and stomp on them. Is it wrong to be so right?
Maybe they should stop selling food in theater.
But that would be racist because alot of mal nourished, proverty stricken children rely on those snacks and drinks that the theater provides. It's a service to help the poor and unfortunate, didn't you know?
You're a retard. The only people you're hurting are the wagies who have nothing to do with popcorn prices, and probably think they're bullshit, too.
Just read Wikipedia dumbass.
I don't get this mindset
>be plumber
>why doesn't the customer lay his own pipes so my job is easier? :-(
>be roofer
>why doesn't the customer do his own roof to make my job easier? :-(
>be bartender
>why doesn't the customer get his own drinks from the cooler to make my job easier? :-(
No one is more entitled than those cinema workers
Massive difference. Being a dick and intentionally throwing trash on the floor just because you're a cave dwelling monkey who hasn't ever been disciplined by a parent other than being deprived a normal childhood is a little different from the wear and age of pipes and a roof. Dropping a few peices of popcorn on the floor while eating is a little different than refusing to take your trash to the trashcan that everyone passes on the way in and out
I went to a release weekend showing of Endgame. The theatre staff all had walkie talkies to tell each other which theatres needed to be cleaned. As soon as the last person left the theatre they sent in a team of cleaners who had it sparkling in less than 10 minutes. When they were done they would run across the hall and clean the other theatre. It was pretty impressive. I can see why they would be pissed off about people being slobs.
>grab cups
>knock rests of shit on floor
>sweep up remaining
10 min job u fucking lazy cunts
My theater did this too.