Actual autist draws proper battle plans for the battle of winterfell


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Why are they all spread out?

The episode was a disaster and the plans made no sense.

That being said, you look like an idiot for using autist as an insult here. Autisitic people often have intense knowledge about a particular subject, be it trains, certain games, trivia, math, literature, battle plans, or whatever. You're implying that because the person who uploaded this is autistic (and they may or may not be, I'm not sure) that they are less qualified or knowledgeable than a normal person about the subject, when the opposite is probably true.

Tl;dr: autism =!= stupid, improve the quality of your shitposting.

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rain man was just a movie, autists waste all their time obsessing over video games and they aren't even good at them

based invicta

FUCK YOU. Seriously go fuck yourself for ruining my day

Fuck you and your clickbait. How's that for a fucking thought you shilling faggot.

t.certified butthurt autist

The tactics used at the Battle of Winterfell make sense if Jon and Dany's plan was to bait the Night King out by pretending to be stupid and incompetent on purpose.

>triggered tard

shutup asutist

OP literally said “actual autist” and didn’t say anything else that would imply it was an insult. And what you wrote about autists reinforced OPs statement that he is an actual autist.
gg retard

he wasn't implying autistic=stupid
he was indeed implying that the person who did that demonstrated an obsessive "intense knowledge" of the book and planning battles

This is a pretty gay post user

based eagles flying arya to mount doom

look the writers needed to get rid of half of dany's military force and some of the extra characters with nothing left to do and this was the only way it was gonna happen

>Autists autisming autists

You're an actual fucking retarded with zero reading comprehension. Fucking idiot.

Woah cool skin thickness faggot. Go suck your dad's dick somewhere else

Solid tactics

Honestly GoT makes me want to die


imagine seething so hard

being called an autist is praise in this parts, retard.
note: retard is still an insult.

seriously wtf were they thinking? opening with cavalry charge? front line catas? using your strongest melee force for an escape? digging a small ass trench??? not have range markers for your archers/siege weapons? not lighting up the field?

after the battle of the bastards last year I don't know why anyone is surprised, I don't think D&D have even seen a war movie never mind studied tactics

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how are they supposed to open then, huh? in this video they also start with the cavalry

You don't need to watch war movies or study strategy to have the common sense to get an expert on board.

when you defend a castle you don't charge out to the opposing force you retard. you pelt them with archers and arrows and if things start to get hairy then you maybe flank with cavalry. bear in mind they can raise the dead so you want to minimize deaths

> Total War doesn't have deal with production budgets and labor laws. Hence why all the calvary was wiped out as soon as possible. Because the cost of employing that many horsemen during winter.
>The snow storm was also a ploy to save money for the effects budget. As they don't have to render the background. Notice no one is bring this up. Because discussing budget limitations a less subjective argument.

See THIS is the right way to defend the show, not trying to justify the retardedness but actually going further and finding out the REAL meta reasons for things being how they were.

Whenever I get sieged in total war I start by taking all my cav trough the side doors and they arrive just in time to flank and wreck the guys as they're setting up their laddahs

Couldn't buy into the funeral scene of ep 4 cause 90% of the casualties were so needless.

>proper battle plans for the battle of winterfell
>proper battle plans for a fictional battle

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>neck at the twins


those shields the boltan bannermen had would have been awfully useful against the wights

Nobody cares about this incel shit

One of the worst posts I've seen on this site lately.

Have sex with black men.

The snow storm was a proper strategy used before by the WW, it doesn't matter if it is to save budget, it was an effective way to neutralize the dragons from burning everyone at least

>make thousands of dragonglass spikes
>hammer spikes into ground
>laugh as the undead run over the spikes in their bare feet and are killed

ill tell you exactly what they're thinking
see ideally they do a massive cavalry charge into that punches all the way to the NK at which point there is a massive showdown with all sorts of crazy shit happening while the battle rages around
but thats really expensive and hard so they just cgi a bunch of torches and shoot reaction shots

>spike is basically useless after one kill

better to just have wights impale themselves on more wooden spikes and put it out of commission and slow down the rest and have actual soldiers kill it or mop up later, and save the dragonglass for weapons and arrows.